Chapter 113!

Zhou Ye, who had no good feelings for India, simply transformed into a six-winged death angel——

Swept over a city—Zhou Ye’s hand waved lightly… A city is just draped in a layer of white plain, and with a breeze blowing, the whole city – whether it is people or dead bodies, whether it is tall buildings or bridges…

It’s like a decomposed picture, little by little it turns into an extremely fine powder…

The voices gained from experience formed a chorus in Zhou Ye’s mind————

When the sound obtained by experience stopped, a message from the system made Zhou Ye instantly ecstatic…

[Ding——Congratulations to the host for reaching level one hundred and sixty-nine.] 】

What does the representative of the one hundred and sixty-ninth level represent? It represents Zhou Ye’s ultimate talent that can light up the talent of the fire system.

【Heart of Flame – 0/1】

Zhou Ye, who had already been baptized by ice talent, did not hesitate at all, and directly pointed the last talent point on the heart of flame.

As Zhou Ye lit down the Heart of Flame—in an instant————

From the distant surface of the sun, a huge shadow appeared in the center of the sun, and then a dozen Earth-sized solar flares formed coronal material erupted…

This mysterious coronal material quickly crossed the long distance between the earth and the sun at a speed close to the speed of light, rushing towards the earth…

Several staff members in the space station looked stupidly at the instruments that were spinning around in front of them…

“Oh my God, is the end of the world coming, is the earth going to be destroyed??”

“These solar matter—no… This flare jet is enough to destroy more than a dozen Earths…”

“I… I can’t believe it…”

“In three seconds, Earth will face this unprecedented coronal eruption… May the earth’s magnetic field be able to hide from it…”

“Nope… Oh my God…”

“Look, these eruptions directly tore apart the Earth’s magnetic field… They?? Hey?? Why is it marching in this constrained form? Aren’t they supposed to spread in waves? ”

“Hurry up and calculate their landing point…”

“The drop point has already been calculated – it’s India – Kolkata…”

“Well, may God bless India, may God bless Calcutta…”

“That… I think there is no need to bless Kolkata. Kolkata has disappeared…”

“What?? Disappeared?? ”

The leader of the scientific research group heard the report of the team members, hurriedly rushed to the sensor of the high-powered camera, and looked over…

At this time, he saw it, the place that should have belonged to Calcutta, at this time, had completely turned into an incomparably desolate and primitive landscape… No, it can’t be said that it is a primitive landform, but you can still see a lot of foundation sections on the ground that leak out… However, the building above has disappeared.

“This… What the hell is going on here?? The team leader was dumbfounded.

“Team leader, we have calculated the destination of those solar materials, but–they stopped in mid-air… Wait, why is there still a person there?? ”

“Cut the picture to the main screen for me…”


As the picture was cut to the main screen of the space station, almost all the crew saw such a scene…

A figure with three pairs of wings on its back is suspended in the sky at a height of thousands of meters, and those solar materials that are enough to destroy more than a dozen earths are actually like a sharp cone, breaking through the blockade of the earth’s magnetic field, and then finally, falling on the body of this figure…

“This, this is – miracles!!!

At this time, the people in the space capsule, whether they believe in religion or not, each of them drew a cross in their own mouth with great religiousness…

And what about Zhou Ye, who is being baptized? At this time, I only feel warm all over my body…

This feeling as if he had returned to his mother made Zhou Ye even want to cry out… It’s so comfortable…

Zhou Ye didn’t know how long the time had passed, maybe a second, maybe a day…

When he opened his eyes, a golden light erupted from his pupils, and it didn’t disappear until the sky…

“What about the power of flames…” the wings behind Zhou Ye flickered slightly…”Let’s test it first…”

As his words fell, the ice wings that fluttered behind him were little by little stained with the color of flames from the roots of the wings… Three seconds later—three pairs of flame wings replaced his original Frost Wings.

“So—test the speed first!” Zhou Ye said, gently fanning his fire wings, and in an instant—he himself disappeared in place.

After a long time—a burst of air bursts came from afar.

Zhou Ye, who was stopped in mid-air, looked at the extremely prosperous modern city under his feet.

Although it was said that this city was already a little devastated by the destruction of dead bodies, it was still difficult to hide its old style, and through the information collected on those billboards, Zhou Ye knew… This is Mumbai.

Sleeper trough——

From Kolkata to Mumbai – a distance of more than two thousand kilometers, Zhou Ye only took less than a second…

“This power… It feels even more violent than the power of the ice system…” Zhou Ye looked at the city under his feet, and then sighed, “Then-let me try the fire attack again…”

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye shouted directly-“Meteorite Heaven Falls——! ”

“Uh—nothing happened??” Zhou Ye looked at the city on the ground a little dumbfounded… It’s not the same as saying yes… Doesn’t it mean that the power of the fire system is more violent and more suitable for attack? Why is this magic of no use at all??

Just when Zhou Ye had some doubts about life, he suddenly felt an explosion in the sky——

He hurriedly looked up… I saw a meteorite with a diameter of one kilometer falling from the sky and falling towards this modern city under my feet…

The high temperature generated by the friction between the meteorite and the air makes the entire meteorite become like a huge fireball——

When it hit Mumbai, the whole earth was like the surface of water, turning up waves – all human creation, under the impact of meteorites, became like confetti, vulnerable…

Layers of shock waves, centered on the impact point, spread out in all directions… The very center of the meteorite impact, within a radius of ten kilometers, has been completely crystallized.

Zhou Ye looked at the city that turned into ruins and ruins under his feet in an instant, and his heart palpitated… Fortunately, I gave up the idea of summoning a meteor shower at the beginning, otherwise – I’m afraid that the Earth Monarch will suffer at this time, right?

However, after the explosion and shock wave of the distance is over, it is far from finished…

Even greater change is taking place…

Because Mumbai is located on the seaside, the meteorite above Mumbai directly set off huge waves as tall as a dozen stories on the sea, and these huge waves spread directly along the Arabian Sea towards the coastal cities on the Saudi side…

“Uh–I always feel that this skill is a bit perverted…” Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, for the sake of the small life of the Earth Monarch for the time being-it is better not to use this meteorite skill for the time being… However – the skill of the fire tornado still needs to be tested.

With Zhou Ye’s thoughts—the whole of India has fallen into bad luck—have you ever seen a fire tornado with a diameter of ten kilometers and a wind speed of up to 200 m/s? There are more than twenty such fire tornadoes, which are raging everywhere on the continent of India… In Zhou Ye’s words, it is [Let the flame purify everything! ] 】

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