I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 579 “Benefactor” (Happy New Year’s Eve, friends!)

At around three o'clock in the morning, the boat sailed to the Yiwusi area, not far from Gu Junsha and Chongzhou Waisha City. The sea water was still turbid and yellow.

At about a little after four o'clock, we headed east again and entered the Yaowuwu area.

In the cabin, the brothers who were napping got up and stretched at the right time. Then Zhang Haonan yawned, carrying a golf club, and took Zhang Haodong out together.

On the deck, Cao Aimin had a rag stuffed in his mouth, and he was so cold that he was on the verge of death.

When he heard the footsteps, he struggled again. Before Zhang Haocheng, who was guarding him, could step forward and kick him, he was suddenly splashed with blood.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

Zhang Haonan swung his golf club, like chopping firewood with an ax, and hit Cao Aimin's head completely with one stick after another.

Zhang Haocheng thought he had recovered from the shadow of the Japanese slave last time, but this time he vomited again after seeing Zhang Haonan's behavior.

Holding on to the side of the boat, I felt very seasick.

Zhang Zhiqin finally resisted the urge to vomit. He subconsciously wanted to look away, but he didn't do so after all.

Zhang Haodong, on the other hand, waited for Zhang Haonan to smash Cao Aimin beyond recognition, then picked up the body and threw it into the sea. With a "pop" sound of water splashing, he turned around, picked up the water gun and started to spray the deck.


Countless scenes flashed through Zhang Zhiqin's mind. It is estimated that these two brothers were indispensable for many messy things in the past few years.

What frightened him even more was that Zhang Haodong and Zhang Haobei were biological brothers. However, Zhang Haobei probably would never know what kind of person his eldest brother Zhang Haodong was in this life.

"Do you think Cao Aimin still has some assets?"

"It doesn't matter what assets he has, it's not our eggs."

Zhang Haonan washed his hands and threw the bent golf club into the sea. This thing is easy to get, but unfortunately the technological content is still low.

"Take you to Waisha to eat seafood."

The boss of the boat sailing the boat today is Gu Ding's father, Lao Gu. To Gu Ding, these are just small scenes. Over the years of traveling around, he has seen and heard of making a living on a boat.

I just didn't expect that those who came off the shore would be more perverted.

At six o'clock in the morning, we docked at the pier of Waisha, which is also the pier of the "Sha Food Group". Everyone brushed their teeth and washed their faces, and then went to eat mutton and seafood decently.

New Year's Day is approaching, and the new year is here. It's time to make up for it.

Qiu Shaofei usually got up at six o'clock. After receiving a call from Zhang Haonan, he didn't eat at home. He drove to the mutton soup shop that opened early in the morning.

Now Liangjiang Province has plans to coordinate the province's port business. At least the ports and terminals on both sides of the Yangtze River are very promising to be managed in a unified manner.

The only one that suffers a loss here is probably Gusu City, but although it is a loss, it is not much of a loss. It is just that there are a few administrative posts missing in the port affairs area.

The business volume may even increase, because the provincial coordination mainly depends on the throughput of Jiankang and Guangling and Xiangtai. From the perspective of political performance, the chief official of Jiankang cannot take advantage of Gusu.

It is a real benefit when you go down to the county-level cities along the river, including of course Waisha City, Jianggao City, and Qijiang City.

A lot of excess business in Shacheng and Yushan can be diverted to avoid queuing.

After all, the truly decisive unit is actually the bonded area, and generally the port area would not be considered a high allocation.

The province also has a strategic plan. After unified management, with a little less money, we can expand coastal areas like Waisha City. Whether it is land reclamation or building a port in the outer sea, we can establish projects. Many technical verifications, and Have the funds and environment to try it.

For example, the cutter suction dredger that was planned many years ago has only been officially built this year. But now that resources have been integrated, it can be developed while experimenting.

Furthermore, Songjiang City is very willing to invest in the project. The design plan from Songjiang Jiaotong University was put forward and everyone worked together to save it. After going through each plan, there was no big problem.

The money is affordable now, and it is only the Liangjiang Provincial "Port Group"'s own funds, so there is no need to apply for special financial funds.

These good news further enhanced Qiu Shaofei's status in Waisha City. After all, it was Qiu Shaofei who was the first to seize this opportunity.

Later, the previous leadership team of Waisha City and the current leadership team worked together to first explain their interests to the Chongzhou Municipal Government, then go out to seek support from cities along the river, and finally moved the provincial government.

Of course, the provincial government did not just accept this idea without thinking, but after weighing it and conducting consultations and demonstrations for more than half a year, it finally made a decision.

As for whether the Government Affairs Council will approve it or not, that's hard to say, but Liangjiang Province has done everything that can be done.

The time, place, and people are favorable, and the feedback from the central government is also very good. Among them, not asking for money from the central government is also an important advantage.

Furthermore, when Liangjiang Province integrates port and terminal resources in the province, it is not to establish an "independent kingdom". The part that should be provided was not a penny in the past, and this will naturally be the case in the future.

