I Am Supreme

Chapter 115: A Heart That Is Not Yet Weary, a Tea That Is Not Yet Cold

Chapter 115: A Heart That Is Not Yet Weary, a Tea That Is Not Yet Cold

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He resembled an immortal descending from heaven, landing gracefully as his robe fluttered in the wind. The otherworldliness was inexplicable.

On his face though, was a shimmering gold mask.

It invoked an extreme sense of chilling cold, designed to make one grow more nervous.

He flew in gracefully and landed on the cliff.

Looking at the gray clothed man who was chained, his eyes sparkled and as he gently smiled. "Brother Gu, I see you remain as elegant as ever though I have not seen you in years. This young brother is relieved."

The gray clothed man said flatly, "If these chains were taken off, I'll have you know that my elegance is even more prominent than it has ever been."

The man in white chuckled, his white robe was pristine like snow without a speck of dust and his voice was clear. "Forgive me, Brother Gu. Forgive this young brother that I can't do something so foolish."

The man in gray laughed. "You're an absolute bastard! Speak, why are you here? Or perhaps you're just here to visit your prisoner?"

The man in white replied, "It's still the same matter. Brother Gu should know why I've come to look for you now."

The man in gray answered, "I don't. Do enlighten me."

The man in white robe did as he was told. "The previous Heaven Seal Formation has secured thousands of miles' radius within Tianxuan Cliff and exhausted years of my treasured collection. Only then did I completely seal the nine young fellows' morphing abilities and subdued them all. You told me that I could rest assured forever then but things don't look all that optimistic now."

The man in gray lifted his eyes and said faintly, "Is it not? You've promised to set me free after that time too, have you done so?"

"Brother Gu, you must understand me." The man in white said sincerely, "Your skills could be considered thoroughly mighty, how could I let you go? You should understand my choice."

The man in gray smiled. "Right, you dare not let me go."

Sympathy surfaced in his eyes. "As for the nine young fellows, I've told you long ago. It's all destiny."

"How can I believe this thing that's called destiny?" The man in white stood with his arms behind his back on the cliff, his robes fluttering noisily. Clouds that had gathered together again were blown away.

"Brother Gu, you've mentioned that when the Nine Supremes unite, there will be an upheaval of heaven and earth, of the world and empires alike. The Supreme shall reign unchallenged!" The man in white enunciated the sentence word by word, "I've asked you then, what if the Nine Supremes would be left with only one man? You said no."

He turned and looked at the man in white. "Tell me again now, is it a yes or no?!"

The man in gray smiled. "This is a mystery of heaven; it is not for me to reveal it."

The man in white showed hints of anger in his eyes even as he smiled gently. "Brother Gu, you are forcing my hand."

The man in gray cast his gaze lower and said faintly, "Everything has been decided by destiny, including my impending doom."

The man in white kept quiet for a bit then he said, "Brother Gu, you only have to tell me one thing. Which Supreme is it who's still alive among the Nine Supremes?"

With a slight twitch of an eyebrow, the man in gray's eyes seemed to freeze slightly before he smiled. "I can only tell you, you won't find him. That is all I have to say."

A long growl from the man in white had all the clouds within a thousand-mile radius around them soaring up several thousand feet high, turning the view clear at once.

Lush green mountains greeted them, a splendid array of nature and scenery.

"So beautiful."

The man in gray watched the unveiled scenery in a daze as he murmured, "So, this is the world…"

His eyes darted around before they came to a stop at the man in white by the cliff, his voice faint. "So this is the world…"

The man in white gave another echoing cry, releasing all the frustration he held in his chest and recovering his initial state of ease. He smiled softly. "Right. What I've met is the world, what you've met is also the world. However, we hold different attitudes, we have utterly different states of mind."

The gray clothed man smiled. "That is correct. The man hasn't left but the tea has already gone cold."

With a humorless chuckle, the man in white said, "That's why Brother Gu's name is a good name. Gu Chaliang1, just watching your tea turn cold on the sideline, until it no longer tastes like tea, is terribly satisfying."

The person in question shook his head and said softly, "Whether the tea is cold or cool, the aroma remains. The fragrance of tea does not dissipate but stays in one's heart."

