I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 296 It has to be

Old Man Wei's political sense is extraordinary. It is almost the same as his analysis and judgment. For several days in a row, he has been in contact with people from all walks of life, including people from the political arena, academic circles, business associations and even the entertainment industry. Wearing all kinds of beauties.

Your grandma’s…

Just because I am lustful, you do this? !


However, Boss Zhang is as stable as an old dog, which makes many people feel that there is something wrong with the analysis. Could it be that Boss Zhang's overwork directly led to impotence at the age of nineteen?


In fact, Boss Zhang is still lustful, but these guys really think highly of Boss Zhang.

In fact, he has no interest in beauty, knowledge and conversation, that is to say, he doesn't value inner beauty. He just simply, seriously, likes young girls with big breasts, white skin and beauty.

You put two fried soybeans at the airport, and then the most luxurious airport in Asia... it's none of my business.

Not interested in.

What bad luck.

I am a famous college student, does it have anything to do with my lack of quality...?

It doesn't matter!

I am the chairman of a local leading company. Does it have anything to do with my vulgar taste...?

It doesn't matter!

Zhang Haonan really wants to tell these people who want to win over him that if you do this, you should do it seriously and be professional, okay?

Damn, I'm just playing with an elegant tune. I'm not writing lyrics in the check column. I just want to hear others sing Shiba Mo.

"Young student, yes, but I underestimated you. Among the two groups of people who came here, they are all old people, well-known social butterflies, and rarely make mistakes. A young man like you can actually control it."

"These grandmas are too young."


The rough fingers holding the receiver almost crushed it.

Old Man Wei took a deep breath and reminded himself all the time that this kid was nothing, and he must not have any extra fantasies about him.

calm down……

However, although the matter of tricking Boss Zhang into sleeping with him was a dirty one, many media outlets did not ignore Boss Zhang. It was regarded as a sideline.

Except for CCTV, although other central media and local major media did not directly report on Zhang Haonan, they started from the issue of rural cults and conducted positive reports on rural ideological camps and ideologies.

The main thing is to choose natural villages in the "Shacheng Food" rural supply and marketing system. The villages in the northernmost Pengcheng area also accepted interviews and reports.

The content of the report is divided into several parts. The first is to describe the worries and hesitation of the local old village chief before cooperating with "Shacheng Food", and how to communicate with old comrades and do ideological work with the farmers who have the courage to enterprising; the second is to describe the cooperation of the cooperative farmers. The joy after a big increase in income, a new house, a new greenhouse or even a new farm tractor...

Regardless of whether "Shacheng Food" is willing or not, it now has to serve as a tool for the publicity department, and it has also passively invested some public relations resources.

Many people think that this kind of positive report is a good thing, and it is true at first glance. However, in this special period, or a special period of ideological confusion at the grassroots level, "Shacheng Food" passively assumed social obligations that exceeded its own carrying capacity.

At this time, many rural areas are asking to cooperate with "Shacheng Food". This is not just the rural areas' unilateral desire to get rich, but also the political needs of local governments and higher-level governments.

To resist this kind of pressure, you don't just have to act like a bachelor or a scoundrel as people imagine.

Ding Yong may not abandon one or two counties, but what about the seven or eight prefecture-level cities, dozens of county-level cities, and thousands of rural areas?

There is an extremely huge network of relationships behind it. Unless "Shacheng Food" stops here, it will have to take over.

"I quit. I will close Shacheng Food this year and withdraw my shares."

At a special meeting of the Shacheng City Government, Boss Zhang did not panic at all and said straightforwardly, "Anyway, I have earned tens of millions, which is enough."




The heads of the ministries, commissions and provinces were speechless. The first, second and third leaders in Shacheng lowered their heads in embarrassment, like a primary school student who had made a mistake.

The deputy mayor of Gusu City was stunned: What the hell?

"What? Is the market economy normal? I'm not feeling well and I'm preparing to retire. Isn't that reasonable?"




Boss Zhang looked calm, "The ancients also practiced 'returning old age and returning home' and 'begging for bones'. Isn't it true that today's society still engages in feudal personal dependence? Isn't it?"

"Watch your attitude!"

