I Am Hellscream

Chapter 254

Chapter 254 Fight against the revolutionary army together?

To destroy a Four Emperors within three years, in fact, it is possible to plan and plan well, but this kind of thing is obviously too uneconomical, no matter what strategy is used, strength is strength, smart people in the world government and Marine It’s too much, and no one has seen anyone use any conspiracy to destroy the Four Emperors.

Tactics are just an auxiliary method. In the final analysis, people at Gromash’s level still have to use their strength to speak.

Once he blindly went to war with the Four Emperors, even if he was able to fight, the world government would eventually take advantage. Gromash is a stingy person and hates others for taking advantage of him, especially the kind of snipe clam competing for the advantage of fishermen.

So no matter what the chubby Five Elders say, Gromash just disagrees anyway, unless you take the leadership of Seven Warlords of the Sea and give it to me, and then let Marine cooperate with me, otherwise it’s nonsense~.

As Marshal Kong said, Marine is Marine of Marine, so how can the pirates have certain leadership in it? Isn’t this nonsense? Once this kind of thing is known, they Marine’s prestige for more than 800 years can be said to have been lost for a while, and the World government will not do this kind of thing.

Seeing that Gromash could not be persuaded to take the initiative to carry the banner of destroying the Four Emperors Pirates, in order to prevent the atmosphere from being so embarrassingly delayed, the chubby Five Elders finally sighed and said, “Well, since you don’t want to be here. Concession in this regard, then let’s give in. You know, we built three Marine bases at the entrance of New World.

The land, after so many years of development, it has already looked like something, but New World is too dangerous in the end, our Marine’s position in New World is indeed a bit embarrassing, and the three bases of Marine are far from your Frostwolf Sea. The thieves are not far away, so I hope that in a necessary emergency, when you receive a rescue signal, you can quickly

Support them. In addition, The fish men island is located in an important road, which has a great influence on the ships entering and leaving the New World. We also need you to be able to timely inform the news about the Four Emperors-class pirates entering and leaving the New World. Submit it-is it okay??”

Gromash was stunned for a moment, and then he felt as if he had been joined by six of their bad old men to make a routine. How did this wild asking price and the style of sitting on the ground to pay for the money made him so familiar?? This is not the method he has been using before. ??

After returning to his senses, Gromash laughed and said, “Jie ha ha ha ha, I thought you six cough, you six big people are pretty straightforward, now think about it, I’m still too young. Following your straight-and-forward conversation style, you believe in your evil, and I will say that your dignified supreme power and Marshal Marine, how could it be possible?

Suddenly making this kind of’request’ that I can’t accept, it turned out to be soaking in the sky to ask for the price, waiting here to sit on the ground with me to pay the money.”

After talking about this, Gromash also laughed a lot, shook his head and continued: “Okay, count me as a loser. Your request to “take a step back”, I agree in principle, if you are in Marine on the New World portal. If Base is attacked, I will provide support as appropriate. As for the navigation information related to The fish men island, I will also give you as appropriate.

our. ”

When the Five Elders saw that Gromash saw through their little tricks, they still agreed to their request, and they all smiled kindly. Then the long-bearded Five Elders smiled and said, “After some contact, we are right. Your impression has changed a lot, maybe we will really have the day when we gradually build trust.

“Jiehahahaha, maybe, is there anything else I need to provide’convenience’??” Gromash grinned and said with a smile.

“The last point, and the most important point, we need to establish a united front with you against the revolutionary army organization,” the chubby Five Elders smiled, with a straight face, and said in a very serious manner.

And Gromash also suppressed his smile, and said with some doubts: “Fight against the revolutionary army??”

To say that the relationship between Gromash and the Revolutionary Army can be regarded as a little bit of a star. As early as when he just debuted, he met the mysterious Dorag at Whisky Peak, and then he and Dorag reached a sloppy relationship. After the verbal agreement, Dorrag told him that there was information about Marine’s pursuit, which triggered the subsequent Whisky Peak battle.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, his Gromash is actually regarded as an “ally” on the side of the revolutionary army, but Dorag’s whereabouts are a mystery, and he has never been contacted. Both parties seem to have become after the parting. ‘farewell.

However, it is worth mentioning that the phone worm in Gromash’s hand still records Dorag’s personal phone worm signal wave. If he wants to, he should be able to contact this mysterious guy, and if this is If the signal wave is sold to the World government, it is estimated that it will be able to sell a good price enough to satisfy Gromash.

Of course, Gromash didn’t intend to really sell this guy Dorag. In this Pirate’s world, there are many people with ideals and many with great ideals, but they can really pay off this great ideal. Gromash admires only two people who are ready to implement the “correct” mode of action.

Both of them happened to know him, Uncle Gromash, and the other was Fisher, who had been “dead” not long ago. Tiger, this guy is simply the real “great incarnation”, the “indomitable pioneer” is a character who can be called “guangweizheng”.

