Fortunately, after Sakaki's reminder, Haoli dodged this move in time.

However, the power of this move is really not small. The ground cracks continuously, and the trees on the side are completely knocked down and tilted.

It's an earthquake move!


The sound of a giant running was heard, and I looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a big tree was directly broken, and a rhinoceros-like elf rushed out from behind the big tree.

This elf is about 1.5 meters long, gray all over, with steel-like leather armor on its body, and it is still shining.

There is an arc-shaped gap on its back, plus the gap on the spine, it looks like it is specially left for riding.

It has a small horn on its head, short limbs, and a huge head.

This is an armored rhinoceros!

This armored rhinoceros looked at Haoli very angry, and after seeing Sakaki, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The level of this armored rhino is not low, almost reaching the senior level. It may evolve into an armored Tyrannosaurus in a short time, and it seems that there is not only one armored rhino here.

Sakaki glanced around and saw three armored rhinos of similar level around him.

But the others did not seem to be as bold as him and dared to attack Sakaki directly.

They just hid behind the trees and secretly spied on Sakaki and his friends.

The only surprising thing is that there should not be ground-type and rock-type Pokémon like the armored rhino on this small island.

There is not even enough space for them to move around.

The only possibility is that these guys were abandoned here by the trainers, so they are more aggressive and have more resentment towards humans.

When these armored rhinos took action, the Pokémons who were originally far away from here also slowly turned back, looking very curious.

"Huh!" The armored rhino screamed wildly at Sakaki.

Then the other three armored rhinos rushed out from the other three directions, surrounding Sakaki and the cat boss.

Two of the three looked a little old, and the leather armor on their bodies did not look that hard, and seemed to be the parents of this armored rhinoceros.

The other one was in youth like this armored rhinoceros, and should be its brother or sister.

It was just that the talents of the three of them did not seem to be as strong as this armored rhinoceros, so they were surpassed by it.

When the rich ground energy was gathering, Sakaki had guessed what they were going to do, "Climb the tree!"

Another earthquake move!

The four armored rhinos took action separately, they raised their upper bodies high, and then stepped down suddenly.


They continued to invade the ground energy into the ground, and the originally solid land instantly cracked, and the ground shook wildly.

If this was dragged in by the ground crack, it would be difficult to get out again.

Fortunately, with Sakaki's reminder, Cat Boss and Haoli jumped onto the tree early.

Although Nidorino was not very good at climbing trees, Sakaki put it into the Poké Ball in time to prevent it from being swallowed by the crack in the ground.

Sakaki stood on the slightly tilted tree, looking at the four armored rhinos underground, and his previous thoughts became more certain.

This method of organizing and controlling companions to use moves and causing more damage was definitely learned from humans.

This armored rhinoceros is very smart and interesting in being able to apply what he has learned.

At this time, the Poké Ball on Sakaki's waist shook slightly, and Sakaki patted it gently and said:

"Have a good rest, you are not needed for this."

The four armored rhinos saw Sakaki and Cat Boss climbed up the tree, and they were still using the earthquake move.

It seemed that they wanted to use the crack in the earth to swallow Sakaki and the tree together.

Sakaki waved his hand gently, and the two Poké Balls opened, releasing the two giant crabs that had just been caught.

The two giant crabs looked at the situation a little dazed outside of the earthquake move, but they did not run away, which was already good.

Sakaki commanded them coldly:

"Use the water gun move with all your strength to attack the four armored rhinos!"

When Sakaki's momentum rose and his cold voice sounded, the two giant crabs were frightened and acted quickly.

Two water guns shot out violently. If they hit the armored rhinos, the effect would definitely be outstanding.

However, the armored rhinos were not fools. At the moment when the giant crabs acted, they quickly dodged. With their strong bodies, they could even break trees in order to avoid the water flow.

After seeing this disgusting water Pokémon, their hatred immediately shifted to it.

They used the horn-butting move and went towards the two giant crabs.

The two giant crabs looked at the water that was constantly approaching them.The armored rhinoceros was shaken.

They quickly raised their huge claws and hammered forward, using the arm hammer technique! Bang!

The smaller armored rhinoceros was knocked down.

But the remaining three armored rhinoceros attacked them from three directions, and red, blue and yellow lights lit up.

Three elements appeared in the mouths of the three armored rhinoceros: fire, lightning, and frost.

They were lightning teeth, flame teeth, and ice teeth techniques!

The two giant claw crabs hurriedly raised their claws to block them, and a faint light lit up, protecting them. They used the defend technique.


One after another, although they used the defend technique, they were still defeated by the armored rhinoceros!

They just woke up, and now they fainted again.

The three armored rhinos were very excited when they saw the annoying water elves being knocked down.

However, behind two of them, there was suddenly a shadow, which was Haoli and Cat Boss!

Cat Boss roared at one of the armored rhinos, waving his claws continuously, using the random grabbing technique.

The sharp claws made the armored rhinoceros scream continuously. The aged leather armor was not so hard and was easily scratched and cracked.

Its body was covered with blood, and its skin and flesh were scratched off one by one.

This was far from over. Cat Boss was very familiar with the set of taking advantage of the victory.

Its claws slammed on the head of the armored rhinoceros, using the high-five surprise attack technique.

The armored rhinoceros was controlled again in place.

Then he used the treasure gathering technique, and a series of gold coins condensed instantly and hit the armored rhinoceros head.

The already serious injury was aggravated!

This was not the end yet. In the end, the cat boss flicked his tail and used the high-speed star move.

The shining five-pointed star fell on the armored rhinoceros and completely defeated it!

From beginning to end, the armored rhinoceros did not even have a chance to resist.

On the other side, Hao Li hugged the armored rhinoceros, which ranked third in strength, and after using the strange force move with all his strength, the muscles all over his body swelled up.

Under the constant squeezing of the huge force, the armored rhinoceros screamed repeatedly, and the leather armor on its body was squeezed and deformed.

It began to struggle frantically and wrestled with Hao Li.

But Hao Li is not only strong, he also has excellent fighting skills!

When the armored rhinoceros struggled, it exerted force instantly and used the leveraged throw move. A back throw knocked the armored rhinoceros to the ground, making it lose its fighting ability.

Sakaki was not polite either, and threw out the Poké Balls in his hand one after another, collecting them all.

The speed of dealing with them was a bit fast, so that the strongest armored rhino didn't react for a while.

It looked at Sakaki with resentment, and directly used the sandstorm move with another armored rhino that had recovered.

A violent sandstorm rolled up in the mess, and the gravel was like a small blade, which could scratch scars on the body when it fell on it.

Sakaki smiled with satisfaction, "You can actually use sandstorms? Interesting!"

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