I am your natural enemy

Chapter 154 Side Effects, Unstoppable (5k)

This situation is also a congenital defect of Ah Piao.

What can turn into a piao is that one has obsessions during his or her lifetime, or is pulled by extreme emotions, causing the person's soul to linger after death.

Some obsessions dissipate after they are completed, while others are purely based on evil thoughts.

After all, evil thoughts are the easiest to appear in intense emotions, and they are also the easiest to maintain for those A Piao.

The evil ghost who wants revenge has a bad breath stuck in his throat. If he doesn't take revenge, it will be really difficult to dissipate.

But even so, in the last twenty or thirty years, especially ten years ago, the recovery of spiritual energy began to accelerate.

Taoist priests from the three mountains and five mountains, all kinds of people with their own inheritance, the speed of progress began to become terrifying.

Those who practice martial arts can practice to the point where their yang energy is as blazing as fire. If they are more domineering, they don't even need to do anything. Just get close to the ordinary Ah Piao and they can purify it directly.

By now, many Ah Piao have begun to become kinder.

When it comes to being rampant, even the Demon King of Pain who first came had little understanding of China. Even if he was more rampant, he couldn't compare to the one he has now.

It can be said that this person knew that doing this would definitely lead to heavy blows and offended many people to death in one breath, but he still dared to do it, and even dared to do it in front of their faces.

Cai Qidong really dares to say that he has never seen anyone so arrogant in the past twenty or thirty years.

After King Guilong recovered, he would at most prepare to build a temple and then slowly recover. Although his temper was not very good and he was a bit unruly, he was not too arrogant.

Prince Zhu, who was even more grumpy, knew that after he woke up, he had to read a book to understand first what dynasty he was in and what the situation was like.

Only the current one really doesn't take everyone seriously.

If it weren't for the fact that the Lieyang Department had too few manpower, even if we added people from three mountains and five mountains, it would still be far from enough to handle everything on the land of China.

Otherwise, who would get a tiger monster that doesn't even have a physical body and has died twice, and is running rampant here.

He is worthy of being called Jun. If this name hadn't been around for a long time, who would have gotten him?

Fortunately, this guy was in Nanwu County. If he was on the Huai River, and he still wanted to use water to reshape his body, the first person to hammer him to death would definitely be Shuijun.

On the other side, Wen Yan saw that nothing would change here for a while.

He drove the car and dragged Zhang Xuewen into the car. Looking at his thin appearance, he felt an uncontrollable impulse in his heart.

He picked up the food in the car and stuffed it into Zhang Xuewen's mouth. Seeing that the other person seemed to be asleep, he slapped him awake again.

"Wake up, eat before you go to sleep."

Zhang Xuewen opened his eyes in confusion and saw Wen Yan holding a pile of food and stuffing it into his hand.

"The other hand is not broken, right? Eat it yourself, eat it quickly."


"Ah what, hurry up and eat."

Zhang Xuewen broke at least three or four bones, but he could still feel it, he was in good spirits, and the pain didn't seem that intense.

Seeing the unkind look in Wen Yan's eyes, he told me that if you dare not eat, I will break a few more of your bones, so he started to eat honestly.

Wen Yan watched him finish eating and checked several times.

"I am full?"

"I am full."

"Then I'll just put some food in my stomach first, and I'll take you to the hospital later, and then you can have a proper meal."


I don't know why, Zhang Xuewen always felt a little scared when he looked at Wen Yan, and he didn't dare to refute. He had to eat honestly if he was told.

"What are you doing here?"

"My family has an orchard here, and we will start picking fruits before dawn today."

"Stop fussing. This area is very dangerous now. Tell your family members not to come. Also, don't look at it. Don't waste your food if you don't eat it cleanly."


Wen Yan sent Zhang Xuewen to a nearby hospital and watched him eat two chicken legs, two portions of rice rolls, and drink a box of milk before leaving with peace of mind.

Before leaving, I prepared a bunch of food for him to eat if he was hungry today.

Every time Zhang Xuewen wanted to refuse, he would feel inexplicably afraid when he saw Wen Yan's eyes. If he dared to refuse, he would not get any good results.

Wen Yan put Zhang Xuewen in the hospital, returned home, and looked at the sparrow cat sleeping with its arms spread out, feeling a little silent.