Old comrade Wei Gang spoke at the right time, "Don't engage in emotional confrontation. If there is something difficult to operate, just object directly. What's the use of being emotional? The leaders are here today to solve the problem. If you have any demands, just ask them. What's the point? Maybe they will be killed but not buried?"




The people in the ministries and provinces were speechless again. They were not fools. When they saw that this bad old man was on Zhang Haonan's side, he made it clear that "Shacheng Food" could be used as a tool, but you didn't want to have sex for free, right?

You can get some money for prostitution.

If you don't have money for prostitution, you can learn from Liu Yong and write some words to make people famous.

This current Shacheng leadership team is not wild. After all, the era when wildness is needed to be self-reliant has passed.

Wei Gang's long-term "bearing the burden and forging ahead" is so that those who come late do not need to bear the burden, but only need to forge ahead.

After the translators translated Wei Gang's words, the leaders' faces were not very good-looking. It would take some qualifications and skills to be able to defeat these officials.

"Rural ideological issues in the Jianghuai area are very confusing now, but after all, the source of all problems is economic issues. 'Shacheng Food' is very experienced in reshaping rural vitality, so we hope that 'Shacheng Food' can go out of Shacheng , go out of Liangjiang Province and make greater achievements in a broader world..."

A human spirit is a human spirit, and the slutty words just come out of your mouth.

Zhang Haonan watched with eyes, nose, and heart, pondering many things in this situation. Wei Gang had communicated with him privately about various situations, and he had written them down one by one, and had ways to deal with them one by one.

However, there is one thing about this leader that Boss Zhang admires very much. It makes sense to leave Shacheng and then Liangjiang Province.

There is no need to go through the process of “leaving Suzhou”.


As for reshaping rural vitality... damn, which miserable farmer who earns tens of thousands of yuan a year has no vitality? Not to mention vitality, a fifty-year-old can still have the energy of a fifteen-year-old.

A wider world... To put it bluntly, you can choose the remote areas of your choice. It's millions of square kilometers. Isn't it vast?

A greater achievement... If you throw coins now, it will be an achievement. If you throw coins everywhere, that will be a great achievement!

In one sentence: Mr. Zhang, the organization has made a decision, and I hope you will spend a lot of money.

Of course, the decision belongs to the organization, and if Boss Zhang doesn’t decide it himself, this matter should be considered shameful or not.

The reason is very simple. Do front-line supply and sales staff admire the sales manager the most?

No, it's Zhang Haonan.

We can't see each other even a few times a year.

But Mr. Zhang not only gave money, but also went to great lengths to get back the wrongs his employees had suffered outside, regardless of whether it was through legal means or not.

Who hasn't felt happy and grudges in this lifetime?

Is that all there is to legal fairness? If I can't take a breath, isn't that still feeling aggrieved?

And Mr. Zhang can let you vent your anger, and the results will be very fast.

Do farmers in supply and marketing cooperatives recognize "Shacheng Food"?

Yes and no. Strictly speaking, they recognize not only the "Shacheng Food" brand, but also the salesmen, front-line company cadres, logistics team members, security guards, inspectors and even the resident warehouse managers of the supply and marketing cooperatives who have known each other for a long time. .

If these people don't work at "Shacheng Food", what does it matter if they switch jobs to "Daqiao Food"?

The boss is the same anyway.

When a person wanders around the world, it cannot be unclear who has the meat to eat with him.

So in the final analysis, Zhang Haonan himself has to be dealt with.

If you can't figure it out, it's all for nothing.

The hook-ups in the past few days... Strictly speaking, it is not just these few days, but the entire six months of observation and investigation, as well as overt and covert visits. "Shacheng Food" is suitable in all directions, and only then have there been high-frequency contacts in recent days.

In addition to the serious official process from communication to negotiation, there are also second-generation people who are wearing official skin and pretending to be powerful and want to take advantage of others. Of course, Rong Xiaoping has learned from the past experience that the idea of ​​​​free prostitution is unrealistic.

It’s not that there are second-generation people who don’t believe in evil and want to take advantage of Zhang Haonan to prove their awesomeness, but it’s no longer feasible. Zhang Haonan is not a powerful person like those who started from a dirty place. He is afraid of normal official manipulation. As long as he dares to take action, Zhang Haonan dared to fight back.


