I Am Supreme

Chapter 485: Breaking a Siege!

Chapter 485: Breaking a Siege!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With the mishap that befell Zhan Ge at the podium, Dongxuan's drums and horns stopped abruptly. The cessation of the drumbeats caused a short pause in the Dongxuan army's attacking rhythm.

There were simply too many people who saw the shocking fall of Zhan Ge, the interim commanding marshal, from the flag podium. The fate of the military leader who was to command the war was unknown!

An incident of this magnitude was an immense blow to any army; Dongxuan was no exception. The focus of the troops was immediately disrupted.

Zhan Ge, who had been concentrating on commanding the battle earlier, had not noticed the sudden appearance of the spear. It was only when the spear stabbed the podium resulting in a violent shaking that Zhan Ge felt as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt - for a moment, he felt displaced from his body like he was being electrocuted.

What came next was the sight of Zhan Ge being thrown in the opposite direction from the violent force, falling down like a broken kite. He was fortunate that he still remained intact, unlike the flag podium that had exploded into a fiery conflagration, followed by a thunderous roar.

Zhan Ge fell down in a straight line - the accident was so unexpected that no one could react in time. He landed with a painful thud on the hard ground below. His mouth was the first to come in contact with the earth, resulting in both his front teeth flying out with a loud crack.

Despite the fact that Zhan Ge possessed a certain degree of cultivation base within him, as well as being rough and physically resilient by nature, he was still immensely fortunate that he was not crushed into a meat pie. Even then, when he stood up, weaving like a drunken man, he still felt his head spinning. He was unable to think, and the events that were taking place around him became somewhat inconsequential in the light of his confusion.

It was only after some time that he realized the drums and horns on his side had stopped, which angered him so much that he shouted, "Attack! What are you all looking at? Have you all gone dumb?"

Unfortunately, the short respite was time enough for Yun Yang to slaughter most of the Ma-i Sect members; the secure formation of the golden hooks had vanished without a trace. Reddie got there just in time for Yun Yang mounted it and pointed his saber with a holler, "Everyone, follow me!"

He turned his horse around before his words even echoed in the air. With a grim expression, he charged forward with an even more aggressive aura than before.

The Ma-i Sect was left with just over twenty people who could still fight, but each of them, wearing pale faces, dared not move. They were obviously frightened by Yun Yang's valiance and had unintentionally moved aside to give way. These people shared the same thought - the person had said he would hold the Ma-i Sect accountable for this matter; was he serious? That would be too frightening!

The troops stormed through the gaps.

Farther away, the two men from the Ma-i who had yet to make a move hovered in the air; the golden hooks in their hands shone as they prepared to descend and stop the charging squad.

Yun Yang, who was still aware of the current atmosphere and danger despite his stampede, turned his head quickly. His gaze fell on the two hemp-gowned men like an icy bolt of electricity. With a long howl, his saber pointed at them as he said coldly, "Ma-i Sect, I hope you all don't regret this! Come!"

As the men heard him, they could not help the shuddering that their peaking vibes were trying to suppress. However, their stance was already clear; they had to carry on with the attack, so they replied coldly, "Good, good. This old man would like to see how you, a mere child, can make the Ma-i Sect experience regret! You would have to survive today's battle before you can talk about what follows!"

Although these two men regarded Yun Yang highly, his future quest for revenge would be determined by the outcome of his ability to survive here!

Yun Yang chortled, his voice thunderous as it rang in the air. "Today, the hundreds of thousands of men of the army from both countries shall be proof, the heroic souls from both countries who never die shall be witnessed. When I, Yun Yang, leave the battlefield, it will be time for Ma-i Sect to lose their legacy and presence in this world!"

The millions of men who were doing battle stopped in unison then. All of them had heard Yun Yang's roar his earth-shattering vow. It rang clearly, but it was laced with endless resentment and bitterness!

Once his words had been uttered, the light from the clear sky dimmed, while a lightning strike slithered across the sky, illuminating the blood-bathed warzone. In the depths of winter, when snow should have been falling in heavy flurries, a thunderclap screamed in the frigid air.

Everyone was astounded at the bizarre scene, This thunderbolt, which was incongruous with the weather, was evidence that the heavens had acknowledged Yun Yang's vow! The words he had uttered so deafeningly across the battleground, to have the millions of fallen souls and the army from both countries as witnesses, were actually a heaven-bound vow!

Since the oath had been made, it was either the Ma-i Sect that would be annihilated or Yun Yang who would die without an intact soul. There was no third possibility to consider.

Both Ma-i members were shaken, but they were equally enraged, their hostility soaring as they hollered, "This old man shall kill you first today, to complete heaven's witness!"

