I am your natural enemy

Chapter 226 Deja Vu, content of the competition (5k)

"Do you want to listen to what you are talking about? Have you really tried it?" Wen Yan looked at Feng Yao in shock.

"Don't worry, there is no such road on the navigation system, it cannot be photographed by normal satellites, and ordinary people cannot drive on this road. Only ordinary people who can enter this road can enter it.

We had let the robots go to explore before, but they all disappeared. As we walked, they disappeared from sight, and the signal also disappeared.

We also tried to connect the cable, but the cable seemed to be twisted and torn, not artificial.

According to the research of relevant people, there is a problem with the space here.

At present, the most stable area here is the area at the end.

The spatial stability here is almost comparable to that of the Qinling Mountains. "

"Can you guys detect this?"

“I don’t really understand, anyway, I just heard that it is like this, I only know the conclusion.

Don't worry, even in this world, there are not many places in the entire China that are as stable as the Qinling Mountains.

I dare not say anything else, but the stability here is definitely very stable. "

Wen Yan looked back. He was a little sensitive about entering the field now.

"What are the rules here?"

“There are no special rules, just in and out rules.

Although someone in the ministry suggested using this place.

Some things that are not suitable for experimenting outside can be tried here.

But the ministry, from the previous minister to the current minister, has always been cautious about this place.

It's okay to take advantage of it, but there won't be much of value here. "

The more Feng Yao said this, the more insecure Wen Yan felt.

"Is this the only entrance and exit here?"


Wen Yan's sense of security continued to decrease.

"Who decided to use this venue for the final stage of the martial arts performance in Nanwu County? Or has it been here before?"

"Except for the primary stage, everything else is here. It is decided by the minister."

"Cai Heizi..."

Wen Yan had a bad feeling, and sure enough, he heard what Feng Yao said next.

“The minister will also be attending today.

Huang Zhiji and Qin Kun, who you met before, will also be there.

If you have itchy hands, you can also find someone to fight with here, and you can hit them with your hands free. "

"I remembered, I still have something very important to do. I have to go back first." Wen Yan looked solemn and frowned, as if he had been inspired. Maybe he could find a hand-rubbing core. Fusion method.

"Huh?" Feng Yao was slightly startled and didn't react at first.

But putting Wen Yan's questions together, and then thinking about what Minister Cai did recently.

He felt an electric current running directly from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and his scalp began to feel numb.

"No...it can't be..."

"What can't you do? Come on, I'm really in a hurry. I have to go back and prepare something related to Suicune. I won't join in the fun during this final stage of the martial arts performance."

"Okay, why are you still pretending to be here with me? Don't you just think that this is the minister..."

Before Feng Yao finished speaking, Wen Yan interrupted him seriously.

"I do not understand what you're saying."


Feng Yao swallowed back the rest of his words, and looking at Wen Yan's expression, he was now sure.

Wen Yan just felt that Minister Cai was fishing, and he even had a big one.

Now I am cautious not to let him say anything.

Wen Yan looked back and towards the way he came, and the awkward and twisted feeling at the fork in the road became more intense.

He looked back at the road, locating his home in his mind. After confirming that he could still locate it and guide him in the direction, he felt a little relieved.

Cai Heizi has been poaching people recently, and he knows it.

I also know that it seems to have started to be hindered.

This time, the location of the venue had been decided a long time ago, and even Feng Yao didn't think there was any problem.

Although Wen Yan didn't understand martial arts, he knew Cai Heizi.

He just thought of what Feng Yao said before. Cai Heizi didn't even have a bodyguard, so he was just waiting for someone to shoot him.

Think again about Cai Heizi's behavior.

He now had every reason to suspect that Cai Heizi was fishing.

In this field, there is usually nothing of value, and it seems like there is none now.

But Cai Heizi is here, and there are a younger generation of masters in Nanwu County, and even outside Nanwu County, there are younger masters.

These people are the most valuable.

And the value is very high, far beyond anything that can be measured in money.

I just don’t know how far Cai Heizi has pursued it, and whether it will make some people anxious.

If it really comes to this point, then he can see that this should be the last chance and the most suitable opportunity.

An area that is difficult to get in and out of, and will disappear if you take the wrong path.

Is there any more appropriate way to dump the blame than this?

Anyone who disappears here will never see the person alive or dead. There is no evidence and no results. The person is just missing and disappears directly in the present world.

How great, maybe there is no need to directly attack, safety and concealment are guaranteed.

There may not even be a need to kill Cai Heizi. As long as a few more people and young talents die here and a major incident occurs, Cai Heizi will be blamed.

As soon as Wen Yan's thoughts changed, he thought of a series of things.

This is really not because he is arrogant to Cai Heizi, but because Cai Heizi really likes to do this.

Even if I put it out there, I will let you see it, and I know you can see it, and you know that I know you can see it.

But the opportunity is given to you, and it’s up to you whether you can seize it or not.

Cai Heizi likes this kind of dancing on the tip of a knife. At the same time, in order to ensure that things are under his control, he will pull everyone to dance with him at the same time.

