I am your natural enemy

Chapter 400 Living Ship, Hell’s Joke (6k)

"Any subsequent choices you make will affect the direction of things and the changes in things."

“Temporary capabilities.

1: Purification.

2: Blood sacrifice. "

Wen Yan immediately equipped both temporary abilities.

Purification: Remove evil and haze, wash away dirt, and restore the target to its original state (requires Fiery Sun and progress greater than 50%).

Blood Sacrifice: Use blood as a guide to complete a sacrifice.

After equipping the temporary ability, Wen Yan looked at it again and was horrified.

Actually have temporary abilities?

This isn't right. When he saw something in the past, it seemed like he didn't have temporary abilities when triggering prompts?

It’s all just introductions and tips, right?

This means...this ghost ship is actually alive?

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and slapped the evil spirit closest to him away. He looked at the prompt again and thought about it carefully.

This ship was launched about ninety years ago. At that time, it was the standard bottom of the Dharma Ending Age, and it couldn't be any lower.

At that time, if we had such a big scene and used a boatload of people to sacrifice, there would be no big response. It would never be successful.

It took almost another forty years for the spiritual energy to recover.

By that time, the ship had been sinking in the ocean for decades.

With the level of science and technology at that time, when someone deliberately concealed it and did not know how far and for how long it had deviated from the waterway, they wanted to reach a place that occupies one-third of the world's surface area, nearly 20,000 kilometers in length and breadth, and has a deepest place. More than 10,000 meters, an average of three to four thousand meters in the ocean, to find a sunken ship?

To put it nicely, it’s literally like looking for a needle in a haystack.

To put it harshly, just go to sleep, there is everything in your dreams.

Decades later, some people were looking for it, but they never found it, and no clues could be found.

The only thing that is certain is that the ship sank in the ocean. It is not sure where it is.

After Wen Yan read it carefully several times, he probably understood it.

It was true that the ceremony was carried out at that time, but it was unsuccessful, but it still had some effect.

Just like many fingerprints, seals, incantations, or tools to ward off evil spirits, ordinary people can actually use them.

The most intuitive thing is blood on the tip of the tongue, blood on the fingertips and the like.

To put it bluntly, there is no blue bar, but there is a health bar. You can directly consume the blood bar and use it as a blue bar.

Well, even though it was at the bottom of the Dharma Ending Age, everyone on this ship perished.

At that time, there was probably a massacre. Blood, flesh, soul, intense emotions when dying, etc. were equivalent to a large number of health bars to forcefully pile up blue bars.

Although the ritual has no chance of success, it still has power.

These things, as the ship sank to the bottom of the sea, were suppressed by the sea and settled into the ship.

After decades of precipitation, and decades of spiritual energy recovery, it has now happened to be the second stage of spiritual energy recovery, Ah Piao's version.

The ship finally experienced an explosion, and evil spirits began to appear. Maybe they were still carrying out unfinished business.

Those accumulated powers were re-energized, but after nearly a hundred years, everything changed.

Those powers have been integrated into the ship. After being activated, they only make the ship cheaper and make the ship itself a little more magical.

Begin to transform into a living creature.

Wen Yan understood. No wonder it was floating along the ocean current before. Logically speaking, it was still far away from them, and it was impossible to encounter it.

Now it seems that it is indeed actively accelerating towards them.

I just don’t know if the boat came by itself or if the evil spirit here controlled the boat.

Wen Yan raised his head and looked around. The rust on the bulkhead kept falling off, and evil spirits came out one after another. Standing on the bridge, looking out, it was still pitch black.

Wen Yan looked at these evil spirits. They were indeed much stronger than the average Ah Piao. Coupled with their strong resentment, distorted bodies and faces, the average level of these evil spirits was stronger than the water ghosts on the sunken ship.

Non-professionals are basically doomed if they enter here. Taoist priests who are weak or are not fully prepared will have a high probability of overturning when they enter here.

However, now that the ship has entered the territory of China and dares to attack the hired experts of Lieyang Department, Wen Yan has automatically obtained unlimited counterattack authority no matter from which angle he looks at it.

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone, took a few photos, and then took a short video of a few seconds, and then recorded the longitude and latitude, as long as the meaning was reached.

This is what Wen Yan saw in the forum of Lieyang Division and some experiences shared by members of Nanhai County.

After all, there are no obvious landmarks on the sea to determine the location. In many cases, you only need to record it a little, and if anything happens later, whoever dares to push it will be able to spit in the other person's face.

Wen Yan put away his cell phone, and the yang energy in his body suddenly exploded. The blazing yang energy was mixed with a bit of blood color, whizzing past like a blazing flame.

His Yang Qi was purified by the temporary ability, which swept across a large area without distinction. Those evil spirits that started to become stronger while lying down due to the version update, after being swept away, the resentment and Yin Qi on his body were wiped out. , the evil power dissipated rapidly as if washed by waves of fire.

After the evil power was washed away by forcible burning, the distorted faces of each evil spirit began to return to their original appearance.

The pain and torture they carried also subsided, and they turned into slightly transparent soul bodies amidst the wails.

