I Am Supreme

Chapter 431: Ziyou’s Retreat

Chapter 431: Ziyou's Retreat

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lv Lingyun was lambasting himself inwardly.

"Lv Lingyun, oh Lv Lingyun, why did you even bother to take the initiative?"

"Was it just because your cultivation base is high? Just because you're capable?"

"Just because you intended to defend Ziyou, your homeland?"

"Do you see how are your countrymen treating you right now?"

The man was trembling, momentarily entertaining the thought of putting his life at risk by attacking Yun Yang.

However, as fast as the thought came, it left just as quickly. He was a person who valued his life as he had said earlier, which had led him to retain the bear's mystical core as his bargaining chip.

He would never have expected this life-saving chip to be the hot potato; let it go or hold onto it, he was doomed either way.

While Lv Lingyun was indecisively entangled in his thoughts, he suddenly heard the gushing sound of water.

The crowd was still shaken by what had happened earlier, but it paled in comparison to what they were seeing now. Surging waves frothed and pounded the ground while the tides had risen thousands of feet high. It was growing higher, the top almost impossible to see.

Once the tides breached the seal that held them back, they would be unstoppable; no expert would be able to halt their deadly advance.

"I can tell you all that human effort can only last for so long. I grow tired, and my control over the Lunar River is questionable. " Yun Yang said coldly, "If I don't get the mystical core before I lose control, I won't be able to control the waters even if you give it to me afterward."

"By then, this heinous sin…" Yun Yang looked coldly at Lv Lingyun and said, "will be shouldered by both of us together. I am the enemy, so I wouldn't mind having even more of Ziyou's lost souls documented under my name."

The facial muscles of an old Ziyou official twitched as he roared loudly, "Lv Lingyun! What are you waiting for?"

Lv Lingyun jumped in startled shock. Gritting his teeth, he looked around at the surrounding faces of steel; all his hopes evaporated instantly as if he was a balloon that was deflated.

He slowly stepped out and raised his hand. The mystical core was nestled in his palm.

In that instant, Lv Lingyun seemed to have aged innumerable years.

He walked forward, step after slow step, he did not lift his head even once along the way. Each step taken seemed to be laden with thousands of catties of weight; that was how difficult each stride seemed to be.

Emperor of Ziyou breathed a soundless sigh of relief as he watched him walk forward, but his expression was one of mixed emotions, with shame being the prominent one.

As the emperor of his empire, he had been threatened before his empire's gate and had to watch his people walk out in humiliation without being able to do anything about it. To make matters worse, he was one of the parties responsible for this madness.

The feeling of guilt almost drove him mad.

Still, there was a sense of gratification hiding in a secluded spot deep in his heart.

Are you all not cowards?

Do you not want to put in at least some minimal effort?

Aren't you all being utterly selfish?

Who among you can be exempt when faced with the threat of subjugation?

I hope that from now on, all of you will understand what it means when we say that there will be no unharmed eggs when a nest falls!

If ever we are to survive this, I hope that all of you will cooperate and strengthen Ziyou, to build a defensive wall that can never be breached by an enemy!

Yun Yang watched coldly as Lv Lingyun slowly walked over to him, his head bowed. Only his arms were lifted up in supplication, to hand over the mystical core.

Yun Yang snorted coldly and stretched out his arm to take the mystical core.

Yun Yang walked past Lv Lingyun amidst the gushing waters, like he did not even see the hapless man. He strode over to the little bear's side and engulfed the mystical core with a ball of air of vitality before formally putting it back into the little bear's head.

Looking at the large body, Yun Yang was deeply saddened. It felt like a slab had been cut out from his heart.

Little bear, I shall seek vengeance for you.

I shall kill Lv Lingyun to avenge your death!

Having made his vow, Yun Yang waved his hand and the little bear's huge body disappeared into thin air. He then stood up slowly, turned, and walked back.

He was silent throughout the entire process.

He walked a hundred feet away and returned to the monstrous waves. Yun Yang's back faced Ziyou's emperor and officials, as well as Lv Lingyun, who was still standing like a statue. He said in a low but clear voice, "A war between two countries will put them in opposing positions. To resort to extreme measures in the battlefield and the imperial court is a matter of course."

"Even kidnapping the family of an opponent's key personnel to threaten them is an acceptable measure, despite being an uncouth method. This is a personal choice."

"However, all these have nothing to do with me. I also believe that no one in this world has yet to forget the legend of the Nine Supremes."

"We, the Nine Supremes, might not be your equal in creating conspiracies and setting up plots. However, I believe no one can perform a stealthy kidnapping as well as we can. Let me hear if any of you wishes to object to this point."

"After this battle today, it has been proven that there is nothing the Empire of Ziyou will not stoop to. Since you, as the enemy, have no limits, neither will we enforce any limits for ourselves."

"From now on, let us act based on our tactics and obey the call of fate!"

"I will sort each and every item in today's account. The reason I have spared Ziyou today is because I am still above sacrificing innocent lives."

"However, there are no more citizens on the battlefield."

"Those who are generals and soldiers should be ready to perish on the battlefield without any thought of returning home.

