I Am The Great Swordsman Zoro, The Strongest Shinigami In The Soul Society

Chapter 69 One Move Determines The Outcome! Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni's Wrath! (Ask For A Fl

after all.

Explosive Flame is ferocious and swift!

Without this characteristic, it is just an ordinary flame.

Aizen Sōsuke began to speculate on Jiang Ye Zanpakutō's abilities.

Many possibilities popped up in his mind.

The Kidō-type ability invades Shiba Yixin's arm nerves through some invisible substance, making it impossible to achieve full power.

This slows down the attack.

Illusion ability, the moment of contact affects Shiba's brain, making the brain slow down the concept of time.

Don't look at it as just one shot, but in this level of battle, its impact will be huge.

Aizen Sōsuke also thought of many possibilities.

Even thought of it.

It may be the time system ability.

But this possibility, just thinking about it, was given up by Aizen Sōsuke.

Zanpakutō who masters the power of time.

Throughout the history of the Soul Society, no one has ever been born.

However, this seemingly impossible speculation is the truth of Jiang Ye Zanpakutō.

Unbeknownst to Aizen Sōsuke, he brushed shoulders with the truth about Jiang Ye Zanpakutō.

At this moment.

Jiang Ye didn't give Shiba Yixin any more chances.

He finally fought against a powerful opponent,

Try the power of Zanpakutō Houtu!

Its performance is amazing!

The effect of slowing down time makes the strongest attack,

Without speed, power is lost.

At the same time lost the possibility of being attacked.

Like a Lion Majesty without fangs, a bird without wings.

As for the function of the black knife to speed up...

"team leader."

"Let's make the last move to decide the outcome!"

At this time, Jiang Ye took the initiative to propose to Shiba wholeheartedly.

Their battles are pretty much the same.

Unless he has Bankai now.

Otherwise keep playing.


Shiba wholeheartedly felt that it was just what he wanted.

"Uncute brat."

"Just as you said."

"The last move determines the outcome!"

The words fell.

Neither Jiang Ye nor Shiba Yixin said much.

Shiba suddenly burst out a huge Reiatsu, turning Zanpakutō into a flaming blade, and shot with the infinite power of explosive flames!

The same is true for Jiang Ye.

A frightening red light flashed in his pupils!

The swung black knife continues to accelerate!

Turned into an afterimage.

In the process of accelerating, his whole body almost turned into a streamer traveling at extremely fast speed, rushing towards Shiba's single-minded explosive flame.

next moment!

"Crescent sky rushing!!!"

"One knife style———Dachenshake!!!"

Both sides displayed their strongest moves impressively!


Two massive Reiatsu collide!

just listen!


The raging explosive flame was sliced ​​open by Jiang Ye's knife from the middle!

Jiang Ye's slash created a ruthless burst of flames!

637 followed.

The explosion that split into two suddenly set off an earth-shattering explosion!

Billowing flames soared into the sky in an instant!

Huge flames, so bright as if a small sun had risen over Seireitei!

At this moment, Shinigami in the entire Seireitei area can see that a noon sun is rising in the direction of the 10th division area!


The little sun is fleeting!

Then it turned into billowing burning smoke.

With an astonishing shock wave that seems to distort space.

Sweep everything around you in an instant!

In just one second, the dojo of the Juban team and the buildings within a radius of one kilometer around the dojo were all destroyed by this shock wave.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō, Matsumoto Rangiku who watched the battle,

There are also a group of tenth squad members.

They raised Bakudō defenses.

May Bakudō's Reiatsu defensive wall,

It was almost destroyed together.

It made a crunching sound, like the sound of crushing ice cubes.

After the shock wave dissipated, Hitsugaya Tōshirō, Matsumoto Rangiku, and a group of 10th squad members were able to concentrate and see the whole picture.

They found out!

In the center of that fight!

A third person appeared besides Jiang Ye and Captain Shiba!

The figure of that person is somewhat familiar.

Someone with excellent eyesight saw the identity of this figure, Chōjirō Sasakibe, the vice-captain of the team!

"That's the vice-captain of the first team!!!"

"It's broken, it must have been sent by the captain!"

"Our 10th squad won't suffer!?"

The 10th Squadron members panicked.

They looked at the scene of ruins all around them.

Can't help but feel afraid of it.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō and Matsumoto Rangiku exchanged glances.

what they expected,

Still here.


Think of the duel between Jiang Ye and Captain Shiba just now.

They felt that it was worth seeing such an exaggerated duel.

"Jiang Ye boy, Captain Shiba." Chōjirō Sasakibe, the deputy captain of the first team, looked at the figures on the left and right respectively, and greeted.


Chōjirō Sasakibe's expression turned cruel.

"Please follow me to the first team and report to the captain."

The words fell.

