I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 336 Positive Image

This year's twelfth lunar month is the same as in previous years. The most enthusiastic thing in the village is dividends rather than the New Year. Because of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a red envelope was given to people over sixty years old. Now the production team who wants to share the dividends is all in line.

The accounts are easy to calculate, and the first phase of "My Family Garden" has begun to take shape. Work has not stopped at this time. The construction team itself is mainly composed of Shacheng and Chongzhou.

The construction companies that came from Chongzhou were also polite. In the past, their enthusiasm for competing with Huaiyin Laotie for construction sites has been restrained a lot here.

There was no way to restrain himself. Everyone in the company, from the boss to the first-line contractor, had heard about Boss Zhang’s reputation.

Not a good reputation...

However, there is one thing that is very unconventional. Basically, Party A seriously interferes with the management of Party B, mainly financial management. However, if it does not accept supervision, it will be kicked out, so it finally accepts it.

There are actually not many parts that are subject to supervision, mainly the wages of front-line construction workers. The industry standard is that they are paid at the end of the year, and living expenses are paid at ordinary times.

However, "Shacheng Food", Shishi Town, and Wujiadai Village require the construction party to establish a salary account, calculate it on a daily basis, and make payments on a monthly basis.

The fund management bank is the same one. As Party A, Zhang Haonan has not defaulted and will pay you when the time comes. He will not talk about the final payment or not. The most important point is that he is not afraid of the boss of the construction company in Chongzhou cheating his construction site.

Regarding matters in the arena, we cannot say that it is unnecessary when it comes to the law. We can only say that this is the way the business is.

It's not like there aren't any bosses in Chongzhou who want to see how good Boss Zhang is. They detained one of them before the National Day to calm down, but Zhang Haonan didn't use any illegal means.

Another reason for his "not very good reputation" is that Zhang Haonan doesn't follow the rules of the world at all.

The reason why Zhang Haonan intervened in the issue of construction workers' wages was not because Zhang Haonan sympathized with the sufferings of front-line workers, but because if they were owed wages, the tower crane these workers would have to climb was 100% on his hands.

If the construction party runs away and the contractor runs away, shouldn't we have to bear the blame ourselves?

A hard-working migrant worker, if Boss Zhang comes to take the blame, wouldn’t he become a doormat?

So Zhang Haonan didn't care how many department heads the boss of Chongzhou Construction Company invited over for dinner. If it wasn't easy, he wouldn't give him any face.

How Party B's funds are coordinated is none of his business. If he gives the money, then you arrange the wages of the workers, and he won't care how the rest takes off.

Wei Gang had also heard about this matter. He originally thought that Zhang Haonan was doing too much, but after the contract was released, it did contain supplementary supervision clauses for front-line workers' wages to be paid on time. This "aborting power and humiliating the company" contract was for the construction company Signing it yourself is not Boss Zhang’s nonsense. Wei Gang had nothing to say. In the end, he felt that this method was worth learning from.

Construction is going on everywhere in Gainsha City at the moment, and construction workers and migrant workers are in arrears with wages. I dare not say that it is everywhere, but at least it is an endless stream.

Climbing a tower crane is no longer news, and it is no longer worthy of being in the newspapers.

There is more than one construction company for "My Family Garden", and there is also a development company established by "Shacheng Food" in collaboration with the city and town. Of course, it also has the support of the municipal construction company. The first phase of the project is also to test the waters and gain experience.

In addition, this is an affordable housing with a relatively special nature, and the city government attaches great importance to it because it also involves the act of "talent introduction".

These operations of Wujiadai Village are worthy of learning from higher-level government departments.

Therefore, there are not a few news media that come to interview every quarter. Naturally, there are also various media for the dividends in the twelfth lunar month.

In addition to Qin Shichuan, the "big brother" in Shacheng's local press, there are also Qin's friends in Suzhou.

The atmosphere of this dividend report was very festive, and there were many shots of the villagers, trying to capture the joy of the upcoming New Year.

Come from the heart, from the inside out.

"Damn it, the dividends have increased this year."

Although it is not four thousand, it is close.

Qin Shichuan was holding a freshly baked radish bun in his hand. Next to him, his wife Chen Jiani was nibbling sugar cane with surprised eyes.

