I am your natural enemy

Chapter 370: Keep it for protection, the first wave of sacrifices (5k)

Wen Yan's eyes were almost fixed on the avoidance card. The fourth master's uncle knew what Wen Yan was thinking just by looking at it.

"I don't know which ancestor wrote this sign. It's been a long time ago. If you want it, just take it and hang it here later."

"Uh, is this a lot?" Wen Yan was a little shocked.

“What’s important is not the brand, but the words on it.”

"Can I ask where these words came from in the first place?"

The fourth master's uncle gave Wen Yan a strange look. Wen Yan always asked some strange questions.

This avoidance card has been hanging here for a long time, and no one cares when those eight words appear.

As for hanging a sign or posting a piece of paper, the effect is the same.

There are actually many similar brands in Buyeo Mountain. If some disciples still want to practice sutras after daily sutra classes, it is easy to find one.

There are new avoidance cards written inside the door every year. The avoidance card here is also the last avoidance card hung here. During the annual cleaning, I don’t know which disciple took it away, so I went to the warehouse to get it again. One hangs here.

Now that Wen Yan asked about it, the Fourth Master's uncle was also a little surprised. Why had he never thought about where these eight characters came from?

It seems like everything is as it should be.

When he thought of this, the Fourth Master's uncle suddenly understood. This was the feeling he was looking for.

Find out why things should be the way they are.

"It happened a long time ago. I don't know when it was so early. I'll look back and see if there are any records before talking about this kind of thing."

"Okay, I'll just take this sign?"

"Take it, it's not worth anything."

Wen Yan looked at his fellow disciples who were still chanting sutras. He moved closer to his uncle, the fourth master, and lowered his voice and whispered.

"Uncle of the Fourth Master, if you say that hanging this thing here, it means that the chanting of sutras and the call of Baobao will not be heard by the gods.

So, if I carry this avoidance card, does it mean that as long as it is shown anywhere, it will be muted?

All the methods that require paying respect to the ancestors and calling on the gods are useless? "

The fourth master's uncle leaned back slightly and looked at Wen Yan with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"what are you thinking?"


"Definitely not. The avoidance card is only useful in studying scriptures. Do you think that there are masters chanting Baogao, just like making phone calls, and you can still use this to hang up the phone?"

"If you can't hang up, then you can block the signal before the other party calls."

"What do you think the altar is for?"


“You can use the Dharma altar as a communication device and signal amplifier, and the high altar is a direct connection that cannot be covered or shielded.

Besides, not all Taoist priests’ methods of opening an altar require reciting the sacred edicts of the gods.

Some don't even need to open an altar, or just a small altar that you can carry with you.

The forum is only opened to show the maximum strength.

Even if this evasion card is useful, if you encounter a weak Taoist priest, if you can see him, he is no match for you.

If you encounter a strong Taoist priest, you won't even be able to see him, and the avoidance cards will be useless.

Stop thinking about this kind of thing. "

After the fourth master's uncle finished speaking, he casually took out another avoidance card from the drawer next to him and hung it next to him. Then he took off the avoidance card that had just been hung there and gave it to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan looked at the newly hung piece, but there was no prompt this time.

"Uncle of the fourth master, I still think this avoidance card is useful. It is really not simple. It must have been written by a certain ancestor."

"Then I'll give it to you. You can take it away."

Wen Yan sighed and put the sign away.

Although the Fourth Master's uncle was right, if he encounters a particularly strong Taoist priest, his avoidance card may not be of much use.

Serious Taoist priests rarely open altars in a personal manner. Wudang is... quite unique.

Generally speaking, casting spells from a distance is more mainstream. Like Lao Tianshi, who can cast spells from a large altar and can reach beyond the county. It is indeed rare.

But it is not difficult for a Taoist priest to cast spells from a distance of 1,800 meters or several miles.

This can maximize your strength. It's not that you can't fight sudden encounters, it's just that there are more restrictions.

It is precisely because of these defects that if something happens to the Lieyang Department, it is very suitable to hire people and arrange it in advance, and it is also more suitable for what both parties are good at.

Coupled with the warriors, they take over intelligence, logistics, policy, law enforcement, main C, professional support, etc., each with their own strengths.

