I Am Hellscream

Chapter 278

Chapter 278 Sengoku’s Marine Era!

“Nicole-Robin??” Dorage murmured in confusion, then smiled and said: “I have to admit that although she is young, she has been well trained by you. This is something she can control. It can be seen that we live in the mysterious organization of “Deep Sea Engagement”, and it can grow stronger…”

But after talking about this, Dolager paused, took a sip from the teacup, and continued: “But to be honest, the text of history is not someone who is clever, who can see clearly and obsessed with history. If she is, there are many things to study. If she is willing to accept it, I can send her some rare ancient books.

Book ”

The meaning of Dorag’s remarks is also very simple. In his opinion, this historical text is not something that a little girl can read and understand. Instead of wasting time on this, it is better to find some simple “history”. To understand, it is enough to be an interest and hobby.

At the same time, if you speculate from his statement, perhaps the historical text rubbings of the master in the hands of the revolutionary army are still very important’informative’ texts, rather than the’apology letter’ like the one in the sea forest of The fish men island ‘Style ordinary historical text.

Even Gromash has some doubts whether the Revolutionary Army is still holding a’road sign history text’. Now one of the four road signs history text is on the back of the Zowu elephant master, controlled by the fur clan and the Kozuki clan, and One piece was in the hand of Kaido’s violent temper, and one piece was also in the hands of Charlotte- Linlin, who was also the Four Emperors.

But these three pieces are already known, and in the end, one piece of the historical text of the road sign is missing. No one knows where the last piece is.

In Gromash’s speculation, there are two great possibilities. One is in the hands of the World government. After all, the World government, as the current world hegemon, has extremely high power and prestige. It might be possible to hold something good that ordinary people can’t even think of as a card and background.

So perhaps in order to prevent the birth of the second One Piece who found “Raftel”, the World government spent great efforts to sneakily find a road sign and hide the text of the history.

As for the second possibility, it is the mysterious Dorag. This guy is leading the revolutionary army to do things around. The members of their revolutionary army are also all over the world. It can be said that they are hidden in the dark side of the world. , As an organization that can fight against the World government all year round and has not been killed, if they can master a road sign in their hands,

Wen is not impossible.

It is even possible that this piece of historical text is a card that Dorag can effectively play in the future. For example, use this historical text to slap the pirates and use some means to urge the forces of the big pirates to start a full-scale war with the World government.

Of course, these are just possibilities. Gromash is not sure about anything, and maybe that piece of road sign history is really eaten by someone in the world, isn’t it?

After removing these mixed thoughts from his mind, Gromash smiled and said, “Don’t worry about that. Of course, I know that the historical text is not understandable by ordinary people, so I didn’t plan to spend that thought but Robin is different. .々”.”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Dorag’s expression changed a little, and then he smiled tentatively and asked: “Different?? What can be different? You want to say that she can Can you understand the text of history?? Hahahahaha”

Seeing Dorag’s piety, Gromash also pretended to be nonchalant and said: “Oh, for the sake of the two of us as “allies,” let me tell you the truth hidden behind the falsehood.”

Hearing Gromash’s compulsive words, Dorage’s expression became a little serious, and then he said very seriously: “Please speak.”

“Ohara is not dead. Ohara is still alive.” Gromash grinned, revealing his line of white and neat teeth, looking into Dorag’s eyes, and said with a smile.

At this time, Dorag is no longer in the same posture that he used to lift heavy weights. Under Gromash’s special attention, he saw a trace of excitement and joy flashed in Dorag’s eyes when he heard his words. The joy was so strong that even Dorrag did not have perfect restraint, enough to see the influence and importance of this incident on Dorrag

how old are you!!!

Under Gromash’s gaze, Dorag took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and then asked in a deep voice: “Gromash is this really true??”

Gromash knew that Dorrag had taken the bait, so he smiled triumphantly and said, “It’s true.”

But Dorag relaxed his whole body, not afraid that this matter was true, even if Gromash came prepared and wanted, it wouldn’t hurt to slaughter him.

I was afraid that Gromash was joking with him and made him happy for nothing.

For the revolutionary army, the importance of the historical text can probably be called the “program”. After all, it is an existence that is qualified to be called the “revolutionary lamp”. The role of the lamp is naturally to illuminate the darkness in the front and guide and guide. Road, this important performance is low.

After adjusting his emotions a bit, the guy Dorag asked softly: “Contacting what you just said, it looks like you meant to say, is Nico Robin the one who inherited Ohara’s will???”

