I am your natural enemy

Chapter 107 Turn over the table and climb the ladder to heaven (5k)

"With so many people coming to cooperate with me, I believe this must be true. If it succeeds, it will be good for everyone. Don't you want to be relieved?"

Wang Xueqi was still trying to persuade the two water ghosts, but the two water ghosts were ferocious and fierce. They were full of resentment and hostility. They had obviously hurt others.

There is no way back for them, that is, they are in the water, where they are not easily discovered by the Lieyang Department.

Otherwise, as long as he is discovered, even if he is in the water, he will still die. It is the difference between dying early and dying late.

As water ghosts, how come Wang Xueqi has a chance to escape and ascend, but they have to be like the rats in the stinky ditch, having to carefully hide away all the time.

The two water ghosts were full of resentment and wanted to stop Wang Xueqi at any cost.

As time passed by little by little, Wang Xueqi's body began to have strong Yang Qi emerging from the inside out. She felt the familiar Yang Qi and looked back to the east.

She smiled, knowing that Wen Yan was helping her.

The yang energy spread all over her body. When the two resentful water ghosts touched Wang Xueqi, it was like touching a red-hot iron, and they screamed and let go of their hands.

Wang Xueqi ignored the two water ghosts and continued to move upstream.

Wen Yan looked at the remains that had been blessed with Yang Qi and pulled out his phone. The call from Taishi's uncle came back.

Ignoring other people's looks, he came to the door of the condolence hall to answer the phone.

"Uncle Taishi, I did as you told me, please continue."

"The so-called ascension, to put it nicely, means ascending to immortality and ranking in the immortal class. In fact, you have to die to ascend.

There are three mountains and five mountains, and the ancestors of each family have actually ascended.

The accumulation of Taoist heritage, rather than requiring every generation to have geniuses, is directly related to this ascension.

The current ascension was first initiated by the first generation Zhang Tianshi.

In order to transform himself into the foundation of the entire Taoist sect, even if he died, after ascending, he would transform into a magical power.

Even if the descendants are not good at learning, they can still practice it in an altar and use the urn as evidence to induce the magical powers of their ascended ancestors.

It's like spreading beans and forming soldiers, transforming into heavenly soldiers and generals. In fact, they are the Yellow Turban warriors of the year.

It's just that these heavenly soldiers and generals led by them have no sanity and no self. They are just transformed by supernatural powers.

It is the result of continuous efforts from generation to generation.

In the entire system, teaching is the most important procedure.

Therefore, this procedure has always been done with caution.

Even if the ability is sufficient, it will take many years of investigation before performing this ritual. "

Wen Yan probably understood what Cai Qidong was going to do, and why Wang Xueqi would definitely agree.

"So, as long as Wang Xueqi succeeds in ascending, her power will be imprinted in the so-called heaven.

Then the path she took was no longer just a special case, but was fixed.

From now on, all water ghosts will have an extra path to choose from, right? "

Grandmaster's uncle let out a long sigh.

"Supreme Taiyi saves the Lord Ku Tianzun.

This is only part of what you understand. For that little girl, this is a matter of great merit.

With her character, she would definitely agree without hesitation.

This bitch, Cai Qidong, doesn’t value this.

If the little girl succeeds in ascension, she will have her own title.

In fact, she was a water ghost in the water and ascended to the immortal class, becoming a water fairy.

As long as you have this authority, you can choose her department when conferring gifts.

And her lineage must have one characteristic, that is, it will not drown.

As for me and others, the biggest natural limitation and danger to everything in the water system is drowning.

Therefore, Cai Qidong, this piece of shit, kidnapped a bunch of people to help him.

But what he did really left people speechless.

The Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, the Lieyang Department, no matter which family they are, will support him in this matter.

And similarly, among the water systems, not only the Xijiang water system, but also the Sidu water system, I am afraid that everyone wants to strangle him to death now.

Because he has done such a big thing, let alone balance.

The table on which the scales were placed was overturned. "

Grand Master's uncle cursed, but he had to admit that this piece of shit Cai Qidong was really courageous.