Wen Yan suddenly saw something that could obviously restrict Taoist priests, and was quite nervous. However, seeing that the fourth master's uncle was not nervous at all, he couldn't tell who wrote the avoidance card.

Isn't this embarrassing? The tradition of Buyeo Mountain is that the ancestors of every generation and those with seniority will write this.

Wen Yan could only give up the question temporarily and asked about the business.

"I have something else to do. I want to ask my uncle, the Fourth Master, about witchcraft..."

Upon hearing Wen Yan's words, the fourth master's uncle stood up and motioned for Wen Yan to follow him.

When talking about avoidance cards just now, the fourth master uncle did not avoid people, but now he wants to go out and talk about it.

When I got outside, I found a stone table and bench under a tree and sat down, and my uncle, the fourth master, asked.

"Witch? Why is a witch involved again?"

"It's like this..." Wen Yan roughly explained the matter, and finally mentioned the matter of Uncle Wu Ji.

“If Suicune said that, it must be true.

The matter of sealing is related to monsters, and it is most appropriate for Wudang Taoists to handle it.

As for the witch festival, what do you think? "

"I think that uncle is a very nice person and has a strong will. He can calm down quickly when things change.

I think he is not the kind of person who will be influenced by the so-called blood inheritance.

The focus of what he wants to do is definitely not inheritance.

Therefore, I did not follow. I came to ask the fourth master's uncle for advice first.

What exactly is this witch festival? "

“In today’s terms, it might be a sacrifice, but this sacrifice also depends on the period of time.

In the earliest times, sacrificial ministers were the beings who held the power of sacrificial rituals. They were equivalent to divine envoys and had a high authority to speak.

Even the emperor must be recognized by the highest-ranking shaman priest.

Although it declined later, the importance of sacrifice has been passed down.

The most important thing in the country lies in sacrifice and military affairs. You must have heard this sentence, right?

The earlier it is, the higher the importance of the sacrifice.

From the rise and fall of Taishi, to the later alchemist, he was first severely beaten by Emperor Qin, leaving only one breath.

With only one breath left, Emperor Wu pinched his neck and pinned him to death.

From the earliest witches to the later alchemists, they are all finished.

Later, my Taoist sect prospered and has been passed down to this day. "

Speaking of this, the Fourth Master's uncle suddenly stopped. He hesitated, but did not continue. If he continued, he would have involved several big bosses.

Wen Yan also half-understood what he heard. He didn't understand much about Taishi, but he still knew about the alchemist. The legend of Emperor Qin's elixir of immortality is still being circulated to this day.

He probably understood that his uncle, the fourth master, told him that witches were on the decline, until all the alchemists who might have something to do with witches and were suspected to be witches were killed.

Now, thousands of years have passed, and it is even less possible for witches to do anything wrong.

Power is power, knowledge is knowledge, and these are the only things that can be passed down. At most, they are things that can be turned into instincts by engraving some points into DNA. Other than that, there is nothing more.

How to do this mainly depends on the person himself.

"I understand, uncle of the Fourth Master."

"You can figure it out yourself. It's just a witch festival that has just inspired the inheritance. Don't be so nervous, and don't force it. Just do whatever you want, just be normal.

Even if there is any seal that has been lifted long ago, it has nothing to do with this witch festival.

If there is still a seal that has not been lifted, in this era, a witch festival that has just inspired the inheritance cannot do much. "

"Okay, uncle of the fourth master, I'll leave first. I'm going to see the uncle of the grand master."

"Go ahead."

Wen Yan carried the avoidance wooden sign and came to Grand Master's uncle. Grand Master's uncle had also completed his morning exercises.

Wen Yan took out his avoidance card and said it again, and Grand Master's uncle just smiled and said.

"If you can use it, you can keep it for protection."


One sentence rendered Wen Yan speechless.

But from the look on Grand Master's uncle's face, he seemed to know the effect of this avoidance card.

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

"My family, why are you so polite?"

After chatting with Taishi's uncle for a while, Wen Yan didn't leave in a hurry and wandered to the zombie cave.

Originally, he wanted to see Zhang Laoxi. As soon as he came over, he saw Zhang Laoxi, who was undergoing special training here, being chased by two men, and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

Wen Yan couldn't help but sigh, it hadn't been that long, and the effect of Zhang Laoxi's special training seemed to have improved by leaps and bounds.

