I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 221 Teaching by words and deeds (first update)

Xu Zhentao also left in a hurry. He had prepared two cigarettes as a gift, but he forgot to take them with him and left them on his desk.

But as long as he saw Zhang Haonan, he knew that smoking addiction was not a big problem.

"Do you smoke or not?"

"What Laoyan? Yunyan?"

"Luojiashan, have you heard of this brand?"

Zhang Haonan was a little proud. Xu Zhentao didn't know this brand 100%. The key was that the "Luojiashan" brand cigarettes had long been gone. What he got now was the original packaging with the current cigarettes.

It was mainly circulated in the hands of a group of retired old men, and the quantity was not large. But it happened that among the group of animals in "Clicking Chat", there was a local boy who did not study at Jianghan University, and then during the National Day, two of them were brought along.

Strictly speaking, this is illegal production and illegal sales, but because it is not circulated in the market, it is just for the entertainment of old men and women, so the people will not take action.

"Luojia Mountain? Hasn't this brand disappeared a long time ago?"

Wei Gang is a veteran of the Jianghu industry. He remembers that when he was a child, college students from Songjiang sent to Shacheng smoked these cigarettes for a few cents, which was very cheap.

"It's fake. The factory is still the same as before. The brand is gone. There is just some wrapping paper left in the warehouse and the waste has been reused. It was something that retired workers used to entertain themselves."

With that said, Zhang Haonan took out a bag from his arms and threw it to Xu Zhentao.

Director Xu hurriedly opened it, shook one out, lit it up and took a sip. He was stunned: "How does it look like a 'Marlboro'? It also feels a bit like a 'Yellow Crane Tower'."

"It doesn't matter so much, just smoke."

Zhang Haonan flipped his cards, grabbed a melon seed on the corner of the table, and said while cracking it, "I have an employee at the software company I run in Jiankang who is my senior. His hometown is Jianghan. I guess his family's connections are pretty good."

"Here you go, let me eat and see."

After Wei Gang finished speaking, Xu Zhentao quickly shook one over and lit it for him.

After taking a sip, Wei Gang nodded: "Yes, it tastes like this. In the past, this cigarette was very cheap, a dime cost a few cents. Songjiang college students who came to the countryside smoked this, and I even helped them pick up well water for half a month." "

"Carrying water? What are you doing?"

"Pouring Chinese cabbage. They are all city dwellers, so how can they suffer such a hardship. But they are very nice people, and they gave me the money. Haha..."

After laughing for a while, Wei Gang talked about these college students, and Zhang Haonan's face trembled.

Good guy, the old man has his own halo? It’s not easy for a few college students.

One of them had presided over the development of the light textile industry in East China. He also held a top position in the old Ministry of Textile Industry.

Another one went to a prefecture-level city in two Zhejiang provinces to become a leader.

It is not easy to have a woman. She went to Beijing and continued to work for women and children.

If we add Wei Gang himself, wouldn't he be the Four Heavenly Kings?


But it was obvious that there was no envy in Wei Gang's tone, he was just recalling the past.

"Will the ones from Songjiang still be transferred to Shacheng?"

"What's so strange about this? There are people who have gone to the northwest and southwest. We are poor. At least we can't go hungry. Hey, at that time I wished I could eat crabs every day, but now I treat them like treasures."

Zhang Haonan does not deny this. Even if Shacheng enters a period of relatively serious pollution, there is no need to worry about the clean waters producing abundant fish and shrimps. It is indeed difficult to go hungry.

"Do you still have cigarettes?"

Wei Gang followed two cards and asked Zhang Haonan.

"I brought two here and put them in the bag."

"Give one to Xu Zhentao and ask him to bring it to me."

"Mr. Zhang, did you hear me? Hand over the cigarettes quickly."

"What are you barking at?!"

The two exchanged blows for a while, and then someone called out to prepare for dinner. Zhang Haonan threw the cards away and said, "Eat, eat, people are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will be hungry."