Although Fuyusan has grievances with most of the people in the water system, it won't offend all the water systems in one fell swoop.

Cai Qidong dares to attract all the hatred of the water system in one go.

There may be some people who don't mind the matter itself, but they definitely don't have a good impression of Cai Qidong. This is decided by the butt.

“Now that bitch of your curator is also crazy, and at least it will scare most of them.

But this is definitely not enough, so I, Fuyu Mountain, have also set up a Dharma altar to cheer for that piece of shit Cai Qidong.

In addition, Longhushan personally rushed to the front line.

The Lieyang Department must have mobilized its troops and be ready to respond at any time.

Elsewhere, the problem should not be big.

The biggest problem is the little girl herself. She has to walk the road on her own, and her mind must be pure and unwavering.

She also has to go through the last part of the journey by herself and break through the obstacles that may arise by herself.

But she is a water ghost who has never harmed anyone, so how can she have any power?

This piece of shit Cai Qidong doesn't deserve to be a human being, he just knows that we will definitely not stand idly by.

A gentleman can bully someone, but I will screw him. "

Grandmaster's uncle was so angry that he kept scolding, blowing his beard and staring.

Wen Yan also understood what he meant by blessing Wang Xueqi's remains with the burning sun, which might not have much effect.

When he thought of it, he asked directly.

"Those are her bones, and they are even more effective than the water ghost that directly faces her. However, just blessing Lieyang may not be enough. That piece of shit Cai Qidong is ignorant and ignorant."

"Then has she begun to transform into a so-called god?"

"It started when she set foot on this path, and there's absolutely no turning back."

Hearing this, Wen Yan understood instantly.

He wanted to bless Jiang Yanyan that day and let Jiang Yanyan transform into a golden body.

And Jiang Yanyan definitely doesn't have this ability. These things are actually not difficult to check.

At this time, he still didn't understand what he was going to do.

Wen Yan jumped to his feet angrily and cursed loudly at the door of the condolence hall.

"Cai Qidong, I'm going to take care of you!"

In the condolence hall, a group of members of the Lieyang tribe turned their heads together and looked at Wen Yan in horror as he cursed.

Wen Yan scratched his neck and glared angrily.

"What are you looking at? Cai Qidong is in front of me, and I want to scold him. I even spit in his face!"

Wen Yan held the phone angrily, took a car key from the concierge, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

He wanted to see Jiang Yanyan, and only Jiang Yanyan had a suitable temporary ability.

He needs this temporary ability now to help Wang Xueqi break through the final stretch.

He called Feng Yao.

"Where are you? Can you contact Jiang Yanyan? Tell him to come to me. I'm going over now to see him."

"Yes. After all, he is already an officially recognized river god. Although the temple has not yet been built, temporary temple blessings are already in place."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan fastened his seat belt, pressed the accelerator to the bottom, and ran wildly on the highway.

More than half an hour later, when Wen Yan was still more than half the distance from Duanzhou, he received a call that Jiang Yanyan had arrived at the riverside here.

Wen Yan got off the highway and came to the riverside, where he saw Jiang Yanyan appearing on the water with a grin and small eyes.

The new prompt covered the previous one, and Wen Yan immediately temporarily equipped the blessing to the temporary ability.

Wen Yan stretched out a finger, tapped Jiang Yanyan's soft forehead, and gave him a blessing.

Then throw him a cell phone.

"I'm still busy, so I'll tell you on the phone."

Wen Yan got in the car and ran all the way back, calling Jiang Yanyan on the way.

"Wang Xueqi is going to ascend, and she has to walk the last part of the journey by herself.

But this matter will make many water gods in the water system unhappy.

Originally I didn't intend for you to get involved, but in the eyes of others, your butt may have already been on the side of the Yang Department.

In this case, don't be a wallflower, otherwise there will be no good results for both sides.

You call Grandma Fox and ask Grandma Fox first. "

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan concentrated on driving and ran all the way.

Jiang Yanyan was confused. After transforming into a golden body, he immediately started playing with his phone happily.

