I am your natural enemy

Chapter 101 Promise, teach your son the first lesson (5k)

Wu Tingsheng looked at his son's heartfelt smile, and smiled and wiped his tears beside him. After Xiao Wu was settled, he took Wen Yan to the study.

As soon as he came in, he held Wen Yan's hand with both hands, looking extremely serious.

"I don't know how to thank you, although I am very satisfied with the current situation.

But I guess there must be a lot more behind this.

I won't ask what it is, I will just say one thing.

I have been working hard for so many years, and I am not very top-notch, but if I try to earn a fortune of tens of billions, it should not be difficult.

If you need help with any of these latter things, just ask.

My happiest day was when I bought the land in this villa area.

At that time, he had great ambitions, a smart son, and a happy family.

I don't have any other skills, I only have a lot of money, and I have some friends I made with money.

Money is like a floating cloud to me. If I don’t want it, I don’t want it anymore. It doesn’t matter.

Wen Sheng, please don't be polite to me, I'm serious. "

Wu Tingsheng spoke very seriously, holding Wen Yan's hand tightly with both hands, for fear that Wen Yan would think he was speaking politely.

In fact, Wen Yan didn't make it too clear, and neither did Feng Yao.

But Wu Tingsheng's success in business cannot be summed up simply by saying he knows how to do business.

He still has the basic ability to observe people's emotions and draw inferences from one instance.

He knew that to be able to do those things, there must be a powerful force behind it.

No matter which aspect it is, it is nothing more than having power and money.

Now you may need to add a fist that is hard enough and big enough.

Unfortunately, he, Wu Ting Sheng, has nothing but a lot of money.

Over the years, he has not expanded blindly. The business seems to be tepid and has no momentum at all.

However, the debt ratio of the group he controls is far lower than that of its peers, and its cash flow has been so large that it has been waiting for depreciation every year for several years.

The debt ratio is actually more of a fixed cost just to maintain some relationships.

A large amount of dividends are distributed to shareholders every year, and the shareholders finally feel that they should do something else.

Even if it is a loss, everyone can accept it.

Then Wu Tingsheng became an investor. He spent a lot of money over the years, and almost 99% of it was lost.

But no one among the shareholders cared. Instead, they thanked Wu Tingsheng for taking them to play with him when he established the investment company.

Nowadays, everyone thinks that Wu Tingsheng’s Buddhist-style management is very good.

Because of the hundreds of projects I invested in, all of them lost money, and only two of them made money.

One makes drones and the other makes batteries.

Especially the one who makes drones. In the beginning, he supported college students to start their own businesses with the mentality of throwing away money. He thought he was just a boy who scattered money to gain favorability in the university. In the end, he didn’t expect that after taking it step by step, more than ten years later, I don’t know what happened. I felt like I was in a state of shock.

If we only calculate the approximate market value, Wu Tingsheng's personal share in this company is estimated to be thirty to forty billion.

Anyway, there are no public financial reports, nor is it listed on the market. He is not directly in charge, and not many people know about it.

Otherwise, Ng Dinh Sheng would not have bought a large villa, just giving it away but not selling it.

Due to various reasons such as reputation, this villa area is not as high as a building per square meter. However, if you add decoration, furniture and appliances to a villa, you will definitely not be able to get it for less than two to three million yuan.

In fact, the decoration cost is more expensive than the house...

Wu Tingsheng didn't care about this, he just wanted to do what I wanted.

It was just pocket money at most, but now that he felt that his wealth was not important, and that he would use it to give it a try, the nature of it changed.

Feng Yao was frightened and broke out in cold sweat.

The money in the hands of these people is not just money. If the operation is a little better, leveraging twenty or thirty times the funds is as easy as playing. It is not impossible to reach the limit of a hundred times.

Moreover, Wu Tingsheng is engaged in industry, and all investments are in industry.

As long as he wants to free up his hands, he doesn't have to shout out publicly. He can just find someone to eat, and the other party will happily pay a premium. If he wants to find someone to help him, he will immediately gain goodwill.

That is to say, he suffered a blow back then and lost the momentum for snowballing development with debt. His investment was able to withstand the continuous investment in the early stage. He did not care whether he made money in a short period of time or lost money in the end. However, he lost a lot of money.

Only then after casting a wide net did I finally catch a goldfish, which was truly the envy of others.