"Lv Lingyun, you may plan your escape from now on. Let us see if I can annihilate your entire family!"

Supreme Cloud's words were spoken in a low, monotonous, tone, almost as if he was mumbling to himself. However, they sounded like thunderbolts in the ears of the Emperor of Ziyou and his officials, driving straight into their hearts like an irremovable curse or nightmare.

Everyone knew that Yutang's Lord Supreme Cloud was truly infuriated.

The calmer he was, the more evident that he was set on his decision and there was no room for negotiation.

Supreme Cloud's body began to fade and smoothly melted into the surging tides. Then, there were no further movements. The tidal waves subsided immediately, disappearing at a much faster rate, back to the ocean.

With a gushing roar, the tide moved several thousand feet away. A few breaths later, the monstrous body of water that could drown half of the Empire of Ziyou was nowhere to be seen.

If it were not for the gushing and pounding of waves that still could be heard from far away, the crowd would have wondered if the horrifying waves earlier was an illusion.

Soon, the sounds of water were inaudible, echoing faintly from the distance.

The Emperor of Ziyou's sights were set on a point far away; he did not speak and stayed in relative silence for quite a while.

Lv Lingyun stood there, both physically and mentally exhausted, like he had lost his soul.

With his status, cultivation base, and mannerism, things should never have panned out this way! However, Yun Yang, the Emperor of Ziyou, and even the people of Ziyou had pressured him beyond his limits.

Any more, and he would have broken down on the spot; he would either break down mentally or explode in a berserk rage, striking down anyone within reach with no compunction.

Emperor of Ziyou's unhurried sigh drifted over, "Yutang's Supreme Cloud has traveled tens of thousands of miles here just for his relative. He faced the entire Empire of Ziyou and left after a pitched battle, all for his relative. Leaving and coming back and threatening us with the monstrous waves was also on behalf of his comrade… Even when he threatened to subjugate the nation, he didn't resort to an inhumane path and cause disaster to the people or sacrifice innocent lives."

"Yutang's Supreme Cloud is a true warrior of justice! Despite the brimming resentment within him, he still has a benevolent heart that does not wish to hurt the innocent. I believe that even if we didn't give him the mystical core, he wouldn't actually drown Ziyou and involve the people in our squabble."

The Emperor of Ziyou's voice carried a hint of loneliness, "We're too far apart from Yutang. If we attack Yutang now, the consequences will be unimaginable. If Yutang's innocent lives were lost, could we still blame Supreme Cloud if he were to destroy Ziyou with a flood?"

He paused and said, "Pass my dictum - draw back the army, return to Ziyou to rest and replenish. When our army is strong again, then that will be the time to announce war with Yutang!"

"Your Majesty, this won't do!"

Countless officials came forward to plead the case and stop him, not wanting the plan for the four nations to besiege Yutang to fall apart just like this. However, the Emperor of Ziyou was adamant.

"My mind is set. There is no need to speak any further!"

There was only an unnerving glint that shone in his eyes. It might not have been a good idea to deploy the army at this point in time, as there was also internal strife in Ziyou.

A lot of the royals were secretly conspiring to usurp the throne; it had been a long time coming. His Majesty had not tackled it wholeheartedly and sternly, thinking to stabilize the external situation first before weeding out the internal rot. Unfortunately, the procrastination had aggravated the situation, and with the military authority being beyond his jurisdiction, it meant that the other people had equally substantial power. It gradually became a mutual balance that weakened the emperor's control.

The Empire of Ziyou was in a mess and swaying on its feet; even the emperor could be chased off his throne at any time - how could he talk about world domination?

It was easier to use this excuse and to draw back the army, consolidate the military power and use the chance to completely reorganize his country.

External matters would have to wait until his own courtyard was cleaned up!

Supreme Cloud had left, but his visit and departure left Ziyou with a sense of fear that lingered.

On the way back to the city, everyone looked thoughtful and weighed down with matters in their mind.

Lan Wuxin followed the emperor back, but his mind was all over the place all along the way; he had been astute and foresighted but the Great Chancellor Lan actually was uncertain of his own thoughts now. He simply felt bewildered at this point in time.

Chancellor Lan's resentment towards the main culprit who had put him into this tough situation was not as vehement as he thought it would be.

For his relative, he had rushed tens of thousands of miles, stayed up day and night to save him without a care for life and death; he fought Ziyou alone with no regrets.

For his comrade, he threatened to drown Ziyou, facing the nation alone; even if his comrade had died, he wanted his afterlife to be complete without a care for the price he needed to pay.

Although he had used and deceived Chancellor Lan in the process, it only showed how intricate his tactic was. Just like Supreme Cloud had said himself, "You all are willing to stoop so low, who else am I going to deceive if not all of you?"

Besides, there was not really much to say when someone who called himself wise was cheated badly by someone else.


Lan Wuxin sighed at the sky. The unspeakable forlornness and fragments of various thoughts in his heart were condensed into this single breath.

In the forest, the Moire Python's large body had turned into that of an ordinary python, just dozens of feet long. It was looking at something that lay in front of it with delighted surprise.

It was a little bear cub.

A small, newly born, little bear cub.

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