I Am Hellscream

Chapter 607

Chapter 607 Mother in-law, why are you taking a break???

On the deck of the Elune, Gromash was biting a straw and drinking the fruit while watching Hogback’s treatment of the little devil Momosuke.

“I said there is no need for some surgery or something??? According to my opinion, he hasn’t woken up until now, there must be something on his body. You can try to take off the little brother in his pants???” Gromash He spoke casually to Hobackak.

And Hokkubak was also taken aback for a while, then looked at Gromash with a very surprised look and said, “I said Captain Gromash, do you have any misunderstandings about medicine???”

“Oh, you have to dare to explore everything, don’t worry about it, in case it will be useful??? Come listen to me, take that thing down” Gromash still looks like a “gynecological master”, right Hobackak said.

This guy Hogback is also a man with no ethics. Although he has superb medical skills, he has no bottom line in medical ethics. One is an unknown kid who has just been rescued from the sea, and the other is his own captain. How to choose is still very simple.

What’s more, he listened very much to Gromash, so after Gromash emphasized twice, Hokkubak also smiled evilly, and then said: “Maybe this is really an innovative treatment…”

At this moment Hogback had already felt that the captain of his own seemed to have an inexplicable prejudice against this little devil who had never met before, and made it clear that he was going to punish him.

But what’s the big deal about this kind of thing??? It has nothing to do with Hokkubak, doesn’t it??? So soon, a halo of energy appeared in Hokkubak’s hand, and then Momosuke was enveloped. Going in, then Hokkubak’s finger hooked, and Momanosuke’s little brother separated from him and floated in the air.

Then Gromash also showed a wicked smile, threw a glass jar on the table beside him, and said, “It’s inside.”

There was no objection to the system, but he quickly completed Gromash’s request, and he was very considerate to perform a’minor operation on Momanosuke, which changed his physiological structure and allowed him to squat. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

After finishing all this, it didn’t take long for the little devil Momosuke to slowly wake up. He opened his eyes and looked around in confusion, as if he hadn’t figured out what was going on.

Instead, Gromash laughed and said to Hokkubak: “Jiehahahahahaha, how about??? I’ll just say??? Follow my method for treatment, he will definitely wake up soon.”

After speaking, Gromash didn’t continue to fight with Hokkubak, but looked at Momanosuke with a smile, showing a very “kind” expression, and said in a calm tone: “Little devil, you call What name??? Where did it come from??? Why did it float on this sea??? Is there no other companions???”

After seeing Gromash’s face clearly, Momanosuke said with a bit of excitement, “You are Proudmoore- Gromash???”

And Gromash was stunned after hearing Momanosuke’s words, he really didn’t expect Momanosuke would recognize him, and what he didn’t expect was that Momanosuke was seeing him. After that, it turned out to be a look of hope in life, and it felt strange, strange and even a little disgusting.

“Ahem, it seems that you recognize me, so I won’t talk nonsense and explain your business clearly.” Gromash took two steps back, cleared his throat and said.

With the constant explanation of the guy Momanosuke, Gromash has roughly figured out what happened, and I don’t know if Momosuke is a big-hearted guy or really regards him Gromash as a “savior,” anyway, according to Gromash. Judging from the news he knows, he really didn’t hide anything from himself, which makes Gromash feel embarrassed.

, After all, I just asked Hogback to perform a minor operation on him not long ago. At this time, Momanosuke should have not discovered that his little brother is missing. If he finds out, I don’t know if he can treat it with this attitude. He was Gromash.

Thinking about how old I am, I still feel angry with a little devil like Momanosuke. It seems that he is a little too incomprehensible. Gromash also cleared his throat in a confused and embarrassing way, and then looked at Momanosuke and said: “In other words, you are the son of Kozuki Oden, right??? I know roughly what is going on.

When I was looking for me in the moving sea, I suddenly encountered a continuous tsunami, and then you fell off the boat without standing still??? separated from your retainers???”

“Yes, your Highness Gromash, what happened next is like this,” Momanosuke put on a kneeling posture, sat on the deck respectfully, and said as he looked at Gromash.

Gromash thought about it carefully. There should be no natural tsunami in the sea of ​​restlessness in the past two days.

However, Uncle Gromash would definitely not admit this kind of thing, so he pretended to say: “Oh, New World is not more than ordinary seas. This sea is turned over when you turn your face. You are the first time you went out to sea alone, and you encountered such a situation. Things are understandable, just pay attention next time, since you said that your retainers are strong

, Then nothing should happen..”

“Thank you for your auspicious words from Your Highness Gromash,” Momanosuke said with a sharp eye.

It can be seen that he is indeed of a distinguished background, and his words and deeds are very polite, which makes Gromash treat his senses a little better.