Chōjirō Sasakibe looked at the two of them again.


This is directly from Commander Yamamoto Yuanryasai Shigekuni-sama,

Undeniable order!

Jiang Ye nodded to express his understanding.

I didn't feel anything.

At most, it's just being scolded.

No piece of meat will be lost.

Shiba wholeheartedly nodded to show his understanding.

He felt uneasy, because he knew one thing, this battle will attract the attention of the old man, "The root cause is him.

If he hadn't hit the head,

Liberate the Shikai of Zanpakutō.

This battle is nothing more than an entrance test for the Bantei.

But Shikai's words.

It is necessary to explain to the old man of the captain.

At that time, the person who will be scolded the most will definitely be him, the captain. If he fails to set an example, he will be punished.

Shiba's single-minded expression suddenly collapsed.

It's over!


Shiba focused on the moment in his mind at this moment, most of which were still recalling the moment before the end of the battle.

Jiang Ye, the uncute brat's slashing, even cut off his crescent sky, it's outrageous to the extreme!

This kid's kendo realm, Shiba can guarantee with all his heart, has absolutely surpassed the captain's understanding of kendo, it's unimaginable!

Did this kid practice swordsmanship from the womb?!


He is from Rukongai.

Should it be said that he started practicing swords in his previous life!?

Shiba thought with all his heart.

Together with Jiang Yoruichi, he went to the first team with Chōjirō Sasakibe, the deputy captain of the first team.

As for the 10th squad,

Hitsugaya Tōshirō, Matsumoto Rangiku and the Juban squad members.

They will start to clean up the mess caused by the battle.

At this moment, Hitsugaya Tōshirō, Matsumoto Rangiku, and members of the 10th Division stood in front of a pile of ruins and ruins, looking dazed.

They had a good time just now.


The 10th squad was almost wiped out by the battle between Jiang Ye and the captain.

If the ruins are not cleaned up,

rebuild it.

Many of them don't even have a place to sleep tonight.

"Those two idiots!!!"

Matsumoto Rangiku came back to his senses and couldn't help cursing.

She looked at her destroyed house with an extremely painful expression!

A team.

captain's room.

Shiba is dedicated to serving as the captain and reporting role.

Jiang Ye stood aside and remained silent.

In addition, he secretly looked at the existence in front of him.

The bald man in front of him, with wrinkles on his face, two cross-shaped scars on his forehead, and an old man with long white eyebrows and a white beard.

His expression is dignified.

At the same time, with the kindness of an old man.

It seems to be an old man dressed like a fairy.


He is by far the strongest Shinigami in Soul Society.

For thousands of years.

No Shinigami can challenge his status.

Shinigami's Zouquan Zougui,

He honed each subject to its limit, and even pushed this limit forward, reaching a level that no one knew about.

Its Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka is the strongest and oldest Zanpakutō of the heat department, claiming to have the strongest attack power of the Soul Society.

Inside his not tall body.

It seems to contain infinite energy like a sun!

Once fully released.

Will destroy all enemies!

And now.

Just such a man.

Unleash his wrath on Shiba!

Commander Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni held a stick of wood.

The whole first team building shook accordingly.

All the anger, turned into substantial Reiatsu, overwhelmed Shiba Yixin.

Shiba Yixin suddenly felt the huge pressure, his body was almost unable to keep standing, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.


Although this anger did not directly affect Jiang Ye.

But just overflowing huge Reiatsu.

It also affects Jiang Ye.

He suddenly felt a heavy pressure from the sky falling.


Jiang Ye would never be overwhelmed by this kind of thing!

Just as Zoro chooses to take all the damage Luffy alone suffers!

He has honed his sword heart to perfection. (cgaf) "Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, but his color remained unchanged".

The next moment Jiang Ye erupted a terrifying Reiatsu,

Resist the pressure.

Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni sensed the changes in Jiang Ye, he opened one eye slightly, and glanced at Jiang Ye imperceptibly.


He said in his heart.

It was able to stop it.

He originally wanted to test Jiang Ye.

Get quiz results now.

He is very satisfied.

After Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni reprimanded Shiba Yixin.

Immediately restrained his own Reiatsu.

Shiba breathed a sigh of relief, and his breathing immediately became smoother, like a fish out of the sea for a long time, finally returning to the water.

The same is true for Jiang Ye.


Shiba saw the old man raise his hand wholeheartedly.

He hastened to reassure Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni.

Will never do it again in the future.

And accept his punishment without question.

See here.

Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni also let Shiba Yixin go.

Shiba took Jiang Ye to leave the team with all his heart.

The battle between the two is over.

But the impact of the two of them fighting.

just began.

The other teams also knew at this time.

Captain Yamamoto summoned Shiba Yishin and Jiang Ye two news.