In the mountain forest, he ran like a wild dog on the loose, with a wild attitude and extremely fast speed. It was amazing that even the two hairy zombies couldn't catch up with him.

Wen Yan came to the zombie cave and knocked politely. The stone door slowly opened. The person he saw last time followed Aunt Gan's corpse and lifted the stone door with one hand.

"Is Aunt Gan here? I'm going back to the mountain to visit you all, and also to see if Cai Heizi is cool enough. I won't bother you, right?"

In the imperial capital, in the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, the head of the headquarters was processing documents as usual.

More than 50 cases of the ghost wealth gods caught before have been closed. According to the existing information, they only need to go through the procedures to approve the death penalty.

The head of the headquarters looked at the information with a cold expression. After a long time, he looked at the current time and gave the order.

All cases closed will be temporarily detained and will be transferred later.

These guys deserved to die, there was nothing to discuss. The only difference was how they died.

There are more and more things happening recently, and there are things ready to happen everywhere, especially there are more and more idiots. This is the most troublesome part.

This idiot is not a purely derogatory term. It generally refers to those old antiques who have just recovered, Ah Piao whose temperament has changed drastically, aliens with bad brains, etc.

They really don't know, or have no idea of ​​the price they have to pay after committing a crime.

Or maybe they know the cost, but don't care at all, and they don't hesitate to be wiped out.

This is what makes the general manager feel helpless.

And this kind of thing is the most common.

In contrast, although the matter of the ghost god of wealth is very harmful, the other party is very cautious and at least knows some sense of proportion and will not go on a killing spree.

But for some Ah Piao, it’s really impossible.

Something happened just today. A fraudster defrauded a lot of people. The victims often started with a hundred thousand yuan, and there were several people who were defrauded of hundreds of thousands. The case had only been filed for one day, and the case itself was not in Lieyang. In the hands of the Ministry.

Today we were directly transferred to the Lieyang Department because the whole family of the fraudster was killed in their villa. The suspect was a Piao who was defrauded of 13,000 yuan.

After Ah Piao's revenge was over, most of her obsessions dissipated, she regained her sanity, reported the case herself, and waited where she was.

When the field team from the Lieyang Department showed up, Ah Piao disappeared into thin air as soon as he was illuminated by the rising sun.

This kind of thing has happened so much this year that the Lieyang Department has had to negotiate with other departments several times to ask them to increase financial supervision.

It's really a life-threatening situation. If you cheat the rich, they can afford to suffer. But if you cheat the poor, it's still in Ah Piao's version. You really are not afraid of death.

Every time he sees this kind of case, the head of the headquarters will get angry in the office. If he was not in this position a few decades ago, he might be the one who did it himself.

It's a pity that he is now the person in the entire ministry who can't be emotionally driven when he is in charge of his own affairs.

After locking up the information, the headmaster looked at the newly sent information.

Some of the Lieyang Department's field officers have already gone to Nanyang, and in cooperation with some local people, they have obtained a lot of information.

He looked at a large hall in the photo, pondered for a moment, and closed the document.

He went to China to cause trouble and harmed so many people, how could he just let it go?

There is no rush to do anything. In addition to considering that it is China, there are many factors that need to be considered, and there is one most important reason.

If you don't first understand who is involved and who they are, how can you strike out with lightning and wipe out all the evil leaders in one go?

The headmaster glanced at the desk calendar on the corner of the table, flipped it over, and saw a time marked on it.

The time for the Luotian Dajiao is coming soon.

The things that Lieyang Department prepared for Luo Tian's great ceremony are just right now.

The first sacrifice is to send those ghosts and gods of wealth to ascend to heaven collectively.

I believe that everyone from the Three Mountains and Five Mountains will definitely agree that this time the Luotian Dajiao is simply not enough without blood and thunderous means.

Putting down the desk calendar, the chief continued to think deeply.

He looked at the information sent by Wen Yan and sighed secretly.

Wen Yan took the risk to find Shui Jun again.

The place where the water was launched was monitored 24 hours a day. How could he not know that Wen Yan had gone there.

These days, the Lieyang Department has been hiding, and some people seem to know that Wen Yan went to deliver wine, and secretly went to throw away some wine, but unfortunately it was of no use.

