Chapter 43 Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Harvest on Ship

Since it has the ability to discharge, how can it not develop a super-electromagnetic gun? Sister Cannon’s skills are too cool, and it is simply a waste not to develop them.

The super-electromagnetic cannon, also known as the coil cannon, is an advanced kinetic energy killing weapon made by using electromagnetic emission technology. Unlike the traditional cannon to act on the gunpowder gas pressure on the projectile, the electromagnetic cannon uses the Lorentz force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to accelerate the metal cannonball so that it reaches the kinetic energy required to hit the target.

The principle is to use super electromagnets, the weapon made of a conductor shell is generally used on battleships, of course, if you have to install it on land, no one will say anything.

The advantages of the super electromagnetic gun are high power, long range, high accuracy and small cost, it is simply the first choice for future weapons, plus because the projectile is generally a solid iron bullet, there are no electronic components in it, so unless you are hitting head-on, other interception methods will not be effective, not to mention the speed of the super electromagnetic gun is super fast, it is said that the fastest speed can reach 100 kilometers per second, although it is not yet reached, but it can also reach four or five kilometers per second, this speed is already more than ten times the speed of sound, Basically, you launch here, the shells over there arrive, and there is simply no time to react, let alone intercept.

But until the twenty-first century, the superelectromagnetic gun was not completed, because the material was unqualified, especially the absence of superconductors, the absence of superconducting materials, which means that the material cannot withstand the high temperature generated by the huge amount of discharge, that is, a shell will burn a machine … Even if the country has money, it can’t afford such a squander, right? What’s more, the cost of the super electromagnetic gun battery is super high, even the United States cannot afford such a squander, where is this artillery? This is clearly burning money. It is precisely because there is no material that the super electromagnetic gun can only become a work on the design drawing, and it is very difficult to achieve.

But when it comes to Luoan, these problems are not a problem, because of the Bobo fruit, he himself is a superconductor that can turn electricity into magnetism one hundred percent, as for the rest, it is very simple, only a suitable conductor is needed, and there is no doubt that shells made of pure iron are the most suitable materials – as for where his shells come from, eh … Naturally, it was stolen from the warehouses of the Kingdom of Victoria.

After shooting the last shell, Luo An was a little disappointed, because the Draco’s ship did not sink, on the one hand, because the Draco’s ship was of good quality and was made of the branch of the treasure tree Adam, which was also Luo An’s own reason on the other hand.

Because the characteristics of the super electromagnetic gun are fast and powerful, but the super power also brings great penetrating power, so that although Luo An has deliberately controlled the speed, and uses shells that will explode, there are still some shells that did not explode, but fell into the sea after penetrating the Draco ship. So don’t look at the holes of the Draco ship, but most of them are just skin trauma, just look scary, you can plug it with a wooden board, and you don’t even need to go into the shipyard to repair it, you can repair it just by relying on the shipbuilders on board.

What’s more, although the super electromagnetic gun did not cause much trauma to the ship, but the lethality of people is still very strong, you must know that the super electromagnetic gun not only has the lethality of the projectile, but more importantly, this thing is charged, so after each shell hits, the people next to it will be burned into char by the strong current, and even if it is not electrocuted, the shell passes through the air flow carried and rolls up the ship fragments, which will also beat people into holes.

Therefore, when Luo An descended on the ship, in fact, there were few living people on the entire ship, and even if they were alive, they were all remnants of the defeated soldiers, lying on the deck with wounds and wailing, Luo An just released a few thunder lines and killed all these people, anyway, on this warship, there are no good people except slaves, all are bastards who help to cause abuse, and he kills without a little psychological burden.

“Huh? No way? Someone got there first? Roan quickly found Jermako, but saw that Gelmar had turned into a pile of meat paste, blood and flesh splattered all over the room, and there was a bloody stick next to the corpse, which fully explained how this Draco died.

However, Luo An is not interested in how Jerma Ke Sheng died, he came up this time, in addition to saving slaves, the more important thing is to search for treasures, you must know that this is a Draco, especially this time he patrols the East China Sea, countries along the way will definitely offer a lot of treasures, plus his own collection – this is definitely a large amount, can not be missed.

Jermako’s collection was not hidden, but blatantly placed outside, but think about it, this is his bedroom, who would have the guts to come to his house and steal something? Don’t want to live?

“I’ll go, it’s all good things.” After seeing the collection of Djermark Saint, Luo An’s eyes turned into golden ingots, you must know how much he cares about money, but even so, he was shocked, which shows how rich the collection here is. What’s more, the collection displayed in the room is not only huge in quantity, but also in quality. Most of them are antiques, and the rest are rare items.

For example, Roan found two famous knives in the collection of Jerma Ke Sheng, one of which is the big fast knife Ratchet, the other is the good fast knife Ziyun, in addition to these two knives, there are three demon fruits, the specific type can not see what it is, but from the appearance point of view, it should be one each of the natural department, the superhuman line and the animal line – worthy of the Draco, even the natural demon fruit can be collected casually, it seems that one day I have to go to the Holy Land Mary Joa to see, there must be more devil fruits hidden there.

There are not many collections in the Gelmarco Holy Room, only more than a hundred precious antiques and treasures, two famous knives, three devil fruits and a ring that constantly shimmers with a dark blue luster, this ring is pulled from the only hand of Gelmar Saint that is relatively intact, and can be carried by Gelmar Saint even to sleep, obviously this ring is not just precious, I am afraid there are other functions, but Luo An did not understand the use of this ring for a while, so he could only put it away first, and slowly study it after going back.

The above is what Roan searched out of Jermako’s room, the only strange thing is that there is no gold and Bailey in these collections, which makes Roan wonder for a long time.

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