Boss Zhang is legally illiterate.

Nowadays, even if there is a second generation who wants to cooperate, they are serious about spending resources to show off.

As a "rich brother", how can you show your strength if you don't spend fifty yuan to treat Boss Zhang to a "Katyusha" meal?

"This is a rural survey report made by our 'Shacheng Food'. Normally it is not circulated to the outside world. Today we will make an exception."

Zhang Haonan stretched out his hand, and Fan Susu took out a document from his briefcase in time, and then the meeting secretaries began to distribute the documents.

"The initial investigation cost 200,000 yuan, and later it gradually added up to 2 to 3 million yuan. Some areas are not suitable for cooperation at the moment due to various reasons. In fact, it is necessary to eradicate dynamic and violent social groups. No matter how much money is invested, It's for free. I'm here to make money, not to be an official. Don't blame me for saying it so bluntly."

"Table 2 on the first page shows the positive correlation ratio between farmers' conflicts and cults in the natural villages sampled from the sample survey. All of them are above 40%. This is already a high probability problem."

"Shacheng Food will not intervene in any natural village like this. This is not my obligation, it is your job."

"Perhaps you will take the case of Pengcheng, but I'm sorry, the old village chief guaranteed his life, and an elder like me once served in the same unit on the Korean battlefield, so we have a foundation of trust between the two parties. There is no replicable Sex. After all, I am responsible for the personal safety of my employees. They are people too, not machines."

Zhang Haonan described the problem as extremely serious, which made people who had not spent much time in the countryside a little surprised. They just frowned and did not pay attention to Zhang Haonan's attitude.

Wei Gang pretended not to hear.

In fact, rural areas are not war zones, nor are they the dens of religious fanatics. They should eat and drink when they should, scold and beat them when they should, make noises vigorously, and calm down when they should.

But when it comes to negotiations, if you don't describe the difficulties as if you were trying to learn from the West, the other party will just downplay it.

"If 'Shacheng Food' wants to enter those natural villages that have been judged by the company to be temporarily unable to cooperate, then I hope to have certain preferential treatment on issues such as insurance, taxation, industry standards, etc. After all, this involves two key issues. One is the personal safety of company members, and the other is the company’s profitability.”

The only person from "Shacheng Food" who dares to say this is Zhang Haonan. Ding Yong sitting aside simply doesn't have the courage. There is no other way. His resume has destined this situation.

Ding Yong is a loyal elder and a wise man, but he is elegant and completely different from the wild Zhang Haonan.

"At the same time, in order to ensure the normal operation of 'Shacheng Food', under this abnormal expansion, a certain amount of financial guarantee must be guaranteed. Low-interest loans and interest-free loans must be available. How to combine them depends on the situation. Local people present My leaders all know that I never take out a loan, after all, I am not short of money at all, but I am not interested in using my own money to waste money."

Too arrogant!

The political leaders of Shacheng exclaimed inwardly, and then were ecstatic inwardly: Come on, Boss Zhang, increase the intensity! Keep going and don't stop! do not stop!

"In the past few days, Russian Deputy Prime Minister I. Klebanov visited China. Among his entourage were directors of Russian equipment production units, and several of them can be regarded as my old friends. I mention these in the hope that if we achieve success in the future, If I have such abnormal expansion cooperation, then similarly, if I expand abnormally in Russia, I also need certain assistance, including but not limited to the construction of multinational companies and wholly-owned overseas companies."

good! Domineering!

Boss Zhang is an old egg!

The local bureaucrats were submissive in the face of the superiors, but at this moment they were extremely happy.

In terms of wildness, it has to be our boss Zhang.

As expected of "Brother Haonan" from Shacheng No. 1 Middle School, he is indeed capable.

Wei Gang, who always listened carefully in meetings, seemed to be taking notes as usual, but Fan Susu, Boss Zhang's little secretary, saw that Director Wei was not taking notes. He was clearly drawing turtles on the notepad.

I drew one after another, with various postures.

The key is that Director Wei has a serious expression, a correct attitude, and is very devoted to the painting...

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