At night.

Xiao Ke tossed and turned in bed, unable to calm down.

First, he was nervous about going to school tomorrow.

Second, the sudden appearance of the bodyguards affected his practice.

He lay on the bed in distress, thinking about how to get rid of the bodyguards.

‘How about getting rid of the two secretly? ’

An evil idea flashed through Xiao Ke’s mind.

No, no, these are the bodyguards sent by the second sister, and they can’t be attacked.

The two bodyguards didn’t know that they were almost sentenced to death just now.

Xiao Ke thought of one plan after another, but they all fell through in the end.

“Don’t think about it, practice!”

Xiao Ke muttered.

He put away these thoughts and began to calm down and practice the exercises.

The nearby spiritual energy was drawn into his body.

This is how the night passed.

The next morning, Xiao Ke was the first to go downstairs for breakfast.

Aunt Lan smiled and prepared hot milk and bread.

After a while, the two sisters also dressed up and went downstairs.

After breakfast, a group of people were about to go out.

Xiao Ke looked at the large group of people following behind him and was speechless.

He turned around and said to his seventh sister.

"Seventh sister, I'm going to school, I can do it alone."

"Why do you let these bodyguards and so many people follow me."

Wang Siqi pinched her brother's face and said dotingly.

"My child is going to school for the first time, what's wrong with us sending him off."

He couldn't beat his sister, so he could only let them follow.

So many people squeezed into five cars.

Xiao Ke reluctantly carried his small schoolbag and set off for school surrounded by his sisters.


A Maserati Dream led the way, followed by a row of Cullinans.

The convoy drove to the Magic City Attached Primary School, attracting a lot of attention along the way.

The Magic City University Attached Primary School.

Today is the official opening day of school.

Due to the school's reputation and educational facilities, countless people rushed to sign up.

Now the parents who send their children to school at the gate are even more crowded.

The school gate is surrounded by a semicircle of people.

There is a buzzing noise everywhere, which gives people a sense of zombie siege.

The traffic police have blocked the intersection long ago, and vehicles are not allowed to approach the primary school. People are only allowed to walk there.

This is to prevent traffic congestion and accidents.

Soon, Xiao Ke and his group arrived at the intersection.

Seeing the blocked road, Wang Siqi frowned slightly.

The male traffic police saw a row of luxury cars coming, and after hesitation, he stopped the car team.

Opening the car window, the male traffic police told everyone in a tough attitude that vehicles were not allowed to enter.

Wang Siqi asked calmly.

"Which area's traffic control department do you belong to?"

The male traffic police trembled and told her that it was the Changjiang Street Traffic Control Department.

Wang Siqi immediately made a phone call.

The person on the other end of the phone was very respectful, and she also described the general situation.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Siqi touched her brother's head and said that it would be done soon.

A minute later, the male traffic police's intercom rang.

"Number 1246, the captain ordered to release the vehicle in front!"

"Repeat, number 1246, captain..."

When the male traffic police heard that it was the captain's order, he immediately released several people.

After the vehicle left, he said to himself.

"People who drive luxury cars are really not easy to mess with."

Soon, the convoy approached the gate of the elementary school.

There were no vehicles passing near the school, and this car attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone talked about it, and their eyes were fixed on Xiao Ke's convoy.

"Cullinan team, who has such a big budget."

"Oh my god, I really don't understand the world of the rich."

"Why can they drive in, but we can't?"

"When you can afford the Cullinan team, you can drive in too."


Xiao Ke observed the crowd through the car window.

"Wow, so many people!"

He looked around and felt that the current scene was very spectacular.

The gate of the Magic City Attached Primary School was very magnificent, and the name of the school was written in gilded font on the doorplate.

It is worthy of being the best primary school in Magic City.

Because there were too many people at the gate, the car stopped near the crowd.

The group got off the car, led by the two sisters and Xiao Ke's personal bodyguard.

Following behind were twenty burly bodyguards in suits.


Wang Siqi snorted coldly, as if she was very dissatisfied with the crowded environment.

If she had known it would be like this, she would have just taken a helicopter to fly into the school.

Wang Wenya did not feel disgusted, she said calmly.

"Go ahead and clear the way."

Twenty bodyguards received the order and lined up in a neat formation to move towards the door.

