I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 276 Walking to pick up gold

The inspection in Guangling was divided into three batches with a total of four teams. The group on July 14th was from Jiankang. People from the Provincial Department of Agriculture actually came to meet Wei Gang and Zhang Haonan in the name of research, hoping that They help speak in the media.

The level of this favor will all come next. Zhang Haonan himself is not sure what happened, but Wei Gang soon explained the details.

"Southwestern Agricultural University has made breakthroughs in the research of high-yielding, high-strength and disease-resistant cotton. It has created something called 'Chongqing Cotton No. 1' and hopes to promote it in the Yangtze River Basin. It is probably because farmers are worried that farmers are not willing to plant it, so they hope we can help."

"Mayor Wei, you have a loud voice and it's enough to shout about it in the media. What does that mean to me?!"

Boss Zhang, who looked confused, was a bit unbelievable. Why not ask him about this kind of thing?

"Use your brain. How many villages in Jiangbei have you signed cooperative agreements with? Those farmers who make money now are just advertisements. Even your farts are delicious now, do you understand?"


Zhang Haonan didn't feel confident, and he didn't understand cotton cultivation. What if it was academic fraud?

Something happened, didn't he have a puddle of yellow mud in his plain white crotch?

"It's up to you to stay or go. If you want to agree, then agree. If you don't want to, then don't. How can others force me?"

"You have to be tough when you speak now that you are retired."

"I dare to take on the job even if I don't retire. How much the farmers in Jiangbei will lose, I will drag them over to Shacheng to find a factory to work in, and I will make up for it. You can decide for yourself how much food you eat and how much care you take."

"Ask your secretary to help me polish a speech and articles. The fee is very affordable, a thousand words and a thousand words."


Before Zhang Haonan was reborn, when he opened a machinery factory, his contact with cotton was probably repairing machines or making spare parts for the cotton mills.

He knew nothing about cotton spinning, but some knowledge of machinery.

Now that the Provincial Department of Agriculture suddenly came up with something like this, I was a little caught off guard. However, as Old Man Wei said, leaving or staying is your own choice. There are risks, but there are definitely benefits.

Boss Zhang, who was thinking that he would be on the Chengtianmen viewing platform ten years later, agreed to the request of the Provincial Department of Agriculture without thinking for long.

The next day, there was an article signed "Zhang Haonan" and published in the Provincial Agricultural Newspaper. Of course, there were a bunch of titles in front of the three words "Zhang Haonan".

Chairman of Shacheng Food Co., Ltd., a leading enterprise in the agricultural and sideline products processing industry... Zhang Haonan.

Shacheng agricultural product processing leader...Zhang Haonan.

Famous rural entrepreneur in Liangjiang Province... Zhang Haonan.

The leader of farmers in Shacheng getting rich...Zhang Haonan.

All in all, it's very bluffing, and it even comes with a photo. However, Boss Zhang is really not photogenic. At first glance, the black and white photo really looks like the XX agency detected the XX gang and arrested the gang leader Zhang XX...

If paired with two old-style police uniforms with a sense of time, the person photographed is not the chairman of "Shacheng Food", but the anti-XX militants waiting to be shot at the public trial.

Wei Gang advised him to trim his eyebrows. His appearance was not good at first glance, and he didn’t know if the farmer would doubt his life after reading the article.

Later, the Provincial and Taiwan Agriculture Column also made a trip to Guangling City and conducted an interview.

The first is to encourage scientific research and innovation, and the second is to create confidence for cotton farmers. In short, if it is done in a lively and impressive manner, Boss Zhang can be considered to be in the high-end media again.

Not to mention, the effect was quite good. After Zhang Haonan was interviewed by the print media and TV media, at least the local cotton spinning bosses in Shacheng all called Ding Yong to see if there was any news.

After all, I'm cross-channelling, so I don't know if I don't ask about it.

Mr. Ding, who is old and has a son, is also confused. What is Gou Ba stuff, what is cotton, what is provincial Taiwan? What kind of blind knot is Mr. Zhang doing outside?

His wife was still far from alive, but she was already pregnant, and the fortune teller in the village and the old gynecologist said that this was a son. When Old Man Ding was happy, he dug into his own pocket and asked the villagers to give him a massage.