Feng Yao knew that He Changfeng and Changfeng Group were involved.

He almost couldn't help but speak, but finally looked at Wen Yan and held back.

Now he knew why Minister Cai had to spend a lot of money to get Wen Yan to intervene after hearing about these things.

Because if others intervene, it may really be useless, especially if the Lieyang Department cannot directly intervene, otherwise it may have the opposite effect.

Can you expect a rich man who doesn't even care about his net worth to give up his son for the sake of his stupid son?

Why is this so much before you even drink it?

If Wu Tingsheng knew about this, it would cause Wu Tingsheng to cause a huge commotion, plus Changfeng Group, regardless of the issue of who loses and who wins, it would definitely be a turmoil in the literal sense.

Wen Yan didn't even dare to let Wu Tingsheng see He Changfeng, of course he didn't want to make the matter worse.

He stretched out his other hand and patted Wu Tingsheng's hand.

"Boss Wu, what you said is too serious. To be honest, I might have received the benefits and was too embarrassed to refuse at first.

But now, I really like Xiao Wu.

There are too many monsters and demons in this world, and when oneself begins to be polluted, the more one likes Xiao Wu.

Moreover, I accepted Xiao Wu’s gift.

A gift that no amount of money can buy is enough. "

Wen Yan held up the graffiti painting Xiao Wu gave him and said it very seriously and sincerely.

The first painting with a soul in the world, painted by a soul painter who has never had a profession before.

And, so far, this is the only one in the world.

This is indeed something no amount of money can buy.

Wu Tingsheng looked into Wen Yan's eyes and was greatly touched. His heart was in turmoil. He believed that what Wen Yan said was true.

He was happy for his son. Wen Yan did not look down on Xiao Wu, let alone pity Xiao Wu. Wen Yan really felt that Xiao Wu was special.

Wu Tingsheng felt that if his eyes were not blind, he would definitely see correctly.

Are you being polite? If he hadn't been deaf, he wouldn't have heard it wrong.

"Don't call me Boss Wu. It's too unfamiliar. If you think highly of me and are willing to give me face, call me Uncle Wu."

"Uncle Wu, you're too polite." Of course Wen Yan had to give him face. Everyone had said so, so what else could he do.

"Ah, okay, okay." Wu Tingsheng's mood was ups and downs, and he had not been like this for a long time.

He pulled Wen Yan and insisted on drinking with Wen Yan. He took out a box of expensive wine from his basement and had a table of dishes cooked.

When eating, Xiao Wu also happily ate. Although his IQ was a little low at the moment, he didn't need to be fed. He also knew what he liked to eat and what he didn't like to eat, and his whole person became alive.

After Xiao Wu had eaten, he went back to watch cartoons, then read the picture album, and then went to the studio to practice painting.

Wu Tingsheng himself was drunk until he fell unconscious. Wen Yan and the others sent Wu Tingsheng to the bedroom. After confirming that he was well taken care of by the aunt who took care of him at home, they left with peace of mind.

Before leaving, the nanny also pushed out a small cart, saying that Wu Tingsheng had told Wen Yan to take it back before leaving. It was filled with freshly prepared meals and kept warm inside.

Then there were several bottles of different wines, said to be good wines collected by Wu Tingsheng himself, and Wen Yan was asked to take them back and taste them to see which ones tasted better.

After leaving Wu Tingsheng's yard, Feng Yao said a little sourly.

"I have eaten at least three months of my salary and bonus today."

"Are you still unhappy?" Zhang Laoxi patted his belly and laughed with a grin.

"That's not true. It's so cool." Feng Yao looked up to the sky and sighed: "The sugar-coated bomb is really powerful. He is really too generous and very considerate. Not to mention gentle, I can hardly control it."

"One thing to say is that Uncle Wu is indeed a good person. He knew that if we were left here to eat, the family would have to eat by themselves. He even prepared it in advance. He was afraid that I would refuse, so he didn't say anything at the beginning.

With so much food, we have almost eaten it. There is only a finch cat at home, and he will definitely not be able to finish it.

That must have been taken into consideration as well as Pei Tugou and his family.

He is a big boss, and he can think about things in such detail. No wonder he is rich. "

Wen Yan also sighed, but there was one thing he didn't say, which was that Wu Tingsheng was not one of the leading capitalists. I'm afraid it was because he valued emotions and was not ruthless or cold enough.