Many people know that Suicune is in the Huaihe River, but no one dares to go there for fear of death, and even more afraid of not getting any benefits and offending Suicune.

Suicune's weird temperament has been recorded in the records, and now through some clues, it can be seen that it is more than just weird, he is simply a dog, and he will fall out whenever he wants.

Wen Yan went to deliver the wine, and then went to Shui Jun to get a key piece of information.

But the surveillance camera also captured it. Wen Yan seemed to be injured when he came out of the water, and he vomited blood. The surveillance camera could see that the water turned red.

If it were anywhere else, the head of the headquarters would definitely send someone to deal with the blood first to avoid being used by evil things.

But no one dared to take care of the Huai River, so they could only let Wen Yant's blood naturally melt into the water.

I don't know how Wen Yan managed to talk to Shui Monkey when he went down, but it didn't cost him his life. It was probably because the Water Monkey was merciful and looked at Wen Yan differently.

Wen Yan didn't talk about the injury, only the key situation and another seal that had been released.

For the next week, Wen Yan didn't go anywhere. He was at home every day, probably recovering from his injuries.

Now Wen Yan sent some more messages. To put it simply, he asked the Lieyang Department not to force the witch sacrifice.

The head of the headquarters raised his head and finally sighed to himself, forget it, since Wen Yan intervened, let's just follow Wen Yan's wishes.

Although according to their initial thoughts, one Huo Yong had caused so much trouble, and there was another seal that had been resolved long ago, so the trouble might be even greater.

In this way, Wuji is a key clue character, and the Lieyang Department must pay close attention to it.

If necessary, directly invite the witch priest to come over and discuss it in detail.

The head of the headquarters couldn't help but remember that when the headmaster of Wudang talked about Wen Yan, he lamented that Wen Yan was not cruel enough, which made them feel very conflicted.

On the one hand, I like it very much and am glad that Wen Yan is not ruthless enough in his actions. On the other hand, I hope that Wen Yan can learn from Cai Heizi's three successful skills.

If Cai Heizi were to preside over these matters...

The headmaster thought about it and felt that it might be completely different from now.

First of all, if ten of the more than one hundred ghost gods of wealth survived, it was Cai Heizi's conscience who discovered it.

As for Nanyang, with Cai Heizi's style, he would probably go directly to the wandering businessman who was causing trouble in Europe first.

The wandering businessman has also been crazy recently. He heard that he was ambushed by people from the church last time, and he has been crazy about fanning the flames for revenge.

From Europa to America, the powder keg between the church and vampires and werewolves was directly ignited.

A devil's body allows that guy to exert the effect of a super shit-stirring stick, which is also powerful.

Because of this matter, the Sun Division has been having a war of words with Europa recently, and they have been at each other for more than a month.

They said that the Lieyang Department had bad intentions and deliberately threw a devil's body to let the wandering merchants cause trouble there.

But the Lieyang Department's words are even more angry than theirs. Just because of your bad things, one of our ministers at the fifth stage of martial arts died.

Anyway, you take the blame and I condemn, spitting at each other on a daily basis, and giving the people communicating on both sides something to do.

The head of the headquarters looked at the latest information. The wandering businessman ran to Lao Mo and seemed to have encountered a little trouble.

After thinking about it, the head of the headquarters passed the news to Feng Yao, and asked Feng Yao to pass it on to Wen Yan.

The Lie Yang Department definitely couldn't do anything directly. After all, in name, the wandering businessman was still registered with the Lie Yang Department. If he was caught by the Lie Yang Department, he would definitely be brought back for tea.

At the same time, on the other side.

Wen Yan entered the zombie cave that even Fuyu disciples would not enter, and finally met Cai Heizi again.

Cai Heizi was lying in one of the sarcophagi, his face pale and pale, as if he had frozen, and his body was completely cold. But when Wen Yan saw Cai Heizi, he felt that this guy seemed to be holding back some evil that he hadn't yet unleashed.

It's like he's not holding in any good farts. If he doesn't let out the farts, he won't be able to cool down completely. The effect is even better than grandma's buff.

Wen Yan squatted beside the coffin and stared at Cai Heizi for a long time.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead. Get up. If you don't get up, I will take your phone away. Your secret login last time will be exposed."

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