I Am Immortal

Chapter 483: Poor Taoist, today, I will transform Buddha into Tao!

Chapter 483: Poor Taoist, today, I will transform Buddha into Tao!

  Li Hui, the human emperor of the previous generation, died together with the head of the Wang family in front of all the people.

Before falling, Wang was provoked to take action, and he fell from the [Star-Zhaing Tower]. His body was mortal, and he had no Qi to protect his body, so he died on the spot.

This scene was seen by countless people.

This family has been planning for a long time, and the fanatical procession to make a comeback suddenly turned into silence.

 “Your Majesty, Your Majesty is dead!”

 “The emperor was killed by a noble family!”

 “Guard you, protect you!”

Accompanied by waves of panicked shouts, this wave-like emotion quickly spread, and then swept across the entire capital. The family's plans and arrangements were directly overthrown in the face of the death of the Human Emperor, and Li Zhai ran wildly. When he came, he could only see his **** brother.

Li Hui wants the people to see the facts unfolding in this way—

 Aristocratic family kills the emperor!

 What a big crime!

 It was seen by countless people with their own eyes!

 This is the simplest conspiracy, but it requires the emperor to sacrifice his life.

 But it is also the most harsh conspiracy.

In the next few days, the news swept in all directions like a storm, almost spreading throughout the world at an unprecedented speed. Just like what many aristocratic families had said before when they slandered Li Zhai, people would not care about the truth. , will only care about surprising news that has never been seen or heard before and can capture people's attention.

 Just one is true and the other is false.

With his death, Li Hui dealt a final fatal blow to the entangled aristocratic family that even the mighty king's sword could not completely cut off.

 Before this, the eight great aristocratic families that had lasted for thousands of years were intertwined in this world. Faced with Li Zhai's ruthless uprooting, they also instinctively rebelled. Three months and nearly a hundred days of mutual impact were difficult to completely erase.

Confused all the people and stirred up rumors, which was extremely detrimental to Li Zhai.

 There are many overlords in history who were invincible on the battlefield, but they fell to the people and the aristocratic family; they did not die on the battlefield, but died in the court, in the trap woven by Xun Gui and the aristocratic family.

 After Li Hui committed a crime and issued an edict, he used his own death to reverse the entire situation.

 The swords struck by the noble families finally struck their own necks and vital points.


The record in the history books is that when the aristocratic families were about to lose their original power, status and wealth, they lost their minds. During the fighting and pushing, they pushed Li Hui down from the Star Reaching Tower. The head of the Wang family and He fell to death together. Later generations studied the historical data, but they doubted this.

If the Wang family wants to kill him, there is no need to involve himself.

Someone looked through the records of unofficial history and found that Li Hui was in charge of Shenwu public opinion and espionage organizations when he was young. He always maintained a gentle and jade-like appearance, but his methods were cold, cruel and extremely strong. Under Emperor Youli, During the time he was deposed, he quickly gained power, only to be defeated in the face of the majestic military power of the mighty King.

After his death, all the families involved in planning this matter were exonerated by the furious King Mighty on the unpardonable charges of "committing rebellion" and "treason and killing the emperor", and no one could intercede for them.

In this era, if the name is not correct, the words will not be smooth, and if the words are not smooth, the things will not be accomplished.

Li Hui's death handed the last sword to Li Zhai, allowing his younger brother to complete his unparalleled achievements.

This is a complex character. He has both conscience and compassion. He has great sympathy for the Xuanjia Army that fought in Jinzhou. When he was a prince, he helped his brothers resist their father, but he also had his own problems. He was so ambitious that he did not hesitate to abandon his father, and even joined forces with the Buddhist sect to resist the threat of the Taoist sect that deposed his father.

 But when he finally faced the point of [splitting the country], he completely regained his composure.

With his own death, he brought down the family's myth from the pedestal. He was killing the family for thousands of years for the sake of the world!

These aristocratic families are like climbing on the giant tree of the human world, greedily supporting themselves with the power of the human world. They clearly grow by devouring the flesh and blood of the human world, but they think they are holding the human world up; they are clearly relying on countless people in the human world. I can be so high-spirited, but I feel that I have reached this height by myself.

These aristocratic families were cut off from thousands of years of history by the "legitimacy" given to Li Zhai by Li Hui before all the people, in a decisive manner, and must be stained with innocent blood. Without the support of the flesh and blood of the common people in the world, The so-called aristocratic families will only fall from their heights into dust, losing their original aloofness.

Without these vines, this big tree in the world can extend its branches and leaves, feel the sunshine and rain, and grow better.

One month after Li Hui's death, Li Zhai's sword swing became more and more familiar and terrifying.

 The person who is the mighty king.

My mother died young, my father fainted, my brother committed suicide, and he had no wife or children.

In this world, he seemed to be alone, just like an extremely sharp knife without its scabbard, so the knife became more sharp and more careless.

 “How can there be such a single husband in the world?!”

 “How can there be such an overlord in this world?!”