In other words, forcing everyone to follow him.

Otherwise, this guy is so despised and hated by others.

Even the elders in Fuyu Mountain are such good-tempered people, but Cai Qidong is a piece of shit when it comes to them.

Wen Yan felt a little melancholy. He glanced at Feng Yao and asked.

"Let me ask you something, and you answer me honestly."

"You ask."

"Did Cai Heizi ask you to bring me here during the final stage of the martial arts performance?"

"..." Feng Yao was speechless, and finally gave a wry smile: "To be honest, I'm not sure, because the minister really didn't say that, but I feel like he hinted at it."

"Come on, that's it. Cai Heizi is really nothing. If I want to leave now, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

Wen Yan felt around in Feng Yao's car and took out a pack of cigarettes. He lit a cigarette and cursed Cai Qidong in the wind.

Feng Yao stayed by the side, listening to Wen Yan scolding Cai Qidong, he looked melancholy and said nothing.

Although...he also felt that what Wen Yan said was most likely true.

Their minister is really capable of doing this kind of thing.

And he also knew something that Wen Yan didn't know.

That is Cai Qidong's recent hunt for people, following the clues, and he happened to be in this position where he found clues, but was stuck between pointing and not pointing.

In this case, you may be just one step away from digging a big fish.

However, the obstacles encountered have become bigger and bigger.

Minister Cai may not be afraid, but things like investigating things also require people to do it, and not just one or two people.

We cannot expect that the people working below are all orphans who have enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, nor can we expect that the people below are willing to take risks.

In the end, the people and things involved may be very complicated.

Nowadays, some of the people working in the sanitation and cleaning office can hardly bear the pressure from all aspects.

This time is the critical stage of the game.

Feng Yao probably knew that this time at least someone at the level of a county branch minister would be unlucky, and some people from the headquarters might also be involved.

It involves demons, Ah Piao and other aliens.

In this case, since the Minister of Guanzhong County called Minister Cai two days ago, Minister Cai said that someone could not sit still, which made him confirm that there must be an internal problem.

Within the Lieyang Department, everyone may have different ideas.

The ministers of each county have different methods when handling related matters. This is allowed based on the actual situation.

But there are some fundamental general directions that cannot be overturned.

In the current situation, Feng Yao felt that based on his understanding of Cai Qidong, he was just stuck on the edge of the other party's insecurity, but the other party was unable to determine where Cai Qidong had reached.

In this case, a fool will work hard on himself and cover up, because it is useless.

Directly attacking Cai Qidong is the most cost-effective and effective way.

Attacks in various senses, including attacks within the organization and attacks on Cai Qidong himself, are all acceptable.

The two of them stood at the end of the road, both silent.

Wen Yan took out his cell phone and took a look. Unsurprisingly, there was no signal. He looked at the date and saw that there were still a few days until the end of the month.

At this time, Wen Yan began to feel that some more practical Taoist methods were really necessary.

In places where there is no signal, as far as he knows, there are several Taoist methods that can be used to communicate, and they are all relatively simple general Taoist methods that can be used without a teaching device.

He opened his carry-on bag and took a look. He found pure jun mace, tiger ribs, high-energy food, a one-liter thermos bottle, a lighter, a power bank with a solar panel, an ever-burning lamp, grandma's snacks, amulets...

When he went out, he was quite well prepared.

It is just to prevent it from being difficult to deal with when unexpected situations arise again.

Unexpectedly, it might actually be used now.

"Aren't you leaving?"

"I feel that those who have come can no longer leave."


"I can leave, but if I go out at this time, I will stand out. 80% of the people who will be blackmailed will be me."

Wen Yan saw that Feng Yao didn't seem to understand. He lifted Feng Yao's car, exerted force in his palms, and the muscles on his arms swelled, and turned the car in one direction.

"Get everything important out of your car."

After Feng Yao complied, Wen Yan stepped forward, released the handbrake, shifted into neutral, adjusted the steering wheel, and pushed behind.

The car slid down the slope and headed towards the fork in the road.

It seemed that it was sliding towards the fork on the right, but after entering the fork and sliding out about ten meters, the car disappeared silently.

Feng Yao looked stern, but before he could say anything, Wen Yan patted him on the shoulder with his bag on his back.

"Let's go, we don't know anything, let's go watch the fun first."

Feng Yao was worried and walked down the stairs from the end of the road with Wen Yan.

Ahead is a large flat land with many scattered buildings and some laboratories.

Various traces can also be seen on the mountains in the distance, which should be traces left by experiments.

When we got down there, we could already see a lot of people there.

The venue was very poorly decorated, and this was probably not the place for the fight.

Seeing Qin Kun from afar, Wen Yan waved.

Qin Kun came in at a snail's pace. When he saw Wen Yan, he laughed three times and slapped Wen Yan on the shoulder.

Three bangs, bangs, bangs, and two footprints more than an inch deep were immediately left where Wen Yan stood.

"Yes, my body bones have become much stronger now. It seems that I am not slacking off."

"Senior Brother Qin, is Minister Cai here?"

"I came a few minutes before you guys. It's about to start here. I thought you wouldn't come."

