time. the next day.


The gazer exclaimed

"Lord Jack! Discover the situation ahead!"

"An Admiral-class warship!"

Drought" Jack, who was feeling bored after wandering on the sea for a day and a night, immediately became energetic when he heard it.

"Let me see it!"

Snatching the telescope from his men,"Drought" Jack looked into the distance.

"Hey ~ there really is a ~ navy warship ~"

Jack said in a voice full of interest.

The giver on the side was really beating. When Sipshead heard this, he quickly pricked up his ears.

For fear of Mr. Jack, he suddenly shouted,"Give it to me. Lean over."

Sure enough, the next moment

""Drought" Jack's eyes became brighter and brighter

"Let me meet you, such young people……"

"Adjust the direction and lean over to me!"

I waved my hand decisively and shouted arrogantly.

"This...Boss Jack……"

"I'm far away for the time being, so I can't see the specific level clearly.……"

"If that's the admiral... we'd better take another look.……"

Sipshead heard Doflamingo's words from Jack's words and had some worries about the navy warships.

"What are you talking about? ? Get closer quickly!!"

"When the Navy goes to Dressrosa, can they take this route? ?"

""Drought" Jack roared impatiently.

The sea area he was wandering in was not at all the nearest route from the Navy to Dressrosa.

How could the Navy, which was eager to recruit the Shichibukai to join the war, take this far route.

This must be The other navy is responsible for the general's warships and the auxiliary ships that patrol everywhere.

If I can't afford to offend the admiral, I can't afford to offend the patrolling navy!

Seeing Jack's displeased look, Sipshead shrank his head..

Seeing this, the helmsman hurriedly adjusted the direction and sailed in the direction of the naval warship.

""Drought" Jack stood on the bow of the ship, feeling extremely excited both physically and mentally.

After the distance was close, he looked through the telescope again.

At this sight, he was shocked.

Admiral-class warship!?

""Drought." Jack remained calm and continued to observe the navy warship.

The navy did not take the shortest route, but took the long way around to do what it wanted to do.

When he saw a figure wearing a cloak of justice and an admiral's epaulettes walking out of the cabin

"Which general! ? Akainu! ? Kizaru! ? Still a blue pheasant! ?"

Jack's pupils shrank, and he thought to himself at the same time.

However, when that figure appeared in his field of vision,

""Drought" Jack couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"So young! ?"

"Not those three! ?"

Immediately, he reacted

"General Xuanhu! ? That hairy boy! ?"

Looking at that young and handsome face, Jack recognized his identity.

Isn't he the Navy's new admiral who is less than twenty years old and has been rumored recently?

Immediately, Doflamingo's words came to mind again. In his mind,

Jack suddenly understood, and with a violent look on his face , he smashed the telescope into pieces.

"What a joker! How dare you lie to me!"

"What a young boy said about three generals! ?"

""Drought" Jack finally understood, that guy Doflamingo. He just deliberately named the three generals to scare him not to go there.

If he said it was the Black Fox General, he was afraid that his character would be reckless.

"I, 'Drought' Jack, am afraid of that young general! ?"

At this time, Jack was completely irritable. He completely forgot what Doflamingo said.

Not to mention General Black Fox, even Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, I would also be reckless.

Jack pushed the helmsman away, He personally controlled the ship and rushed towards the warship at full speed.

When Sipshead saw the general's epaulettes, his heart pounded with fear.

"Sir Jack...that's the Navy Commander……"

The other crew members were shocked when they saw this.

Although I have never seen the strength of General Xuanhu, I think it is not bad to be a general.

What's more, the word"general" itself has a deterrent effect on ordinary pirates like them.

"A bunch of cowards! You are so scared! ?"

"This is the new world, the territory of our Beast Corps!"

Jack shouted angrily twice.

Sipshead and others were so frightened that they dared not speak anymore.

On the Admiral-class warship, Yuro stood facing the wind.

Looking at the menacing Mammoth, his face showed

The navy soldiers also saw Tina and Kebi behind them with inexplicable smiles.

"That's the flag of the Beast Pirates!"

"On the bow of the Mammoth is 'Drought' Jack!"

Their voices were unexpectedly filled with surprise, and they all looked at General Xuanhu in front of them.

Under normal circumstances, they would definitely panic when encountering the Three Disasters of the Hundred Beast Regiment.

But at this moment, there was a Navy Admiral standing next to them. , there is absolutely no need to be afraid of the other party.

The Mammoth sailed to the warship.

""Drought" Jack's eyes were fierce and he asked Yuro loudly as soon as he came up.

"Your boy is Xuanhu, the newly promoted general of the navy! ?"

The boys behind him were all stunned, staring at"Drought" Jack with wide eyes.

Our Lord Jack, he is a naval admiral, there is no need to be so tough, right!?

Faced with Jack's question, Yuluo chose to ignore it.

Ti Na even revealed his thoughts and responded unceremoniously to"Drought" Jack.

"‘Drought 'Jack! Why bother asking!"

"If you have the guts to come close, you can't escape!"


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