I am the Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest Chaos World

Chapter 72: Conflicts resurface and escalate, each fighting for their own

This battle caused the strength of the Tianwu Realm to surge again, and countless strong men broke through the realm and became stronger.

Although it seemed to be digesting the results of the battle calmly, an undercurrent was surging again, or it could be said that it was reviving again.

Nothing is constant.

Change is the only constant!

The war between the two realms is very cruel, and one side must be destroyed, without any mercy or mercy, and the position is absolute!

After the world warning and knowing it from the heart, the heavenly court, which was originally in the midst of a civil war and was getting more and more intense, immediately stopped the war.

The top strong men put aside their plans, stopped internal consumption, and worked together to participate in this war with an absolute position, and one side must be destroyed.

But it was revived again because of this war.

Almost all the top strong men, after feeling the improvement of their strength in seclusion, began to change their mentality.

At this time, the direction of the war between the two realms is completely clear, and the destruction of the Canglan Realm will hardly be suspense.

So, what happens after the victory of the war between the two realms?


If Dao Wuchen had not said those words at the Heavenly Immortal Banquet, and there had been no subsequent imperial orders, and no war that had stirred up the hearts and minds of all the strong men in the Tianwu Realm.

Then, this would be a great victory for the Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dao Wuchen, who commanded all the immortals in the Heavenly Court to defeat the Canglan Realm, win the war between the two realms, help the world grow, and protect the creatures of one realm.

But some things have happened, and the thoughts have been made clear and can no longer be hidden.

Then, no one can pretend that nothing has happened.

After the war between the two realms ends, the interrupted war between the Tianwu Realm and the Heavenly Court will surely start again!

Dao Wuchen will definitely not let go of those who disobey and blaspheme his supreme majesty.

The Eastern Cangtian Emperor, the Southern Yantian Emperor, and other strong men all have this cognition, and other strong men who did not participate also have this.

At the same time, in the creation of this world war, the strength of all the strong men is rapidly increasing, and their thoughts are becoming more and more serious.

It is also because they saw a different world and a different Heavenly Emperor, and their thoughts became clearer, allowing more powerful people to come up with ideas.

Canglan Realm, Canglan Heavenly Emperor!

It seems to be the same as Tianwu Realm, with a Heavenly Emperor ruling the universe and ruling all spirits.

Canglan Realm also has the Heavenly Court, which has conferred many Heavenly and Earthly Status, even several times more than Tianwu Realm.

But the difference is that those immortals and gods with Heavenly and Earthly Status are almost all the masters of a sect or force.

At the same time, the Heavenly Court has no direct jurisdiction and dispatch power over these sects and forces, but needs to be mobilized through these immortals and gods.

This is more like a loose alliance. The Heavenly Emperor is still the highest status, but he only has the title of ruling the world.

Even the Heavenly Emperor Canglan himself has no power!

It is incredible,

but this is the fact!

The reason is that the birth process of the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Court in Canglan Realm is very different from that in other worlds.

At first, there were many sects in Canglan Realm, and there were many top sects and forces, and there was no qualitative difference in strength. It was simply a fantasy to want to unify the world.

But in the world war, Canglan Realm saw the great benefits of heaven and earth status for cultivation, and it was also more conducive to the world war.

Many top powerhouses discussed with the sects and determined the intention of establishing the Heavenly Court.

Then it was the distribution of benefits.

The biggest dispute was naturally the position of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. No one would give it up, everyone wanted to do it, and they didn't want others to do it.

After countless quarrels and fights, the strong men and sects in Canglan Realm still wanted the heavenly status.

In the end, the current Canglan Heavenly Emperor was pushed out.

A supreme being who only has Tao in his heart, without any desire for power, and without any power constraints.

From then on, the Heavenly Court of Canglan Realm was established.

All the strong men and sects, based on strength, have obtained the heavenly status they deserve.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Court both nominally rule the world, but in fact they are just a loose alliance and leader.

Through the war, many strong men in Tianwu Realm agreed with the pattern of Canglan Realm, which is what Tianwu Realm should be like...

Dao Wuchen...

The desire for power and control is still too strong...

They, who are also standing at the top of heaven and earth, are always suppressed, always bound, and cannot be free.

The mentality of countless people is quietly changing.

And now is the best time to gain enough strength in the fortune of the war between the two realms and rely on great freedom and freedom.

And have already begun to take action.

Led by the three emperors of the East, West, and South, as well as some top-level immortals and gods, they began to gather strong men and armies without asking Dao Wuchen for instructions.

Once again launched an attack on Canglan Realm.

The message conveyed is obvious.

Since then, they have worked together to deal with the war between the two realms, and the heaven is no longer a whole.

As time goes by, the overall strength of Tianwu Realm is skyrocketing, and it has even split into many factions or forces, each of which kills and enters Canglan Realm.

There is no time for unified action.

Dao Wuchen was furious, but he could do nothing about it.

In the face of the fate of the world war, all his previous calculations were in vain. The strength of the strong men grew too fast and was beyond his control.

And some of the forces that were originally directly under him even began to have different intentions and no longer firmly attached to him.

It seemed that it was an unstoppable trend!

Because the war positions of the two worlds were absolute and the most fundamental interests were absolutely consistent, anyone who dared to attack his own strong men at this time would become the target of public criticism.

Even if he was the emperor of heaven, he could not bear the responsibility.

Once he did it, he would be drowned by the torrent of the trend.

Even if he could do some small moves, it would only make the strong men look down on the dignity of the Emperor of Heaven.

For a moment, Dao Wuchen was full of powerlessness.

Of course, he would never give up just like that...

Human nature...

In the World War, the Tianwu Realm was just like the Changqing Immortal Realm in the past in such a short time, and it was even more serious.

But Qin Yu, who watched everything happen, was not moved at all.

This is the nature of living beings...

Even beasts without intelligence will fight for food, territory, and reproduction.

Not to mention the strong men standing at the top of heaven and earth.

What they want and pursue is naturally more.

Qin Yu didn't care about this. The Heavenly Court was going to be destroyed, and he himself had no expectations for the Heavenly Court.

The World War interrupted the original process of the destruction of the Heavenly Court. Now it is just a recovery, and it is also shortening this process.

It's just what he wants.

As long as it doesn't affect the World War.

If someone is so ignorant of the overall situation, and puts the fight on the table at this time, and starts internal consumption.

Then it can only be said that living is a pure waste of spiritual energy.

The past of Changqing Immortal Realm will never happen again!

However, because the boundless chaos is no longer calm, there is an unknown existence behind it that is promoting the encounter of the world and promoting the supreme fortune in the chaos.

I don’t know its intention, and I don’t know whether it is good or evil.

But for Qin Yu, who has the Gate of Fortune, this is definitely not a good thing.

Constantly encountering other worlds, even if you can always win the war between the two worlds, it will only make His upgrade speed faster.

Instead, it is trapped in crisis for nothing.

The arrangements that were not in a hurry in the past need to speed up the process to deal with the crisis that may occur at any time...

With a thought,

in the origin space, the origin energy that gathered into the sea suddenly split into two torrents and continued to flow out.

The time flow rate of Ziwei Continent, which has been unknown to people, began to surge, and in an instant it was ten thousand times that of the outside world!

Underground space, the place where the soul-devouring blood beasts were bred.

With the injection of greater original energy, although this new race has not yet been born, its vital signs are growing at a speed a hundred times faster than before...

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