Chapter 16 Redhead Broken Arm

“It’s really amazing, little brother, I didn’t expect your overlord color to be so strong.” Looking at the stunned Roan, Shanks sighed, this is really a demon.

“You passed the prize, I didn’t expect my overlord color domineering to be so strong.” Luo An said modestly, but this is not modest, because Luo An really did not expect that he would be so strong.

“Forget it, let’s go back and see the villagers first, in other words, little brother, you have been in trouble this time…”

“Ah, accidentally got into trouble.” Luo An is also very distressed, this is the first time he released the overlord color domineering, there is no accurate head at all, the whole village was stunned by him, this is just that, with Luo An’s prestige in the village and he has sheltered the village many times over the years, the villagers will not say anything.

But the problem is the house, now most of the houses in the village are affected by their domineering, on the surface it seems that there is nothing wrong, but the internal structure of the house should have been destroyed, most of them have become dangerous houses, can not live at all, this is a big trouble – not a problem of money, Luo An does not care about money, the problem is that these houses need to be demolished and rebuilt, but where should the villagers live during this period? The resettlement of so many people is a big problem, can’t you let them set up tents, right?

“Don’t worry, maybe things aren’t as bad as we think.” Speaking of this, there is also Shanks’ responsibility, so he quickly comforted: “After all, the distance is so far, let me see how the situation is.” ”

After speaking, Shanks began to see and smell domineering, and began to perceive the situation in the village, and Luo An next to him immediately felt the fluctuations of seeing and smelling, and instantly analyzed the structure of seeing and smelling. Just as he was about to use it, he saw Shanks suddenly open his eyes.

“Not good, Luffy is in danger.” After Shanks finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he had already disappeared.

“Luffy…” Luo An was shocked, because he remembered, just after Luffy got the Devil Fruit ability, he ran into the mountain thief Sig’s gang, and Luffy, who was already very upset, found trouble with Sig at that time. It’s just that Luffy is only seven years old and has just eaten the Devil Fruit, while Seeg is an adult, and he can be offered a reward of eight million Baileys, of course, he has some skills, at least not Luffy can defeat.

The result was naturally that Luffy was caught and humiliated, and just when Seeg was about to give Luffy the final blow, Shanks arrived, Ben Beckman killed Seeger’s younger brother, but Seeger used a smoke bomb to escape, and took Luffy to the beach… In the end, although Seeg was eaten by the King of the Near Sea, Luffy also fell into the water, and Shanks was bitten off an arm by the King of the Near Sea in order to save Luffy.

The final result is that Shanks entrusts his most beloved straw hat to Luffy, and then agrees that the two will meet again, and when Luffy becomes a good pirate, he will return the straw hat… I always feel that this paragraph seems to be Shanks deliberately acting for Luffy to see.

“Damn, I forgot about this stubble.” Roan was anxious, although Luffy’s safety did not have to worry, even if Shanks did not catch up, his crew was not something that an eight million mountain thief could deal with. The problem is that if there is no plot of Shanks’ broken arm, how the future plot will develop, but it is difficult to say, and even without Shanks’ broken arm, Luffy’s belief in becoming One Piece will be stronger, which is also difficult to say.


“It seems that we have to learn the six styles early.” Luo An muttered while rushing to the beach bitterly, as for Shanks, there was no shadow for a long time, which is why he was pressing, because he lacked a fast enough displacement technique, and every time he rushed, he could only run with his legs, not only wrong but also very unpressed – look at those strong people, which one does not have a high pressing skill ah?

The yellow ape’s cannonball, Doflamingo’s line gliding, the pheasant’s sea bicycle, and the golden lion float the entire island as its own warship… At the end of the day, there are also skills similar to shaving or mooncloth to hurry. Only Luo An, who has been focusing on improving his physical fitness over the years, has not learned any of the physical skills, and naturally has no high-quality rushing skills, can only rely on his own strength, slam the ground, produce a strong counterforce, and push himself forward.

Fortunately, the windmill village is not big, and by the time Luo An arrived at the dock, the matter was not over, Siger had been eaten, the king of the near sea was about to swallow Luffy, Shanks flew to the rescue, and the king of the near sea tore off Shanks’ left arm.

“Luffy.” It was at this time that Luo An arrived, looking at Shanks, who had his left arm torn off, and the King of the Near Sea, who was shocked by his overlord color and wanted to escape, Luo An’s eyes flashed a fierce color.

“If you want to go, how can it be so easy?” Luo An came to the sea, his right hand probed into the sea, and the blue-white thunder and lightning spread along the sea.


Like pouring cold water into a boiling oil pot, the sea water instantly boiled, and endless thunder and lightning spread wantonly along the seawater, and the thunder covered the entire sea surface. When the thunder light dissipated, the sea water had boiled and began to evaporate, and the king of the near sea was also lying on the surface of the sea, covered in black smoke, accompanied by the sea breeze, and a smell of meat came with the wind – he was actually instantly roasted by this thunder and lightning.

“That’s awesome.” This scene just fell in the eyes of other people who rushed over, whether it was people who were familiar with Luo An, such as village chief Marcino, or people from the red-haired pirate group such as Ben Beckman Jesus Bu, they were shocked and inexplicable when they saw this scene.

Marcino and the village chief knew that Luo An was very powerful, but they did not expect that Luo An would be so powerful, he could actually evaporate a sea area in an instant, and although Ben Beckman knew that Luo An was not simple, he also did not expect that Luo An was so terrible. The lightning released in an instant made a sea boil, roasting a small sea king…

This kind of strength, even if it is placed on the sea, is also a strong party, even if it becomes His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, it is completely qualified, and this may not be the strongest trick of others (His Majesty the Seven Wuhai should have been established 21 years before the beginning of the plot, because when Luo was ten years old and was still under Doflamingo, the newspaper that Klasson was holding had the head of Klockdar, which was reported as the hero of Alabastan, and Oda also admitted this), plus the strong stock just now was different from the captain, But the powerful palpitating overlord-colored domineering – this little brother is probably not as simple as it seems.

Such a strong man is actually willing to live in seclusion in this small village, what is his plan?

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