"Want to leave? Not that way...I'll run!"

Just when the ooze monster that appeared again was about to scream, when it saw the big yellow dog making Tengu movements again, it instantly slipped away.

"Let's go!"

"Want to leave? Impossible!"


"I run!"

"Let's go!"

"Want to leave?"

It was like entering an inescapable cycle. Whenever they wanted to leave, the ooze monster would reappear, and then the big yellow dog was about to release the tengu, and then it ran away again, and then...

Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof woof!

Even the big yellow dog was impatient by it. It was so anxious that it barked crazily at the ooze monster's grinning dog.

The big yellow dog made a gesture, as if it was going to release the tengu again.

"Wait a minute."

Meng Fei put a hand in front of the big yellow dog to stop him.

The big yellow dog withdrew his magic power with a look of confusion and frustration. The ooze monster opposite suddenly became even more arrogant. Seeing them helpless, an arrogant and ugly smile appeared on its face.

"Damn it! I really want to beat him to death!"

The big yellow dog gnashed its teeth incomparably. Although it knew that its Tengu could not really do anything to it, it just couldn't bear this tone.

"Don't get ahead, we have to calm down and think of a solution. The last thing this mud monster is afraid of is to act recklessly with it, so we can't continue to mess around like this." Meng Fei analyzed calmly.

"In this case, why don't we take another path?"

Gu Liu suggested.

But Meng Fei is not sure about this proposal, because the other road is more dangerous. It is even a huge swamp as soon as you enter, and the danger behind is naturally even more unimaginable.

Although there is this damn ooze monster blocking the way on this road, there is actually not much difference between the two roads. Meng Fei even thinks that the ooze monster on this road is just an accident.

After all, based on what the ooze monster said at the beginning, this is even more certain.

"You still have the energy to gossip! Watch your move!"

At this time, while several people were discussing the matter, the ooze monster suddenly broke everything.

Everyone turned their attention and found that this guy had gathered a huge body, and then his stomach was probably swollen like a huge balloon.

This may be what this guy did when several people were discussing.

"What does it mean?!"

Everyone looked at the huge mud balloon with doubtful eyes.

"Like a balloon, doesn't it mean it?!"

Meng Fei suddenly realized something, and then he opened his arms and hugged the other people and the big yellow dog.

"What's wrong?"

Several people were still a little confused.

However, the next second, they all understood instantly.

A huge explosion sounded, and countless mud dots suddenly hit the surroundings like a rain of arrows. The speed was so fast that even the Tengu would not have time to swallow it.


The horrifying sound of countless arrows piercing the skin was heard, and Meng Fei's body was crackled by the muddy arrows. Even his steel-like body began to have wounds.

But those wounds were not deep and were still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Such a scene surprised Meng Fei. His healing ability had become much stronger. Although this was beneficial to fighting, it was not conducive to his becoming stronger. It was really contradictory.

Finally, under the indiscriminate bombardment of mud arrows, everything finally stopped.

Meng Fei released the people in the hug, and Gu Liu and the big yellow dog who were protecting Xu Zhengyi were also more or less injured.

But it can't be compared with Meng Fei. Almost all of Meng Fei's clothes are full of holes, which makes Meng Fei very angry.

Meng Fei became even more angry when he looked at the slime monster that was still laughing at a few people even after it had become smaller.

"How on earth should I fight this thing?!"

Even Meng Fei finally couldn't help but asked with a feeling of scolding.

"It would be great if there were rune bamboo sticks like that dead fox..." Gu Liu said helplessly, shaking his head.

The person facing him was a big demon, and with his strength, there was nothing he could do.

However, Gu Liu suddenly had an idea in his mind, and he said: "Although I am not strong enough to defeat it, I seem to have thought of a way!"

"What can we do?" After hearing his words, Meng Fei's eyes were full of hope.

At this time, the ooze monster attacked again.

"Gouzi, help us buy time!" Seeing the ooze monster attacking again, Meng Fei quickly said to the big yellow dog.

The big yellow dog's blood boiled when he heard it, and he had long wanted to fight.

However, it did not use Tengu this time, but chose to fight hand-to-hand with the ooze monster.

So, the big yellow dog rushed over and fought with the ooze monster.

"Say it."

Seeing the big yellow dog fighting with him, the two of them were able to communicate well.

Gu Liu nodded and continued: "If this ooze monster can't be beaten to death, it can be said that it represents the power of an element, which is the power of earth, so the best way to defeat it is this! "

"Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, metal defeats wood, wood defeats earth, earth defeats water, water defeats fire, and fire defeats metal!" Meng Fei suddenly realized.

"Yes Mu! If you have this kind of power, you can win!" Meng Fei continued to say excitedly.

"But the question is where is this thing?" Meng Fei suddenly realized this problem.

Gu Liu scratched his head and said, "I know a sword technique that can communicate with the elements of heaven and earth, called the Element Breathing Sword Technique. Once you learn this sword technique, you can use the power of the elements!"

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Meng Fei kept urging him, but he was tiptoeing.

Meng Fei couldn't help but lean back a little, and then said with disbelief: "Could it be... you don't know how to do it?"

"Uh..." Gu Liu nodded awkwardly.

"What the hell!" Meng Fei was speechless.

Gu Liu also sat down helplessly. In fact, he couldn't say that he didn't know how to do it at all. He remembered the movements of the sword technique and could dance it, but he only had the appearance but not the meaning. After all, he was not so smart in swordsmanship. This Element Breathing Sword Technique was not an ordinary sword technique, and it was difficult to comprehend it. Most people would learn it to strengthen their bodies at most.

They couldn't bring out their true strength at all.

Learning this sword technique is extremely dependent on talent. Learning this sword technique without swordsmanship talent is no different from being a fool.

Wait? !

Swordsmanship genius? !

Gu Liu's eyes immediately became strange, and then he cast his eyes on Xu Zhengyi.

Swordsmanship genius? Isn't there a ready-made one? !

"I have a way!" Gu Liu shouted excitedly.

"What way?!" Meng Fei's face was full of question marks.

Gu Liu asked Meng Fei to take out the Demon Slayer Sword, and then handed it to Xu Zhengyi. After that, he said to Xu Zhengyi, who had just received the Demon Slayer Sword and was at a loss: "Remember, Zhengyi, watch my next move! You must learn it!"

"Okay!" Xu Zhengyi nodded with a silly look on his face, holding the sword.

"Could it be that you want to?" Meng Fei roughly guessed what Gu Liu meant, then smiled and walked to the slime monster, saying loudly: "Changed, big yellow dog! You come to guard them!"

"No, I'm still angry!"

"Then go together!"

After that, Meng Fei and the big yellow dog joined forces and bombarded the slime monster. Although this was just a tickle for that guy, they were just trying to prevent it from disturbing Gu Liu and the others.

On Gu Liu's side, Xu Zhengyi was following Gu Liu's movements and waving the demon-slaying sword.

After a while, envy and jealousy appeared on Gu Liu's face.

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