Not to mention, it’s good to have hands.

He called Grandma Fox and talked about what Wen Yan said.

On the other side, Mrs. Fox, holding her mobile phone, looked at the horizon, as if she could see black clouds rolling over there.

Mrs. Fox was filled with emotion.

Wen Yan really benefited his own people and got official recognition from Jiang Yanyan.

Now that little water ghost girl is going to ascend, I wonder if it was Wen Yan who persuaded Cai Qidong.

I didn't expect that Cai Qidong could still cause trouble when he was older than when he was young.

He really dares.

"You listen to your brother, your brother will definitely not harm you.

And your brother is right, at the critical moment, the losers fall on both sides, and they will definitely be the most hated afterward.

Especially if you have just received recognition, you will not be able to protect yourself wisely. You must learn to reciprocate the favor.

You don’t have to do anything when you go, and you can’t do anything yourself.

Just go and stand on stage and make a statement.

You are of demon origin, this cannot be erased.

The relationship between the demon and the Lieyang tribe has actually been pretty good over the years. At this time, there is no need to hold back for the water god.

Those guys can't give you a dime of benefit.

Just do it, don't be afraid. If you don't understand, don't say anything and just leave. "

Mrs. Fox carefully gave some details and hung up the phone.

She didn't believe that Cai Qidong dared to do these things on his own. It must have been Wen Yan, that good boy, who persuaded Cai Qidong in order to fulfill the little girl's wish.

After all, the little girl also knew that there were many beneficiaries from this matter, but the biggest beneficiary was definitely not the little water ghost girl.

As for Wen Yan, the kid probably doesn't care about this either. He definitely only cares about fulfilling the little girl's biggest vision.

What a courageous person.

The old lady knows very well what the ascension ritual is.

The old lady likes Wen Yan more and more now. It is one thing to do things with intention, but it is not easy to take into account the interests of all parties, make the other party willing to help, and get things done.

Then she has to help out to some extent.

She picked up the phone and dialed one number after another.

On the other side, the good boy Wen Yan was scolding Cai Qidong through gritted teeth, then stepped on the accelerator and ran all the way.

On the other side, in the section of the Xijiang River in Luoyue County, the weather is gloomy and the river is running more and more fiercely. Today's water transportation has been notified in advance and suspended. The shore has also issued a notice long ago, saying that the upstream gate will be opened to release floods. Relevant departments in various places take note.

Wang Xueqi, full of yang energy, struggled to move forward in the water. The further she advanced, the greater the resistance she felt.

In addition to the water ghosts, there seemed to be more messy things in the water, blocking her overtly or covertly.

The water that usually had no hindrance to her now seemed to be pushing her back.

People who can make a water ghost start a new path naturally have an extremely strong will. The only thing she wants to accomplish now is this thing, and no one can make her back down.

Her will bloomed with brilliance, and she moved forward step by step in the water, slowly and steadily.

Suddenly, the surrounding turbid water seemed to gradually subside, turning into the dark and boundless deep sea.

In the deep sea, a pair of huge vertical pupils opened in the darkness.

The terrifying pressure came down on her, making it difficult for her to take another step forward.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"I know, I just want to give the same misfortune a new choice."

Staring at Wang Xueqi with vertical eyes, she said nothing more. It was obvious that Wang Xueqi didn't know the other meaning of this matter.

The coercion suppressed Wang Xueqi, only blocking Wang Xueqi's progress. Now she just needs to use up. After time is used up, everything will return to its original state.

Time passed little by little, on the platform by the river.

There was a thick incense stick inserted in the incense burner, and the incense was almost burned out.

Everyone had a sullen expression. The purple-robed Taoist raised his wrist and looked at the time.

"The time is coming, it's too late."

"The Soaring Monkey is ready to launch at any time."

"Except for the water ghost, none of the other slightly famous people took action directly.

Then this is calamity and part of the ritual.

If you get through it, it will be successful. If you can't get through it, everything will come to an end.