They looked at Wen Yan and bowed, each speaking different languages ​​to thank Wen Yan.

There was also a man dressed as a priest who told Wen Yan to be careful, a powerful demon was coming here.

Wen Yan cupped his hands and expressed his thanks. Fortunately, he had received Gauss's blessing before, otherwise he would not have been able to understand it based on his level.

Each soul was purified and turned into streaks of light, rising into the sky and disappearing.

The surrounding rusty bulkheads were continuously burned by the flames, and the rust continued to dissipate, turning into an old feeling that had experienced years of precipitation.

Wen Yan walked down from the bridge and went to the most suitable place for the ceremony and the most open place in the cabin.

According to the structural diagram Wen Yan just looked at, the front should be the place where the dance could be held.

He pushed all the way, and all the evil spirits were purified wherever he passed. When he pushed open the last door, invisible ripples swept across.

Even the Yang Qi flames blooming from his body were blown away.

The next moment, everything as far as the eye could see had changed.

The violin played exciting and cheerful music, and there was a bright light ahead. Under the warm-colored lights, men and women dressed in costumes danced on the dance floor along with the music.

Each service staff is holding a tray with one hand, walking on the edge, serving the guests here with a smile.

In the distance, a pianist in a neat suit was playing emerging jazz.

Wen Yan looked back and saw that the old-looking bulkhead had become brand new, with oil paintings hanging on it, and some places were decorated with solid wood, giving it a classic feel.

Wen Yan stood at the door. A service staff wearing a shirt and vest held the door open and extended a hand to signal.

"Welcome sir, the dance has begun."

Wen Yan stood at the door, looked at the waiter in front of him, then looked at the changes around him, smiled, and stepped inside.

The hustle and bustle inside rushed to his face, and the smell of wine mixed with the strong smell of perfume stimulated Wen Yan to sneeze.

Wen Yan was led to one of the seats by the service staff, listening to the music and watching those people dancing happily.

As Wen Yan sat on his seat, another waiter came over with a tray with two glasses of wine on it.

Wen Yan stretched out the middle finger of his left hand, rinsed it in two glasses of wine, and then shook his head.

"No, I don't drink. Thank you. Send it to the pianist."

The waiter's face remained normal, as if he didn't notice Wen Yan's movements at all. He carried the tray to the piano and put down a glass of wine for him.

After the pianist finished playing a song, he picked up the wine glass, looked back at Wen Yan, and raised his glass to signal.

It was an oriental face, but it was slightly different from that of a Chinese person. His face was a bit flat, the root of his nose was slightly short, and his nose was wide, which was a typical characteristic of island people.

Wen Yan glanced at the prompt and laughed.

"Devil ***."

"A few months ago, this alien demon god answered the call and came to this ship.

Unfortunately, everything was different from what he thought. Everything he wanted was not available.

And he himself was trapped here because of a strange bug. "

"His identity and name are particularly important. You can ask a certain Demon King for advice.

Following ancient traditions and rules, when his identity and name are known, he will be expelled. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1: Call.

You can call upon the devil/demon you are associated with in any way you want. "

Wen Yan was equipped with this temporary ability, and he probably knew in his heart that this so-called demon... wasn't very good.

From the temporary ability, you can basically judge the opponent's strength or ability.

This temporary ability, just to make a phone call to Gauss, is almost equivalent to having no temporary ability.

Wen Yan glanced at the prompt and waved to the other party to come over and chat.

The other party was wearing a tuxedo, a bow tie, and a well-mannered manner. He looked like a lonely gentleman and an old aristocrat, but he still insisted on being pretentious in the end.

The pianist sat opposite Wen Yan, still holding a drink in his hand. He still raised his chin slightly, maintaining his somewhat arrogant demeanor.

Wen Yan pointed at the wine glass as a kind reminder.

"I've put poison in it. You'd better not drink it. I want to chat with you for a while."

The pianist swung the glass, maintained his arrogance, took a sniff, and drank it in one gulp.

"It's a pity that the wine has a little too strong of age. If it were lighter, it would be just right. After adding poison, it's a little more potent, but it's just right."

Wen Yan watched the other party show off and said nothing. He just leaned on the chair, folded his arms and watched quietly.

After waiting for a few seconds, the pianist frowned slightly, and a trace of blue began to appear on his face.

Green hair also began to grow under the skin, and the familiar corpse aura that Wen Yan had smelled since he came in could no longer be suppressed.

All the corpse energy, as soon as it burst out, was swallowed up and absorbed by those green hairs. The pianist's body seemed to have lost water and withered rapidly. In an instant, it turned into a corpse covered with green hair and leaned on the chair. superior.

And those green hairs, after losing their nutrients, withered and disintegrated and turned into corpse poison. Wen Yan raised his fingers and absorbed them all.

"I told you the truth, why didn't you listen?

There is a huge gap between zombies and zombies.

When the level is too high, it will be crushed.

Do you really think that corpse poison can’t kill zombies? "

The nail on the middle finger of his left hand, even if it wasn't pure zombie poison, came from a big zombie, a flying zombie level big zombie.

