I Am Hellscream

Chapter 758

Chapter 758 The situation changes in three days!

In the City of Seven Waters, this day is sunny and sunny, and Miss Monet, the little secretary of Gromash, is sitting in the office where Gromash is used to work on weekdays, looking at an urgently printed newspaper in her hand, the corner of her mouth With a smug smile, he whispered softly: “It seems that the revolutionary army and Mr. Dorag are still very capable.”

According to the information in the newspaper, three days have passed since the Revolutionary Army’s raid on the Holy Land-Mariejois. The entire Mariejois has suffered heavy losses and has not yet restored order. A large number of slaves are still running around and creating chaos. CP-0 people are also busy walking around in Mariejois.

Some things, in this Mariejois, they are fighting guerrilla members of the Revolutionary Army.

Looking at the newspaper, the big news-the picture taken by the birdman Morgans himself, Monet also flashed a smile in his eyes. The person in the picture was Seven Warlords of the Sea storm-kun Bartholemew-bear, if If Mihawk and the others have really said goodbye to the World government, then Bartholemew-bear is the last Seven Warlords of the Sea.

It was also used by the World government as the last piece of fig leaf that was dumped, but unfortunately, this’fig leaf’ was on the holy land-Mariejois even more than Michelangelo. They drew a loud big ear scraper. .

After Bartholemew-Xion officially appeared as a revolutionary army and supported the members of the revolutionary army who caused trouble in Mariejois, even if the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea organization was completely scrapped, it may be because of disgusting this too shameful thing, World government In this case, there is no big fanfare, but very low-key in the corner of this newspaper, proclaiming

After a joint discussion between the royal families and Naval Headquarters at the World Summit, three days ago, the Seven Warlords of the Sea was officially dismissed, declared as an illegal organization, exempted from all privileges, and 01 will no longer cooperate with the pirates.

Although this statement seems to be an edict issued because of the Bartholemew-Bear’s uproar in the Holy Land-Mariejois, which caused dissatisfaction with the World government, and was disappointed with the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization, it is an edict issued by discerning people. Seven Warlords of the Sea has long existed in name only.

It’s just kind of grievances, but this method makes the world government face a big loss. If this situation can be foreseen early, perhaps the bill that was used to balance the pattern on the sea would not be passed at all? In the end, It’s the World government asking for trouble.

“Although the order of Mariejois has not been restored, and the revolutionary army is still adding chaos, the situation has become clearer, and it will not last long, even with the participation of Bartholemew. Bear, even if it is because of the’sacred land’ of Mariejois. Whether it is CP-0 or Marine, they are greatly restricted.

The time of the day is considered good, and they will probably fight a’sports war’ next.” Monet murmured softly while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

Dorag took his revolutionary army subordinates to hide in Mariejois, and the damage to the World government for three days is already very remarkable. After that, there will be no such offensive again. They will inevitably withdraw from Mariejois. Hidden on the Red Line, staring at Mariejois like a Lion Majesty.

However, this phenomenon will not last long. After they withdraw from Mariejois, Marine and CP-0 people will definitely start to restore Mariejois’s various orders in the first time, put down the slaves’ rampage, and then Dorag It is not so easy for the Revolutionary Army to find Mariejois’s “vulnerabilities”. They will leave completely within a week at most.

Red Line.

Finally, after scanning the newspaper, Monet threw it on the table casually, then took out the phone worm, and called Gromash far away from Wanokuni. This has been the most recent period of time, Monet has every day There are all things to do, but it has not been picked up in the previous few days, which means that the Gromash is not finished yet, and today Monet is also

It’s just testing as usual.

The phone worm rang several times, and Monet felt that he hadn’t finished the tossing over there, and when he was about to hang up the phone worm, suddenly the phone worm was picked up there, which made Monet also very excited. Said: “Captain? Have you done it over there?”

As soon as Monet’s voice fell, Gromash laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, is Monet? Well, it’s almost done, although there is a slight gap with the original expectation, but it is nothing. What’s going on in the last few days? What happened to Sakazuki and Dorag? Our situation with Marine

Has it changed?

After hearing Gromash’s successive inquiries, Monet also suppressed his curiosity about Wanokuni’s situation first, and quickly answered Gromash’s questions.

“So far, the situation has not exceeded our expectations. Mr. Dorag may also have some changes. They launched their plan in Mariejois two days in advance, which brought huge chaos to the entire Mariejois, and of course it also contained it. With the attention of the World government and the power of Marine, Sakazuki could not conflict with us.

It is estimated that he is going to be pissed to death, right? It is worth mentioning that the revolutionary army’s attack was officially announced by Mr. Dorag that they are fighting the World government. To be precise, it should be a war with the “Celesial Dragons class”. This news has caused great turmoil all over the world. In these two days, the two commanders of the Eastern Army and the Southern Army of the Revolutionary Army have overturned three

The rule of the country has severely hit the power of the World government. At the same time, the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization has also completely ended. The guy Bartholemew-Bear does not know what means was used by the Revolutionary Army to rescue him, not to mention it, and he recovered. His consciousness then Bartholemew-Bear also cooperated with the revolutionary army in Mariejois also made a big fuss, brought many Marine generals

They are all gone, and I don’t know when they will be able to assemble back. It is estimated that Sakazuki will have to find them one by one according to the life card.” Monet smiled and said.