"Business was good last year. In addition to some small orders from Russia, sales have also opened up in Central Asia. The city is now also using this channel to do some light textile exports. There were orders for headscarves and hats before, and there were orders of more than 10 million. amount."

After getting a bottle of water for Qin Shichuan, Zhang Haonan explained a little.

"Do you have a net worth of one billion now?"

"To be honest..." Zhang Haonan looked embarrassed, "I really don't know, there may be. I didn't pay a penny for 'My Farm Machinery' and 'Dragon Shield Security'. Of course, there are loans, but basically they are A scale of more than 100 million."


Qin Shichuan was numb at that time. Zhang Haonan had previously boasted that he didn't know how much money he had, but it actually became a reality.

Qin Shichuan couldn't even imagine this kind of life encounter. He was now 100% convinced that Zhang Haonan was the reincarnation of the "God of Wealth".

"Zhang Haonan!"

The accountant called Zhang Haonan during the roll call.


Zhang Haonan then went over, signed the form, and then took away his share of the dividend.

“Damn it, you’re still getting dividends?”

"As you say, it's my money, not a penny less."

Shaking the depository ticket in his hand, Zhang Haonan smiled and handed it to Zhao Feiyan who came over with Zhang Ranyu in his arms.

"How much?"

"Thirty-seven hundred and eight hundred and a dozen pieces."

"I have a month's worth of groceries."

Zhao Feiyan looked happy and put away the deposit slip.

Brother Qin on the side was stunned: "Three thousand and seven dollars for a month's food?"

"There are many people at home."



Hearing Zhao Feiyan's answer, Qin Shichuan and Chen Jiani were stunned for a moment. Their brains were a little short-circuited. After reacting, Chen Jiani glared at her husband: "What? You also want three thousand seventy-seven dollars a month?!"


Brother Qin swore to heaven that he would only love his wife for the rest of his life.

Chen Jiani, on the other hand, is a bit complicated. She is afraid that her husband will get close to Zhang Haonan, and she is also afraid that her husband will get far away from Zhang Haonan.

At this moment, the housewives are all beaming with joy. The money is not hard to come by, and it is another good harvest.

As for whether Zhang Haonan's net worth is one billion or ten billion, to them, it is still the same number.

Zhang Haonan would be jealous if he made hundreds of thousands or ten million, but now there is no trouble at all.

"Zhang Zhiqin!"


Zhang Zhiqin also has brothers, three in total. He is the eldest. Of the three brothers, the eldest brother used to make the decisions, but now it is the eldest son who takes the lead.

"Three thousand seven hundred and eighty!"

After flicking the deposit ticket, the three brothers laughed, and then changed hands and gave the deposit ticket to their women.

Zhong Xiaohui was wearing a white down jacket and laughed when she took the deposit ticket. She was accompanied by her mother who came to watch the fun. Now the Zhong family was very pleased with Zhang Zhiqin, and her mother-in-law felt that Zhang Zhiqin's son-in-law was flawless.

After this year, the production team of the Zhong family and the team to the east will also start to pay dividends, part of which is land acquisition compensation for land finance, and part of which is equity participation. This account is still being settled, and it will not end until at least the summer grain harvest.

However, the matter was settled at a village meeting. Wu Renjuan had been busy for a year just to get this little money.

Although the remaining production teams have strong intentions, they have to wait a little longer. First, they need to unify their opinions within the production teams. Second, they are still somewhat on the side of wait-and-see.

After all, whether the dividend is 3,000 or 3,000 or a few hundred is not decisive yet. Whether you are in class or not is very important.

Now there are free or discounted machine training courses in the village. This is an obvious benefit. In addition, seasonal workers are converted into long-term workers. It is hard to say for other production teams in this area. They are mainly concentrated in Zhangjia and Zhangjia. The woman’s natal family.

When to expand, when is the decisive "killer trump card".

Zhang Haonan is now in the village. From the twelfth lunar month to the first lunar month, it is the busiest time for door-to-door visits. You can basically find out many of the benefits of the village in the next twenty months.

From the perspective of village cadres, apart from ordinary village affairs, the general direction of making money is to follow Zhang Haonan. This does not mean that we should not be self-reliant, but it is not necessary.

