I Am Hellscream

Chapter 281

Chapter 281 Famous in history!

After seeing Robin, Dorag did not continue to talk to Gromash. He soon chose to leave the City of Seven Waters. After all, he himself is the leader of the Revolutionary Army. The piles are waiting for him to deal with, so he is also very busy.

Gromash can also understand this. It’s a very busy thing to engage in revolution. Besides, he has no plans to keep Dorag as a guest. After all, the two are not very familiar with each other.

As for Robin, Dorag didn’t choose to start cooperation with Gromash in this area now. He knew very well that as long as he spoke, Gromash would definitely have to’kill him’ in some respects.

Although he feels that as long as he can unravel the information in the historical text, no matter how Gromash “kills him”, it is very worthwhile, but it is not the time yet. Although I don’t know how much morality this Gromash has, Dorag knows his He has a thick skin. In case this guy is really exhausted and shameless, give him a “pay-per-view”.

What to do???

Therefore, Dorag is also going to go back and let his revolutionary brothers pay more attention to the news and intelligence of some historical texts from now on, collect more rubbings, and then come to Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates to start cooperation in this regard. It’s really a “killed” transaction.

Anyway, although this matter of interpreting the historical text is extremely important, it is not an urgent matter.Dorag is a smart man.He knows very well that no matter what is recorded in the historical text, it is only for the World government or Celestial. The Dragons are just trumpets for charging. As for whether this final battle can be won, it depends on their revolution.

Is the life army hard enough?!

After Dorag left, Gromash and their work in the City of Seven Waters had begun again.

At this time on the Elune in the port, Gromash was sitting on the sofa in the reception room, and his little secretary Monet was making tea for Gromash and his guests.

At this moment, opposite Gromash, sitting on the opposite side of Gromash is a chubby murloc man who looks a bit simple and honest, with a lot of rough 163 cocoons on his hands, and his clothes are also very unruly, which makes people look at first glance. It can be seen that he should be a hard worker.

But all of this is superficial. In fact, this brawny murloc man himself is a high-level “technical person. He used to create the Oro-Jack Mori for the One Piece-Gore-D-Roger group. Master Tom of the top pirate ship, and Roger and the others also rode this ship, conquered the sea and became the first Pirate King in history.

In the same way, the Oro-Jack Mori created by Master Tom has also become the first pirate ship in history to conquer the entire sea!!

In Gromash’s view, this is undoubtedly an amazing thing, but in the view of the World government, this Master Tom is simply heinous. Where will this situation happen again?

With the monsters on the Roger Pirates, we can’t find, we can’t clean up, and we can’t clean up your shipbuilding mentality.

Therefore, the World government, which likes bullying and fearing hardship, also shamelessly began to clean up Master Tom. It was very unreasonable and sentenced to death. Fortunately, Master Tom still had a great idea in his mind that made him move the judge of the World government. Able to live to the present and have the opportunity to meet Gromash, otherwise, he will undoubtedly die.

Master Tom is also a top shipmaker who has seen the world, so he didn’t feel like he couldn’t let go of his hands and feet when facing Gromash. After receiving the tea that Monet handed him, he was very generous. He took it and thanked him.

As a result, Gromash has a better sense of Master Tom. He also doesn’t like the kind of’cartilage head’ that is a little afraid of seeing him. In Gromash’s view, this kind of person is undoubtedly worthless, and his Gromash Like valuable people.

“Master Tom (abdi), it’s rude to send someone to invite you. Lu Qi didn’t do anything excessive, right?? If there is, I will punish him.” Gromash also First, I took a sip of tea, and then asked calmly.

Master Tom smiled and waved his hand and said: “His Royal Highness, that little brother Lu Qi did not do anything excessive, you don’t have to worry too much. You can be invited by Your Highness to come. For me as a sinner, It’s already a great honor. In fact, I wanted to go back to The fish men island to see my hometown a long time ago, but due to my status as a’felon’,

The world government did not allow me to leave the capital of seven waters, so I regret not able to witness your great achievements.”

After Gromash heard the words of Master Tom, he was in a good mood. If it sounds good, everyone would like to listen to it, right? It seems that although Master Tom is in the capital of the seven waters, he still cares about The fish men island. Well, but also, Master Tom seems to have a younger brother in The fish men island, and he is also a very good craftsman. I heard that he has been there for a long time.

I was recruited to the Frostwolf Pirates in the shipyard on The fish men island to be the “foreman”. There should be a connection between the two.

“Jiehahahahaha, I can’t talk about great achievements. I just want to build a better hometown where I was born and raised. I won’t mention anything else. When it comes to “sinners”, I am a sinner myself. If you want to talk about my crime, it is much heavier than you. To me, the world government just likes to bully and fear hardship. They can’t solve Roger’s problem.