Both of them turned into two beams of light as they bolted over with alarming animosity.

Bai Yixue hissed and got ready to bounce into the air to fight the enemy. He was certain that he could easily handle these two.

"No! You must lead everyone to push forward! Leave these two to me! Let us see who'll perish under heaven's eyes!" Yun Yang laughed menacingly, a tidal wave of killing intent pouring out of him.

With an aggressive roar, he soared like a purple strike of lightning. Yun Yang, who wielded the saber as he sprung off his horse's back, generated such a daunting vibe that both heaven and earth went silent instantly.

Saber Truth: Destiny Blade - the one who wields the blade wields his destiny! Who could stay alive if heaven itself had destined for you to die?

In midst of Yun Yang's maniacal chortling, three beams of light collided violently in the air.

The Destiny Blade's three forms and six styles were rendered flawlessly by Yun Yang; he gave it his all, wanting to end the battle as quickly as possible. It was as if a gigantic bomb had exploded above the war zone with a titanic clap. All the men standing thousands of feet below were swept off their feet in the gale's direction, like bushes that were blown by the wind.

Only Yun Yang's loud cry could be heard clearly in the sky, "Ma-i Sect, this is all there is to it!"

His form could be seen flitting about, finally landing on the frontlines. Reddie neighed and sprung up high, 'flying' again, as it caught Yun Yang who was descending with its back. They turned into a flash of red once again, charging forward in a murderous rage.

Until Yun Yang landed back onto his horse, the two Ma-i members who had been unfortunate enough to do battle with Yun Yang was still drifting in the air. As blood poured from their seven orifices, a terrible lethargy prevented them from avoiding being flung away. They were dumbstruck with shock and intimidation.

Who was this youth? Yutang's Young Master Yun? How could a noble young master possess such an intricate saber truth?

The youth's cultivation base did indeed reach the heaven realm, but it was still lacking a lot compared to their capabilities! Nonetheless, his saber truth was strong. He had actually used his remarkable saber truth to forcefully close the gap of his inadequate cultivation base and managed to defeat them both.

If it were not for their ability to execute the last specialty of Gold Hook Ma-i at the very last moment, detonating their weapons to generate a strong force to remove momentum of the attack, both of them might already be dead instead of just being severely injured.

Yun Yang, who had won the battle, landed back on his horse with increasing ferocity. His purple robe fluttered loudly as he sped up, hollering with a baleful glare, "Come, whoever wishes to fight me!"

His voice taunted the battlefield as he sped on, leading the charge into no man's land.

No one dared to stop him.

The terror was induced when he defeated both the Ma-i experts in a single strike. It had happened high above the battleground and had been witnessed by everyone.

It would be death to try and stop such a strong opponent. Bai Yixue had been the predecessor - an eye could be closed on invincible experts. With the fear growing in everyone and without a direct command from their higher authority, there was no one to stop him.

Bai Yixue and Marquis of Heavenly Clouds, Yun Xiaoyao, were trailing behind Yun Yang on his left and right, like two majestic gods sent to kill or berserk tigers just released from their cages. They were unstoppable! The three of them were as one, tearing a breach in Dongxuan's troops within the time it took to breathe a single breath.

Hundreds of Dongxuan experts attempted to stop them again, but they were slaughtered the moment they brushed against each other. When the experts managed to regroup, they saw Yutang's troop was already galloping from afar.

The Serving Troop and Steel Cavalry under Fu Baoguo were galloping madly as well. Both battalions were finally meeting the enemy after so many obstacles!

"Charge away! Breach Dongxuan's army!"

Yun Yang cried loudly, warning everyone that it was not yet time to rest. On the contrary, all of them were completely drowned in the violence of the enemy's siege, so much so that their resistance was not any lighter than before. They could not afford to let their guard down!

As if answering Yun Yang's warning, Yutang's horns and drums were reverberatingly blown and beaten; the other half of the Steel Cavalry, held in reserve under Fu Baoguo's command, dashed out at this very moment.

"The elders in our homeland are shouldered upon me, the safety of the nation is upon this battle of mine!"

Fu Baoguo's voice was hoarse but it rang with frightful clarity. "Fight! Tianxuan Cliff is right behind us! The Nine Supreme Lords are watching over us! They are watching over us!"

As his words cracked in the air, all the Yutang soldiers felt a gush of hot blood surge within them. For a brief moment, the bloodlust was so strong they felt that they would spontaneously combust!

"Let us carve our path through with slaughter! We shall fight to our deaths against the Dongxuan striplings!"

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