The two of them were very busy, but the two of them were very busy.

Xiao Ke frowned and confronted Jiang Nan without any fear.

The whole class was shocked. I'm afraid this big brother will get angry.


Jiang Nan responded indifferently and then walked to the back.

The whole class was in an uproar. Jiang Nan actually listened to Xiao Ke and sat in the last row.

Seeing that the matter was not a big deal, Teacher Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

Now I have to be nervous every day in class. When will this hard life end?

Teacher Liu: No one is easy to mess with. I'm broken. I'm really broken!

The first class was over in a hurry.

Jiang Nan was at the back and kept watching Xiao Ke's back silently.

When the class was about to end, the Chinese teacher reminded the students that the midterm exam would be in a few days, so remember to review more.

Xiao Ke put down the "Classical Chinese Dictionary" and raised his head to think about it.

Fourth sister had promised before that if he got full marks in the midterm exam, he could skip a grade and go to a higher grade.

He was already looking forward to the midterm exam soon, anyway, he was sure to get full marks.

Class was over at noon.

Xiao Ke and Du Zimo went to the cafeteria to eat as usual, but someone followed them closely.

He followed them when they ate and when they went to the toilet, and always kept a distance of three meters from him.

After leaving the toilet, Xiao Ke's face was flushed, and he couldn't stand it, so he turned around and said.

"Hey, can you stop following me! You're still next to me when you go to the toilet!"

Jiang Nan put his hands in his pockets, glanced at him indifferently, and didn't say anything.

This made Xiao Ke very angry, and after trying to get Du Zimo away.

He pulled Jiang Nan to the pavilion where no one was in the school.

The two people, one big and one small, stared at each other, and the scene was very tense.


Xiao Ke spoke first, stretching out his chubby little hand and pointing at him.

"Are you sent by my second sister?"

Jiang Nan scratched his ears and nodded gently to admit it.

"Then can you stay away from me like Uncle Fu, so as not to affect my work."

Jiang Nan said lightly.

"This is the order from the general, we are just following it, and I am the only one following you."

"We? Aren't you the only one?"

Xiao Ke didn't understand what Jiang Nan meant for a moment.

The boy looked into the distance and pointed in that direction.

Xiao Ke looked back and saw two men in their twenties staring at him not far away.

After exploring with his spiritual sense, he was surprised to find that the strength of these two people was about the same as that of the man in black robe.

Did the second sister send three more warriors to protect herself?

His face drooped, and he would be even less free to do things in the future~

Xiao Ke was about to leave, but suddenly turned back to look at Jiang Nan.

"Um, you... tell me what a warrior is."

Jiang Nan's calm expression finally changed.

He bit his lips lightly and asked with a complicated expression.

"Where did you hear about warriors? Why should I explain it to you?"

Xiao Ke's brain was working fast, thinking of a suitable excuse.

"My father said it. He told me several times, but I didn't remember it. Please explain it to me."

Xiao Ke didn't blush or feel nervous, and directly used his father as a shield.

Wang Yuehao in the Wang family villa suddenly had a twitch in his right eyelid, and he felt something was wrong.

It is said that the left eye twitches for wealth and the right eye twitches for disaster. Did it mean that he should not go out recently?


Jiang Nan looked solemn and looked at Xiao Ke with some suspicion.

But he was greeted by his innocent and cute smile.


Jiang Nan looked around and found no one around, so he began to explain to him.

"A warrior is someone who practices martial arts..."


After he finished, Xiao Ke stared at him blankly with her mouth open.

"So you are... an external force warrior?"

Jiang Nan nodded undeniably, and coughed to remind him that he was an external force peak warrior.

He is the youngest external force peak warrior in the frontier military camp, and he will soon be able to try to become an internal force warrior.

Others say that he is a genius picked out of thousands, so he gradually developed his arrogant personality.

Xiao Ke extended his spiritual sense to feel it slightly.

External force warriors simply sharpen their bodies, and there is a faint spiritual energy in their bodies, but they cannot control it.

Looking at the two men in the distance, the spiritual energy in their bodies is extremely thin, but it flows regularly in the meridians.

This should be an internal force warrior, so is Dad also an internal force warrior?

Uncle Fu was probably a late-stage external force warrior, and the man in black robe was an internal force warrior, no wonder...

For a moment, Jiang Nan's words seemed to open the door to a new world for him.

The things that he didn't understand before were finally answered.


Thinking of this, Xiao Ke turned around and walked back to the class with a smile.

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows. Why wasn't he surprised at all?

He was a 17-year-old genius warrior. It's okay for you to be surprised!