Xiao Ke's personal bodyguard walked in front to open the way, and the others opened the way.

The three followed closely behind, which was quite relaxing.

Soon, they arrived at the school gate.

It was just time to welcome the new students, and the school gate slowly opened.

After entering the school, Wang Wenya separated from the others and said that she wanted to talk to the principal.

Xiao Ke's class was in the first grade, class one.

The location of the class was also good, on the first floor of the teaching building, at least there was no need to go up and down the stairs.

Soon, under the leadership of Wang Siqi, a group of people came to the class.

It was estimated that they came early, and there were only two students and parents in the class at this time.

Xiao Ke chose a seat in the third row, which not only had a good view, but also was in the middle.

The other two students happened to be his deskmates, and it was obvious that their parents had the same idea.

Seeing that Xiao Ke's family had such a big scene, followed by more than a dozen bodyguards, the parents of the two students greeted Wang Siqi with some awe.

Wang Siqi responded with a faint smile.

After everything was arranged, it was time for Wang Siqi to leave the school.

Before leaving, she specifically told her brother.

If you are wronged, tell your sister. She will pick you up at the school gate after school.

Xiao Ke nodded seriously and made an OK gesture to his seventh sister.

That look made the parents next to him so cute that they really wanted to take him home.

The sister rubbed her brother's head reluctantly, and then left the school with a group of bodyguards.

After walking out of the door, she was thinking about whether to buy the Magic City Attached Primary School.

On the other side, Wang Wenya was drinking tea in the principal's office.

The tea was not good, but she was still smiling.

The middle-aged man with glasses opposite was the principal of this school.

After tasting the tea, Wang Wenya said straight to the point.

"My brother is studying in your school."

The principal nodded, and he listened carefully to every word of Wang Wenya.

"He is in the first grade, class one. I am here for this purpose only, to take good care of my brother."

She spoke lightly, putting away her kind smile.

"The reason why I came to Magic City University as a nominal professor is because of my brother, so you should know what to do."

The principal replied seriously.

"Professor Wang, don't worry, I will definitely do what you tell me."

After getting the principal's reply, she left the principal's office directly.

The principal breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the head of the International Education Research Center, he was really under a lot of pressure.

A higher official can crush people, not to mention that he is so many levels older than him.

Even if the president of Magic City University came in person, he would only be obedient in front of her.

After thinking for a while, he took out the freshman file and checked the list of freshmen in the first grade.

It seems that I have to remind Teacher Liu that the young master of the Wang family must be well served.

In the class.

More and more students came, all boys and girls of the same age as Xiao Ke.

The children just started school, and many of them were reluctant to come and cried to go home.

The noise made Xiao Ke feel annoyed.

The boy next to him took the initiative to greet him.

"Hello, my name is Du Zimo, and I am six years old this year."

Another classmate was a girl who looked innocent and cute. She also greeted the two.

"Hello, my name is Ding Yiran, and I am also six years old."

Although the three were not familiar with each other, they soon became very excited.

Du Zimo was fat, and when he smiled, you could see that he had a missing front tooth.

Ding Yiran was very cute, but she spoke very little, mostly listening to the two chatting.

Soon, the classroom was full of students and began to whisper.

At the door, a middle-aged female teacher walked up to the podium and greeted everyone.

The classroom became quiet, and the students stared at the female teacher blankly.

"Hello, students, I am your new head teacher, you can call me Teacher Liu..."

Teacher Liu talked about the school rules and regulations on the stage.

Then she said.

"Everyone has just arrived at the school and is not familiar with each other. Everyone should go on stage and introduce themselves."

The order of going on stage is based on seats.

The students who went on stage first were from the first and second rows.

When it was Du Zimo's turn to go on stage, he clasped his hands shyly and dared only look at the ground.

"Hello everyone, my name is Du Zimo..."

A naughty student in the last row whispered.

"Why is this fat guy so shy? I think he is a woman."

The voice was not loud, but Xiao Ke could hear it clearly.

He turned around and glanced at the boy who said bad things, feeling a little angry.

Du Zimo walked off the stage with a red face, and then it was his turn.

Xiao Ke walked slowly to the podium, scanning the students with his big eyes.

He was neither humble nor arrogant, and his face was calm.

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