Otherwise, after so many years, it would be normal to have dozens of sons and have a business ten times bigger than it is now.

He pushed the insulated trolley filled with various delicacies to Pei Tugou's place. It was just in time for dinner and let them eat it while it was hot. He said it was a gift from the boss here and it was a housewarming gift.

Pei Tugou was an honest man. If he really believed this, he would go and thank the person in person first. Wen Yan said that Boss Wu was drunk before he gave up.

Wen Yan glanced at the kid again. He was sleeping soundly on the bed, his mouth was licking and his nose was slightly wrinkled. He didn't know if he was dreaming.

Wen Yan smiled, and when he was about to leave, he saw the little kid open his eyes, tilted his head hard, and stared at the painting in Wen Yan's hand. His little mouth kept licking and drooling. It flowed down his cheeks.

Wen Yan was startled, and quickly reached out his hand and turned the little kid's head away.

“You little guy, your IQ will soar when you eat it, and you can even detect this when you sleep.

You are not allowed to eat this thing, and you are not allowed to eat it randomly.

Remember, if Xiao Wu paints soulful paintings in the future, you are not allowed to eat them casually.

You have to have a long-term perspective. Xiao Wu now finally has a chance to repair his soul.

You have eaten away the soul in the painting, how can he repair it?

How can you draw more soulful paintings without repairing them?

You are killing the goose to get the eggs, do you understand? "

It's a pity that the little kid doesn't know anything about it. He just feels that something is delicious and wants to eat it, but Wen Yan refuses to give it to him.

Then, his instinct told him how to deal with it. He opened his mouth wide and started crying.

Hearing the cry, Jia Jinfeng quickly walked up and checked it over.

"I peed, it's okay, you don't have to worry about it."

"Then sister-in-law, you can do it. I drank some wine and it smells a bit strong. I'll go back first."

"Go, go, get some rest early."

Before Wen Yan left, he was still a little worried and muttered something in a low voice.

"I'm Dad! Don't eat indiscriminately. Today your dad will teach you a lesson first. There's no point in crying. If you don't want something, I'll give it to you just by crying."

It seemed that after hearing Wen Yan's words, he felt for the first time that being a little kid was not that easy, and he cried even more sadly.

Wen Yan walked out of the yard, listening to the penetrating cry of the little kid, and suddenly felt that there was more vitality in this area, and it was no longer as lifeless as before.

"Hey, that's pretty good."

He walked back happily with half a prawn for the sparrow cat.

Zhang Laoxi went back to the building next door to sleep. Feng Yao didn't want to stay at Wen Yan's place, so he followed Zhang Laoxi.

Wen Yan returned home and gave prawns to the sparrow and cat as a snack, and then gave the little zombie a tomato that was blessed with yang energy.

Then, he went to the basement and placed a stick of incense in front of Abel's ashes.

"Uncle, come on, let's taste the new ones first."

After chatting for a while, Wen Yan returned to the living room on the first floor. Wen Yan still felt that the house was a bit deserted. Even though Abo had never spoken before, someone was missing, and someone was missing.

Fortunately, the stupid son lives nearby now, and that family treats the stupid boy very well. Pei Tu is still here, so there will definitely be no problem with safety.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, have a good sleep today, it's time to go to work tomorrow."

After taking a bath, Wen Yan fell on the bed and began to fall asleep.

As he fell asleep, I don't know when, the little zombie was sleeping next to him, holding one of Wen Yan's arms, and the sparrow cat was sleeping at the end of the bed, with his head on Wen Yan's ankle, snoring even as he fell asleep.

The entire northern part of the villa area gradually became quiet.

Two buildings away, Pei Tugou's building, on the terrace, the old lady was sitting in her rocking chair blowing the evening breeze. She looked at the cigarette in her hand with some disgust, but she still felt that it was not as strong as the pipe and the pot.

Pei Tugou looked at the back row, Lao Zhao's building.

"Mom, is that building..."

"What is it? Your father was buried behind our yard and never saw you doing so much."

Pei Tugou immediately didn't dare to talk anymore. He actually didn't care. He even felt that he had to accept some shortcomings. The current conditions were already too good. He just couldn't hold back and asked more questions.

