On King Kai, after everyone was resurrected, Goku teleported and took everyone back to Bulma's home in the Western Capital of Earth.

Bulma looked at the resurrected people and cried with joy. Vegeta rarely said to Bulma,"You have worked hard all these years."

Bulma burst into laughter and said to Vegeta,"So you care about people too."

Vegeta's face turned red when he heard this, and he snorted coldly and went straight into the house.

Bulma saw this and led everyone into the house.

With the realization of Goku's wish, the earth returned to its prosperity before the appearance of artificial humans.

After Goku's wish was realized in the Temple of the Gods, he led Trunks to say goodbye to the gods and Popo, and teleported back to Bulma's home.

Dende was kept by the gods, saying that there was something important to discuss.

Goku knew what the gods said, but he didn't care.

At Bulma's house, Trunks and Goku appeared in front of everyone.

Bulma said to Goku,"Thank you, Sun Jun from another world."

Sun Wukong said:"You're welcome, now that everyone has been resurrected, I should return to my time and space."

Trunks heard it and said:"Uncle Goku, won't you stay a few more days?"

Sun Wukong said:"No, Trunks, you have to practice well."

Then he said to Bulma:"Bulma, you should be able to build a gravity room now. You can build a few gravity rooms to help everyone practice. High gravity is very helpful for improving everyone's strength, especially us Saiyans."

Bulma heard it and said:"I see, okay Sun Jun, I know."

Sun Wukong continued:"Bulma, your knowledge, experience and experience in making a time machine can be written into a book for me? I plan to give it to Bulma after I go back and let her help build the time machine."

Bulma heard it and said:"Okay, I have written it a long time ago, just in case."

Then turned around and went home to find information.

Sun Wukong said to the Sun Wukong of this world:"Kakarot, you can teach everyone the King-fist. The high-powered King-fist can even improve strength more than the Super Saiyan."

Sun Wukong nodded and said,"I understand, Kakarot from another world".

At this time, Bulma came to Sun Wukong with a thick book and said,"Sun Jun, this is my knowledge, experience and experience in making a time machine".

Sun Wukong took the book and said to Bulma,"Thank you Bulma".

Bulma said,"You're welcome, Sun Jun".

Then Trunks jumped onto the time machine, adjusted the time and space coordinates and time nodes, and said to Sun Wukong,"Uncle Goku, the parameters have been adjusted, and we can set off."

Sun Wukong nodded, then jumped onto the time machine and waved goodbye to everyone.

The next moment, a white light flashed, and the time machine, Sun Wukong and Trunks disappeared into the future time and space.


In the past, Bulma was basking in the sun in the yard, and suddenly a machine appeared in the sky.

After the time machine fell, Sun Wukong jumped out of the time machine, flashed to Bulma's side, picked up Bulma, and said,"Bulma, did you miss me?"

Bulma blushed and said,"Wukong, put me down quickly, there are people watching next to me."

Sun Wukong put Bulma down after hearing this, and then pointed at Trunks and introduced to Bulma,"This young man is Trunks from the future world."

Trunks said shyly,"Hello, Ms. Bulma."

Bulma smiled and said,"Hello, Trunks."

At this time, everyone came out of the gravity room and came to the three people.

Piccolo asked,"Sun Jun, did this time travel go smoothly?"

Sun Wukong said,"Everything went well. The androids were destroyed, and you in the future were resurrected by me."

Piccolo said,"That's good. How strong are the androids in the future world?"

Sun Wukong said,"They are weaker than Vegeta now."

""Oh, I see." Piccolo said.

Hearing this, Vegeta said angrily:"Piccolo, what do you mean, do you look down on me?"

Piccolo snorted coldly and said nothing.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong said:"Stop arguing, I will train you next and improve your strength to deal with all powerful enemies that may appear in the future."

No one spoke. Sun Wukong shouted to Trunks:"Trunks, show them your strength after training with me, let them broaden their horizons."

Trunks said:"No problem."

Then he shouted and transformed directly into a Super Saiyan at full power.

After feeling Trunks' strength, everyone was shocked.

Piccolo said to Sun Wukong:"Sun Jun, how did you train Trunks? This kid is completely different from before."

Vegeta Gita even said:"It's only been a few days, Kakarot, and you have trained this kid into a Super Saiyan 2".

Sun Wukong said:"You know the Spirit Time Chamber, Trunks and I stayed in it for two years".

Piccolo said:"I see".

Sun Wukong said:"Each of you has a different situation. Next, I will make a training plan for you. If you train according to the plan, your strength will improve."

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Sun Wukong nodded, and then said to Bulma:"Bulma, help me prepare food, let's entertain Trunks".

Bulma nodded, and just as she was about to leave, Sun Wukong handed the book in his hand to Bulma. He gave it to Bulma and said,"This is the information about the time machine given to you by Bulma in the future. Take it."

Bulma was overjoyed when she heard it and said,"Great, with this information, I can avoid many detours and build a time machine soon."

Sun Wukong nodded. He had hoped that Bulma could build a time machine as soon as possible so that she could travel through time and enter various parallel worlds to improve her strength. After

Bulma left, Sun Wukong took Trunks to visit several gravity rooms.

After seeing the gravity room, Trunks knew why everyone was much stronger than everyone in his own world and the same period.

After that, Sun Wukong pointed a finger at a special Lanx forehead, and taught Trunks the training method of King Fist.

He said to Trunks:"King Fist with the gravity room is very helpful for improving strength, Trunks, you must pay attention to it."

Trunks said:"Uncle Goku, I know."

After that, Bulma prepared the food, and Sun Wukong and everyone began to devour it.

Several Saiyans ate like starving ghosts. Sun Wukong thought to himself:"I am afraid that only Chi-Chi and Bulma can afford to feed so many Saiyans in this world." After everyone had a full meal, Trunks jumped on the time machine, and with everyone waving goodbye, he started the time machine and returned to the future world.

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