Su Shengyuan looked at Li Zhai's figure. Even he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. His wife's family was from a big family and she wanted to ask for mercy. Li Zhai walked in with a white cloth tied on his forehead and a sword in hand, looking at this incorruptible man. The first sentence of the famous gentleman was: "Does even a famous man like Mr. Su, who is famous all over the world, have to intercede for a noble family?"

Su Shengyuan couldn't help but look slightly stunned.

Li Zhai's second sentence made him feel slightly cold, and said: "The power of the family has reached this point."

 “That’s why it needs to be erased.”

Su Shengyuan sighed and advised, "But there are many good families in the world."

Li Zhai looked at Su Shengyuan calmly: "Are all the people evil?"

“Or do you think Master Su would be punishing and insulting me by letting go of the noble family, harvesting the fields, and returning the noble family members to the common people?”

“Do you think that people from aristocratic families are superior and should step on the heads of the common people?”

This seventh prince, King Mighty, who was considered a rough and savage warrior, made Su Shengyuan speechless with just these few words.

 Li Zhai’s tone was calm, he stretched out his hand and said:

"It seems that even a famous scholar like Su Fuzi is burdened by his position."

 “Please go back.”

Li Zhai knew that not all the children of the aristocratic families he had beheaded and deposed were heinous; some of them were evil-doers, but there were also innocent ones. However, Li Zhai had already seen clearly that those he killed with this sword were not independent individuals. People, but [Aristocratic Family].

  It is to kill the family members for this future generation.

Even if you have to bear all the evil and dirt on your back, you won’t hesitate!

 While the aristocratic family was being exterminated one after another, Li Hui was buried by King Mighty with the rites of a king.

On the day Li Hui was buried, Qi Wuhuo did not go there. He just stood on a mountain in the human world and watched from a distance as people bid farewell to this short-lived 'Human Emperor'. The sky was overcast, and a light rain fell continuously. Qi Wuzhuo Wuhuo, with his sleeves and robe swaying, stood on the green mountain and looked at the retreating team.

I don’t know why I remembered the first time I met Li Hui.

 At that time, I was still in Zhongzhou.

Li Hui was still a gentle man in simple clothes and a jade pendant; Li Zhai just laughed and was honest, a rough and arrogant young man who looked like a military general. At that time, in the Mingzhen Taoist League, they paid some money and treasures to invite him to preach. Hui had the idea of ​​​​recruiting, but Li Zhai just wanted to pull him out and compete with him.

But now, one of them killed the family with his body, and he was dead, almost bloody; the other was tempered like fine steel in this era of turmoil and change. This is the nature of a hero, and all external tortures They can't be destroyed, they will only gradually harden under repeated impacts and forgings.

Time is so ruthless.

 Let people who once laughed together part ways and become enemies with each other.

Only when I see people who are truly acquainted, first as friends, then as enemies, and finally as dead, can I truly feel the ruthlessness of the years and the passage of time. The Taoist held a glass of wine, looked at the team over there, drank half of the glass, raised his hand, and spilled the glass of wine on the ground.

 You have gone.


 The Taoist turned around and walked around, the flags of the team dancing wildly in the wind.

 There seems to be paper money flying in the sky.

The sky is blue, the earth is long and quiet, the Taoist robes are rolled up, and he is walking farther and farther away from the world of mortals, gradually getting further and further away.

"Emperor's Chronicle" - Li Hui, he studied literature at a young age, but he had strategies, and his administration was benevolent and virtuous. He ascended the throne after being replaced by You Li. He was diligent in governing and loved the people. He promoted grammar and law, was light on corvee and paid little in taxes, and swept away the style of You Li's later period. , there are signs of resurgence, but he is paranoid about believing in Buddhism, promoting Buddhism widely, and causing chaos in the world.

King Weiwu went to the capital to be placed under house arrest. Later, the noble families put on yellow robes and tried to break up the territory and divide the territory. The emperor was angry and scolded him, saying "Edict of Sin". The king of the Wang family pushed the emperor and fell down from the building.

King Weiwu was so angry that he killed more than seventy people in the family. From then on, the family declined and never returned to the past.

 Enter the emperor's temple and respect the princes.

文 曰 愍 礼 愍 愍 惠. Benevolent and courteous is called Wen.

 Short break is called Shang. Knowing and dying is called mourning.

Posthumous title: Wen Shang!


After Li Hui's death, Li Zhai used ruthless methods to examine various aristocratic families, and finally confirmed that whether it was the aristocratic families who went to seduce Li Weifeng or the aristocratic families who went to Zhaixinglou, there was a vague shadow of Buddhism behind them. After spending time investigating, he discovered that while he was focusing his attention on dealing with the aristocratic family, Buddhism was also continuing to spread its teachings in various places.

These nine states are as vast as mountains, and the Buddhist monks are like ants. How can they be eradicated?

 It is impossible to kill them all completely.

He looked at the monks who had been bound up and preached the Dharma from various places. These monks had wounds on their faces and closed their eyes without speaking.

 Inspiring people to leave their families and relatives and devote themselves to temples, becoming people who have no home, no room, no father and no mother.

Li Zhai looked at these monks and wanted to chop them to death with the sword in his palm, but he also knew very well that killing at this time had no meaning or effect at all. Just when he was feeling annoyed, someone reported and said There are guests coming.