The second temporary ability against the tiger refers to the sparrow cat. Is it the thing in front of me?

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and touched Quemao's belly. He was two times fatter than when he first arrived.

It must be very difficult to fly now, right?

Quemao felt something vaguely, raised his head and took a look. After seeing that it was Wen Yan, he continued to close his eyes and fell asleep.

There seems to be nothing special about sparrow cats except that they have stronger resilience and are better able to eat and sleep, right?

He is just an ordinary little demon with no fighting ability. Even according to the evaluation of the Lieyang Department, his status is about the same as that of Bago.

Apart from being sharp-tongued, it is no different from having a pet myna.

Danger rating... No, the finch and cat can't touch the edge of the danger rating. The threat level is not as good as a large dog without a leash.

Is this thing really the natural enemy of tigers?

Among the many tips given by the natural enemy profession, this was the first time that the word natural enemy appeared.

Whenever these two words appear, it is basically 100% Tianke.

Wen Yan pondered over and over again, shaking the bird and cat.

"Get up, sleep on whatever you want, how can you sleep?"

The sparrow cat was in a daze, and its neck seemed to be soft. No matter how Wen Yan shook it, it only opened a little, and its nictitating membrane kept turning up.

"What are you doing..."

"Do you know Tiger?"

"have no idea……"

After saying a few words, he tilted his head and fell asleep again.

Wen Yan hesitated for a moment, then picked up the sparrow cat and took it into the car.

He really didn't understand why such a weakling could be the natural enemy of a tiger.

There are indeed general natural enemies, but that is only when their strengths are not much different.

But since it can appear as a temporary ability, it proves that it must be useful.

Wen Yan still took Quemao with him, just in case.

When we came to the vicinity of Crouching Tiger Mountain again, Wen Yan bought a lot of food on the way.

The rushing river continues to draw water from the Xijiang River to here, and the river continues to pour into Crouching Tiger Mountain.

There were dark clouds in the sky, and the rain hadn't stopped yet.

Wen Yan brought the food and asked Quemao to eat some first. This guy didn't care about how much there was and didn't ask why, he just ate what he had.

When they arrived at the place, Wen Yan took food and went to meet the two Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain, as well as the disciples who had followed these two Taoist priests to help them.

He brought a lot of food and asked them to eat first to make sure that everyone was full. Wen Yan felt better after he really couldn't eat any more.

Ever since I was equipped with the temporary ability of "Grandma", the side effects appeared first, and I had an extremely strong urge to feed the people around me.

This impulse will only dissipate when you are completely sure that the other person is full and can't eat anymore.

Time passed little by little, and it was after sunset.

In the Kingdom of Shadows, the river is already filled with lightning.

There is already a new big river here. The river comes from the sky, runs through the entire Kingdom of Shadows, and finally returns to its original place, turning into a complete cycle.

At this point, all the power of King Guilong can almost come in.

The tiger waved his hand, and the Rakshasa bird spread its wings and flew up the river, against the current.

"here we go."

He stepped into the water, stepped on the surface, and walked upstream.

As soon as he took a step down, he saw the lightning shining in the river, clinging to his body and constantly impacting his soul.

From the end point and starting point of the river that had formed a complete cycle, he began to swim upstream, covering the entire river step by step.

As he moved forward, the lightning continued to be tempered, and traces of vitality began to emerge.

After walking a complete circle, he began to swim upstream along the huge waterfall falling from the sky.

At this point, he has to withstand more and more thunder and resistance. Correspondingly, the tempering effect becomes better and better, and more and more vitality emerges from his body.

Now, he can't stop. King Guilong knows that he has become a tiger, so he can't stop either.

At this time, if the tiger is stopped, the tiger will fall short. If he cannot be stopped, the tiger will reshape his body and come back again.

Under the night, the thunder became louder and louder, and all the surrounding roads were blocked.

In a cemetery in the mountains, the grave suddenly cracked, and a kid emerged from the soil. The kid looked around, picked up a hoe, and dug up the grave. Prince Zhu walked out of it.

Feeling the thunderous energy in the air, Prince Zhu looked into the distance and smiled.

