Chapter 25 The roundtable meeting was established! (Ask for flowers! Ask for a ticket!)

After the distribution of land and high-yielding grain seeds, the speech ended.

A new parliament was also established.

Guilliman selected twenty planetary governors who were absolutely loyal to him from among the planetary governors.

They will work with Guilliman to complete the reforms.

The new Military and Political Department was also formally established with the cooperation of several officers.

Three hundred talents from all aspects of the earth also began to work in an orderly manner.

Kaul, also with Guilliman’s assistance, established a new research institute, which included scientists from Earth.

They also joined in, but after all, they were flesh and blood, and it was even more difficult to keep up with Kaur’s research speed.

Some people even proposed mechanical modification to Guilliman for research.

But the impact of this matter is too great, so we can only let Li Ming and Longguo high-level negotiation first, and then make a decision.

Moreover, the number of players logged in to Warhammer World has reached as many as 100,000.

There were a few men with great fighting talent, and Guilliman had asked the Space Marines to bring them to the Imperium.

genetic modification.

The group of guys were shouting on the aircraft, what to clear the level, to conquer the new map or something.

If Guilliman hadn’t specially reminded them that the person they were picking up this time might be a bit strange.

They all want to use flame guns to purify this group of heretics.

To open up people’s wisdom.

Guilliman opened a large number of colleges in the five hundred worlds.

There were doubts, but everything was the Emperor’s will.

If you don’t believe me, just ask the Emperor and see if the Janissaries who run naked in the palace all day will let you in.

Obviously, such a panacea’s answer makes people unable to question, and can only retreat silently.

Of course, the more reason is that the soldiers shut their mouths with bolt guns in their hands.

With the implementation of various measures, the funds of the Five Hundred Worlds are also rapidly squandering.

Although some scarce goods on earth can sell for good prices in the five hundred worlds, but for the huge expenses.

Only a drop in the bucket.

Gradually the five hundred world’s finances ran into deficit.

Financial problems once gave Guilliman a headache, but the implementation of the New Deal cannot be slowed down.

Today’s empire is like the ancient China on Earth, although it has a vast territory and an innumerable population.

Five hundred worlds have hundreds of billions, or even trillions of people.

But most of the world is so low-productivity that it generates taxes that don’t even make it possible to build a new fleet.

The reason for these reasons is precisely because of those nobles and dignitaries who are lying on the body of the empire to suck blood.

Crazy interception of taxes that should have been paid to the Empire.


His means of implementing the New Deal became more and more tough, and even some of the worlds controlled by the Mechanic God were strongly interfered by him.

leading to an increase in conflict recently.

But the New Deal is about future plans.

Guilliman is unlikely to back down.

In order to successfully implement the New Deal, Guilliman directly dispatched genetically modified Space Marines.

Go to the world with the administrator to perform missions.

With every reform, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable.

in the Sanctuary of Ogramar.

At this time, Guilliman was communicating with Kaul, and he had already thoroughly understood the existing Void Engine technology.

As for the scientist from Earth, he directly threw away a Chi Angel manufacturing manual and let them study it by themselves.

Now, he came to Guilliman for financial assistance.

To know that a complete fleet is formed, it takes more than a dozen forge worlds to work together.

Even so, it will take years, so the need for capital is enormous.

This speed is still the change after the reform of the New Deal, otherwise it would be under the original imperial system.

This time will take longer.

Even if it is the representative of Imperial Technology, the Technocracy needs to build a fleet, which will take more than ten years.

And now it only takes a few years for Ogramar to see the advancement of the New Deal.

If warships loaded with Void Engines are built, the Empire’s combat power will be greatly enhanced.

Unless the Chaos side opens its planetary fortress, it will be crushed.

“The core power of the battleship has been cast, and other parts are being put in place one after another, and they are now being assembled at the port.”

Kaur looked at the electronic board to report.

“Can this speed be increased again?”

“As you improve, there is a risk of exposure to the technology, and the cost will increase a lot.”

Kaul’s next words made Guilliman frown.

In order to build the battleship, he even handed over the casting of some parts to the earth.

And in order to increase the speed at which the earth obtains raw materials, he is communicating with high-level officials.

Lend the aircraft to them, hoping that they can go to outer space to mine minerals.

Of course, the aircraft loaded with the Void Engine is used, and the aircraft in the original Warhammer world cannot be used.

Otherwise, the urine of the subspace.

Very likely to invade the earth.

By then, he will be attacked on both sides.

Moreover, Tzeentch’s electronic demon seems to be invading the empire, and the information about the earth is top secret at this time.

Otherwise, he doesn’t have to be so careful, communicate with the earth, and directly open the space door.

Just throw them a bunch of flying machines and that’s it.

“As soon as possible, and by the time educated students graduate, the worker problem will be resolved.”*

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