Chapter 549!

This lunch is the happiest lunch Rou Niang has ever had.

She hadn’t been so happy like she was today in a long time…

Looking at her man, holding her daughter Xiaowu, and feeding her food incomparably, Rou Niang’s heart was full of satisfaction.

However, this relief did not last long, and it was lost by Zhou Ye’s words…

After lunch, when everyone was chatting, Zhou Ye suddenly said——

“Rou Niang, wait a while, you first take Xiao Wu and Bibi Dong to hide on the outside of the forest… I’m going to try again to open the Silver Dragon King’s spatial seal…”

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Rou Niang’s expression changed instantly…

She grabbed Zhou Ye’s hand and said with a pleading tone, “Ah Ye, don’t go, okay?” ”

Zhou Ye was stunned when he heard this…

But soon, he guessed why Rou Niang said that…

He smiled and patted Rou Niang’s small hand, and said: “Don’t worry, it’s really not dangerous at all…”

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Rou Niang did not answer, but closed her lips tightly and shook her head vigorously…

Looking at Rou Niang’s appearance, Zhou Ye couldn’t help but sigh, he gently hugged Rou Niang, and said softly: “Really, believe me, Rou Niang… There really isn’t a hint of danger…”

“Oooo But that’s what you said last time… Oooo

Rou Niang burst into tears instantly…

She lay in Zhou Ye’s arms, crying vigorously…

Obviously, the last time Zhou Ye suddenly disappeared, it really scared her.

Hearing Rou Niang’s words, Zhou Ye sighed silently…

He knew that he really scared Rou Niang last time…

But, isn’t he also forced to do this?

The tasks have been released, and he has received the task rewards…

If you don’t do it, it’s obviously inappropriate.

Uh – well, go to the task of Grandma Te’s legs.

Zhou Ye admitted that he was the body of the Silver Dragon King… What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?

Men are lecherous, is there a problem?

Men are a little perverted, is there something wrong?

However, how to say, you can’t let your own women worry about themselves…

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye sighed faintly…”Well, I’m not going…”

“Really??” Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Rou Niang instantly raised her little head and stared at Zhou Ye with tearful eyes, as if to tell whether what he said was true or false.

But obviously, whether it is mental power or acting skills.

Zhou Ye is not something that Rou Niang can see through…

Facing Rou Niang’s teary gaze, Zhou Ye nodded vigorously, “Well, really… I’ll take you to Poseidon Island now, and I’ll never come back…”

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Rou Niang said a little twistedly: “It’s a bit too exaggerated to never come back… We should still come back occasionally in the future, after all, this is our hometown…”

“Well… We’ll come back and take a look when we have a chance in the future…” said Zhou Ye with a kind smile.

Since it was said, Zhou Ye, who has always liked to do things and be profitable, immediately asked Rou Niang and Xiaowu mother and daughter to pack up the things they had to carry.

As for saying goodbye, it doesn’t really matter…

Because Zhou Ye said, he will solidify a portal here when he turns back, and when the time comes, their mother and daughter can return to the Star Dou Great Forest to play at any time.

Although Zhou Ye said so, Xiao Wu still jumped to say goodbye to her good friends.

When everything is ready, it is almost time for the sun to set.

Looking at the late sky, Rou Niang said with some hesitation: “It’s too late today… Otherwise, let’s leave tomorrow…”

“It’s not too late at all…” Zhou Ye said, stretching out his index finger and drawing a square in the void.

In an instant, a golden door opened out of thin air.

Through the door, everyone can see that there is a beach opposite the door…

Halfway up the hill not far from the beach is a beautiful villa built on the mountain.

Zhou Ye pointed to the villa and said with a smile: “That is our future home, do you like it?” ”


“So pretty…”

Whether it was Rou Niang or Little Loli Bibi Dong, they were all attracted by this extremely beautiful villa in front of them.

“So what are you waiting for?”

While speaking, Zhou Ye held Xiao Wu and quickly passed through the spatial door…

Seeing her man’s figure appear on the other side of the space door, Rou Niang also smiled, took Bibi Dong’s little loli’s hand, and walked inside.

As the figure disappeared on the other side of the space door, this golden space door, with a slight flash, disappeared into the void.

On the other side, Zhou Ye had already taken his wife, children and little apprentice and walked towards the villa on the mountainside.

The whole villa is built on the mountainside, and the whole is embedded on the cliff like the villa of Iron Man in the movie.

Under the corner of the cliff is a stone elevator shaft-like building…

Well, this thing is an elevator room…

This is a wind elevator that Zhou Ye used pulleys and gears, as well as a windmill, DIY.

Seriously, the lifting speed of this thing is not as fast as Zhou Ye and they climb up by themselves, but for Rou Niang and Xiao Wu, this is still a new thing.

Sitting on the wooden elevator, Bibi Dong Little Loli and Little Dance will be curious to look at the ropes rising on the elevator… After a while, they curiously touched the wrench that Zhou Ye had just pulled down, and they were very curious about how this wrench was so amazing, and it could make the elevator rise up by itself with one pull…

However, before they could study it…

The elevator has already reached the place…

After feeling a light trembling, Zhou Ye pulled the elevator handle down again.

He took the girls and walked quickly to a passage carved out of the rock wall to an iron door.

Looking at this huge iron gate, Zhou Ye sighed a little melancholy…

For him, it was only a blink of an eye, but for Poseisi, it was two whole years.

I don’t know, if they see themselves will scold themselves…

With such a complicated mood, Zhou Ye took out the key and inserted it into the keyhole…

When his key had just unscrewed the iron door, an invisible fluctuation burst open…

In just the blink of an eye, this fluctuation spread throughout the thousands of miles…

As this volatility spreads…

A figure who was presiding over the ceremony in the Poseidon Temple stood up sharply from her throne… At the same time, she lifted the hem of her skirt slightly, disregarding any etiquette, and ran towards the back of the temple…

At the same time, the two mermaid girls under the Seagod Pillar also felt this invisible fluctuation, and the two quickly jumped out of the water, and ran towards the back mountain of the Seagod Temple with long legs.

On the other side, in the Devil Shark Bay, two women with long blue hair also felt this fluctuation, and the two jumped directly into the air, spread a pair of white wings, and flew towards the back mountain of the Seagod Temple.

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