“It was a large weapon used in warfare, a microwave generator.

It can emit microwaves to heat and evaporate enemy water sources at high temperatures. "

Lucius was sent to the underground of the building for several years, during which William Earl ignored him until a few days ago he suddenly sent someone to get detailed information about the microwave generator.

"Water source?"

“It sounds like losing it is no big deal.

But the purpose of whoever robbed it must not be simple, because dozens of people have died just to get it. "

The entire crew of the cargo ship carrying the microwave generator was killed.

"Any clues?" Bruce frowned.

“The bodies are all missing and are suspected to have been thrown into the sea.

At the scene, someone discovered this. "

Lucius took out a photo of a bloody ninja dart stuck in the bulkhead of the cargo ship.

Bruce's pupils shrank when he saw the format of the darts.

"You recognize it?"

"I will try to get someone to investigate this matter."

There was no direct answer, Bruce said with a complex expression.

Of course I know him. Most of his skills were acquired in that place, where he received cruel and inhumane ancient training and strengthened his will - the Shadow Warrior Alliance.

But when the League orders him to kill a criminal to prove his commitment to serving justice, leading the Shadow Warriors to destroy Gotham, he sparks chaos and destroys the base with gunpowder.

"Now it seems that this matter is not over yet."

Looking at the photo, he seemed to smell the earthy smell mixed with the water vapor before the storm, and his eyes were sharp.

Gotham City Centre, Burnley Borough, Manchester Restaurants.

This is one of the best restaurants in the city, and the people who come and go are rich and famous.

Bright lights, bright and elegant decoration, accompanied by melodious violin sounds.

In the restaurant, David and Selina sat face to face, looking at the second floor where people were coming and going. The people's shadows were reflected in the polished floor, and the windows upstairs could be seen from downstairs at a glance.

"Is this the place you chose to trade news?"

"Those people you asked me to investigate, if you attract their attention, it will be useless no matter where you are trading, they will find you like a hound that smells blood and tear you to pieces."

Selina spread her hands.

"If by luck they don't notice, it can be done on the street."

nervous? There was no trace of nervousness on David's face, just suspicion.

It was suspected that she wanted to vent her frustration at being threatened before and take the opportunity to kill herself.

I just took a look at the menu. One meal from here is enough to make an average family work for a year.

"Speaking of which, I've wanted to come here for a meal for a long time, but I never had the chance."

Selina curiously admired the surrounding decoration.

The East Side is the slum area of ​​Gotham. The famous Crime Alley where Bruce Wayne lost his parents is in the East Side.

Although Catwoman has many expensive items in her collection, she has always believed that it is never a good thing for a thief to be too high-profile.


The high-pitched roar of a sports car.

A silver-gray sports car with an exaggerated streamlined body was parked downstairs, attracting the attention of diners to look down.

A young man in a suit got out of the car.

The waiter walked up, his eyes almost fixed on the world-limited luxury sports car, and he couldn't pull it off.

"This car is so cool."

Hearing the waiter's uncontrollable sigh, Bruce smiled cynically.

"It's nothing, I have a cooler one."

There were two beautiful models sitting in the other seat of the two-seater sports car. He buttoned up his suit and helped the two models out of the car like a gentleman.

All the way upstairs.

"Mr. Wayne."

Everyone greets others warmly and even flatteringly when they see them.

"Wayne's son is back in Gotham. Turn on the TV today and see almost no other news."

Seeing Bruce Wayne coming up from the stairs, hugging everyone's attention, Selina sighed in a complicated tone.

"It's really beautiful. Some people have everything when they are born."

David recalled Catwoman's miserable childhood.

Catwoman's Maria Kyle is a cold-blooded mother who has a discordant marriage with her husband. She prefers to spend time with cats than her daughter. She commits suicide one day. Selina's father drinks all day long because of Selina's appearance. Like her mother, she reminded her of her mother when she saw her, and she was very cruel to her, and eventually died of alcoholism.

After that, Selina was homeless and wandered on the streets for a while, and was soon sent to an orphanage.

David wanted to say that Bruce Wayne is no better than you, but it didn't feel like much of a consolation.

Not far from the restaurant on the second floor, several directors of Wayne Group were having a dinner invited by William Earle.

"Bruce, are you here?"

Seeing Bruce Wayne arriving on such an occasion with two female models in his arms, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, contempt flashing in his eyes.

Fortunately, he treated this guy's return with great dignity, thinking that it would take a lot of effort to convince the directors again.

"Mary, here!"

At the corner of the stairs, Selina waved to a girl who was dressed hotly and walked up to the second floor.

Pushing down her sunglasses and glancing at David, who was tall and tall, Mary smiled seductively and sat on her seat.

"What you want."

An envelope wrapped in brown paper was placed on the table and pushed to Selina.

David frowned. This man's pupils were slightly dilated and he was not very sober, as if he was drunk. Is the information from such a person reliable?

"Would you like to eat something here?"

Catwoman provides a channel that is difficult for ordinary people to access. David pays. After paying, Selina invites the woman to sit down and have something to eat.

"No, I don't like the atmosphere here. It makes me uncomfortable."

After saying that, she stood up. The woman blew a kiss to the stern-faced David teasingly, then swayed and left without any regrets.

"Mary is one of the people in Gotham who specializes in being a conduit.

Her sources of information are not high-end, including waiters in restaurants, pickpockets on the streets, homeless people and orphans, dancers in nightclubs, drug addicts everywhere in the alleys, and dirty police officers in the police station..."

Sensing David's doubts about the reliability of the source, Selina explained as she handed him the envelope.

“But her news is generally very fidelity.

Most of them are even first-hand. "

The best eyeliners are those who are accustomed to appearing in people's eyes but are inconspicuous.

“Sell out information about the feared gang boss you say you have.

She doesn't seem scared at all? "

David said.

“That’s what Gotham is.

The roaring police cars, the broken glass, the ear-piercing screams, the obscene laughter in the alleys, there are so many things in Gotham that people are afraid of and worried about. If you want to be afraid all the time, there is nothing you need to do all day long. "

She replied as if she was used to it.

"It seems that the delicacies I ordered can only be tasted by me."

The two of them sat in the corner by the window on the second floor, Catwoman enjoying the meal elegantly, and he quietly flipped through the news he had received.

He didn't expect to see Bruce Wayne here again, but he had no interest in going up to say hello.

Batman is not a good person to hang out with.

"Even if he can provide considerable mood points."

In the past few days, David has been able to catch glimpses of emotions coming from Batman.

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Be prepared to write a few hundred more words, but the second chapter will take a while.

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