Li Zhai calmed down his emotions and asked the soldiers to invite the visitor in. He saw the man walking in with a fly whisk in his arm and a calm expression.

The look on Li Zhai's face relaxed. After greetings, he asked, "Why is Taoist Master here today?"

Qi Wuhuo swept over the monks who were **** with ropes like gourds rolling on the ground, and said:

 “For Buddhism.”

Li Zhai sighed and said, "The Taoist priest has retired to the city. I haven't seen you for several months."

“I came here today because of this matter.”

 He threw the file on the table next to him.

He stood up, bowed his hands and said, "Sir, please teach me."

He no longer addressed him as Taoist Master, but as Sir. Qi Wuhuo looked at the records in the file, and the battle over fate between Buddhism and Taoism and the human world during this period seemed to reappear in front of his eyes—

At the beginning, Li Zhai diverted his troops from the border pass and turned back into the border pass in one breath. Along the way, he uprooted many temples and knocked down the statues of Buddhist temples; then Qi Wuhuo defeated the Buddha in the capital.

However, he never used any dangerous means to kill these Bodhisattvas.

But later, they discovered what happened to Landa Temple. At this time, Qi Wuhuo finally started to kill people. Now, Landa Temple has disappeared, and the Buddhas have not entered, but they have sent out countless monks. Entering the human world from anywhere, not building a temple, not having a high level of cultivation, just constantly spreading the Dharma, it's like cannibalizing the fate of humanity.

The **** Dharma monk said calmly: "Amitabha, you two don't need to do more useless work."

“My Buddha’s Dharma is boundless, vast and vast, and can save all suffering. In this world, it is time for my Buddhist sect to flourish. This is also an opportunity in the human world. Even if you kill us, you will not be able to cut off the boundless Dharma.”

“It’s better to lead the people of this country, shave their hair, change their clothes, and follow my Buddha. This is the right thing to do!”

The monks who were captured and brought back looked calm and fearless.

 “Shut up!!”

The sword in Li Zhai's palm was swept across the scabbard and hit the monk's face directly, leaving a dazzling mark. His teeth fell out and were stained with blood, but the monk didn't care and just smiled gently.

And Qi Wuzhuo swept his fly whisk, and Buddhism was advancing step by step, as if the threads of cause and effect were constantly tightening, and the conflict between the two sides would only become more and more acute. Qi Wuzhu could almost see the Buddha's light eroding the world from all directions, and felt his luck. The one ebbs and the other ebbs and flows.

 The Taoist's eyes were calm.

 One step back, two steps back.

 You are like this, don’t blame Pindao.

 Li Zhai asked in a deep voice: "What method does the Taoist master have?"

 These Buddhist monks who were captured were all cultivated in the Buddhist kingdoms of the Western Heaven.

They are all extremely fanatical and devout about the Buddhist lineage they practice. Even when facing the mighty kings Li Zhai and Qi Wuhuo, they are not afraid at all. They firmly believe that Buddhism will surely gain glory and victory, and what they see in front of them is just a necessary hardship, even if Dying here is just a sacrifice of light and justice.

At this moment, he just lowered his eyes and recited Buddhist scriptures with a pious look on his face, not caring about the Dharma taught by the Taoist.

 They heard the Taoist’s answer:

“Buddhism entered the world, and the Dharma lineage eroded the life and destiny of the people. Although it cannot be destroyed now, it can be combined and corrected.”

When all the monks heard this, a smile appeared on their lips.

 My Buddha’s Dharma is boundless, and you should be afraid of me. This is how you should be.

However, what do combination and correction mean?

They were curious, and soon heard the man speak slowly:

“Change Buddhist temples into temples, Sakyamuni into devas, Bodhisattva into great masters, Arhats into venerable ones, monks into virtuous men, all with their hair crowned and carrying slips…”

Um? !

The monks' hearts froze for a moment, and they immediately realized the weight of this sentence. They suddenly opened their eyes as if they were greatly frightened and frightened. They were about to subconsciously scold him, but when they raised their eyes, they saw an incredible scene, and their expressions suddenly changed.

  Boom! !

They seemed to see the sky and the earth dim, as if they saw all dharmas sinking, as if they saw the light of Buddhas, but they also seemed to see a huge and majestic figure behind this Taoist, with a cold and indifferent expression, holding a sword towards the light of all Buddhas, and fiercely Kill him fiercely!

 The Buddhas usurped the luck of the human world, but they also forgot that they also had prosperous luck.

 Your own luck can also be swallowed up.

 It is turning Buddha into Tao, it is swallowing luck!

 What a ruthless Taoist! What a vicious method!

The Taoist's eyes swept over the frightened monks, and every word he spoke seemed to be accompanied by immeasurable luck, falling into this calamity of heaven and earth, setting off a wild wave, reversing the situation, and causing countless ripples to spread in all directions. Come, it will last for generations to come, but at this moment, it is only sunny and windy. I saw a person saying calmly:

 “Change into Buddha and become the Great Enlightenment Golden Immortal.”

 “Change clothes and name.”

 “Incorporate, Daomen.”

 (End of this chapter)

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