Due to various reasons, after Qiu Shaofei was promoted to deputy mayor, local support for him increased significantly.

From cadres to ordinary people along the river and coastal areas, they are all looking forward to the completion of the port in Waisha City.

During the construction process, the common people had to eat hard work. Even if they had to work as part-time workers on the construction site, at least they would not have to leave their hometowns.

As for the benefits after completion, if some of them are passed on to the next generation, it is not a loss.

The sweetness of Waisha City now and in the future is the foundation for Qiu Shaofei's current popularity in Waisha City. Appreciation from superior leadership units has never been so cheap. Qiu Shaofei, the "little Wei Gang", can be regarded as a "political star" in Liangjiang Province. ”, and it is not created.

When people are at high places, smart people will feel "too cold". Of course, there are exceptions, such as Zhang Haonan...

So when he came to see Zhang Haonan, Qiu Shaofei was very polite. In fact, his posture was a bit low, but Zhang Haonan always had clear grudges and friends were friends, and he didn't really act like a king.

Strictly speaking, a hundred years ago, Zhang Haonan could be regarded as Qiu Shaofei's "benefactor", but this is not the case these days, so it's just a matter of nostalgia.

"Boss Zhang, I heard that the Government Affairs Council wants to hire you as a counselor?"

"Oh, you are so well-informed."

Zhang Haonan smiled and brought a bowl of mutton soup to Qiu Shaofei, which contained a lot of garlic leaves and chopped green onion.

The boss cooks it until he opens the shop early in the morning. Boatmen and fishermen who are willing to have breakfast will come over and make a bowl of mutton soup, and add two liang rice wine or rice wine, and that's about it.

The mutton soup always contains mutton with skin, and radish is also added, but if there are too many tendons, the boss will not put it in, so it is just pure mutton.

When raw, water radish is crisp and has no residue. It only tastes good after being stewed. It also tastes the best and has no fiber.

"real or fake?"

"That's true."

For example, in the field of science and technology, those who are around thirty years old have basically completed a heavy undergraduate degree at fifteen, and have graduated from graduate school at around eighteen years old. By this time, they may already have two years of working experience.

In their mid-twenties, they usually have achieved significant results in some aspect.

It's not an achievement, it's a major achievement.

For example, the youngest academician this year is Academician Ma, who was later dubbed the "Electromagnetic Manifestation of Saints".

Complete a certain national strategic system project before the age of forty, and start applying it...

As for such an outrageous "monster", there are basically one or two in all science and engineering majors in Southeast and Northwest who can go directly to the Government Affairs Council.

Zhang Haonan went to the "Aerospace Compound" before and saw a lot.

This is why people in the "Aerospace Compound" marvel at Zhang Haonan's ability to make money, but they don't regard it as something unacceptable.

The reason is very simple, there are specialties in the art industry.

We are professional in shooting rockets and are world-class. Zhang Haonan is professional in making money and is world-class...

The principle is the same.

As for saying others can't do it, it's not that you are too stupid.

In the eyes of many geniuses, Zhang Haonan is also a genius, and he is also a "genius once in X years" who was "appointed" by Xinwen Network as the best actor.

How can I put it, anyway, Zhang Haonan himself feels a bit like a Japanese slave who "meets a beautiful girl once in X years".

At this moment, Qiu Shaofei confirmed the authenticity from Zhang Haonan, and was even more shocked. If this was done in name, in terms of administrative level alone in Chongzhou City, not counting others, he would not be better than Zhang Haonan at all. several.

You can count them on one hand.

"Boss Zhang, don't you think about it?"

While Qiu Shaofei was talking, the boss brought the fried dough sticks and other items sent from next door to the table early. They were all packed in bamboo baskets with a layer of paper underneath, which showed that the boss was becoming more and more particular.

"I don't have time. I prefer to be more free. If I really take a temporary position in the Government Affairs Council, it will be inconvenient to do some things."


Qiu Shaofei didn't ask what was inconvenient to do.

He is an honest man.

At the table, Zhang Haodong, Zhang Haocheng and the others who were eating mutton soup together didn't even know who the counselors of the Government Affairs Council were.

Zhang Haocheng still has a good appetite after vomiting, but thinking about the scene where Zhang Haonan beat Cao Aimin to death without hesitation still makes his back feel numb.

Adaptability to my brother...

I still have to keep exercising.

It's not easy.

"By the way, Lao Qiu, the application for the offshore port construction project of Waisha Port should be submitted as soon as possible in January. Before the State Planning Commission has changed its personnel, it can be reviewed and approved early for the New Year. After the New Year, the Government Affairs Council will give priority to approval, but it is just a word of mouth. Be strict and don’t reveal it.”

"Don't worry, I'm careful in everything I do now, and I don't dare to say any nonsense."

Hearing this news from Zhang Haonan, a worry that had been bothering Qiu Shaofei for a long time was completely resolved.

The overall planning and coordination within the province is only within the province. Only when the Government Affairs Council passes the test does it really pass the test.