“Jiehahahahaha, in other words, is everything going smoothly? This situation will happen if the guy Dorag takes the shot himself, and it is also in my expectation. Bartholemew-bear shot the people in Marine a lot. It’s been a while for us to fight for it, Sakazuki Jiehahahaha, it is estimated that he has started to smoke with this uncle

Fighting, he is still a bit short, and my Jinlan brother Sengoku old marshal is more in line with my heart.” Gromash was also very happy to speak after hearing the news that the situation there is very good and very smooth.

“Although the situation is very good, Captain, the Revolutionary Army can really afford us not much time. As for the Naval Headquarters, there is no Vice Admiral or anything that can prevent them from being too long. According to me, Sakazuki will take action in a week at most, so if you can’t handle the current situation within a week, I

The chances of us fighting Naval Headquarters are still very high,” Monet said after thinking about it.

However, Gromash laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, it won’t take a week, Monet, you should contact the birdman Morgans now and tell him that our Frostwolf Pirates have defeated the Beasts Pirates. The guy Kaido went into a coma after exhaustion. He caught two of the three plagues and killed one on the spot. It really hurts my heart.

The cadre class of Beasts Pirates has been wiped out. Let him spread the news for me and put it in the newspaper.. At that time, we will not need to take action. There will be countless people rushing to remove the remaining Beasts Pirates remnants. “Swallowed up””

“But Captain, in this case, the big cake of Beasts Pirates” Monet hesitated and asked with some distress.

“Jiehahahaha, you are really careful. Kaido has many key interests in Wanokuni. The rest are nothing more than leftovers. We are not bad at this thing. We just need to win Wanokuni. The cake is so big, if you want others to contribute, you have to give these hyenas some benefits, right? New World

From now on, it is true that we are the only overlord, but it does not mean that we are the pirate group, no one can do this kind of thing to eliminate all the pirates in New World, Naval Headquarters does If we don’t, we can’t do it, and at this time, we should take out the strong mentality of our overlord, and be more calm and temperamental to let those little shrimps

Let the rice wander around, Jiehahahahaha. Gromash laughed and said, his tone was very arrogant.

After hearing Gromash’s words, Monet also showed a smile, and then said: “You are the captain, of course you will listen to everything~”

“Jiehahahaha, isn’t that of course?” Gromash said with a smile.

Then Monet asked again: “Then what’s the situation on our side? There is nothing to lose, right?”

Gromash was silent for a while, and then he said, “If you want to say that there is no damage to the hands, but Shiryu, Moria, and Drake are not lightly injured. Fortunately, Shiryu can suck blood or something, and Drake awakens himself again. It’s okay to have his ability, but this guy Moria was torn off his arms by Kaido, and he almost bleeds.

Many died. Now the injuries have stopped. I can barely save my life, but my Charlotte- Linlin’s body is completely scrapped. It still hurts to think about it.”

After hearing that no one had died, Monet was also a little relieved.As long as no one is dead, she can say anything. She smiled and said: “After you come back, let the pervert guy Hogback reconnect his arms to Moria. Isn’t it all right? It’s not too serious. As long as you don’t die, it can always be cured.

This is useful. As for Charlotte- Linlin’s corpse, 293 can also be recovered for Hogback to repair. Maybe it can still be used?”

After Monet finished speaking, Gromash also smiled and said, “I’m afraid that Hogback’s guy will prepare a pair of arms that match Moria’s body shape. Why, because his arms were ripped off by Kaido. , I was beaten into a dregs by Kaido’s breath, and I couldn’t find it..”

“That’s really a sad story…” Monet said with some emotion after hearing how miserable Moria was.

Gromash smiled and said: “We feel sad, but I think Moria is smiling very happily.”

“After all, it’s a big revenge.” Monet smiled, and then asked: “Then Captain, what should I do about Kaido? Can’t it be killed?”

“I have tried to stuff him with two Devil Fruits, but this guy seems to have “spiritual” organs in his body, and he doesn’t “digest” these things at all. Devil Fruit enters his body and just pretends to be It was in a pocket or a box, and nothing changed at all. Finally, it was regurgitated even if it was shredded.

I really don’t know what is going on with Kaido, is it possible that he has specially practiced this kind of weird ability?” Gromash smiled and said helplessly.

“The ability of Moria…” After hearing Gromash’s words, Monet was also very surprised by Kaido, and then asked about the second option.

“Moria has nothing to do, his hands are torn, and his ability depends on the strength of the opponent, such as the shadows of Joz and Lu Qi, Moria can’t pull it out, and Kaido is naturally the same, although Kaido is currently I’m in a coma, but Moria is also badly injured” Gromash said softly again.

If Moria can pick up and cut off anyone’s shadow, then he will be too invincible. Tweet the opportunity, sneak attack, and everyone will suffer a blood loss. Moria will not be as miserable as before. After all, this ability is also linked to strength. Otherwise, when Kaido was caught by Marine in those years, Marine should have asked Molly.

This Seven Warlords of the Sea “out of the mountain” to cure Kaido, and with the hatred between Moria and Kaido, he must be willing to help.

“It’s really troublesome…” Monet also smiled and said helplessly. .

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