"Just by chance, I came to see how the guy who was crazier than me died!"

The kid next to him brought two stones, stacked them together, and asked Prince Zhu to sit down and look at them.

"My lord, is this place too dangerous?"

"What kind of danger is this? When Taizu beat this guy to death, it was much more dangerous than now. Now that I know it, of course I have to come and see it with my own eyes. This guy is crazy as hell. He has pissed off a lot of people. He is dead. .”

Looking left and right here, we saw Wen Yan distributing things to several Taoist priests on the hilltop in the distance.

The Taoist priest over there also noticed Prince Zhu's appearance and glanced this way.

Not long after, Wen Yan came to Prince Zhu with a cat bag and a bunch of food.

"Why do you always come here?" Wen Yan was a little surprised.

"That guy Hu Yuan is not dead. People from my old Zhu family must come to see the fun and see how he died."


Wen Yanwuyan, why are the people in your old Zhu family so vindictive? Did you feel that you lost face when Lao Zhu didn't beat him completely to death?

"Eat something?" Wen Yan placed the food in front of him and instantly lit three sticks of incense from the Taoist priest and stuck them on the food.

Looking at Wen Yan's eyes, Prince Zhu felt butterflies in his heart, just like when his wife gave him snacks, he didn't dare to refuse and had to eat even if he wasn't hungry.

"That's okay... Well, now is watching the fun called eating melon? Is this where it comes from? Do you have to eat to watch the fun?"

"Well, if you watch the excitement and don't eat, you always feel that there is something wrong with you."

Wen Yan was eating, and the kid next to him was stuffed with food by Wen Yan.

They were watching from the top of the mountain, and there seemed to be movement in the distance.


After Prince Zhu finished speaking, he saw in the distance, at the foot of Crouching Tiger Mountain, thunder surged, and the great rivers carried Peiran's mighty power and fell. Suddenly, the Crouching Tiger Mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, gravel flew, and the rumbling collapse and thunder echoed each other. .

From the clouds and mist, a dragon claw poked out and landed on the top of the mountain, making endless crackling sounds.

Under the dragon's claw, Hu Yuan raised one hand to resist the dragon's claw. His body dwarfed slightly, and he suddenly slapped a palm with his other hand.

There was a muffled bang, King Guilong screamed, and the dragon's claws cracked from the middle.

The clouds and mist rolled and flew away.

When Hu Yuan took the last step and fell from the water to the ground, the lightning surging on his body gradually dissipated, and all the vitality bloomed at this moment. His pale body did not look like a living person. A hint of rosy color began to appear.

He took a breath of the moist air around him and sighed.

"Come alive..."

He raised his eyes and looked around. On two hills in the distance, two purple-robed Taoists were casting spells with solemn expressions.

On another hilltop, Wen Yan, whom he had noticed before, was sitting side by side on a grave with an old ghost... eating.

The Guilong King, wrapped in the clouds and mist, rolled and flew out.

"King Guilong, I have no intention of being an enemy of you, nor do I have any intention of being disrespectful to the Dragon Mother. I just want to use your hands to reshape my body.

Now that I am reshaping my body, I owe you a favor.

I will personally go to the Dragon Mother to apologize in the future.

If I don’t kill you, don’t be ignorant and seek your own death. "

Seeing that King Guilong didn't seem to listen at all, Hu Yuan sighed.

As he took a step forward, a strong wind suddenly rose up. As he moved forward, he was like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, extremely fast and fierce. In just a second or two, he arrived in front of the clouds and mist, and struck out with a palm.

The clouds and mist in the sky were forced away, and the slender palm was directly slapped on the dragon's head.


Terrifying murderous intent bloomed, and strong murderous aura suddenly erupted.

The dragon's head instantly submerged into the clouds and mist, and a shrill wail sounded. The rolling clouds and mist began to shrink continuously, and finally fell into the river below.

The rushing river seemed to have reached a point where it was unable to continue in an instant.

"With your current strength, you can withstand at most two strikes of my killing technique. Don't seek death."


There was a thunderous explosion, and before anyone heard the sound, the thick thunder had already landed on Hu Yuan's head.

The thunder brought with it a dazzling brilliance, drowning it with one strike.