You can obviously go smoothly, but you insist on increasing the intensity and difficulty for yourself. This is not living like a dog.

Wu Renjuan, the village chief, has also thought about the problem. As long as Wujiadai does not mess around, it will not be difficult to outperform the surrounding villages dozens of times with the current development momentum of Wujiadai.

Moreover, the city has made it clear that the urban area will be expanded, which can be regarded as being ahead of the curve in development, and the dividends can be reaped in full.

The Zhang family has not built a house this year. The main purpose is to simply decorate the house. The reason is that Zhang Haonan has clearly sent a signal that in the future, new houses will be designed by professionals and the homestead will be re-planned.

Of course, if you want to get a house in "My Garden", that's no problem.

Normally, Zhang Haonan rarely talks about big things like a house, but since he can talk, his uncles and brothers will listen. After weighing it, he will save some money first, and there is no need to build a lot of construction in advance.

Although the specific plan has not been released yet, because Wu Chenglin is the deputy mayor and has information from the town government, he also inquired about some housing plans in Wujiadai.

Going from country boy to city boy happens in the blink of an eye, but it's not necessary.

The village also held several meetings, all of which emphasized the importance of rural household registration in the future and discouraged people from casually transferring their household registration to the city.

And with the dividends being paid out this year, even if the daughter gets married, her household registration has not been transferred for the time being, and her husband's family has not urged them to transfer their household registration immediately, because dividends are closely related to headcount.

Along with the dividends, there are also New Year's goods distributed, including fresh meat, including pork, beef, and mutton, and live chickens and ducks for each household; there are also salted meats, bacon, and canned goods. Added together, it is enough to last for the whole first month.

But these are no longer unusual, and frozen seafood is the most festive.

Swimming crabs are the most popular, and they are all chopped. There are probably two or three swimming crabs in a box, or three boxes per household.

The rest of hairtail, small yellow croaker, and Spanish mackerel are average. It’s not that I don’t like them, but they are not as popular as swimming crabs. It’s purely a matter of eating habits.

Several large trucks are parked inside and outside the factory, and old people from the production team who don't get any dividends will come over to pick up two boxes. It's not bad at all, and they can also pick up the good things from the old people.

"Old Ding, take the brothers to rest for a while, I'll ask someone to change the shift."

Ding Kuishan led people to unload the large truck, and Zhang Haonan asked his boss, who had received the dividend, to come over and help change the shift.

"I am not tired!"

"Okay, come down."


Ding Kuishan jumped out of the car, and Zhang Haonan handed him a bottle of water, "Take someone to rest for a while. There are food and drinks in the cafeteria."


Zhang Haonan got into the car and led people to unload the goods. The portions of fresh fish and shrimps with ice cubes were not small. This work was very tiring.

One vehicle carries about twenty tons, and there are four vehicles in total, eighty tons of sea cargo.

In addition to the several production teams that received dividends, there were also some for the military martyrs and lonely elderly people in nearby villages. After unloading 40 tons of goods, people from the Double Support Office, the Women's Federation and the trade union also came to help.

The interview was also done together by the way. The reporters from Suzhou received double red envelopes today and had two social trips. They went to the Foreign Economic and Trade Hotel at noon and the government hotel in the evening.

Zhang Haonan didn't have to go to the next scene, it was Qin Shichuan's business.

Liu Linchun, director of the Education and Employment Department of the Disabled Persons' Federation, will come over in the afternoon, because there are still 40 tons of goods in the afternoon, which are new year's goods from "Shacheng Food" to support the work of the Disabled Persons' Federation, and Liu Linchun also wants to organize the distribution.

This kind of thing cannot be postponed until the first month, otherwise there will be no point in delaying it until the first month.

If the Chinese New Year is not good, there is no need to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

Therefore, in this situation, media from both places report and interview reporters not just for red envelopes. In good conscience, this kind of positive and positive thing should be done well in publicity work.

Of course it would be best to have red envelopes.

Qin Shichuan saw Zhang Haonan working in a short-sleeved shirt and wrapped himself in his down jacket, "Damn it, you're not cold, do you want my help?"

"Pull him down, he'll be fine soon."

"I just said casually, you don't want my help, but it's not that I don't help."

Brother Qin also wore a down jacket and hat at that time.

