Chapter 63 Be my partner!

Although Joz also saw the “big guy” Gromash, he didn’t go up to say hello, and he didn’t even want to take the opportunity to build a relationship. Zi also has his own pride, especially since he has never met the so-called adversary along the way, so

There are people who are against him, and there has been no one who can break his defenses. The “invincible” defense that Paramecia-Diamond Fruit brings to him and the great power that ordinary people can’t match are the roots of all of this. Therefore, Joz’s attitude towards himself The strength is also very confident, he doesn’t think he is weaker than Gromash, he just feels that the reason why he does not have Gromash now

He is famous, on the one hand, because he has only recently gone to sea, and he has not made any big news. On the other hand, it is also because he is not a person who likes to make trouble. He just feels funny and free to be a pirate.

Joz’s mentality is actually the normal state of those newcomers who have gained powerful abilities in the first half of the Grand Line. It is not only those with Logia ability that are easy to expand. After all, there is only one reason for the expansion of Logia ability. I think I am invincible, and people like Joz are also prone to swelling.

So Joz stopped looking at Gromash after drinking a drink. He urged the bartender and said, “Quickly, get me something to eat. I’m starving to death.”

On the other side, after looking at Joz, Lu Qi said to Gromash, “It seems that the guy is not very interested in you. Your fame seems ~ it doesn’t work very well.”

Gromash drank the wine, and said nonchalantly, “What is the hurry? This guy will definitely come, but you are right. For people like him, no, it should be similar to us who have our own strength. For people with sufficient confidence, what kind of fame, prestige, etc., is just a way for us to understand a person.

Already, unless the reputation has reached existences like Whitebeard and Roger, we won’t care about it at all. Take me for example, when I was in Logue town, I didn’t just do what I did, I cared about it. What is the name of Admiral of Headquarters who has the highest combat power in the world government?? This is what self-confidence brings, I don’t say self-confidence

I can beat him, but I am confident that he can’t help me!! In the same way, only this kind of person is suitable to be my partner. Laozi, the guy who has no courage to do it, is not rare-rare!”

After thinking about it, Lu Qi nodded and said: “You are right, there is indeed only this kind of talent suitable for our partner.

Gromash and Lu Qi were discussing the partner’s question. Joz’s side dishes were also served. After the bartender put the things in, Joz asked, “How much Bailey?? I will give it to you now. It’s over, lest you drink too much in a while and make some trouble.”

Joz is still a very ethical guy, so he doesn’t want to take advantage of these ordinary people, and the bartender smiled and waved his hand after hearing his inquiry. The account has been covered by Lord Gromash, you can eat and drink as much as you like. As Lord Gromash, you will definitely not

Reckless. ”

The bartender left after speaking, but Joz was stunned. He didn’t expect Gromash to cover their table.

Joz’s deputy captain Cromwell also said with a smile: “How about it? I’ll just say it? We have some friendship with that big man, and I don’t think that Gromash boss seems to be a bit of a fight. Fame loves the person who carries the shelf. On the contrary, he is very heroic. Anyway, it is very suitable for our appetite, although it is only a short contact

But I do think he can be a friend. ”

And Joz also had to nod his head at this time and said: “It looks like this, but since people have already done this, I can’t pretend to ignore it anymore. I have to say hello to say hello. , You drink first, I’ll go over and take a look.”

The relationship between Cromwell and Joz seems to be very good, so he also laughed and said jokingly: “Go Captain, anyway, when you didn’t come before, we were also very happy to drink, hahahahaha.

“What you said is really sad, Cromwell.” Joz also spit out, then picked up his glass, and walked in the direction where Gromash and Lucky were.

And Gromash also smiled to Lu Qi and said, “See it?? Laozi said he will come, he will definitely come!”

Lu Qi said speechlessly: “Couldn’t it be that you had already made this kind of idea of ​​absorbing them into the group when you accounted for that table from the very beginning, right??”

Gromash shook his head and said, “That’s not the case, it’s just my randomness, but it seems that this seems to give us a good start, but it’s not bad, this drink and peck, it is of God’s will. ”

After Joz walked over, he also raised his glass and spoke first: “Boss Gromash, what happened just now is the account of our table. Thank you for your care. I am the captain of the Gem Pirate Group. My name is Joz. I am called Diamond. -Although Joz is still incomparable with the boss of Gromash, he is also a pirate with a bounty of 230 million Pele.

