I Am Hellscream

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 Five Elders angered Marshal Kong.

The holy land, Mariejois, although it has experienced the devastation of the fire, the World government has money. It didn’t take long. This once’holy land’ has regained its brilliance again, and the atmosphere of luxury and corruption still permeates this, making everyone Unconsciously sinking into and removing those slaves who were still suffering.

On the top floor of the headquarters building of the World government, in the office of Five Elders, Marine’s Marshal Kong. Sora was standing inside, reporting something to the five bad old men.

“The third condition is that he wants to become a member of Seven Warlords of the Sea. The above are the three conditions proposed by Proudmoore, Gromash and Sengoku.” After Marshal Kong read the report in his hand, he also silently looked at Five Elders. NS.

The Five Elders first thought about it, and then they said: “The first condition is that this is not a problem. In fact, we have been trying to solve this problem. The world is made up of multiple races, so we should promote inter-ethnicity. The harmony of this is what we have been’looking up to’ and’considering’ for some time.”

In fact, this sentence Five Elders did not lie. If the corruption of the World government is because the world that rules the world is too long, and there is a mysterious “Emm” sitting on the throne, then the duty of Five Elders is Maintain this “corrupted” rule.

In essence, the Five Elders may represent the degenerate ruling class, but the five of them are indeed very good “one-four-seven” politicians, and they have done a lot of good deeds..

For example, the issue of strengthening the harmony between the various races in the world is not an empty talk. Originally, they also specially invited Jinbei for Seven Warlords of the Sea for this purpose. At that time, their main idea was to promote The fish. Men island communicated and communicated with the humans on the sea, but the later results were not very satisfactory. It is still the same sentence,

It’s hard to return.

“But the second condition is absolutely impossible, Fisher Tiger’s crimes will never be forgiven!!” A Five Elders directly rejected this condition without even thinking about it.

“Yes, if even his crimes like this can be pardoned, what face does the World government have to continue to rule the world??” Another Five Elders also spoke uprightly.

The scene fell silent for a while, and then another Five Elders spoke up, “The main crime is not allowed, but those accomplices can be used for negotiation. We can’t agree to whatever Gromash says, Kong, tell him Gromash, Our bottom line is that Fisher Tiger is unforgivable.

Fisher Tiger can be said to have a’life and death feud’ with Five Elders. After all, they almost burned their beards with a torch, but like Jinbei, Aladdin, Arlong, Xiaoba, etc. The “miscellaneous fish”, at this time they have not paid much attention to it. If Gromash wants to protect them, it is not something that cannot be talked about.

After limiting the scope of the first two conditions, the Five Elders finally smiled and said: “This Seven Warlords of the Sea, I think, is suitable for Gromash. Originally, we already wanted to find opportunities. Invited them”

“Yes, the system of Seven Warlords of the Sea was originally intended to find people who are powerful, famous and high enough to deter the vast majority of pirates on the sea, and we also need to pass the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Organized to counterbalance the so-called “pirate emperors” in New World, regardless of whether Gromash is evil or not, but he is indeed an ambition

A huge man, he wants to become the One Piece King. So if this is the case, he will definitely become enemies with those Pirate Emperors who also want to become the “One Piece King”. We can use his hand to consume each other with those pirates. No matter who can win between them, it is a good thing for us.” Five Elders nodded and said with a smile.

“Yes, take Kaido as an example. If Gromash kills him, it will be a good thing for us, even if he Gromash becomes the new “pirate emperor”, but in general, there is indeed one less person who is hostile to us. Yes, of course, even if Kaido kills Gromash is a good thing for us, so let him become Seven Warlords of the Sea.

nothing. “The Five Elders who agreed at first nodded and said.

On the other hand, Marshal Kong’s expression was not very good-looking. Although he had anticipated this situation after receiving the news from Sengoku Admiral, he still wanted to try to see if he could stop it.

“But once Gromash becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, maybe his evil will bring disasters to many people. These are unpredictable.” Marshal Kong hasn’t finished his words yet, and the Five Elders have already beaten him. Broke him.

“Kong, the Seven Warlords of the Sea system has disadvantages and advantages. Of course, we also know that, but you can guarantee that if you change someone to become Seven Warlords of the Sea, it will be less harmful than Gromash?? The overall situation, these pains are tolerable! Find out your position, Kong!” Five Elders said in a deep voice.

Don’t tell me, their words are quite’reasonable’. Anyway, Kong can’t guarantee that it will be better than Gromash to become Seven Warlords of the Sea. After all, it is a bad party. Is it black?

“Also, letting Gromash become Seven Warlords of the Sea can also alleviate the contradiction between The fish men island and us, and strengthen the harmony between races. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.” Another Five Elders also spoke to Kong again. .