He lifted his head to look at the other party. "For you and I, our tea has cooled but for others, their tea is still boiling. The aroma of tea travels far and wide, over the oceans and mountains."

The man in white laughed. "Brother Gu, we have been brothers for years, it's not good to be on bad terms. I truly do not wish to torment you. I only need you to tell me this."

The addressed man said lightly, "The tea has cooled. Would you still believe what I say?"

The other party was shocked.

The man in gray continued, "I can tell you that the Nine Supremes are all dead but do you believe it? If I tell you someone is still alive, would you believe it?"

The man in white said, "I could just buy the information, you know."

A soft sigh came from the shackled man, "Heaven's Inquisition is already dead, who are you going to buy it from?"

"But Gu Chaliang is still alive!" The man in white continued, "Tell me, is anyone from the Nine Supremes still alive?"

A slight nod came from the prisoner. "I've told you, everything is destined!"

The man in white chortled. "This young brother has never believed in destiny!" A guffaw later, his body suddenly shot up towards the sky, turning into the clouds.

His voice boomed, coming from the nine heavens above.

"The Nine Supremes are not dead yet. They must be men of Yutang. When I kill all of Yutang, the world will have its peace! Even if the sovereignty will be at risk and thousands of lives are lost, the empire shall be broken and I shall be free of inhibitions!"

The laugh faded.

The man in gray closed his eyes as he murmured, "The wine is still flavorful after years in the world, the tea is not yet cold in this life…"

He picked himself up slowly, bringing along with him the five chains but entered the cave as if floating airily. Although the chains knocked against each other, no sound came from them. Only the cries of a desolated warbling come from deep within the cave.

"It is destined for the Nine Supremes to reign unparalleled, across the vastness of heaven and earth, and the clouds that hover between."

When Yun Yang went out his door, he saw a man in his thirties with only a single arm on the street. He was hoisting a little girl in floral clothes with two braids on his shoulders. Although he only had an arm, he held his daughter locked securely.

The girl was swaying happily on her father's shoulders, her soft child's voice making random requests lovingly as clear ringing chuckles accompanied her innocent queries.

The man's expression was absolutely loving; everyone who saw the scene would believe that this man would willingly give all he had to his daughter without reservation.

In his heart, his daughter was a unique gem, his most precious little princess!

"Father, father. Look, they have candied flakes over there…" The little girl laughed and called out, bouncing herself on his shoulder.

"Okay, okay… Let's go over to have a look…" The man smiled contentedly, walking away with his daughter.

Yun Yang stood with his arms behind his back.

His gaze seemed to be looking afar but the corner of his eyes was focused on the girl.

The truest form of envy brimmed at the bottom of his eyes.

"Father, father. Look, the candied flakes are over there…"

The words echoed in Yun Yang's heart, a bitter smile adorned the corners of his lips.

Forget candied flakes, it was already difficult to have a chance to call out 'father' in his life! Never did he have the chance to do so!

Fang Mofei, who was standing by his side, could feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness in his young master.

Yun Yang who had remained still for some time suddenly took large strides forward.

He came to the front of the candied flakes vendor and tossed him a silver ingot, taking a stick of candied flakes.

The vendor was calling out behind him for his change but Yun Yang was already far away.

Yun Yang brought the stick of candied flakes to his mouth, carefully taking a bite before the sweet sour taste seemed to sink right into his heart at once. "It's really tasty…"

He strolled forward leisurely, his mouth munching on the taste of the candied flakes as if without a care in the world.

A deep pang of pain ached in his heart as he trembled; the corners of his eyes blurred with moisture against the morning sun.

Finally, when only the last candied flake was left, Yun Yang wiped the stick clean and kept it along with the last candied flakes into his sleeves, murmuring, "Let us think of it as… both of you buying it for me…"

He faced the sun, grinned and said softly, "I am living well."

Translator Note:

1Gu Chaliang (顾茶凉gù chá liáng): man in gray's name with Gu as his family name and Chaliang as his first name; the name literally means watch the tea gets cold - Gu means watch while Chaliang means tea to get cold.

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