I Am Hellscream

Chapter 256

Chapter 256 Sengoku: Laozi wanted to hit someone angrily!

In a luxurious opera house, Gromash and Cromwell are sitting in the most luxurious special seats watching a group of art masters are performing a story.

In the entire opera house, only Gromash and Cromwell are acting as the audience, and Xinduoli is preparing something in the backstage, and seems to want to perform on stage. After all, it is not easy to perform in Mariejois. , Is one of her dreams.

When the scene ended, Gromash clapped gently and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect that the “evil” people in the eyes of other people would one day be able to sit in this Mariejois Opera House to enjoy the private room. This artistic feast is really impermanent in life, Jiehahahaha. ”

Cromwell also said with some emotion: “Is this the enjoyment of identity and power?? Although we two big bosses can’t understand or understand what this opera means, we have to watch it. After it was over, I had an inexplicable sense of superiority. Going back, you can show off Joz and the others.

Yes, ahhahahaha.

Gromash felt a bit wrong when he listened. He said, “What do you mean by the two’big bosses”? You are an uneducated and rough person, but don’t count me as Uncle Gromash, why? Saying that I will soon be a nobleman, how can I be uneducated as a nobleman?? Didn’t you hear that others call this uncle’His Royal Highness’?

Your Majesty sounds like an upper-class atmosphere, don’t compare me with your illiterate clay legs.

Cromwell also glanced at Gromash, and then spoke with disdain: “Boss Gromash, you are still breathing when you say you are fat. What kind of aristocrat is your nobleman, do you have no points in your heart?? What culture do you say? Let’s talk about it?? Write two masterpieces and make them into operas to enjoy them?? Pirates are pirates, honestly, no one laugh

The pirate is uneducated.

Gromash was also irritated by Cromwell’s contempt, and immediately said: 147 “You wait, I will write two great masterpieces and make them into classic operas that can be passed down to you for a long time. Eyes, let you see what a cultural person is.”

“Oh?? Then I really look forward to it.” Cromwell still said disdainfully.

Gromash is really not bragging, there are still a lot of stories in his mind, just take it out for reference, adjust and adjust the background of the times, write something like “Titanic Sunken”, “Romeo and Juliet’s Dog Blood Drama” It can be roughly described.

If it is really not possible, I can also find a real cultural person like Robin to polish the pen, maybe it will be sold in this world?? After all, this kind of “love” and “freedom” things, in which era They are all very popular.

Just when Gromash and Cromwell were competing with each other, the errand brother who has been responsible for following Gromash and taking care of their daily life in Mariejois also cautiously walked to Gromash and Cromwell for the past two days. .

Then the guy said softly, “His Royal Highness, Sengoku Admiral has arrived at Mariejois and is looking for your news.”

“Jiehahahaha, is my Jinlan brother finally here?? Go and tell him where I am and invite him to watch this artistic feast in my name.” Gromash was also very happy after hearing the news of Sengoku Admiral Opened his mouth and said.

Listening to his tone, people who don’t know really think that he and Sengoku Admiral have become good brothers with Sengoku Admiral.

The errand boy didn’t delay much. After receiving Gromash’s order, he quickly retreated, and Gromash and Cromwell still pretended to look at the two of them who did not understand the “high-end” Performance of art”.

After dressing up, Sengoku Admiral (abdi), led by the errand boy, pushed open the door of the opera house and looked inside when the enthusiastic Xindoli appeared on stage.

Then he saw Gromash and Cromwell sitting in the special seats, and then his expression changed, and he spoke a little unhappy and said, “Pretending to be a good one.”

Gromash naturally noticed the arrival of Sengoku Admiral, but he did not look back to see anything. He still listened to Xin Duoli’s singing attentively. It has to be said that Xin Duoli still has a high artistic talent and is sought after as a stage. Big stars don’t just rely on being beautiful. In general, Hokkubak still has a good eye.

After Sengoku Admiral came to Gromash, he also sat down directly. I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional. Sengoku Admiral did not “sit in rows” with Gromash, but left a space between the two.

After sitting down, he also did not speak, and looked at Xin Dolly who was singing an elegant song on the stage.

In this way, in the huge opera house, the melodious and brisk singing of Cintogli echoed, but the three audience members were silently enjoying the music, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious for a time.

It wasn’t until Xinduoli finished singing the song, and after the curtain call came to the backstage with a very satisfying curtain call, Gromash took the lead in applauding, and Sengoku Admiral also applauded face.

In this quiet moment of rest, Sengoku Admiral finally asked in a deep voice: “Gromash, where’s Lieutenant Colonel Rosinante?? I have inquired on the way here. From the beginning, only two of you have boarded Mariejois. Are you kidding me??”

Gromash saw that Sengoku Admiral finally lost his temper, and grinned involuntarily. . But Sengoku Admiral, although we are good brothers of Yijie Jinlan, our brothers have to settle accounts. What do I want??”