However, when the thunder dissipated, Hu Yuan's clothes were torn, but brilliance circulated on his body, removing the power of the thunder.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Crouching Tiger Mountain in the air behind him.

Then he saw that Crouching Tiger Mountain was constantly collapsing, and wisps of light flew out from it and fell on him. Gradually, his power became stronger and stronger.

"Longhushan's lightning-drawing skills are quite good, and can rival those of Longhushan's elite back then."

Hu Yuan praised him, and then pointed at the remains that were constantly exposed in the collapsed Crouching Tiger Mountain.

"It's a pity that back then, I swallowed hundreds of you in one bite."

When the second sky thunder fell, Hu Yuan did not dodge, stretched out a hand, and suddenly turned into a tiger claw about ten feet in size, and swung it out fiercely.

There was a loud bang, and the second thunder struck somewhere else.

The two Taoist priests in the distance looked ugly.

"He not only reshaped his body, but he swallowed not ordinary people back then, but many seniors who died in the war, and used those seniors to maintain the last charm of his dead body. Now he is reborn from death, and he has obtained what he once had. Her charm and strength are probably as good as those of the past, and I’m afraid she is no match for us..."

"Support will be here soon." Cai Qidong's voice came out on the phone.

"That's too late."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Hu Yuan had crossed several miles and appeared on one of the mountains. With a tyrannical attitude, he directly broke through the protection here and slapped one of the Taoist priests on the head with a long-fingered hand. On the forehead.

As soon as the blow fell, Hu Yuan turned around and walked away without even looking. However, after taking a few steps, he looked back at the Taoist priest who fell to the ground.

He was obviously unconscious, but he was still breathing.

He frowned slightly. The killing technique could not kill a Taoist priest whose body was extremely weak compared to the Tao technique.

This is strange.

He originally thought that the Taoist priest had some kind of treasure on him, but after careful inspection, he discovered that there was a strange power that protected the opponent's vitality. After reaching this point, he would never fall again.

He sensed it carefully, stood up and looked in another direction.

"Weird magical powers..."

He looked at Wen Yan in the distance. No wonder that day he suddenly realized that the little warrior posed a great threat to him. It turned out that he really had the magical power to restrain his killing skills.

He ignored the other Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain and walked towards Wen Yan as fast as flying on the mountain forest.

"Prince Zhu, can you beat this guy?" Wen Yan looked at Hu Yuan, who was approaching quickly, and asked tentatively.

"Can't beat it."

"How dare you come to see the fun if you can't beat me?!"

"If you can't beat him or run away, come with me. Those stinky Taoist priests underestimate Hu Yuan too much. After this guy regains his physical body and regains his charm, he is simply not something that the current purple-robed Taoist priest can deal with."

Prince Zhu was very loyal. When he realized something was wrong, he dragged Wen Yan into the grave.

However, just when they got into the tomb, they saw Hu Yuan's speed suddenly increased several times.

He rushed all the way and instantly knocked away the kid blocking the way behind him. With a hand that was almost teleporting, he slapped Wen Yan on the back.

With a muffled bang, the cat bag Wen Yan was carrying exploded, and the sparrow cat inside, who was still sleeping soundly, received this slap.

At that moment, everything seemed to pause.

The moment Hu Yuan saw the sparrow cat, his pupils suddenly shrank to the limit. He wanted to stop, but it was too late.

The killing technique was photographed on the sparrow cat.

The sleepy bird cat opened its eyes and looked at the palm patting on his forehead, the cat's face was confused.

The colors on his face began to transform into those of a chimeric cat. One moment, the left face was orange, and the right face was civet. The next moment, the left face was civet, and the right face was orange. The next moment, it changed back to no patterns, just like an ordinary sparrow cat. of pure color.

The sparrow cat stared blankly, as if he heard someone asking.

"What kind of cat are you?"

"No, I'm a bird."

"Oh, so you're a sparrow?"

"No, I'm a cat."

"Are you a cat?"

"No, I'm a bird."

The dazed sparrow cat, possessed by the Jing spirit, answered these questions without thinking, just like the instinct in the blood. Even if it takes a thousand years to ask, it can still answer the questions for a thousand years.

Moreover, it never thinks that it is a bar. At this moment, it thinks so. Its body and everything about it also think so.

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