Gromash nodded, and then said softly: “Nicole Robin, she is the biological daughter of the former great historian Nicole Orbija, and she is very talented in learning historical knowledge and culture. , She has been very intelligent since she was a child. When she was eight years old, she had already obtained the position of Ohara scholar, Dorag, it seems that you attach great importance to

Regarding the historical text, then you should know what the meaning of Ohara scholars represents??”

At this time, Dorag’s expression was very serious. He replied: “Ohara’s scholars are proficient in Master and Grandmaster ancient characters, and can decipher ancient historical documents. They are the most important honor and degree among historians in the world.”

In fact, this Ohara historian in Ohara doesn’t look like a superhero, and was killed by Marine and the World government as a “chaotic party” every minute.

However, there are so many “scholars” in the sacred place of historians. It is like being placed in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. If you are a graduate student, you can only follow the sweeping principles.

In other words, if Ohara’s scholars are placed elsewhere, they will be the top’Dana’-level figures in the industry. In their previous lives, they would have to be Yangtze River scholars no matter what.

From this we can also see how high Nicole Robin’s talent is in this area. She is eight years old. Everyone else is living in the mud. She is already a scholar.

“Yes, this is the scholar within the Ohara standard, and Robin happens to be the last scholar of Ohara. I wanted to return to Qinghai from Sky Island. As a result, because I went to Sky Island for the first time, I didn’t figure out what the situation was. Sky Island- Birka went up and down, after waiting for it, I found out that I had already run from the first half of the Grand Line

I went to West Blue and it happened that we landed near the Ohara waters. I witnessed Ohara’s tragedy and finally left with Robin. Apart from us, I am afraid that only Marine’s Admiral alternate in this world-Kuzan knows. Is this news? Now you are a third party.” Gromash said with a grin.

Dorag seemed to remember something, and suddenly asked: “Many years ago, there was a news paper saying that you attacked Marine’s fleet in West Blue. Is this what you just said??”

“Jiehahahaha, I didn’t expect you to remember that this kind of thing was indeed the Ohara incident, but I didn’t attack the warship at the time. I just nearly killed the bastard Sakazuki. If it weren’t for Kuzan to hinder me, the Marines themselves were there. A few warships crashed there, because of some shady, this pot was buckled on my head

. “Gromash said with a smile.

After inquiring a little bit about the ins and outs of the year, Dorag finally believed what Gromash had said, and then he said with some excitement: “It’s really a surprise. I was still worried about the interpretation of the historical text, Ohara’s. The incident is simply maddening. The World government can do such a thing, which also represents the righteousness of history.

Wen really poses a great threat to them. In this way, if we can unravel the historical text, we will have a “hole card” in our hands that can really play a sufficient role in the World government, Gromash!!! ”

However, although the guy Dorag was very excited, Gromash was very calm and even wanted to laugh a little. I saw Gromash raised his hand to stop Dorag’s words, and said, “Don’t stop, Dorag, don’t you. Tenten’s always thinking about finding opportunities to pull me into the water, okay?? I’m different from your revolutionary army, I don’t care about the lives of the people of the world, I’m right

There is no interest in who will rule the world. The reason why I was an enemy of the World government before was because they affected my interests and goals. At the same time, there was a sigh of anger in my stomach, but now these are all in the past. You know, World government and I are now wearing a pair of trousers, so what you say has to be dealt with

I’m not interested in World government’s trump cards or weapons. You revolutionary army should work hard and work hard, and I will give you cheers!”

Dorrag saw that Gromash had no interest in “overthrowing the World government”, and he didn’t say much (good king). He had already understood that Gromash would not be interested in this kind of thing. Can’t test Gromash’s attitude.

So he didn’t continue to talk nonsense, but said, “I don’t know where this Robin Scholar is now?? Can I meet her??”

“Now Robin is dealing with some things, but in the evening, she will be back when she is busy. If you are not in a hurry, will you stay and have a meal and two glasses today??” Gromash asked with a smile.

And this fellow Dorag was willing to interpret the text of the history. He nodded without hesitation and said, “Then bother.’

Just when Gromash and Dorag had a ‘kind’ meeting in the City of Seven Waters.

Far away in the Holy Land, Mariejois and Naval Headquarters, Malinford are also happening in major events that can affect the situation of the entire world.

That is the marshal of Naval Headquarters-Kong. Sora is going to be promoted to Mariejois to become the military commander of the world government!!

As soon as Kong, Marine’s Grand Marshal, leaves, the entire Marine power class will undergo a qualitative change.First of all, Sengoku Marine’s Admiral will succeed Marine Marshal, and Sakazuki, Polusalino, and Kuzan will fade away as’Admiral alternates’. The title of Naval Headquarters and the world government’s highest combat force Marine III Admiral!!!

All of this symbolizes that Marine has moved towards the Sengoku era, and the new Marine history has been opened!!.

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