We can't take action directly. If we take action, it will affect the results and may even be harmful. "

"I'm not directly helping. Today, a temporary worker miscalculated the coordinates. A soaring monkey in the exercise landed in a certain tributary of the Xijiang River. It's not like I directly intervened." Cai Qidong's expression remained unchanged and he made a prediction. What will happen today.

The purple-robed Taoist sighed, smiled helplessly, and stopped talking.

"However, even if we do this now, it's too late. She won't have time to arrive, and she won't have time to climb the ladder to heaven."

"You can make it in time, don't worry."

At the same time, Jiang Yanyan's golden body stood on the Xijiang River. He was performing his duty to calm the waves in the river.

The river water coming from Luoyue County immediately became calm after entering his territory.

He didn't speak, he just stood on the water with a straight face, looking upstream, expressing an attitude.

In other places, in the mountains and forests, big monsters appeared one after another, but the big monsters just stood there and watched, just to express their attitude.

When demons appear, some of the demons in the water will gradually fade away. Even if some demons are acting under orders, they are doing nothing but doing their job. They are well versed in the essence of fishing.

At the same time, Wen Yan also rushed to the Decheng Funeral Home. As he walked, he walked like a dragon and a tiger, unconsciously carrying a bit of the true meaning of Lieyang Fist. When he strode forward, there was a kind of brilliant righteousness, pushing forward horizontally. posture.

He strode to the condolence hall, directly activated the power of Xue Nuan Jade, and pointed at Wang Xueqi's remains.

Since Wang Xueqi took the first step, he was no longer a pure water ghost, and started to take steps towards the gods, then it must be usable at this moment.


Warm words inspire the blood and warm jade, stimulate the blazing sun to the maximum, and then give blessings.

All of a sudden, the bones began to turn into jade.

At the same time, Wang Xueqi, who was still suppressed and unable to move in the dark deep sea waters, seemed to see a rising sun rising in the darkness.

Wen Yan stood opposite her and pointed between her eyebrows.


"Go on, since you want to do it, then I will help you do it. Although to be honest, you didn't tell me in advance and even hid it from me, I am still a little unhappy. Even if I want to scold people, I will still do it. Minister Cai, I will definitely not stop you from what you want to do."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Minister Cai said he wouldn't let me tell you. He said you would definitely stop me." Wang Xueqi was a little embarrassed, with a smile on her face, as if she was not going to die now.

"I knew it!" Wen Yan suddenly said, "Go ahead, don't hesitate. If anyone dares to stop you, Minister Cai will definitely crush them."

Wang Xueqi couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

When she watched Wen Yan disappear in front of her eyes, she smiled and wiped her tears. Her whole body was covered with golden light, and a layer of colorful long skirt began to appear on her body.

She looked at a pair of huge vertical pupils in front of her and took a brave step forward.

In an instant, golden light bloomed, shattering the darkness in front of her with one step, and she appeared in the river again.

She was dressed in colorful clothes and her body was blooming with brilliance. She walked step by step on the waves. The waves were under her feet, supporting her body as she went upstream. After one step, she was already a hundred meters away.

On the platform by the river, Cai Qidong looked at the brilliance approaching in the distance, and finally showed a smile.

"Coming, I told you, I will definitely catch up."

The purple-robed Taoist looked with some shock at Wang Xueqi, who was riding the waves, dressed in colorful clothes and covered with golden light.

"Golden body?! Is this a golden body?"

Before they could react, they saw Wang Xueqi's clothes fluttering, and the waves in the water were swaying up. The waves seemed to turn into steps, soaring into the sky.

Wang Xueqi, on the other hand, stepped on the waves with bare feet, climbed the stairs, and headed straight to the sky with a smile and good wishes.

The golden light bloomed from bottom to top, and the black clouds in the sky seemed to be split apart. The golden scorching sun fell down and overlapped with the water wave stairs, as if they had turned into a golden staircase.

Wang Xueqi rushed forward without any hesitation.

In an instant, the sky was filled with golden light, the sky cleared after the rain, and the dark clouds dispersed.

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