Looking at Momosuke’s slightly impatient and hesitant expression, Gromash also smiled, and then said, “Okay, just tell me if you have anything. You recognized me from the beginning. Follow the news you just said to find my whereabouts in the sea of ​​restlessness and see if there is anything you want to ask me for help????”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Momanosuke’s expression gradually calmed down, and then he knelt directly in front of Gromash, pressed his little head against the deck of the Elune, and opened his mouth in tears. Said: “His Royal Highness Gromash avenge my father!!!”

Looking at the appearance of the little devil Momosuke, Gromash also sighed, and then said, “I know this is the case, but Momosuke, I have no friendship with your father Oden. At this stage, I I have a lot of things on my own, and your request makes me very embarrassed..”

“As a thank you, everything from my Kozuki master will be enshrined to your Highness Gromash…” Momanosuke said quickly.

Then, without waiting for Gromash to refuse, he said directly: “Maybe your Royal Highness Gromash is not clear. Our Kozuki family is a family of stonemasons handed down from Wanokuni for a long time. The text of the history (abeb) history is created by our family. If you are willing to help me get revenge, I am willing to hand over all the knowledge of the Kozuki Master

come out ”

“Jiehahahahahahaha, you don’t need to worry about this little devil. We can interpret the text of the history by our Frostwolf Pirates,” Gromash laughed and said.

Not to mention that Momanosuke got on Gromash’s ship by chance. In a certain sea area of ​​North Blue, a huge war house was floating on the sea.

This is the evil army of North Blue-Germa 66. In the war room, Vinsmoke-Judge’s expression is very shocked and incredible.

He looked at the information in his hand, it looked like a mouthful of Rexiang.

“How is it possible??? How could such a thing happen??? Have you really confirmed it???” Vinsmoke. Judge questioned the people around him in a tone that couldn’t believe the intelligence in his hands. .

A beautiful woman next to him who is the best choice in figure and appearance also looked at him with a serious expression and said: “Father, although it is incredible, this information is indeed true. Many forces in New World have already Started to act, I want to carve up this grand cake”

This beauty is the daughter of Vinsmoke-Judge, Vinsmoke. Reiju.

After hearing Reiju’s words, Judge angrily tore the information in his hand to pieces.Charlotte: Linlin this guy was actually killed??? And he was beaten to death, which simply made him unacceptable. .

To say why, it is actually very simple. Not long ago, Vinsmoke-Judge and Charlotte-Linlin discussed many times before and after, and finally they agreed on a marriage.

That’s right, it is the pawn that uses Sanji as a marriage pawn, let him marry Charlotte-Pudding, the thirty-fifth daughter of the Charlotte family, so that the two evil forces can unite with each other.

In fact, this matter has been discussed for a long time, thanks to the blessing of Doflamingo, Charlotte-Linlin has been looking for ways to use scientific methods to create giants, and what he is focusing on is the technology of the Kingdom of Djerma. But at that time Vinsmoke-Judge also had some other ideas, so this matter has never been discussed

Later, Judge was slumped by the World government and was completely disappointed in the World government. He felt that it was impossible to legally obtain the due territory of their Djerma Kingdom from the World government, because the World government was right. They are also very wary of this evil organization, let alone Judge’s ambition, he wants to unify North Blue, Qian

Qiu Bandai Isn’t this nonsense???

Anyway, the World government would not support him, so after hitting a wall everywhere, Judge finally decided to marry Charlotte-Linlin, even if he had to pay for the technological power of the Djerma Kingdom.

At that time, Charlotte- Linlin was also thinking about killing Gromash. With the technological power of the Kingdom of Djerma, her chances of winning are even greater, so she did not toss Judge on this, and both sides quickly gave everything. Agreed.

And Judge also started looking for Sanji, but now that his son hasn’t been found yet, his mother-in-law has been hammered to death. Can his mentality explode? Can the world be friendly to his Vinsmoke clan? a little???

Laozi has paid the gift money, you fucking take a break, can’t your Charlotte- Linlin live longer? If you die after we get married, maybe I can still inherit the power of your bigmom pirate group !!!

After alleviating the unwillingness and anger in his heart, Judge said in a deep voice: “Damn Charlotte- Linlin, it’s really unreliable at all, what Pirate Emperor??? It’s really disappointing!!! Died”

“Father, what should we do about our marriage?? Are you still looking for Sanji??” Reiju asked softly.

“He’s useless anymore, don’t have to look for him and let him fend for himself.” After hearing Sanji’s name, Judge’s eyes flashed with some strange expressions, and finally he said softly.

After speaking, Judge put his gaze on Reiju, then looked at Reiju, as if he was thinking about something, and then he said, “Reiju, what do you think of the Frostwolf Pirates???”

“If nothing else,… they will become the strongest pirate group in New World??? The new overlord???” Reiju thought about it, then said his own thoughts.

And Judge also showed a smile and said, “Yes, compared with Charlotte- Linlin, the Duke of Hell is obviously more reliable.”

“Father, what do you mean???” Reiju frowned and asked softly.

“Think of a way and see if you can get on the big ship of your Highness. If you can get his help, the glory of our Vinsmoke clan will definitely reappear!!!” Judge said madly. .

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