In the past few months, Nidoking's level has also made great progress.

He broke through to the senior level directly, and his level increased by five levels to 42, almost catching up with Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This is the power contained in the top-grade Moonstone.

Matt moved his fingers slightly and issued an order to Charizard: "Charizard, use smoke to confuse them, and then take the opportunity to approach and use dragon claws to attack!"

Upon hearing this, Charizard immediately opened its huge mouth, and a thick gray smoke instantly spread, covering the entire battlefield in a hazy state, and their vision became blurred.

Nidoking and Tyrannosaurus Rex involuntarily took a few steps back, trying to avoid this sudden smoke barrier. But it was too late, and they had to rely on hearing and intuition to determine the location of Charizard.

Seeing this, Sakaki quickly gave orders to Nidoking and Tyrannosaurus: "Nidoking, prepare to attack with poison attack; Tyrannosaurus, you are responsible for stomping to disperse the smoke, and then prepare to attack with a straight drill!"

Tyrannosaurus roared, stomped the ground with both feet, and a strong shock wave spread from under its feet, and the smoke began to dissipate gradually.

At the moment when the smoke dissipated, Charizard had already attacked, but Tyrannosaurus and Nidoking were already prepared.

Nidoking's claws were shining with black and purple light, which was a fierce poison attack.


It stepped forward to meet the flying Charizard, and the dragon claws and poison attacks collided with each other, making a loud noise, and even set off a gust of wind!!

In the wrestling, although Nidoking was very strong, after all, his level was there.

At this moment, Tyrannosaurus seized the opportunity and rushed towards Charizard, using the straight drill.

Its hard drill-like horn began to spin wildly, forming a stream of air and hitting Charizard's abdomen hard, knocking it out and falling heavily to the ground.

Matt frowned when he saw this, but he did not panic. Instead, he quickly gave Charizard a new order: "Charizard, use the flame vortex to trap them."

Charizard immediately spread its wings and flew up into the sky with a strong flap. Then a hot flame vortex formed around it in an instant, sweeping Nidoking and Tyrannosaurus in.

In the flame vortex, the flames burned fiercely and the temperature was extremely high, making Nidoking and Tyrannosaurus feel hot and had to struggle hard.

Sakaki seized the opportunity and gave orders to Nidoking and Tyrannosaurus:

"Nidoking, use mud wave to attack; Tyrannosaurus, you are responsible for smashing the flame vortex with your arm hammer!"

Upon hearing this, Nidoking immediately spit out a stream of turbid mud waves from his mouth, which instantly penetrated the flame vortex and headed for Charizard.

Charizard flapped its wings and dodged flexibly in mid-air, avoiding all the mud waves!

Tyrannosaurus leaped up suddenly, waving its huge forelimbs and using its arm hammer.

With a boom!

Its hard fist slammed hard into the flame vortex, instantly smashing it to pieces.

Not to be outdone, Matt ordered: "Charizard, counterattack with air slash, and then spray flames!"

Charizard flapped its wings and flew high, and its sharp air slash cut through the air, directly attacking Tyrannosaurus and Nidoking.

Sakaki was still calm, "Horn ram! Smash!"

The two giant beasts, Tyrannosaurus and Nidoking, came forward one after another, one used its rotating horns to continuously smash the air, and the other swung its fists continuously!

Bang bang!

Olla Olla Olla!

Although Tyrannosaurus and Nidoking used horn ram and smash to offset some of the power in time, they were still shaken by the aftermath.

However, Charizard had spread its wings, bringing a wave of heat and rushing straight into the sky.

Then it dived, gathering hot flames in its mouth, spraying flames, the flames were like dragons, and rushed straight to Nidoking and Tyrannosaurus.

Sakaki's eyes were stern, and he quickly adjusted his strategy: "Metal-Armored Tyrannosaurus, use rock blast to meet the attack! Nidoking, prepare poison needle support!"

Metal-Armored Tyrannosaurus reacted quickly. It swung its huge tail violently, and hard rocks flew up from the ground, like cannonballs, to meet the fire of Charizard's jets.

The two forces collided in the air, bursting out with dazzling light and deafening explosions.

At the same time, Nidoking also found an opportunity. It quickly moved to the side of Charizard, and the poison needle move was ready to go. One by one, poison needles sprayed out of its mouth like drizzle, heading straight for Charizard.

However, Charizard flapped its wings and turned around directly, avoiding Nidoking's poison needle move.

Sakaki frowned. Charizard's mobility was indeed very strong, so this point had to be solved. "It can't just be like this, Metal-Armored Tyrannosaurus will start a sandstorm!"

"Roar!" The Metal-Armored Tyrannosaurus roared., stomping his feet hard!

Instantly, yellow sand filled the air, forming a thick sandstorm in the training ground, and the gravel was as sharp as a blade!

The higher Charizard flew, the greater the damage it suffered!

Not only that, its speed and vision would be affected, unlike Nidoking and Tyrannosaurus, who were like fish in water.

"Awesome." Matt couldn't help but admire Tyrannosaurus when he saw that the weather was so thick.

Matt's eyes were solemn, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Facing the sandstorm moves, he quickly gave Charizard an order:

"Charizard, use the 'splitting' skill to cut through the sandstorm, and then 'dragon breath' to counterattack!"

Charizard received the order, flapped its wings, and its body drew a graceful arc in the air. The sharp claws condensed in the air, slashing at the sandstorm like a sharp blade, and forcibly opened a passage in the thick sand and dust.

Then, it opened its bloody mouth, and a hot and powerful dragon breath gushed out of its mouth, turning into a torrent of flames, rushing straight to the location of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Nidoking.

Sakaki quickly commanded: "Tyrannosaurus Rex, use a ram to meet it and resist the dragon breath! Nidoking, the power of the earth!"

Tyrannosaurus Rex roared, and its muscles were tense. Like an out-of-control heavy tank, it rushed towards Charizard's dragon breath regardless of everything, and used its own powerful strength to confront the destructive flames.

Nidoking stepped on the ground with both feet, and a strong earthquake wave spread from under its feet. The scorching temperature formed on the ground, which was a precursor to the power of the earth, and the whole training ground trembled.

Seeing this, Matt immediately commanded Charizard: "Charizard, fly to a high place, avoid the power of the earth, and then use 'Fiery Abyss'!"

Charizard flapped its wings and flew high, deftly avoiding the power of the earth caused by Nidoking.

Then it spread its wings, and an unprecedented amount of hot energy gathered around it, forming a sea of ​​fire - the Fiery Abyss.

The flames swept towards Tyrannosaurus and Nidoking like a wave, bringing destructive power.

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