"I'm here to join in the fun and see what Cai Heizi is up to."

Qin Kun's eyes moved and he expressed doubts to Wen Yan with his eyes.

"Senior Brother Qin, it's best not to rush into trouble."

Wen Yan glanced at the people in the distance and noticed that there were quite a few people coming to him, so he didn't say anything clearly.

Who knows if any of these people can read lips or hear what he says.

Qin Kun nodded. When he thought of Cai Heizi's criminal record, his face turned dark.

It is true that anyone dares to take advantage of Cai Heizi.

Feng Yao said hello and went to see Cai Qidong.

After entering the room and arriving at one of the offices, he opened the door and saw Cai Qidong sitting steadily inside.

"Minister, something happened."

"What's up?"

"The way out, I don't know why it is affected. If you go the original way, it will disappear. My car has disappeared."

After Feng Yao finished speaking, he looked at Cai Qidong's face, which remained calm and unchanged.

His heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Damn it, Wen Yan really understands their minister, and Wen Yan really got it right!


Cai Qidong held the thermos cup and took a sip of herbal tea.

"It's so quick to start. I just came in and I couldn't help it anymore. It's really hard to be patient.

I just leaked a little bit of information, saying that I had pulled the pigtails, but I didn’t really pull them.

Some people couldn't help it anymore. It seemed like it was a big deal. "

Feng Yao now feels that Cai Heizi is really evil.

"Minister, what are you going to do next?"

"Don't worry, this is part of martial arts. What's the point of defining a range and fighting each other?

The whole process was handcuffed, and no one was willing to show their true ability.

They are afraid that others will know their methods of suppressing the bottom of the box, and they will find a corresponding method next time.

Everything that starts now is part of actual combat.

Searching for information, discovering dangers, and discovering anomalies are the abilities that this group of elites should possess.

Furthermore, no one knows whether there are people with other purposes hidden among the people here. "

Cai Heizi said this with a cold face, as if he didn't care if anyone would die.

After he finished speaking, he asked.

"Other than you, who else noticed the change in the entrance and exit?"

"I didn't discover it, it was Wen Yan who discovered it."

Cai Heizi raised his head, thought about it, and suddenly laughed.

"Did he scold me again?"

Feng Yao didn't answer.

Cai Heizi didn't care and smiled even happier.

"If he wants to scold me, then go ahead. If they want to scold me, they have to wait until things here are over."

Feng Yao was a little helpless.

"Minister, we have lost contact with the outside world now."

Cai Qidong was not nervous at all. He put down the thermos cup and opened his notebook.

"This will test the strength of the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County while I am away.

I can't make decisions at any time.

What we need is a process to deal with what we may often encounter next.

This is far more important than me as a minister.

These days, everything that needs to be adjusted has been almost done.

It is better to check and accept it now than to bite the bullet when something big happens later. "

Feng Yao said nothing. He now understood the difference between his and Cai Qidong's thoughts.

Cai Qidong is the minister. What he has to consider is always the overall situation and the general direction for the follow-up.

Most of the time, Feng Yao only thinks about how well he is doing one thing.

"From now on, you just sit here and sit here."

Cai Qidong asked Feng Yao to sit down. He looked at his watch and left.

Outside, Wen Yan and Qin Kun walked away from the crowd and chatted with their backs to the crowd, saying that entry and exit were prohibited and that there was some force affecting the road.

While they were chatting, Maoshan Huang Zhiji took the initiative to come over.

"I've met Senior Brother Qin, I've met Brother Wen."

Huang Zhiji held a small compass in his hand and looked at the pointer on the small compass, which kept rotating left and right. He looked at the direction of the entrance.

"Brother Wen, did you also find something wrong there?"

"How to say?"

"In a place like this, it is very necessary to know how to enter and exit at any time. Five minutes ago, I noticed that the entrance and exit here seemed to be less stable. I guessed that something happened."

Wen Yan looked at the people in the distance, feeling a little confused.

"No wonder, most of the people who can get in here have two brushes. It seems that many people know about it."

“A few people should have felt it, but no one said it.

Secretary Feng just now went to report to Minister Cai.

Now everyone is waiting for the people from the Lieyang Department to explain what is going on. "

Just as he was talking, Cai Qidong appeared. Cai Qidong looked around and said slowly.

“I’ve always felt that standing in the ring and competing against each other doesn’t make much sense except for safety.

At least for the current overall situation, this kind of competition can no longer keep up with the changes of the times.

Therefore, I think it should be changed. In this field, there are three things.

You can find out what it is specifically and confirm it yourself.

Whoever gets any one and is the first to step into the gate of Yuzhou Lieyang Department will get the first place in this martial arts performance.

The first place can enter the warehouse and choose three things, anything.

The second place is the same, the third place is the same.

As for how to do it, I don't care. You can think and judge for yourself. "

After saying this, Cai Qidong sat on the chair, crossed his legs, held a thermos cup, and watched quietly.

Sorry, it's a little late. I have a fever, cold, headache, and runny nose. I hope I didn't catch it again.

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