To blame Roger’s problem on you guys is simply too shameless. “Gromash laughed and said, and by the way, he hugged Master Tom and complained about World government.

And Master Tom is also a little empathetic. Although he felt that he could not abandon the ship he made because of his love for the “Oro: Jack Mori”, so he pleaded guilty, but how could he not have any grievances in his heart??

Damn it, I just built a ship. Your World government is incompetent, and the owner of the ship becomes One Piece, and then you come to me to trouble? It has long since become sweet and delicious, and the world has long been messed up. After all, I have built countless ships. After all, it is not you

These bastards, the World government wants to conceal their incompetence, and find a man who is back?

However, although Master Tom has a bit of resentment in his heart, after so many years, he has long been indifferent. Anyway, he doesn’t panic in his heart. He thinks that he must be able to create a new and transformative “sea train”. Technology is used to benefit the City of Seven Waters, and it can also be used to avoid crime.

Although Gromash knows that these are impossible, Master Tom doesn’t know, so he also said with some emotion: “I have already accepted the crime or something, and I am confident that I can rely on the unfinished sea train technology. Come to apologize, so although I have suffered a lot of grievances during this period, it doesn’t matter anymore, a man,

Naturally, be more broad-minded!”

“Jiehahaha, are you broad-minded?? These are all your personal problems, I won’t say much, but it is actually like this. Before I came, my good friend Rayleigh was right, he just followed Roger everywhere. Running Hillbarz-Rayleigh, well, in short, I have a very good friendship with him, he is very worried about your situation, but he can’t be due to his identity

I’m here to help you, so I entrust me to take care of you.” Gromash said here and looked at Master Tom.

And Master Tom was also a little surprised and said: “Rayleigh?? Is he okay?? I didn’t expect him to still miss me…”

“Well, that guy is very good. I found a beautiful and elegant lady on Sabaody Archipelago to take care of him. I drank a little wine every day. When I was in a good mood, I would go to work with me. When I was in a bad mood, I would gamble. Two, just don’t be too chic.” Gromash said with a smile.

Master Tom also smiled after hearing Gromash’s words: “Hahahaha, isn’t it?? This is really in line with Rayleigh’s character. I have seen him like this before.”

“Yeah, sometimes I really envy him, but I won’t say more about pursuing differences. In fact, even if Rayleigh doesn’t mention this, I am going to see you. After all, we are also compatriots, and I am very It takes your various experiences of living in the City of Seven Waters for so many years to assist me in some things.” Gromash turned the topic on the right track, see

Speak softly to Master Tom.

And Master Tom did not hesitate to speak after hearing Gromash’s words: “It is an honor for all our murlocs to be able to do something for Your Highness. Please speak up, Your Highness, if I can do it, I I will definitely work for you.”

“Jiehahahaha, don’t worry, it’s actually not a big deal. It’s like this. Long ago, Princess Otohime had a plan. She wanted to migrate the people on The fish men island to live on the sea. This matter. You should know that too??” Gromash asked softly.

“Of course, before I left The fish men island, Princess Otohime was already running for this, but now it seems that there is still not much progress.” Master Tom nodded and said.

“Yes, but Princess Otohime treats me like her own junior, and now she is more of me.. Well, anyway, I also want to contribute to her dream, so I came to the City of Seven Waters” Gromash smiled and said.

And Master Tom immediately widened his eyes. As a person who has lived in the City of Seven Waters for more than ten years, he certainly has a very thorough understanding of the entire City of Seven Waters, so when he heard Gromash’s words, Thinking of Princess Otohime, he instantly understood what Gromash wanted to do here.

Then he asked with some excitement: “His Royal Highness, do you want to position this capital of the seven waters as the target area for The fish men island to migrate on the sea? ??”

“Jiehahahaha, worthy of being a master, do you think this is a suitable place for our compatriots to live?” Gromash asked with a laugh.

“Yes, that’s right!! The environment and culture here and even the various facilities on the island are very suitable for our compatriots from The fish men island to come and live. I am personally very experienced in this aspect.” Master Tom immediately Nodded and said.

“Yes, this is where I want to use you. I need someone with enough life experience here… especially our compatriots to join the entire transformation plan of the City of Seven Waters, so I am going to hire You are one of our designers for the transformation of the City of Seven Waters, and use your experience to combine their technology to create a

The entire residents of The fish men island live comfortably in the second hometown here!!!” Gromash said very grandiosely.

And Master Tom didn’t even hesitate, he just said: “Wish to serve your Highness. Being able to participate in this kind of thing is the glory of my Tom’s life.”

Transform the capital of the seven waters and make it a paradise suitable for the lives of the compatriots of The fish men island. The main participants in this event can definitely make a name in the history of The fish men island. This is a great thing. How could he Master Tom want to miss it??.

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