The words just fell!

Distant on the sea.

Mihawk, who was standing on the coffin boat, suddenly shrank with his falcon-like yellow pupils.

He didn't look up, but saw the giant sword above his head through Ye's blade.

"Unprecedented Sword Intent……"

"As I wish...strong!"

Mihawk's eyes flashed with beauty, and then turned fiery.

His murmuring voice was filled with recognition, and his tone was so excited that he trembled slightly.

This was his first time. During the battle, such excitement arose, and the source of all this was his sense of sight and feeling, as well as the extremely terrifying sword intent contained in the giant sword. Al, the"Lord of the Day" who is so powerful!

The strongest black sword in Mihawk's right hand, Night, seems to have inspired fighting spirit, and he shook his wrist and held it. He held the black sword Ye upright in front of his chest, touched the two fingers of his left hand together, and drew upwards across the blade.

"night! Have you felt it too? ?"

With the murmur, the light in Mihawk's eagle eyes shined brightly.

The sword intent belonging to him and Black Blade Night rose into the sky from the coffin boat, and the boat suddenly sank.

The waves that were set off, one after another, were pulled by his sword intention, turning into a stream of water that rolled up, and gathered into an enlarged version of the water above Mihawk's head.

Black Knife Night.

Just when everything Mihawk had done was completed within a few breaths, the elite navy lieutenants and a large number of navy soldiers began to think so at the same time.

I saw Yoro"Al" standing high in the sky, finally taking his third step. Buzz! Buzz!

This is an invisible ripple in the air!"Er" spread under your feet.

The giant sword hanging in the sky felt the instructions given by its master.

After a rumbling surge, it suddenly fell from the sky and pierced Mihawk's Tianling Cap.

""Eagle Eye" Mihawk's heart suddenly shrank, and the strongest black sword Ye stabbed upward.

The black sword Ye with a large distance transformed by the sea water immediately rushed straight up to meet the falling giant sword.

Silently In the blink of an eye, the giant sword and the black sword collided.


There was a burst of clouds and a sound of splashing.

The sword intent and the sword intent were contained in the giant sword and the black sword.

However, at this moment, as the collision occurred, it completely exploded, crackling!

Invisible sword intent and knife intent raged wildly in the air, centered above Mihawk. , carrying tangible black and white current, spreading in all directions

"That...what is that! ?"

"Why... I have a feeling... of being suffocated!"

"This is... this is heart palpitations... what on earth is going on! ?"

"Uh... I can't breathe... I can't breathe.……"

The spreading sword intent and knife intent arrived in front of the port in the blink of an eye and rushed towards Crescent Bay Square.

Although the navy soldiers in the square could not see it, their physical and mental instincts trembled, making them feel a sense of suffocation deep in their hearts.

The lieutenant generals in the rear suddenly said something bad to themselves and looked at the high platform.

With the will of these naval soldiers, there is no resistance to the invisible sword intent and sword intent that sweeps over them.

If they allowed the impact of sword intent and sword intention, it would probably be like the overlord's domineering force, which would break their will and cause them to fall into coma.

"Ah la la la! This is too terrible!"

"The will of the top swordsman is comparable to that of an overlord!"

Aoji's face was full of wonder, and he didn't know when he learned Kizaru's lines.

Everyone, including Sengoku, looked at Yuro, and the meaning was obviously self-evident.

Yuro didn't talk nonsense. , waved his hand forward, and opened a defensive wall in the air in front of the port. With this, the suffocating heartbeat of the naval soldiers suddenly became less noticeable.

The sword intent and sword intent collided with the invisible defensive wall, and there was a roaring sound.

The naval soldier recovered and looked at"Eagle Eye" Mihawk on the sea and the"Lord of the Day" high in the sky."Al.

Looking at the scene of the giant sword and the black knife fighting again, there were exclamations, wonders, and discussions.

"Although I can’t understand what’s going on, they look evenly matched!"

"‘Hawkeye Mihawk is indeed the world's greatest swordsman, and he can even fight with his backhand moves!"

"And Al, the 'Lord of the Day', has such attainments in swordsmanship at such a young age. Not only can he compete with the Black Fox General, but his swordsmanship is also comparable to the world's greatest swordsman!"

On the high platform, during the Warring States Period, Counselor He, Garp exclaimed

"Just talking about the sword intention and sword intention just now, it is already comparable to that of Shi Jina!"

The Warring States Period thought of that opponent from the old era, the top swordsman Golden Lion of the Two Sword Style.

Although he was still a user with the Piao Piao Fruit ability, his main powerful attack method was still slashing.

"I guess that guy Shi Ji, the Golden Lion, wouldn't necessarily be able to get an advantage against these two contemporary great swordsmen just with his two-sword style swordsmanship!"

Similarly, Garp on the side also thought of Shiji and couldn't help but marveled.

Just when everyone watching the battle thought that the two sides were evenly matched, no one knew clearly that"Eagle Eye" Mihawk was struggling to resist


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