I Am Hellscream

Chapter 584

Chapter 584 The restless sea is fighting!

After hanging up the phone worm, Gromash also picked up the slightly cold tea at the table, drank it gently, as if thinking about something.

Monet, the little secretary, quickly added a cup of tea to Gromash, and then said: “Clo has been notified to start the action, but Captain, what if Lion Fruit is really taken by Doflamingo???”

“Jiehahahahaha, haven’t you said everything?? It doesn’t matter if he really gets it by his own ability, although Lion Fruit can pose a great threat to us, but in the final analysis, it is only a threat, Laozi is Hellscream!!! How could it be defeated just because of a Devil Fruit???” At this point, Gromash paused

Suddenly, Haki was wanton, and then he spoke very arrogantly: “Even if the front is hell, Laozi can break it with one blow!!!”

Not to mention whether Doflamingo can get Lion Fruit, even if he gets it, Gromash is not very worried about it.Although there is no sign now, but Trafalgar-Ruo shouldn’t forget the hatred. Sooner or later, Trafalgar-Luo will go to Doflamingo for revenge, then Doflamingo

It is not certain whether he can continue to mix, but Gromash has been waiting for Doflamingo to capsize, maybe Lion Fruit will return to his hands???

At the same time, in Dressrosa’s King’s Heights, after Doflamingo hung up with Gromash’s phone worm, he quickly called all his little brothers over and began to arrange these things.

New World is the site of the Four Emperors. There is no doubt about this. Even the Doflamingo can’t do too much in the various sites of the Four Emperors. At most, it is to establish a convenient place with business contacts. Dot’s station, what do you often contact, really want to say that he has too much power in the territory of the Four Emperors?? That’s not it


But Doflamingo is not a person who can be satisfied by living in a corner. The little Dressrosa can’t accommodate his big Buddha, so the Don Quidditch family has potential power in the dark side of the world.

One of the most conspicuous examples is North Blue. It can be said that the pirate forces of North Blue are one of the back gardens of the Hede family.

Doflamingo’s subsequent fiasco in Dressrosa was also because of being too arrogant. The power of his Donji River De family basically did not show anything, that is, the cadres happened to be all on Dressrosa Island because of the competition, which barely formed a force.

The main thing is that the incident happened suddenly. If Doflamingo is given more time to prepare, perhaps Trafalgar-Luo and the Straw Hat Pirates will not have a chance to pose a threat to Doflamingo.

Then again, since New World is the site of the Four Emperors, where will the silver medalists like Doflamingo do their tricks???

There is no doubt that it is in the buffer zone of the Four Emperors territory, where the chaos is extremely chaotic, it is the real’unordered sea,’lawful zone’, there are many such places in New World, all kinds of dragons and Gyūki snake gods All gathered in this sea area, the Donquixote Family has great power in these sea areas.

Why did Gromash ask Doflamingo for help? The reason is also the same. Doflamingo’s mobility is very fast. Compared with Crowe and others who have just entered the New World and the foundation is still unstable, Doflamingo doesn’t need to spend too much. Sitting in the palace of Dressrosa and letting the cadres make a few phone calls, the piece was

The sea area where the big bosses gave the town had already begun to become chaotic.

Countless forces, large and small, got the news about Lion Fruit from inexplicable places, very “magically”, and it was really fried.

The forces mixed in this kind of sea are all ambitious speculators, and they are also the craziest group of people, because those who are not crazy enough have already died in New World, or they have escaped from New World and returned. I went to the first half of the Grand Line.

The Gyūki snake gods who can stay in the New World for a long time without taking refuge in the Four Emperors are all ambitious. The opportunity to go to the next level, the opportunity to reach the sky in one step!!!

Now they suddenly discovered this opportunity. It’s weird that they are not crazy. This Lion Fruit was rewarded by Golden City in the dark world by 5 billion Baileys. Ten billion Baileys.

If you can find Lion Fruit, let alone how to use it, you can sell it directly to Golden City. It will be a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

Even if you are really under the pressure of the bigmom pirates and it is difficult to get out of your hands, you can also take Lion Fruit directly to join the Gromash of the Frostwolf Pirates. You must know that they can’t hold the bigmom pirates, but Gromash The family has a big business, and there are countless capable people under him. He is the top master himself. It is a worthy bigmom pirate group.

Yes, they have even started fighting, plus the reputation of the Frostwolf Pirates group is very good, and it is rich and powerful, and it will not suffer or be betrayed.

Anyway, no matter what you think, as long as you get Lion Fruit, it is a great opportunity.Whether it is used for your own use, sold or as a meeting gift, it is a common dream to join a big boss. A great opportunity that I didn’t even think of.

In short, after the news came out, the sea area that Gromash and the others deliberately wanted to muddled really boiled directly. All Guys who ship Lion Fruit began to search for the fruit. Don’t talk about the bigmom sea at this time. The thieves are coming to Lion Fruit, even if the Frostwolf Pirates are coming together, then they have to do it first.

As the bigmom pirate group, known as the pirate industry’s No. 1 intelligence capability, of course, it is also focusing on that sea area. Therefore, when changes and chaos began to occur there, it still settled in Totto Land and Cake Island at this time. Charlotte-Linlin also received the news immediately.

