Chapter 413!

“Blah blah…”

Poor Cullom screamed frantically… I want my companions to help you…

After all, he is now a short-legged sheep, not a wild goat that jumps freely between cliffs… Even if he was turned into a wild goat by Zhou Ye, human instinct still troubled it, and a person who walked on two legs suddenly became a sheep, how could he get used to walking on four legs?

Therefore, in the face of the boulder that used to be easy to jump up to the height of more than one person, it cried helplessly…

However, this is useless…

Because, Zhou Ye is a ghost in this goods…

If it was in the past, even if these dark elf warriors were afraid, their warrior instincts would make them choose to face the Yanlong directly, because – on the battlefield, selling their backs to the enemy would only lead to faster death… Therefore, even if they are afraid, they will choose to face their fear… However, today they shamefully fled…


Because Zhou Ye used his pastor skills… The soul screams…

Soul Scream – Use the scream from the soul to make the enemies centered on you within a hundred meters radius all fall into unspeakable fear from the depths of the soul, unable to make other moves, let alone attack…

Simply put, this is a group control skill…

In fact, this skill is very chicken for Zhou Ye, after all, with his ability, regardless of whether it is a long-range attack or close combat, almost no one can stop it.

However, it has to be said that he developed another use of this skill, that is- harm…

At least the poor worm in front of him, who he turned into a sheep with transfiguration, was the first victim…

By the time everyone hid behind the boulder, Yanlong had already fallen…

At this time, it was also attracted by this little thing that could only bleat in front of it… It’s a little smaller, but it’s still nice when the dessert is cooked…

Thinking of this, Yanlong unceremoniously opened his dragon mouth and swallowed Culom in one bite…

Then he shook his wings and flew into the sky again… It’s busy… I need to continue foraging…

Until after Yanlong flew away… The other dark elf warriors slowed down at this time…

“Why should we run away???”

“Cullom was eaten by the Yan Dragon…”

Perhaps it is the shame in their hearts that makes them unbearable, especially the kind of action of running away regardless of the safety of their teammates, which makes them difficult to let go of in their hearts.

“Didn’t you come to kill Yanlong? Why did you run away just now?? Therefore, a dark elf warrior couldn’t help but question Zhou Ye loudly, “Are you a liar?” ”

Facing this dark elf warrior’s questioning, Zhou Ye was not angry…

He spread his hands with an innocent look and said helplessly: “As you can see, I am a magician… Have you ever seen a magician who fights with someone else? Besides… You have all fled as warriors, will you let me, a weak magician, go up and carry it?” ”

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, everyone suddenly fell silent…

And Yao and the women of Loli couldn’t help but roll their eyes…

Are you a magician??

You are a weak magician???

Yes, that’s right – there are indeed many magicians who lack exercise because they are addicted to magical research, resulting in their bodies being far less healthy than normal people, but – have you ever seen a weak magician who can easily carry a five- or six-ton off-road vehicle and talk and laugh with them over the mountains?

Along the way, because there are many roads that are inconvenient to drive, there are many places, and Zhou Ye simply carries his off-road vehicle around… He really didn’t bother to put it away… Many places are actually tens of meters of road, why bother with that effort?

Therefore, the women still know the skills of their own men…

Especially the closest relationship with Zhou Ye, Loli knows Zhou Ye’s ability better than others, in the end, she is still Zhou Ye’s god…

Nayou looked at Zhou Ye and stopped talking…

She knew why Zhou Ye deliberately killed Culom… Although she hadn’t followed Zhou Ye for a long time, she knew her man’s extraordinary possessiveness…

She actually wanted to tell Zhou Ye that since she followed Zhou Ye, she couldn’t tolerate anyone else in her heart…

However, after thinking about it, Nayu still didn’t say anything… After all, there are too many outsiders at this time… And she, Yao, and the Holy Three have not yet been included in the legion by Zhou Ye, so they can’t use the almost telepathic way of talking on the legion channel…

Therefore, she planned to explain to Zhou Ye again in the evening…

And on the other side… After those few dark elf warriors heard Zhou Ye’s words, they were dumbfounded…

That’s right, they are fighters… They should be on the front… But they shamefully fled… Now he actually asks the magician why he ran away…

The faces of several dark elf warriors couldn’t help but blush with shame…

And the dark elf warrior who had just questioned Zhou Ye also apologized with a look of shame: “Sorry, my lord, I forgot your profession… I’m sorry!! ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay…” Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hand…

That was originally he harming people, what should he care about?? It’s just two sentences of questioning…

However, I have to say – the character of the dark elves is really simple…

The next thing is easy to do…

The obtrusive person was eaten by Yanlong as a dessert… Yao simply took everyone and set up camp in a place where she often camped in the valley… It’s a good place she finds while on patrol, and she often camps here…

After settling Zhou Ye and the others, Yao left Nayou and Sheng to accompany her man, and she quickly returned to the woodland to report the news that the elders and rescuers had been inducted…

For this matter, the elders naturally did not dare to delay…

Because this time not only the emperor of the other world came personally, but also accompanied him, but also Lori Macchuly, one of the twelve apostles.

Don’t look at Loli here seems to be inconspicuous here, but in fact, her status in the other world is quite high… You know—most people call her, but if you want to call her Holy Majesty, of course… If they knew that Lori had become a god, they would change their name to God…

Like the great XX goddess and something like…

Ahem, it’s a little far…

The three dark elf elders, after hearing Yao’s report, did not dare to delay, and hurriedly rushed towards Zhou Ye’s temporary campsite in the valley…

There, the elders met Zhou Ye… At the same time, I also met Lori McChulley… After a moment of pleasantries…

The elders went straight to the point…

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