And the other one is the guy Dorag. Compared with Gromash’s Tiger, this guy may not behave to the level of’selflessness’ like Tiger, but in general, it can be regarded as’noble’. ‘, and compared with Tiger, he has more leadership and a complete “blueprint” plan.

The grassroots forces have developed into a prairie fire, which is very remarkable.

Since Dorrag didn’t apologize to Gromash for the first time, and even gave Gromash a little bit of help, with Gromash’s character, naturally he would not choose to sell him in exchange for any benefits.

After sweeping these thoughts out of his mind, Gromash also heard the chubby Five Elders say again: “Yes, it is the Revolutionary Army, Gromash, don’t think this matter seems to have nothing to do with you, you should also start from now on. Change your mind, and soon you will become a member of the nobility, and it is really expensive

Clan, perhaps you don’t know yet. The revolutionary army’s thoughts and concepts are fundamentally destroying this aristocratic ruling system. In other words, they are destroying the interests of those of us aristocratic class. You will soon become aristocratic. , What they are destroying is also your interests, so in order to protect your own interests, don’t you think we should join hands to eradicate

Do you want to get rid of this evil organization in a vain attempt to destroy the world??”

Gromash actually wants to complain about their Five Elders. Can you just use “destroying the world” as a pretext and impose it on others and treat it as a crime?

Think about it, this is how many sinners have tried to destroy the world under the blessing of the World government?? Ohara counts one, Roger counts one, and when Gromash bombed the island not long ago, it was counted as one, and so is the revolutionary army now. Now.. There are really enough, which makes Gromash very puzzled, there are so many officially recognized villains, why this world hasn’t


“Jiehahahaha, whoever dares to move my interests, I will make them pay the price, the pirates are like this.” Gromash said here, after taking a look at Marshal Kong, he smiled and said: “The same was true of Marine, then Of course, this is also true of the revolutionary army, which has nothing to do with me. I have not thought about investigating this mysterious organization before.

So I can’t give you an accurate answer for the time being. I will go back and study this issue carefully. If it is really as you said, this organization will have a bad effect on my interests, then let us cooperate happily. . ”

0-seeking flowers…

After hearing Gromash’s words, the Five Elders also nodded their heads to express their understanding, and they were willing to wait for a while to see Gromash’s reply.

After all, this is a normal phenomenon.If Gromash nodded without hesitation and agreed to join them in worshipping the Revolutionary Army and Dorag, they would not want to believe in the sincerity of Gromash, maybe this guy. Is to find opportunities to pit teammates.

Gromash is also out of this kind of consideration, but he has already wanted to understand, and he has considered it clearly.It is impossible to deal with the revolutionary army.Of course, he is ready to become a good partner with the revolutionary army. Whether the army is successful or not, in fact, it has nothing to do with Gromash. In the original world, they have already entered

In the information age, don’t you still have the class of’noble’?

In other words, as long as the noble class cannot divide everything equally among all mankind, it will definitely still exist, but it is nothing more than a different form.


In Gromash’s view, the revolutionary army may be one of the trends of the times. After all, this era is always progressing. They will reform a system and lead the world into a more advanced civilization. This choice of confronting the trend of the times is undoubtedly It was stupid, so Gromash was not going to turn his face with the revolutionary army.

It just so happens that Gromash is a person who can adapt to the trend of the times, so his best choice is to pit each other between the World government and the revolutionary army. , And then make the so-called “correct” choice, and it’s pretty good.

After discussing these “convenience” and “convenience”, giving and being given, “seeking common ground while reserving differences”, the meeting between the two sides has officially entered into a closing state.

Gromash picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and asked Marshal Kong, “I don’t know when Sengoku Admiral will come back?? I still haven’t got some things from him.”

Marshal Kong and Five Elders also had strange expressions when they heard Gromash’s words. What was the most surprising and surprising move that Gromash made during the island bombing incident.

There is no doubt that it was clearly requested during the negotiation to collect two sets of Admiral of Headquarters alternate-Qing Zhi-Kuzan Afro photo album

In their opinion, this kind of thing is simply’unreasonable’. If he doesn’t go, he will lift the table and blow up the world.

So they also know what Gromash is waiting for. The chubby Five Elders said with a funny expression: “Sengoku, he will arrive in Mariejois within two days at the latest. If you want, you can in Mariejois. Take a short break for two days and visit”

“Really?? That’s really great. I’m really going to look at the cultural, political, and geographical centers of the world. After all, this is a “sacred place”. The fire was too big last time, I didn’t see it clearly.” Gromash Nodded and said.

The expressions of the Five Elders are also a bit ugly by his words, so it turns out that the pirates are pirates, and you can’t give them a good impression. They don’t understand a bit of language etiquette. .. Why is the fire too big? Didn’t see clearly?? Isn’t this poke a person sore?? Is this what a scholar should say?? Little,

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