They probably knew that Jiang Ye, who showed such strength, would definitely be valued by the captain.

At the same time, they envied Shiba's single-mindedness. Originally, they thought that Jiang Ye would need some time to grow up before he could take on the important task of standing alone.

Now it seems.

Nima can have a heart-to-heart touch with Shiba.

This can immediately become the ready-to-use combat power of the Juban team!

If you add another talented boy-Hitsugaya Tōshirō, their Juban team has a captain level.

Plus Vice Captain Matsumoto Rangiku.

Three vice-captain-level forces.

And there are two people, Hitsugaya Tōshirō and Jiang Ye.

Not an ordinary vice-captain level combat power.




The 10th Banteam has jumped to the top of the Gotei 13 ranks!


What do others think.

The 10th squad doesn't know.

Shiba brought Jiang Ye back to the 10th squad wholeheartedly.

At this time, under the powerful ability of Shinigami, large areas of ruins have been cleaned up, and some areas have even begun to be rebuilt.

Shiba focused on watching his team being destroyed.

He wanted to cry immediately but had no tears.

"My salary!!!"

"How can it be repaired!!!"

To know.

This battle was already scolded by the captain's old man.

Gotei 13 simply won't take this loss.

So the money spent on this rebuilding effort.

All will be deducted from the salary of captain Shiba Yixin!

Although the salary of the captain level is high.

But it can't afford such a large reconstruction project.

Shiba looked angrily at Jiang Ye who was standing beside him.

But thought of something.

His expression immediately darkened again.

As the captain, he can't let a rookie who just joined their team take the responsibility together.

And even if he arranged this cruelly, the salary of Jiang Ye, a newcomer, has not yet been paid, and it is not much!


Shiba wants to cry even more with all her heart!

I knew it earlier.

When fighting, it doesn't go up.

He was scolded by the old man of the captain and didn't say anything.

All wages must be paid in!


Blood loss!

The more Shiba thought about it, the more depressed he became.

Decided not to continue thinking about it.


He rallied the 10th squad members.

Prepare to arrange Jiang Ye's position.

Although, the battle between the two ended in a draw, neither of them really won or lost to each other.

However, Jiang Ye's powerful strength has been fully demonstrated in this duel, regardless of whether Jiang Ye has shown his full strength.

The strength he has shown now has already made Jiang Ye's combat power rank in the forefront of the team, and he deserves and must take up a position.

Shiba wanted Jiang Ye to be the vice captain.

Take Matsumoto Rangiku back one.

Matsumoto Rangiku cried out immediately.

It's not that she thinks the captain is biased, she also thinks that Jiang Ye is qualified and capable to serve as the vice-captain of the 10th Division.

Matsumoto Rangiku, on the contrary, felt that the captain's blunt statement of this fact was simply too cruel, and he didn't know how to be tactful at all.

Hear the captain's arrangement.

The third seat Hitsugaya Tōshirō has no comment.

The other 10th squad members also had no objections.

after all.

Shinigami's world strength is the only one.

If you are better than me, then you are the boss.

However, when Jiang Ye heard this arrangement, he immediately rejected it.

He had always believed that he had connections in the 10th squad, and that he could catch fish with people he knew, and he could push out the tedious daily work.

If he becomes the vice-captain.

Could it be that he has become that tool man!

Of course Jiang Ye won't do it!


Jiang Ye refused.

And it is enough to raise the position of the third seat.

Shiba tried again and again, wanting Jiang Ye to be the vice-captain, but Jiang Ye was not fooled and insisted on choosing the third seat.

Shiba has no choice.

Only the vice-captain of Matsumoto Rangiku remains unchanged.

Didn't even ask little Tōshirō.

Retire Hitsugaya Tōshirō to the fourth seat.

—— Hitsugaya Tōshirō: O sorrow!

Jiang Ye took the third seat.

so far.

Jiang Ye has his own place in the 10th squad.

At the same time, other newcomers who joined the team like Jiang Yoruichi, Rukia Kuchiki, Abarai Renji, Kira Iziru, Hinamori Momo.

They also all pass their respective entry tests.

In their respective teams,

have their place.


Jiang Ye's newcomer this year,

Then began the real Shinigami career.

After joining the Fan team, although Jiang Ye is the third seat, he must follow the seniors in the Fan team and learn the real work of a Shinigami.

Their 10th Division is a special force.

If you look at it according to the division of labor in the modern army.

The Juban is the secret service of Seireitei Gotei 13.

Generally responsible for tasks that other teams cannot handle.

The team members are very strong.

All are elites.

Jiang Ye started to study with the seniors in the team.

At the same time, Rukia Kuchiki and Abarai Renji also learned from the seniors in the team.

As time goes by, they accumulate time and complete different tasks, large and small, and gradually become qualified Shinigami.

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