According to the rules, if this kind of queue-jumping occurs, the port construction in Waisha City next year will have a high priority in the province.

Qiu Shaofei, who is very good at thinking, first came to the conclusion that the provincial port and shipping department of Liangjiang Province will inevitably become a new fiercely competitive department.

Secondly, the Waisha Port will be a representative issue of the newly restructured department.

Finally, Waisha City's economy will see a huge improvement next year.

Things are a cycle, gradually transmitted from the local to the central government, and then fed back from the central to the local government. What remains is whether you can sort out this "wealth and honor" in an orderly manner.

That is to say, these days we don't pay much attention to the personal dependence relationship in the feudal era, otherwise Qiu Shaofei would have to give Zhang Haonan a kiss.

In Waisha City and even Chongzhou City, some departments are not without gossips and jokes. For example, Qiu Shaofei was Zhang Haonan's son in his previous life.

Of course, the original version of this gossip is Xu Zhentao, director of the Management Committee of Shacheng Modern Agricultural Development Zone...

Nowadays, the same kind of gossip and jokes exist in the north.

Niu Taiyuan should not be too arrogant now. He has been cautious and cautious for most of his life. Unexpectedly, he did not expect that he would become so arrogant under the "foot of the emperor".

"I will go back to Shacheng in a while. If I have time during the New Year, I will come to the countryside to have fun. If there is any need for investment, I will help you make appointments and have a meal."


Qiu Shaofei was not polite at all about these things, "Then I will definitely come over to pay New Year's greetings."

There is no taboo in official circles about paying New Year greetings at the beginning of the year. It doesn't matter whether you are on the first, second or third day of the lunar month, or the fourth or fifth day of the lunar month.

In addition, during the Chinese New Year, Wei Gang would also attend gatherings. Apart from the usual condolences, some of the work he wanted to do after retirement was unlikely to involve dealing with government departments. He would definitely have to deal more with entrepreneurs and scientists.

The haunted house in "Linglong Garden" now plays a role in adjusting the situation. Moreover, it is also open to the public and does not involve messy transactions.

It is precisely because it is generally fair and does not create cliques, so even the bosses of Liangxi and Piling are usually willing to drive over to get together.

The main purpose is to introduce businesses and attract targeted investment. For example, the development of local snacks in Piling is now settled in Daqiao Town. The processing chain is more complete and the industrial cluster effect is very obvious.

On the other hand, if the mechanical and electrical business is concerned, if a boss in Suzhou expands his business, he will settle in the industrial park in Piling.

How tolerant the tax policy is? You don’t have to go through all kinds of inquiries. You can communicate well with each other, and you can save a lot of public relations costs.

The most important point is that Boss Zhang not only provides a venue, but also provides a platform. This must be mentioned that the development of the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum" in the past two years is indeed quite good.

This year we have done a lot of advertisements for investment promotion, mainly for investment promotion in the central provinces along the Yangtze River. Through the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum", there is a sense of pairing up.

Originally, the bosses were afraid of going to other places to kill pigs, but now veteran cadres join the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum" and Zhang Haonan as guarantees. The foundation of trust is there, and there are more successful cases.

Liangxi's chemical fiber is now planning to settle in Xunyang. It is the largest investment project in Jiangyou Province this year.

The key point is that Zhang Haonan does not charge an introduction fee. The advertising fee is only a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. What cannot be bought with a lot of money is the current influence of the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum".

During the National Day, several key universities majoring in agriculture and economics in the Yangtze River Delta suggested that the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum" publish a supplement in the nature of an academic journal.

This matter is still under review by the Liangjiang Provincial Propaganda Department, so it is not easy to make a decision. We must submit it to the central government before we dare to make a decision.

However, before that, Aurora University had contacted several "political rising stars" in county-level cities, asking them to come to Aurora to study as part-time graduate students, and then their papers would be published in the supplement of the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum."

If there is no physical publication, it is also possible to create an electronic publication first.

Qiu Shaofei was also one of the people contacted.

After all, the projects he is currently operating are all very good. "Jianggao Daqiao Pig Farm" now has more livestock than the old pig farm in Daqiao Town, and it is already a star enterprise in the Chongzhou area.

If the construction of the offshore port in Waisha City enters a substantial stage next, how can the Songjiang City State-owned Assets Company, which has invested in it, not let out a fart?

There will definitely be more money. At this time, using an Aurora alumni as a lobbyist to bring Qiu Shaofei into Aurora's "alumni circle" will definitely be done without any hesitation.

For Qiu Shaofei, being able to enjoy these conveniences was something he never dared to imagine before. Ever since he hugged a big thick leg, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After feeling comfortable with a bowl of mutton soup in the morning, Zhang Haonan said goodbye to Qiu Shaofei. There was no polite greeting, just like eating breakfast with ordinary old friends.

While waiting in line for the ferry, Cao Aimin's wife went to the Xisha Police Station early in the morning to report a missing person.

The rest is completely gone.

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