Wherever I met, I hope you will take care of Boss Gromash. ”

When Gromash saw this, he pulled back the seat and signaled Joz to sit down. Then he raised his glass and touched Joz and said, “I won’t introduce myself. It seems that you have also heard of my thin name. No more boasting, this little guy is called Lu Qi, Rob-Lu Qi, is my partner, we also just came to Magic Valley Town, as for what you said

If you can’t compare with me, you don’t need to mention it again. The level of the bounty does not mean anything. I think Joz, you are also a famous man, and your future achievements will definitely not be limited to this. Maybe I will pay it back someday. I need you to take care of me, Jiehahahahaha. ”

Although Joz heard Cromwell say that Gromash has nothing to do with it, he really didn’t expect Gromash to talk so easily.Similarly, it seemed to be really bold, so he also really wanted to make friends, so he and Gromash had two The man drank the wine in the glass in one sip, and then said, “Then thank you Gromash boss for telling me

Optimistic about it. ”

Then the two chatted. Among them, Lu Qi also interjected a few words from time to time. I have to say that Gromash likes a bold and powerful guy like Joz, and why isn’t Joz like that? The more they talked, the more they talked. Speculation, there is quite a feeling of hate to see each other late.

When the atmosphere was almost the same, Gromash asked, “By the way, Joz, do you have any plans next??”

Joz did not hide the truth from Gromash. He smiled and said: “As for the plan, in fact, our pirate group has not been established for too long, and there is really no plan, but I heard that there are many masters in New World. I am planning to find a chance to enter the New World, and I heard that Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate is called “the strongest man in the world” by the world.

I want to challenge him to see if he can break through the defense that I am proud of. If he can be defeated, it would be better. After all, this is something that can be famous!!”

When Gromash heard it, he knew that fortunately he met Joz here, otherwise, with Joz’s strength, it is safe to enter the New World, and after he enters the New World, as long as he goes to challenge Whitebeard, I am afraid that he will never stop. On the way back, he joined the Whitebeard Pirates and became the son of his Whitebeard and the captain of the third division.

. Ask for flowers 0…

Of course it is impossible for Gromash to watch Joz “go astray”, so he thought for a while and said, “Joz, it’s not that I hit you. In my opinion, in your current state, I want to challenge you. It’s too early for Whitebeard and the Whitebeard Pirates. You said before that your ability is Paramecia-Diamond Fruit, indeed this ability+

The points are powerful, especially in terms of physical defense, and the ability to develop to a certain level is enough to be called the strongest, but this is not invincible. Although I have not played against Whitebeard, I can indeed. To tell you responsibly, his title of “the world’s strongest man” is without any moisture. In this Red Earl-Lederfield,

Golden Lion- Shiki is imprisoned, One Piece-Roger is dead, and in the era when the transition between the old and the new has not been completed, he Whitebeard-Edward Newgate is the only strongest pirate today. In a short period of time, no one can threaten him. Status and strength, so in my opinion, if you want to challenge Whitebeard, at least you still need to accumulate your own strength.

Just rely on the power of the fruit to run rampant. By the way, have you heard of Haki’s power?”


After hearing what Gromash said, Joz was silent for a while. He could hear that Gromash didn’t seem to be joking, but he really thought that he was going to challenge Whitebeard now and was a little idiotic, and then he also followed Gromash’s words and said: “Haki? I’ve heard of some, but I haven’t seen anyone who can use it yet, so I have

I wanted to find Haki’s learning method, but I couldn’t find it.”

Gromash smiled and patted Joz on the shoulder, and said, “So, even if it’s you Joz, it will inevitably be a little swollen. If you want to challenge Whitebeard without learning the power of Haki, you are really heartbroken. Well, Joz, you said you haven’t seen anyone who can use Haki’s power? That happens, I will be Haki, look good!”

After Gromash finished speaking, the hand holding the wine glass instantly wrapped Armament Haki, wrapped the wine glass, and then hardened, and then said to Joz, “Try to see if you can break this wine glass.

Joz frowned slightly, then without hesitation, he lifted a punch and hammered it onto the wooden wine glass, but after the punch, the wine glass still fell firmly in Gromash’s hands, without a trace of broken.

Although Joz himself didn’t use too much force, he just punched it at random, but if he changed it to a normal wine glass, he would definitely be broken, and this one did not have it, and it was enough to make Joz, like the one who has never seen Haki’s power. The guy felt incredible.

“This is just one of the most common uses of Haki’s power. You know it now. I said that you are not strong enough to challenge Whitebeard in New World. At least Master’s power first.” Gromash said with a smile.

And Joz seemed to recognize a little bit of reality, then thought about it, nodded slightly and said: “It seems that I do need some accumulation.”

It wasn’t until this time that Gromash revealed his fox tail and looked at Joz with a smile and said, “Joz, I think you and I are very close to each other. Why don’t we live together and become intimate partners?? How?? For my partner, I have always been generous, whether it is Haki’s power or something else, as long as I have it,

As long as you want, I can give you all, how about??” Three,

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