It's really cold today. Seeing Zhang Haonan working in short sleeves... it would be even colder.

After finishing his work, he wiped his sweat and put on his clothes. Zhang Haonan drank water while walking to the canteen. My brothers also washed their faces and prepared to eat something.

The countryside becomes particularly lively at the end of the year, and Qin Shichuan also likes to hang out there.

"Old Ding, wait a minute to catch two old hens and go back to make soup. Someone gave some ginseng as a gift, so you can take one back too."

"Hey, thank you boss."

When we arrived at the cafeteria, Ding Kuishan was eating hot pot. He drank a little wine, not much, a little more than two ounces. Since he didn't drive, he took the opportunity to have fun with his brothers in the team.

Zhang Haonan brought two boxes of wine to them: "Drink a little if you don't want to drive."

"thank you boss."

"thank you boss."

Just as the people in the motorcade were about to stand up, they were pushed back by Zhang Haonan, "Okay, everyone is eating and drinking well. I'm going to entertain the reporters who are here to interview."

A table was also set up for reporters to pacify their bellies first, but those from Suzhou won’t eat too much because they are going to the Foreign Trade Hotel for a big meal soon, but those from Shacheng TV Station will have to go to jail, and those from the Foreign Trade Hotel Except for Qin Shichuan and his wife, no one else had a share of the store.

When the table was served, Zhang Haonan poured some rice wine and made a toast, and then asked about the promotion schedule. After knowing that "Shacheng Food" and himself were included in the New Year's interview and the first month promotion, he was immediately relieved.

As for the mouthpiece, if you can't taste it, isn't it useless?

Whatever you eat, your mouthpiece will definitely pass through it.

"Mr. Zhang, the wages of the migrant workers in 'My Family Garden' will be paid on time. There will be a special report, which will be a positive role model material..."

The reporter from Suzhou didn't hide anything, and revealed some of his work schedule to Zhang Haonan.

Of course, the main reason is that Mr. Zhang is generous, so he can't be too picky.

"When reporting, I also hope to mention that our company has always responded to the country's call, abided by laws and regulations, and supported the government's work..."

"Mr. Zhang, please rest assured!"

Although "Shacheng Food" is now extremely crazy, Zhang Haonan still hopes to focus on government work when reporting, so as not to think that "Shacheng Food" is taking the lead in not arrears of wages.

Zhang Haonan is not afraid of the envy, jealousy and hatred in the world, but he is still wary of the "separation" of some people in the government department.

He didn't want either of them.

This is why the media is willing to spend money, regardless of your background. Stuffing your mouth with red envelopes or making your tongue more dexterous are just basic operations.

After all, I still have no one in the front-line media units, so I have to let Boss Zhang criticize Brother Qin.

"Brother Qin, when will you be promoted to director?"

"What a promotion. I have no interest in being the director of the station. It's fine now."

Picking up a piece of beef with soy sauce, Brother Qin doesn't like anything.

Now that you have money and leisure, isn’t it a blessing?

Who in the entire Shacheng TV station doesn't know that Qin is a "rich and idle man"?

When Boss Zhang heard this, he said meaningfully: "Brother Qin, you have been promoted to director, so you need to meet less with those little sisters."

"That's for sure, the station directors... what little sister, don't talk nonsense."

Qin Shichuan glanced at Chen Jiani beside him. Although his wife's expression was still smiling, he instinctively told himself that there was a pitfall here.

Then he quickly expressed his position: "It's not that I don't want to make progress, it's just that I have too much work on my hands now, and I don't worry about others in the station..."

He glanced at his wife again, and then continued: "Last year, the station said that the organization wanted to give me more responsibilities. It is estimated that when I am almost busy with the work at hand, I will be assigned new tasks..."

"I see, I thought it was because the little sister who took off her clothes at every turn was too enthusiastic."


Qin Shichuan looked at Zhang Haonan with bulging eyes: You are plotting against me, Daddy!

Zhang Haonan smiled and said to Chen Jiani: "Sister-in-law, congratulations in advance. After the New Year, you will be the wife of the stage director."

Chen Jiani was not interested in the station director's wife. She just wanted to know if there was a little girl on the TV station who was very enthusiastic and took off her clothes at every turn.

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