With a ‘bang!!!’, Charlotte: Linlin smashed his own table with a punch, and countless desserts and food fell to the ground.

The most perverted, dangerous, and powerful dead old woman in New World has fallen into a state of rage at this time.

“Such important news, why did it leak out??? Who did it!!~.!” Charlotte- Linlin’s eyes burst into flames, and she asked very angrily.

As early as two days ago, when she was the first to get accurate news from Lion Fruit, Charlotte-Linlin was in a very good mood, and she even started to have dreams, dreaming that she would be the first to get Lion Fruit. Then cracked the air and sea strategic advantages of the Frostwolf Pirates, and gave Gromash, whose foundation was not stable at this time, from this’Four Emperors Dream’.

Wake up, destroy all his royal hegemony.

Even grab Gromash, humiliate him, put him in a cage, and imprison him until he is willing to surrender at his own feet.

If they can really do this, then their bigmom pirates will become the strongest pirates, and her Charlotte- Linlin will be on the throne of the Shanghai Pirates is just around the corner!!

But it hasn’t been long before this dream has been made. A thunderbolt came, and the information transmitted by the most advanced encrypted phone bug was spread out. At this time, the sea area called “The Sea of ​​Restlessness” has begun. Rushing away, the difficulty of obtaining Lion Fruit has risen sharply.

After all, it’s not just the Frostwolf Pirates who knows that there are many large and small forces such as the Whitebeard Pirates. How could Charlotte- Linlin, the number one in intelligence capabilities in the industry, not know???

Don’t look at the Whitebeard Pirates group now seems to have become a prodigal dog, but the more such a dead end, the more humble wild dogs can deliver a fatal blow, Marco, the current leader of the Whitebeard Pirates group It is indeed not a good-looking guy, no worse than Kata Kuri, if you really want to count, he may be better than Kata Kuri

Some, after all, he was the emperor mate of the strongest pirate group and the strongest man!

After the anger subsided a little bit, Charlotte-Perrospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family standing at the door of the room, said softly: “Mom, I’m afraid this incident has nothing to do with the disappearance of Sister Castade. During the period of time, the damn guy Rob Luchi often harassed us in that sea, we can make a bold

It is inferred that sister Kastad was captured by the Frostwolf Pirates and used unknown means to obtain relevant information. , They want to mess up the situation in the “Sea of ​​Restlessness” and delay our footsteps in order to catch up with this time gap. Although the means are shameless,

It’s a dignified and arrogant scheme. There is no way to avoid it.”

Charlotte-Linlin’s expression became very gloomy after listening to Perros Pello’s words. To say whether this damn Gromash would be so shameless, Charlotte-Linlin 100% believed he would.

Not to mention how the news was leaked, but there was such a big noise. Even if it was not the ghost of Gromash, they will inevitably start to act at this time, so it is just as Perros Pello said. In that way, this is a shame, even if you see through it, there is no way to rewrite the situation

Thinking of this, Charlotte- Linlin got angry from her heart, and the wound on her arm that had healed a long time seemed to start to tingle faintly. She gritted her teeth and murmured: “Asshole Gromash”

After cursing the guy Gromash, Charlotte- Linlin also spoke very decisively: “Get ready for the hymn, I will go to the Sea of ​​Restlessness personally, and calm the chaos there as soon as possible. Moving over there, Kata Kuri and the others are a little bit choking to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates.

What’s more, how about multiple Gromash??? I have to sit down in person!”

Even if Charlotte-Linlin didn’t say it, Perros Pello would speak up, saying that the previous war situation was still very confusing, but now the fog of war seems to have dispersed a bit, revealing a little truth.

At first, everyone thought it should be near the sea area of ​​Honeycomb Island on the front line of the war. ) Has moved to the “Sea of ​​Restlessness”, and it makes people feel that the war is changing rapidly. This sentence is very correct because it was originally just the Bigmom Sea.

The confrontation between the thief group and the Frostwolf Pirate Group, the two old and new overlords, has gradually transformed into a large group of ambitious forces from all sides.

At the same time, in the Naval Headquarters-Marinford, which has not yet been migrated, Sakazuki, the Marine’s general, looked at the urgent information in his hand, and his expression was uncertain.

Since Sakazuki became a marshal, the regular customers in this marshal’s office are not doves like Marines. When Sengoku was a marshal, what were Kuzan, Garp, Tsuru chief staff, Gion Vice Admiral, Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral, etc. Come often.

Now I can’t even see a ghost shadow. Instead, the hawks who didn’t appear very much in the past began to use this as a new stronghold. At this time, Daubman Vice Admiral, the nickname fighting dog, see The mad dog was sitting on the sofa in the marshal’s office, and the ghost spider Vice Admiral sat opposite him.

Looking at Sakazuki’s uncertain expression, Daubman asked, “Marshal, did something happen???”

Sakazuki was silent, and then said: “New World is about to break out of real chaos. This should have been a good opportunity for us, but at this time we are trapped in the first half of the Grand Line. Disappointed! Fire!”

The ghost spider Vice Admiral said without panic: “Although he hates Gromash, as he said, the new era has come. Don’t worry, this kind of chaos, we will have opportunities in the future!” .

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