He followed Xiao Ke with a dark face, comforting himself in his heart.

'It's normal for a little brat to know nothing.'

The two returned to the classroom, and the class was noisy.

Xiao Ke sat back in his seat and took out his mobile phone to check Weibo.

The top of the hot search list today was still the birthday party in Shanghai, and the rest was some gossip.

'National treasure-level pianist Wang Lele stopped the tour performance and was suspected to return to China.'

Xiao Ke was surprised to find that this name was the same as his eighth sister's name.

Looking down, the end of the hot search list aroused his curiosity.

'Magic performance by a first-grade kid in Shanghai shocked countless professional magicians!'

Xiao Ke swallowed his saliva and nervously clicked on the hot search video.

Sure enough, his video was pushed to the hot search!

He nervously looked at the number of likes, 30 million!!

The number of comments was as high as one million. Can he keep his vest now?

Clicking on the first comment, it was a comment from Tu Si, a national first-class magician.

'This doesn't look like a magic trick, and the boulder and the furnace in the video don't look like props. They are too realistic. The little boy didn't make any extra movements during the performance. The objects appeared completely out of thin air. '

There was also a group of programmers cooperating below.

'There are no traces of photo editing in the video. This is a real video, not an edit. '

'I have to say, he really makes people have to say, awesome! '


Staring at the fruit phone in his hand, Xiao Ke's head was numb.

It's over. I'm about to be discovered by everyone. Will scientists catch me for research? X﹏X

Turning off the phone, Xiao Ke lay on the table with his eyes closed.

Taking this opportunity, he recalled Jiang Nan's words in his mind.

Legend has it that martial arts masters can pick flowers and leaves to hurt people, pull grass to make swords, and take objects from a distance...

But these things can also be done by myself in the late stage of Qi training.

So, he is now more powerful than the legendary martial arts master!

But Taoist Xianyun is obviously a cultivator in the Condensation Realm, why is the gap so big?

These things have nothing to do with him, and they are not important.

Let's think about how to lead the family to practice.

When class was about to start, Teacher Liu came in happily to announce something.

Tomorrow, due to the large-scale event in the Magic City, all primary and secondary schools will have a day off. (Except high school.)

At the same time, the teacher will lead the students from each class to watch the fireworks show tomorrow afternoon!


The students were dancing with joy. Tomorrow, they can not only eat free cakes, but also watch the lively fireworks show.

"Tomorrow I will wear the most beautiful dress!"

"My father bought me a white princess dress. I'll show it to you tomorrow."

"The fireworks show will be great. I'll ask my brother to go with me."


Amid the cheers, Xiao Ke raised his hand to signal the teacher.

The teacher asked him in confusion what was going on.

"Teacher, I have an invitation letter tomorrow. I will go backstage to participate in the event."


The classmates were envious.

I heard that the people who were drawn will have generous gifts and the opportunity to appear on the stage.

Looking at Du Zimo next to him, Xiao Ke smiled knowingly and continued.

"Also, I will give one of my three places to Du Zimo, so he can also go backstage with me."

As the big exclamations rang out, Du Zimo shook his head in disbelief.

He was stunned on the spot. He didn't expect Brother Ke to give him a place!

Du Zimo pouted excitedly and kissed Xiao Ke, but was slapped away mercilessly.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it~"

Xiao Ke smiled and took back his palm, gently patting Du Zimo's shoulder.

This afternoon was very long.

Maybe because of the holiday tomorrow, the students' minds have drifted towards home.


The school bell rang, and the students in the class hurriedly packed their schoolbags and ran out.

Jiang Nan, who was sitting in the back row, stretched and stood up, feeling that going to school was really boring.

In the third row of the classroom, Xiao Ke and Du Zimo were writing and drawing on paper.

Jiang Nan walked forward curiously and found an address written crookedly on the paper.

"This is my home, Brother Ke, are you really going to pick me up?"

Du Zimo scratched his head and looked at Wang Xiaoke expectantly.

"Of course, a gentleman's word is as good as his bond, so just wait."

"What are you chasing after?"

"Ahem, nothing."

Xiao Ke put the address in his schoolbag and walked out of the school with Jiang Nan.

At the school gate, after Xiao Ke got in the car, a Maybach in the distance slowly left.

Wang Xinru smiled and told the man driving.

"Now, you can announce some hot topics.

It's time to order. The more people there are, the more lively it will be. "

After hearing this, the man took out his cell phone and made a call.

Wang Xinru took off her sunglasses and looked out the window.

"See you tomorrow, my good brother~"

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