The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Early in the morning.

Xiao Ke washed up and went downstairs to eat.

Today looked the same as usual, but there was a square package on the table.

This was the express that Aunt Lan got at the door early in the morning, and the recipient was written as the young master.

So she moved the express to the villa, and it is still on the dining table.

The two sisters ate breakfast elegantly without opening the package, obviously waiting for their brother to open it.

After Xiao Ke heard Aunt Lan explain the origin of the express, he guessed that this should be an invitation to a birthday party.

He didn't care about eating and hurriedly opened the package on the table.

As the package was opened, the contents inside also appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Siqi was also curious to see what the younger brother had bought.

I saw a gorgeous golden wooden box lying quietly in the package.

When the wooden box was opened, the most conspicuous thing was a golden envelope, which was the invitation to the banquet.

There was also a diamond bracelet next to it, as well as the address and precautions of the banquet.

Wang Siqi picked up the diamond bracelet and said with emotion that it was really beautiful.

The bracelet was silver-white and inlaid with 52 blue diamonds, which looked very beautiful.

Xiao Ke carefully put the invitation in his room, and then gave the bracelet to Aunt Lan for safekeeping.

After dinner, Xiao Ke was going to school again.

Aunt Lan was about to pack his schoolbag, and she felt something was wrong as soon as she picked it up.

It seemed that today's schoolbag was very heavy, even several times heavier than yesterday.

She unzipped the schoolbag in confusion and took out several thick books.

Aunt Lan stared at the books she took out and fell into deep thought.

'Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation? Y language level 6 vocabulary? Life...'

Auntie Lan was confused and puzzled. Why did the young master bring these books home?

She ran to tell Wang Wenya, who was also shocked by the news.

In her opinion, her brother could not understand these books. Could it be that her brother had other secrets?

Today is Friday, and there will be two days off tomorrow, so every student is very happy.

At the school gate.

Wang Siqi sent Xiao Ke to the door, said hello, and rushed to the company.

Back to the class, the classmates were talking about TV news.

The discussion about the birthday party was in full swing, as if they were looking forward to it.

Xiao Ke also leaned in to listen, but who knew that several little boys in the back row looked at him with disgust.

Only the little girl was willing to tell Xiao Ke these things, probably because he was too fierce to everyone.

Xiao Ke was not embarrassed. Anyway, as long as others did not target him, it didn't matter.

At a young age, he saw through a lot of things.

"That's right, I heard that my cousin applied, but was not selected."

"Did anyone in our elementary school receive an invitation?"

"I know one, it seems to be Xu Junlin from the third grade, he even showed it to my sister."

"Tsk, anyway, we can go to watch the fireworks show, and I heard that we can eat cake for free."


After listening for a while, Xiao Ke suddenly realized.

So they were talking about the birthday party invitation. Someone from the third grade was also invited.

He sat back in his seat, and Du Zimo was also discussing the news of the birthday party with Ding Yiran in a low voice.

Xiao Ke sat directly between the two and took out the thick Y language level 6 vocabulary book from his small schoolbag.

Du Zimo saw him coming and pulled him in to chat.

"Xiao Ke, who do you think is hosting the birthday party for whom?"

He didn't know the answer to this question either, anyway, if you went to participate in the event on the day of the party, you could eat a big cake for free, and there would be special rewards.

"It might be a birthday party held by a rich man for his daughter. You can have free cake if you go there. You and Yiran should go too."

Du Zimo said yes with a smile. He likes to eat the most, especially sweet food.

Xiao Ke pulled the two of them and whispered.

"Actually, I got the invitation to the birthday party. I can get a gift then."


The two exclaimed. They heard that this invitation was hard to get. Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoke actually had one.

It was said on TV that there were only one thousand invitations in the entire Magic City. If they were dispersed, there were too few people who could get the invitations.

Ding Yiran was very suspicious and looked at Xiao Ke with suspicion.

"Can you prove that you have an invitation? If you don't have evidence, you are lying."

Xiao Ke didn't hide his shortcomings. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened the winning information directly.


The exclamations of the two echoed

Swinging in the classroom, attracting the attention of classmates.

Everyone was surprised to see Xiao Ke holding a mobile phone, after all, mobile phones were not allowed in school.