Wujiadai is a geomantic treasure land.

"Mr. Zhang, didn't you inspect the shoemaking production environment? How did you get the cotton?"

"Oh, it's like this. Old cotton shoes are popular in Europe as beach shoes. I made some cotton and filled the holes in the Crocs. That's it."


I was so speechless when I heard Zhang Haonan fart.

After making a little joke, Zhang Haonan explained the matter. After listening to it, Ding Yong immediately sighed with emotion: "Mr. Zhang, as the old saying goes, the world and the earth are all working together. This means that you can still pick up gold even if you walk smoothly. "

"I won't pick up gold if it's there. When I bend over, my account balance will be filled with gold. It's not cost-effective."


After bragging, Zhang Haonan talked in detail with Ding Yong about the promotion of cotton planting. The provincial department asked Zhang Haonan to help promote it, which was different from the past.

In the past, state-owned farms worked as soon as they received a task without having to think too much about it. But now it is different. They are all about efficiency and profit. Many tasks are really not given up on small farms at the next level.

Therefore, individual farmers who already occupy a large scale have a higher weight at this time.

But similarly, if you let retail farmers plant crops, you'd better be able to really increase production first. Farmers are extremely tolerant, but they are not really stupid. If they are forced to leave the land and go out to beg for food, who is afraid of whom?

In some rural areas where the relationship between cadres and the masses is tense, it has really reached the point of "having breasts means being a mother". Calculating the rights and wrongs at this time is just confusing. How to continue to do things is the top priority.

Therefore, Zhang Haonan, who can make people money, is naturally a well-spoken card character.

A person may not be good-looking, but his words must be pleasing to the ear.

Besides, Boss Zhang can really make people make money. The Pengcheng case is still an important sample in Liangjiang Province and is used as a reference for almost all rural farmer cooperation projects.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to copy.

"Shacheng Food" occupies not only the right time and place, but also the indescribable "people and people".

In fact, in the final analysis, what makes Zhang Haonan different from other agricultural and sideline product company owners is that not only is he a real rural person, he has also suffered all the hardships that individual farmers have suffered, and he also knows how to turn the things grown in the fields into money. How difficult.

The rural cooperative of "Shacheng Food" solves the company's product pool at the top, but actually solves the farmers' concerns and pain points at the bottom?

Ding Yong can manage the company well, but he doesn't understand why the company takes root in a different place and is not acclimated to the local environment.

The truth here is nothing more than empathizing and empathizing with others, but Boss Zhang has always been arrogant and likes to show off, so he is too lazy to talk to others.

Not long after the results of "Chongqing Cotton No. 1" began to be reported on July 15, the Provincial Department of Agriculture contacted Boss Zhang again. There were not many flower girls, but the policy was very poor.


This shocked Mr. Ding in Shacheng, although he really didn't understand why...

Then came Wei Gang's interview and Wei Gang's opinion. Wei Gang's cards were pretty good, and the big cotton spinning companies in Suzhou and Liangxi areas gave him face and said they would at least order a batch of "Chongqing Cotton No. 1" to give it a try.

The local cotton spinning factories in Shacheng are also following in the footsteps of Wei Laohan and unswervingly contributing to my country's scientific research.

Procurement is certain next year, and managers have been sent out to negotiate. This has also given reassurance to many small farms, and has given stronger confidence to the cotton farming areas in Liangjiang Province.

This series of operations has also earned the Provincial Department of Agriculture the praise of superior leadership units. They believe that the Liangjiang Provincial Department of Agriculture is at the forefront of the times, grasping the pulse of the times, and using the spirit of innovation to improve my country's agricultural scientific research and farmers' living standards. To improve the cause, he has set an example and taken the lead.

Zhang Haonan saw that this matter had reached this level. If something went wrong, wouldn't the Ministry of Agriculture directly give him a big slap?

The big-ear scraper is going to die, and it won't stop until it's beaten into a pig's head.

In desperation, Boss Zhang had no choice but to ask the female Bodhisattva Fan Susu for help at night... After having sex twice, he felt relieved.

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