Marshal Kong was silent for a while, and then gritted his teeth and said again: “But Gromash’s crime is also not small?? He acted lawlessly, he also attacked Celestial Dragons, he was even in the era of big pirates.”

“Enough, Kong, now and then, all of this is a thing of the past. When his Gromash was of no value in the past, he naturally made the eradication of such fanatics his top priority, but now we have given you Marine has had a lot of opportunities, but after so many years, you still have no way to take Gromash, even if it is Sengoku, card

Pu, Kuzan, and Gion are acting together, but it still fails!! Fas Island has been blown up!! Can Sekan Island really be guarded?? Kong! If New World is destroyed, you worry Can you afford this responsibility? After all, if you Marine is more efficient, kill their Frostwolf Pirates earlier, we will consider this question

Question??” The Five Elders also had very ugly faces at Marshal Kong.

After all, what Marshal Kong mentioned about the Celestial Dragons attack and the crimes of Gromash was obviously poking the Five Elders’ pain points. Originally, everyone was decent. You just exposed this matter temporarily. You Kong must not give face. , Then don’t blame us for being rude.

And the Five Elders spraying the Marine Marshal Kong is also justified. They are right. It’s not that they don’t want to kill Gromash, but they are giving you Marine a chance. You are not using it!! How many years? How many years have passed before the Seven Warlords of the Sea system??

Some??Marshal Marine is light. If you count the old accounts, all the senior Marines should take the blame and resign!!

What’s more, the current situation is not whether they want to make Gromash become Seven Warlords of the Sea, but Gromash has put the knife called “Destroy New World” on their necks, threatening them to let him Become Seven Warlords of the Sea.

If your Grand Marshal Kong has the ability to solve Gromash and solve this invisible crisis of New World, we will recognize it by gritting our teeth, but now not only can you not solve this crisis, but you have to talk to us here. , Don’t scold you who you scold?

Marshal Kong was fainted after being spit out by the Five Elders.

But in the end he has made contributions to the World government for many years, and he has countless achievements in his body. He is in line with the’tastes’ of the Five Elders, otherwise he would not be able to be the commander-in-chief of the army. After all, no one is perfect.

Who can really not make mistakes??

After finishing up with Marshal Kong, the Five Elders said again: “Anyway, you Marine will do what we want, and the things about Gromash and Seven Warlords of the Sea will stop here.”

Marshal Kong finally nodded and said, “I understand.”

“Well, Kong, the position of the army commander has been vacated, just waiting for you Marine to hand in the answers that should be there. When will Polusalino be able to get rid of Fisher Tiger? ? We believe that this matter is best handled before Gromash becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, otherwise, there will inevitably be some accidents in the future.

.. Do you understand??” The Five Elders saw that Kong had no objections to the previous things, and they also had a big stick. It was time to give the sweet date, and then showed the general commander of the army to Kong. Take a look.

Marshal Kong also nodded and said: “I understand that Polusalino has laid out a plan and is finishing it. If all goes well, before Gromash becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Fisher Tag Solved”

“Well, as we said before, when Fisher Tiger dies, you can become the commander-in-chief of the army, so don’t let us wait too long, let alone let us down!!” The Five Elders finally spoke. Said.

After that, Marshal Kong reported some of the rest of his work, and then turned and left the luxurious office of Five Elders. When he walked in the corridor of the World government headquarters building, he also looked out the window through the glass.

Mariejois is still so “peaceful”. Everything on the surface looks so beautiful. After staring at Mariejois for a long time, Marshal Kong sighed and said to himself: “The army commander Handsome hehe.’

In a certain area of ​​the sea in the first half of the Grand Line, a huge pirate ship is sailing in this area. The flag they fly is as dazzling as the sun. They are the sea of ​​the sun led by Fisher-Tiger. Thieves.

“Boss Tiger, we are about to reach Volchart Island,” Jinbei smiled and said to Fisher Tiger, who was standing on the deck and blowing in the sea breeze, holding a permanent record pointer in his hand.

When Tiger heard what Jinbei said, he turned his head with a smile, and said, “It seems that our journey is about to come to an end for a while. After sending Krall back, my wish is fulfilled.”

“Boss Tiger, have you ever thought about what to do in the future?? Continue to do with the World government and those Marines right??” Jinbei smiled and asked.

But Tiger seems to have gone through such a long pirate career, and his whole person has gradually walked out of the shadows, and is no longer as gloomy as before. After thinking about it, he said: “I haven’t thought about it yet, but if If I have the chance, I want to try to see if I can burn Mariejois again hahahahaha.”

“Hahahahaha, then if this is the case, please take me this time.” Jinbei also laughed and said.

Forchart Island, the hometown of Krall, the “second sister-in-law” of the future revolutionary army, is also the beginning of the death of Fisher Tiger, the true hero of The fish men island.

At this time, Tiger is still not clear, he is stepping into the Uzumaki named “Destiny”.

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