Under David's deep and majestic gaze, the Amazons chose to obey their promise and surrender, accepting him as their new king and kneeling down on one knee.

"The Amazons never lie or break their promises!"

Hippolyta and others put these words into practice. Even if they were unwilling to do so, they did not choose to go back on their words. In shock, they gritted their teeth and lowered their heads to the new king.

The Paradise Island, which has been home to only women for thousands of years, now has a man, and he is the king of the Amazons.

"I know that even if I have done more great things than Hercules.

You are still not willing to surrender to me. "

On the throne, David smiled.

"You who almost became slaves have always longed for freedom.

..." There was a look of contemplation on his face.

Just when he was delivering his throne speech, the eyes of the Amazons showed hope, thinking that David was going to set a deadline for the king's time, or leave them with a glimmer of hope. For example, if there was a strong Amazon who could defeat him, he would leave. Paradise Island.

I didn’t want David to show a nasty smile in his next sentence: “But it doesn’t matter, it’s useless for me to gain your hearts anyway.

As long as your bodies obey my orders, that's fine. "

The Amazons almost fainted from anger and glared at him, suspecting that he seemed to be doing it on purpose.

"Now I issue my first order as king - you must start practicing dancing from today on. You Amazons are all tall and well-proportioned with two long legs. It would be a pity not to dance."

David sat on the throne and said these words in a complete manner.


When the Amazons heard about this, they all objected because it was too outrageous and even suspected whether it was an auditory hallucination.

The Amazons are born warriors. They are all better than the most ferocious beasts in the world. Children as young as seven or eight can fight with ligers. When they grow up, they can tear steel with their bare hands. They have always been fierce and tough, and even lying will be ridiculed.

But now David actually asked them to abandon their bows, arrows and swords and start practicing dancing from tomorrow.

"I protest, the powerful bodies given to us Amazons by the gods are not used to please others like palace dancers!"

At that time, Diana was also stunned by His Highness.


She did not expect that David's first order would be this. Not only she, but also Hippolyta and the female general Antiope did not expect it.

A man struggled to defeat them and conquered Paradise Island by killing gods. The first order he issued was to watch the Amazons dance?

"You Amazons don't seem to keep your promises as much as you say."

Seeing the boiling public dissatisfaction, David just sighed in a strange voice.

"Who said that!"

"This is true.

I neither promulgated the law of the First Night like the ancient Roman tyrant Caligula, nor did I ask you to launch a war like Ares and conquer the world for me at the risk of life and death.

My first royal order was just for you to learn to dance, but you didn't obey it. "


When their character was questioned, the Amazons were a little angry, but also hesitant. They felt that the Amazons treated the new king a little too much.

The front foot says that the other party is the king, but the back foot disobeys the other party's simple orders.

If David launched a massacre against them, or treated them as no better than slaves, and did something outrageous to them, they would disobey the king's order and even overthrow David.

There is no harm in spreading the word, and it is considered excusable.

But if it’s just something as small as dancing…

"Our King, you conquered the Amazons created by God just to make us dance."

Hippolyta couldn't understand and said with a stiff expression.

Suspicious of what was going on in front of her that was beyond common sense, she had to wonder if there was some conspiracy involved.

"if not?"

Faced with doubt, David asked instead.

"I finally defeated the Amazons, fought a battle with the God of War, killed him and became the king. Can't I enjoy it?"


It seems to make sense, but something feels wrong.

There is a feeling of launching a million-strong army to conquer Rome, just to get Rome to pay tribute with raisins.

To practice dancing like a court dancer to please the new king will undoubtedly make the Amazons, who are born warriors, very resistant and almost feel ashamed.

But not to the point where they would rather die than resist.

They had no choice but to follow the king's order and stay away from the fierce horses and bows and arrows. They put on white gauze skirts, silk stockings and dancing shoes that made them extremely awkward, and started to practice dancing.

Everything you need to learn and dance is all available, and David had already ordered it on his way back.

"not bad."

At this time, the music beat finished playing again, and David nodded and clapped.

"In a few years, maybe we can barely watch it."

In the palace, the Amazon female warriors all moved awkwardly and out of shape. The originally soothing, elegant, slightly sad, and affectionate ballet Swan Lake suddenly turned into a tense, fast and chilling war dance.

It's the same thing in the square outside.

"I feel like the swan played by you can kill a lion with one bite without any problem."

After hearing these words, everyone was so angry that their faces turned red, they were extremely embarrassed and resentful towards David.

"Except for you, Diana, barely."

David clicked on Diana and commented honestly.

Diana learned to dance very quickly, unlike the Amazons who seemed to be insulated from dance by birth, and her attitude was very down-to-earth. She followed his royal orders seriously and practiced, and her dancing posture already had a bit of an elegant and proud swan look.

"Should Zeus say it or not, at least his bloodline is excellent and he has given birth to many beautiful and intelligent offspring." He sighed with his eyes open.

Being praised in public and feeling the eyes of everyone, Diana smiled bitterly and was not happy at all.

She now even hopes that David will quickly reveal some ambition and evil plot that the Amazons cannot accept, so that she can get rid of her current life.

David knew very well that letting the Amazons dance, especially dance like ballet, would be worse than killing them.

But that's what he wanted.

The current Amazon clan has a lot of resentment in their hearts. If looks could kill, his new king would have been nailed to the throne long ago.

However, this kind of thing is a trivial matter, far from the tyrant's debauchery, cruelty, inhumanity and other behaviors. The Amazons have no reason to disobey, let alone rebel, and have no choice but to continue to obey orders.

In the next month, the Amazons' dancing level almost stayed at the same level, and they were still miserable.

It made David wonder whether the gods headed by Zeus really maximized the talents of the Amazon warriors when creating this race, and simply ignored other talents.

However, in comparison, his template fusion progress has improved by leaps and bounds!

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