The old lady blew the evening breeze, finished smoking a cigarette, and gave a warning.

"Do your work well and be a down-to-earth person. Don't imitate the people of the previous generation, especially your uncles and your father. No matter what you do, you must live up to your conscience."

"I understand." Pei Tugou listened to the instructions honestly.

"Yes, I know." The old lady smiled. She was very satisfied with her son. Although he was a little too honest, at least he was not a bad learner. She didn't care much whether he made money or not. He had food, drink, and a house. Just keep your head out of the wind and rain.

"I'm going to see how Wenwen is getting ready. We have to send her to school tomorrow. I don't know if she can adapt to the new school." Pei Tugou went downstairs to do some work.

The old lady looked at Lao Zhao's house. She stood up and stood on the edge of the terrace, glancing over there.

The five brothers who were peeping by the window immediately retracted their necks.

"Hiss, so murderous."

"They must have killed a lot of people."

"Wen Yan brought it, what are you afraid of?"

"Hey, that's right, what are we afraid of?"

"That's right, Lao Zhao, let's see if it's embarrassing to scare you."

Lao Zhao on the side folded his arms and looked at the five brothers with a donkey face. Can this be blamed on him?

In the middle of the night, Wu Tingsheng woke up, drank a cup of boiled water that the nanny had left on the bedside, and came to one of the rooms full of surveillance footage.

He looked at three of the pictures. What was monitored there was the building with black curtains in Lao Zhao's house.

He sat on the chair and looked at the picture for a long time, looking a little dazed.

Very few people know that he arranged the offerings in that villa.

Even the villa, which was decorated like a haunted house, was all arranged by him.

He spends most of the year here just to stare and watch for himself.

Back then, he met a Taoist priest who was full of scientific principles. The Taoist priest said that he could not solve the problems here, but under that building, there were other places connected to it, and there were miraculous things, so A Piao would definitely appear here from time to time.

His son has lost part of his soul. If he really wants to get it back, the only other way is to stay here, call him, and serve as a guiding light.

If his son's soul is lost, there is indeed a slight possibility that because of his call, he is here and his son's soul can come out of that villa on its own.

At that time, in order to convince him that this matter was actually very scientific, the Taoist priest told him a lot about magnetic fields, three and four dimensions, quantum mechanics and the like, trying to make him understand.

He himself has seen a few Ah Piao coming out of it, and he also asked someone to check. Those Ah Piao are indeed worried about things in their hearts, and there are people who are thinking about them.

Wu Tingsheng naturally believed this. Only today did he understand why his son's soul had not come out after waiting for so many years.

Because that part of the soul is not lost, but killed.

He couldn't see the soul, but he could see the changes in his son. Just seeing that his son became the same as before, he knew that the part of other people's souls in his son was gone.

He trusted Wen Yan because his son had never looked at anyone differently in these years. He only talked to Wen Yan when they first met and was willing to obey. This time, he even took the initiative to send paintings.

None of the paintings drawn by his son were given to him...

He reached out, turned off the monitor, closed the door, and locked it.

When he came out, he met the nanny and asked, and he thought for a while.

"Tomorrow, I'm going back to Yuzhou. I have some things to deal with and some people have to go out for a walk. I'll ask Aunt Wu to take care of this place."

"Okay." The nanny nodded and agreed.

In the northeastern corner of China, in the pine forest under the snow-capped mountains, an old man with half-white hair was driving a horse-drawn flatbed truck on a small road.

He took out an old candy bar phone and looked at the new messages on it.

"If you touch a hedgehog, you'll prick your hand, and you won't be able to recover enough..."

After reading the following piece of information, the old man frowned slightly. This meant that the Yu Changfeng Group was found and its boss was implicated. The investigation could not continue. Any further investigation would arouse the other party's alert. The current price is not worth taking a bigger risk. The risk is unnecessary.

The old man sighed.

"Hey, Wanjun's carelessness back then really turned into a boomerang. It spun around for so many years and hit her."

He called Zhuge Wanjun and told him about the matter. After hanging up the phone, he crushed the phone into pieces and threw it into a small stove to burn it.

Then he waved the riding crop gently.


The big white-breathing horse pulled the carriage and began to accelerate. After traveling no more than a hundred meters, there were no more people on the trail, and neither the carriage nor the carriage was anywhere.

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