You can fool Gu Liu, but not Meng Fei.

What a weak woman in gauze, in Meng Fei's eyes, the woman's true appearance is a horrifying skeleton!

"Sir, you are so cruel!"

Who would have thought that the skeleton woman was still so cruel, and still pretended to be sad and weak.

"I am acting Water Margin here, and you are still acting here, it's really bad luck!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but complain, and then pulled Gu Liu, who was fooled by the fake waiter holding the wine, and took him to the door before he was affected.

"I was actually affected by ghosts..."

When he arrived in front of the door, Gu Liu looked very ashamed.

Meng Fei also looked at him speechlessly, and said helplessly: "I think you are not a serious Taoist priest. Your escape technique is even worse than the exorcism technique. You are also attracted by fine wine. Tell me, is there anything else I don't know?"

"Ahem..." Gu Liu coughed symbolically a few times, and immediately changed the subject: "After walking to this door, the breath of the third brother became clearer. It should be opened! See what's inside?"

"Hehe," Meng Fei didn't care about those things, after all, there are still very important things at the moment.

"Then open it and see." Meng Fei said calmly.

For him, Meng Fei found that his physique was indeed very special. Sometimes he even felt that it was not as simple as "psychic". Many times, he found that some things that concealed themselves were nowhere to hide in front of him.

"If you keep getting stronger, maybe you will have the power to return to Earth..." Meng Fei looked at his hands, his eyes full of hope.

And then shifting his gaze to the door in front of him, Meng Fei could also deeply perceive that there might be a huge unknown space inside.

But all this can only be verified after the door is opened.


Unexpectedly smooth, this door is almost the same as an ordinary door, and it opens with a gentle push.

"What is this?"

"It's all black?"

However, after seeing the scene inside the door, the two of them were stunned at the same time.

Even in Meng Fei's eyes that seemed to be able to see through illusions, it was a dark world.

It was like a piece of black cloth hanging in the door, hanging down to cover the entire door, and it was impossible to see everything inside.

So, in this case, Meng Fei had to take the lead, after all, he was not afraid of accidents and allowed any mistakes to happen to him.

First, reach out.

Meng Fei put his hand in little by little, "It's like an empty place, and then there is no light..."

Then stretch your legs.

The result is the same.

"How is it?"

"It's like a world without light inside."

For Gu Liu's question, Meng Fei also gave his final explanation.

Faced with this answer, Gu Liu fell into a brief thought, "Do you think you can get in?"

"Yes, but that's not the point of the question. The point is whether you dare or not?" Meng Fei answered without giving any face.

"It's already this step, what are you afraid of?" Unexpectedly, Gu Liu, who has always been timid, actually looked like he was ready to go all out.


Meng Fei shouted, as if to encourage the two of them, and then he grabbed Gu Liu's collar, as if he was afraid that he would regret it, and took him and himself into the dark door.

However, what the two did not expect was that the two who had just entered the world in the door took a slight step forward.


"Damn! Why is it empty!"

"How long will it take to fall? Won't it be killed directly?!"

The two felt that their bodies had lost their balance at that moment, and they both fell continuously towards the unknown depth with a strange movement.

"No, we will definitely fall to death if we continue like this!"

One foot stepped on the air, and the two kept falling. It had been a long time, and they were still falling. If they continued like this, they would probably not survive even if there was a sea below.

"Gu Liu! Come on me! Quick!"

"It's too dark, I can't see, let me feel it first, hey, is this your hand? Eh? Why is there only one finger..."

"Fuck you, you donkey face! Let go!"

"Oh my god, sorry, sorry, hey, this time it's the arm, right!"

"Yes, hold on tight!"


Because Meng Fei can be resurrected, in order to ensure safety, he had to use Meng Fei as a meat cushion, and Gu Liu of course knew this very well, and cooperated with Meng Fei quite well, although he still didn't know how Meng Fei did it.


Finally, the two people's falling journey reached the end.

A very elastic and soft big net.

The strong impact of the fall made the net sink madly, and finally the two were bounced up at the same time, but after being bounced up, they fell on an unfamiliar table in a parabola that seemed to be arranged in advance.

The two stood up at the same time, both safe and sound, and then they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"It's okay!" Gu Liu said in disbelief.

But thinking about it the other way around, since his third brother had also been here and survived safely, it made sense.

The two came back to their senses and began to observe the surroundings.

The unfamiliar table was not as dark as the previous places. There was a faint light here, but it seemed strange to have light here.

"This light is very strange."

"Yes, it's like it's falling from a high place."

After saying that, the two of them looked up at the same time.

There was indeed a large round hole in front of them, and bursts of light kept pouring out of it.

Meng Fei roughly estimated that the round hole was about ten meters away from him. It was not easy to go there to find out.

"Gu Liu, you are a Taoist priest, can you fly?" Meng Fei asked suddenly.

However, Gu Liu replied innocently: "What are you kidding, I am a Taoist priest but I am also a human being, how can a human fly?"

"Haha." Meng Fei also smiled, and then something wrong suddenly appeared in his eyes.

In a dark corner, there seemed to be something angular reflecting a faint light.

"What is that?"

Full of curiosity, Meng Fei walked to the corner to find out.

"What is this?!"

However, when he arrived, Meng Fei was stunned. He saw that what was placed in front of him was actually a coffin made of stone!

Afterwards, Meng Fei counted and found that there were eight stone coffins in total, arranged in order.

And he estimated the height of the stone coffins. With his 1.8-meter figure, the stone coffins were close to his leg length, which means that one stone coffin was about one meter high.

So if they could stack these eight stone coffins, they could get to the light cave!

But here comes the problem.

How can they stack these eight stone coffins?

Meng Fei and Gu Liu worked together and found that they could not lift the heavy stone coffin at all.

"What should I do..."

Gu Liu looked at these stone coffins helplessly. The tools were right in front of him, but he couldn't use them.

Meng Fei didn't speak. He was thinking, maybe this is not a problem that they can solve with brute force. Everything that happened here was strange from the beginning.

The strangeness is nothing more than one word, that is, coincidence!

Too coincidental!

Because of this, Meng Fei boldly guessed that the strange world in this door might be a strange secret room.

With this thought, Meng Fei began to look for the key to crack it.

Finally, he found eight stones in the corner opposite to the sarcophagus, which were also arranged in order in the corner.

Meng Fei then smiled.

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