Distant on the sea.

Warships are getting bigger and bigger.

In a short time, we reached the shore.

Tina and Kebi, with the navy soldiers, took the lead to come down and clear the way.

And not far away.

The impassive Van Oka.

After seeing the warship clearly at close range.

First, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he suppressed his voice and said happily:

"Boss Teach!"

"The main ship of the Admiral series, here comes the Admiral!"

His tone was trembling slightly when he spoke.

It came from the fear of the general and the excitement of the inevitable comeback.

Admiral! Blackbeard

Teach heard these four words.

Even in disguise, he couldn't help but His heart skipped a beat.

But then he realized that he was about to become the King of the Seven Warlords. There was no need to be afraid of the navy.

Yuluo himself walked off the warship wearing a cloak of justice.

Adjutant Tina, Kebi and the navy soldiers came to the corpses on the ground.

Seeing Yuluo's brows furrowed, Adjutant Tina took two steps forward.

"blackbeard marshall·D·Where is Teach! ?"


Suddenly, not far away, a lump of fat on the ground jumped up like a big black mouse.

Covered in blood, he thought he was very majestic.

With the only awake Fan Oka Walked towards Tina flamboyantly

"Uh hey hey hey!"

"Navy girl!"

"Sir, I am Tikki!"

Tina frowned deeply after becoming alert.

Not only her, but also Kebi and the navy soldiers.

When they saw a"corpse", they jumped up like a big black mouse.

They also subconsciously became nervous.

"You are Teach Blackbeard! ?"

Although Tina recognized it, she still asked in a questioning tone.

The only fault is that the way Blackbeard Teach appeared was too unusual.

He was covered in dripping blood and the corpses of the crew were all over the ground.

It made them look like Came to destroy Blackbeard

"Where is your Excellency, General? ?"

"Which general is coming! ?"

In response to Tina's questioning words, Blackbeard Tikki was not angry, but asked slightly anxiously.

He did not think that these people in front of him could deal with the"Lord of the Day" Al.

And in the distance, Yuro"El", and Yuro himself.

Seeing the"bogus corpse" staged by Blackbeard.

I was surprised and found it very funny at the same time.

Yuro asked Tina to come back and face Blackbeard Tikki.

"‘Firefist 'Ace, we took him."

Yuluo was preparing to walk over there as he spoke.

"etc! Where is your Excellency, General? ?"

When Blackbeard Teach saw this, he immediately became anxious.

Ace now belongs to Al, the"Lord of the Day". If the navy soldiers go to take Ace away by force, the plan will be ruined if the action is taken.

"This is the candidate general 'Xuan Hu'’!"

Blackbeard kept asking, but Tina couldn't stand it anymore, so she stood up and said coldly.

He always believed that Yuro was definitely no worse than the three generals.

After arresting Pluto Rayleigh, I became even more convinced of this.

"Candidate general! ?"

"It’s not a general who’s coming! ?"

Blackbeard Tiqi, Van Oka heard this and looked at Yuro, stunned for a moment.

Even if the general was not available, he sent an alternate general.

But this alternate general is too young, isn't he?

It looks like she's not as big as that little navy girl. Is there a parallel import?

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but panic.

If that was the case, wouldn't they be in trouble?

"Navy boy, listen to Uncle Teach and let him be the general as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Blackbeard Tiqi did not dare to show off his power.

However, there was still some contempt for Yuluo in his words.

"Annoying guy!"

"I'll take Ace away."

Yu Luo glanced at the two of them coldly.

Tina and others stayed on the shore, while he walked towards Ace.

Blackbeard Teach and Van Oka.

Hearing Yu Luo's words, he couldn't help laughing angrily.

"Uh hahaha! Uh hahaha!"

"Navy boy, I advise you not to ask for trouble!"

"‘You can't deal with Al, the Lord of the Day, so you should just call the general over!"

"Otherwise, you will fall into his hands when the time comes, but don’t blame me for not reminding you!"

Blackbeard Tiqi sneered and mocked in an unceremonious tone.

In his opinion, young Yuro probably went through the back door.

Facing the"Lord of the Day" Al, I am afraid he will be even worse than him next time. awful

"Um! ?"

Suddenly, Yuro stopped and turned his head to look over.

His eyes were like lightning shooting towards Blackbeard Teach.

"How ridiculous!"

"You have lost all your bargaining chips, but you still dare to be arrogant in front of the navy."

The next moment, the conversation changed.

"By the way, if you say that"

"You have lost your right to trade."

Yu Luo said this deliberately with an inexplicable smile.

As for the so-called secret, of course he knew it clearly.

The purpose of saying this was to let Blackbeard Tikki tell the secret himself.

Blackbeard Tikki's big The look on his face turned grim.

A young navy boy dared to talk to him like this. He already wanted to kill someone.

However, for his plan, it was inevitable that the Whitebeard Pirates would go into hibernation. Decades.

A few more days is out of the question.

"Uh hey hey……"

Blackbeard Teach has a weird laugh

"Navy boy! You are too young!"

"This time the deal for 'Fire Fist' Ace was only second."

"What matters is the big secret worth a billion Baileys"

"That is the secret that the world government and navy have been looking for, and as long as it exists, the transaction will continue no matter what."

Speaking of this, his eyes were full of greed.

Then, he looked at Yuluo with disdain on his face.



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