Sengoku Admiral’s face turned dark, I really want to spray him Gromash and drool, who is the brother of Jin Lan with you?? If Laozi had a brother like you, I would have stabbed you to death!

However, he has long been accustomed to Gromash’s shameless statement, so he didn’t really care about this kind of thing with Gromash. Everything you want is here, and your brother Arlong has also been taken to the port. Is there any problem??”

Cromwell almost didn’t laugh when he watched the “interaction” between Sengoku Admiral and Gromash. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that these two guys were doing something shameful.

However, it is true that Sengoku Admiral and Gromash are really like an underground party in secret. In addition, Sengoku Admiral is a bit like that in the early days, wearing a windbreaker on the street, on the surface, it is serious. , In fact, once the clothes are opened, the whole body is the “good” seller.

Gromash looked through the photo album very curiously after receiving the photo book handed by Sengoku Admiral. He flipped it through and found Kuzan with his chest exposed, wearing a shirt, and putting his hands into his explosive head, his head slightly. The forty-five-degree angle rises, and it’s on the picture that is a little bit irritating.

After that, Gromash almost didn’t laugh, and saw Sengoku Admiral and Cromwell very speechless.After smiling enough, Gromash closed the photo album, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and said. Said: “Isn’t Kuzan coming? I really want to see him”

Although Sengoku Admiral didn’t want to talk to Gromash, but at this time, he “begged for others”, so he reluctantly said, “No, I’m going back to Malinford directly. If you want to go there to’be a guest’, I would be very happy. Welcome..”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s really a shame. I didn’t see his sharp haircut with my own eyes, but it’s better to be a guest. We have been very busy lately, and there will be many opportunities in the future. I am too busy to deal with it.’ Seven Warlords of the Sea’ thing, you Sengoku Admiral should almost be promoted to marshal, right?? I want you to be marshal, guy Kong

I really don’t know how to give way to young people. Haven’t you heard of “young cadres?” Gromash opened his mouth and continued to provoke the relationship between Sengoku and Kong. Anyway, whether it is useful or not, I feel comfortable.

And Sengoku Admiral’s expression is getting darker and darker, and then some can’t bear it and said irritably: “Enough, Gromash, I am not here to work with you, let alone listen to you saying these meaningless nonsense. ,mine”

Sengoku Admiral said this, took a deep breath, soothed his emotions, and then calmly said: “Where is Lieutenant Colonel Rosinante??”

Seeing that I continued to tease, Sengoku Admiral, the “gentle” person, couldn’t help but go and beat people. Gromash did not continue to die, turned his head and said to Cromwell, “Cromwell, Let my godson out”

Cromwell hasn’t spoken yet, Sengoku Admiral has crushed all the handrails in his position. What godson?

Fortunately, Cromwell moved fast enough, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he tossed Rosinante and Trafalgar-Luo. Otherwise, it is estimated that Sengoku Admiral will really have a’stage play’ with Gromash here.

After seeing Rosinante, Sengoku Admiral couldn’t take care of so much, and immediately stood up excitedly, and quickly helped Rosinante who had not figured out the situation.

Before he could speak when he was emotional, he heard Gromash’s very disturbing voice again.

“Jiehahahaha, godson, I just said, I and your father are good friends, brother Jinlan, this time I will send you back to Mariejois, you still don’t believe it, do you believe it now?? How? Have you considered calling me? Godfather?? Godfather must cover you.” Gromash said with a beating.

And Rosinante’s expression was also a little untouchable, but at this moment, Sengoku Admiral finally spoke.

“Don’t listen to that bastard’s gibberish, Rosinante, are you okay?? They didn’t do anything to you??” Sengoku Admiral asked with concern.

Rosinante was a little bit ashamed. After all, his behavior at the beginning was regarded as a “betrayal” to Marine, but in the end, it was Marine who rescued him. As a conscience, how could he not feel guilty?

“Admiral, I’m okay,” Rosinante finally said hesitantly.

And Sengoku Admiral also understands that this is not the place to talk. He turned his head and looked at Gromash and said, “Gromash, although you are now Seven Warlords of the Sea, you still have to be mentally prepared and ready to revisit the place. !”

After speaking, Sengoku Admiral took Rosinante and walked out, and the half-and-half Luo also followed them closely.

After Sengoku Admiral and the others left, Gromash smiled evilly and said: “Are you inviting me back to Impelton as a guest?? Jiehahahaha, don’t worry, there will be one day.”

And Cromwell also said with a smile: “The threatening tone and demeanor of the two “Marshals” are very similar, hahaha.

“Well, who is the marshal of Marine?? Bring it out.” Gromash said with a smile.

Then he stood up, flicked the photo album in his hand, and said with a smile: “Call Xin Duoli, we have done everything we need to do, it’s almost time to go back to The fish men island and we will be busy again. ”

Cromwell also stood up, stretched out and said, “Yes, I’m going to be busy again.”

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