Wei Gang also threw away the cards, then rummaged through the gift bag, found a "Luojia Mountain", and gave it to Xu Zhentao.

"Oh, no need to give them. I still have them at home. I'll pick one up on the way back."

"That's good."

He stuffed it back casually. Wei Gang washed his hands and took the main seat in the living room. Five tables were also set up. There was one table in the east room on the first floor, another table in the kitchen stove, and three tables in the living room. It happened to be another With the door open, everyone can see each other, and there will be no awkward atmosphere.

Women and children were all in the east room. After all, some people were smoking. The most lively ones were the naughty children, who were all asking how many babies Zhao Feiyan would have.

There are also girls who follow the star Su Jiang. They think Su Jiang is so beautiful, so powerful, sings so well, and has so many talents... They are extremely envious.

Zhang Haonan sat at the same table with Wei Gang, and his chubby grandson sat next to him wearing a pair of glasses. He was only a freshman in high school this year. Because his grandfather asked him about his academic performance during the Chinese New Year, he has been autistic until now.

Zhang Haonan hooked up with him and chatted about interesting things. Little Fatty was very envious of Zhang Haonan and asked in a low voice: "Brother Haonan, I heard that you have several wives?"

He spoke in Mandarin, and some people from other places immediately pricked up their ears to listen.

"Not a few, maybe three."

"Wow...that's amazing."

"It's okay, but it's more expensive to support a wife."

"What are you two farting at? You can't eat!"

Wei Gang was furious. He originally thought that Zhang Haonan was a top student and a famous university student, so he had to teach his grandson by words and deeds to devote himself to learning.

In the end, this is how you set an example when you came here? !

The little fat man immediately shrank his head and said nothing, burying his head in the ribs.

Before Zhang Haonan was reborn, the main interaction he had with Wei Gang was almost smashing his head with a stick, but there were other interactions as well. For example, with this chubby grandson, Zhang Haonan had dinner with him several times.

Unlike Wei Gang's tough character, what should this kid say?

Basically, he is an abnormal "dog licker" who has the heart but not the courage to pursue beautiful girls.

But think about it, in such a family environment, it is actually not easy to build a strong heart.

"Let me tell you, times have changed now. If you want to catch the best beauties, you must not be too low-level. Look at me, I am from a prestigious university and have a lot of money. Even if I don't look good, I will still kill everyone. You now Study hard and get admitted to Beijing University, but are you afraid that no beautiful woman will fall behind you?"

"It's a difficult test."

"Set the goal higher. Even if it's not the best when the time comes, it will still be first-class."

"You're so old because you're so good at studying?"

"I'm the best example. I don't believe you. Ask Director Xu, when have I ever gone out to eat without a bunch of women wanting to come over and throw themselves into my arms? But I have a high vision and I can't look down on the crappy guys. Brother, like you With such conditions, if you are more educated and thinner, you will definitely be Yang Guo in Shacheng. All the beautiful girls from Lingnan with big breasts and fat bodies will treat you to drink herbal tea to relieve the heat."

"Zhang Haonan!"

Wei Gang's eyes almost popped out.

"Don't worry about your grandpa. He doesn't like beauties when he's getting older. We are only in our teens, and it's when our passion is high. There's nothing wrong with liking beauties. Right?"

"Yes... uh, no, I want to study hard..."

Little Fatty glanced at the angry grandfather and quickly continued to eat with his head lowered. The people at the table were suppressing laughter, and Xu Zhentao laughed unbridled: "Listen to this coward talking, it's just a fart, and he can't even say a decent word when he opens his mouth. "

"Lend me the car tomorrow."


Xu Zhentao shut up, and the furious Wei Gang did not rant. He was not stupid. He naturally understood that Zhang Haonan was trying to make his grandson improve in another way. It was this method that made people feel uncomfortable.

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