Several naughty boys sitting in the back row seemed to have caught him.

They whispered to each other to tell the teacher.

Xiao Ke heard these words clearly. With the improvement of his cultivation, he could hear certain sounds clearly even without using his spiritual sense.

This is the improvement of the six senses.

Everyone surrounded Xiao Ke and looked at his winning information with envy.

"Xiao Ke, can you take me with you? I want to go too."

"Yes, we all want to go, but there is no invitation."


Xiao Ke said arrogantly that he couldn't, and he wanted to take his two sisters with him. After calculating, there was only one place left.

He looked at Du Zimo who was envious on the side, and he had made up his mind to take his good friend with him.

"Tsk~ The class monitor is too stingy!"

"That's right, it's a pity that I can't draw the lottery. If I draw, maybe I can win."

With the students' dissatisfaction, Teacher Liu also walked slowly into the classroom.

Seeing the teacher coming, the students immediately returned to their seats.

Teacher Liu stood on the podium and just as she was about to speak, she noticed that the students in the back row raised their hands to report.

She adjusted her heavy eye frames and said softly.

"Xiaohu, what's the matter?"

A chubby boy in the back row stood up and shouted sharply.

"Teacher, we saw Wang Xiaoke taking the phone, and the whole class can testify for me!"

This sentence made Xiaoke helpless. He... seemed to be reported.

The students in the class looked at each other and finally responded that they saw it.

Seeing that the class began to get restless, Teacher Liu gently scolded, which made everyone quiet down.

The students looked at her.

Teacher Liu was also in trouble. Xiaoke was someone who the principal specifically said to take special care of.

But the school does have a rule that mobile phones are not allowed into the school.

After thinking for a while, Teacher Liu told Xiao Ke gently that he was not allowed to play with mobile phones during class, otherwise he would be punished to copy ancient poems.

The classmates were shocked.

Didn't the school rules say that parents would be invited and ideological education would be carried out? Wasn't it just brushed aside by the teacher?

If Teacher Liu could hear the students' voices, he would definitely say so.

The school rules were also set by the principal and the board of directors. Could the principal still punish him?

This is all about human relations.

Xiao Ke nodded and told the teacher sweetly that he knew.

Soon, the morning class ended and it was lunch time.

Before Xiao Ke went out, a group of third-grade students surrounded the first-grade door.

There were about a dozen third-grade students, and they looked at Xiao Ke in the classroom with contempt.

He muttered in a low voice, "He is not friendly."

When he and Du Zimo walked out of the classroom, they were indeed stopped by the third-grade boys.

A tall and thin boy seemed to be very familiar with him. He directly hugged him and said he wanted to discuss something.

Xiao Ke frowned slightly and slapped the hand on his shoulder.

He told him in a cold tone that he didn't want to discuss.

The first-year students had not finished walking. Seeing Xiao Ke being stopped by the seniors, they hurried to notify each other.

The third-year boy was the leader of the class. His name was Wang Tianhao, and he was also a ruffian.

Seeing that Xiao Ke didn't listen to him, he threatened.

"If you have the ability, come to the toilet. You'll see if I beat you up or not."

He was about to leave after saying a harsh word, but he didn't expect Xiao Ke to take the initiative to say it.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Everyone's breathing was a little rapid, and they couldn't help but wonder if he was a fool.

It was the first time I saw someone asking for a beating.

Just like that, a large group of people rushed to the toilet.

Uncle Fu sighed from a distance. He didn't expect the young master to have a large group of followers so quickly.

Thinking back to when I was in junior high school, I only had a dozen or so younger brothers, but that lineup was amazing in the eyes of others.

Du Zimo had seen Xiao Ke take action, so he was not too worried and followed the crowd to the toilet.

Xiao Hu also pulled a few friends to follow.

Children like to watch the show, and the team gradually expanded from a dozen people to eighty or ninety people.

A group of people rushed into the toilet and filled it up directly.

Only about ten square meters of open space were left, where Xiao Ke and his two friends and a dozen third-grade students stood.

"The man who beat you is called Wang Tianhao, remember that!"

Wang Tianhao was about to kick him when he was scolded.

"What a bullshit Tianhao, dare you touch my boss!"

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