When low-level zombies are infected with this kind of corpse poison and the level gap is too large, the corpse poison is pulling on the seedlings, devouring all their power and helping them grow.

While forcibly changing the other party's growth direction, drain all the potential of the other party.

Unless you can advance to Flying Zombie in one go, or you are a zombie who specializes in corpse poison, otherwise, being directly drained is the only result.

And even if it is a Da Zhi, it is unlikely that he can advance to Feizhi in just a dozen seconds.

There was a guy here who turned into a mummy and immediately shattered into powder. However, no one around him took a second look and continued to play music and dance.

After waiting for two minutes, a waiter came over and sat opposite Wen Yan.

He looked Wen Yan up and down, his eyes no longer arrogant, but more solemn.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm telling you the truth. If you don't believe me, do you blame me?

I really want to talk to you first. "

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Let me ask you something first, do you have horns?"

"Ah?" The other party was startled, not understanding what Wen Yan meant at all.

"Seriously, do you have horns?"


Wen Yan suddenly looked regretful and continued to lean on the chair.

If there was a horn, he would beat the opponent to death and take a horn back to Gauss.

In addition to borrowing money, Gauss rarely asked him to help carry something. If so, Wen Yan would naturally not refuse.

"Forget it if you don't, tell me what's going on here?"

The waiter opposite frowned slightly. The glass of wine just now made him feel in danger.

When Wen Yan asked him about his role, he had a rare feeling that he was a sheep waiting to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse. As long as he answered wrongly, the other party would violently kill him.

But when he said he had no horns, the murderous intention dissipated instantly, and Wen Yan seemed to have lost interest in him.

The waiter was surprised and unsure. He was a little unsure about what was going on with Wen Yan.

"Don't look at it, I have other things to do and I don't want to waste much time with you.

In theory, a guy like you who was recently summoned to this ship.

Before I figure out who you are, the most I can think of now is that you have trespassed into our Chinese waters.

I'm not the kind of person who likes to fight and kill.

I will understand the situation and then expel you from the territory of China. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with me.

Have I made it clear enough?

There is no need for you to follow your old habits, and there is no need for us to have a fight first.

Chinese people are reasonable. "

The waiter hesitated for a moment, feeling the power on Wen Yan's body and the terrible poison just now. Coupled with what Wen Yan said at the moment, he probably understood that Wen Yan had already guessed what he was. He nodded, It was accepted.

"So, please, can you tell me what is going on here?"

“I’m not very sure, I just felt the call, answered the call, and then landed on this ship.

I also didn't expect that there wasn't even a living bug on this ship.

I was summoned by a dead spirit.

A few living people finally came up, but they were killed by the evil spirits, and even their bodies were snatched away by the ship.

I finally managed to grab two corpses, but you also destroyed one.

I've been stuck in this area for months.

Watching them play massacres and blood sacrifices every day has become so much that I’m tired of it.

If you can send me back to hell, then please send me back to hell. "

Wen Yan couldn't help but laugh. When he came in just now, he realized that this was a realm.

No, it’s not just this hall, but when I first boarded the ship and saw the change in the sky outside, it already had some characteristics of a realm.

This was a field at the moment, and he didn't think there was anything strange about it.

As they were talking, they saw a commotion starting in the singing and dancing hall.

Someone came in from several exits with weapons, killed a few first, and then blocked everyone's escape route.

After blocking everyone into the hall and stabilizing the situation, some people came out and took down the oil paintings hanging around the hall and the decorative surfaces on the bulkheads, revealing the strange runes and patterns underneath. .

There are also some people who press each guest and use red-hot irons to leave symbolic marks on each other's body.

Among these guests, no matter men, women, old or young, even crew members and waiters, they are all treated the same.

"What are those symbols?" Wen Yan asked.

"It has nothing to do with me. Those are the marks of the witch, representing the main body of the blood sacrifice."

Wen Yan and the waiter were watching a show here, and they didn't know what had happened. The phantoms who had not been paying attention to Wen Yan, as if they couldn't see him, all turned their heads and looked at Wen Yan.

The demon possessing the waiter next to him took a few steps back, leaned against the corner of the wall, twisted his limbs, turned his back to the wall, climbed up the straight wall, and huddled in the corner of the ceiling.

Wen Yan touched his chest. A trace of golden flame, accompanied by the blessing of a violent sun, instantly turned into a red-gold halo impact, spreading indiscriminately in all directions.

All the tables, chairs, benches, and drinking utensils were exploded by the impact and turned into powder.

Several fierce bandits who walked towards Wen Yan howled and turned into black and gray skeletons, and were destroyed in the impact.

Everything here seems to be in sync, one moment it is magnificent and brightly lit, the next moment it is dark and dilapidated, the pictures are constantly flashing.

Wen Yan frowned slightly. He had no intention of taking action in the first place. He just wanted to understand the information.

Wen Yan raised his head, looked at the Demon God hiding in the corner of the ceiling, took out his mobile phone, blessed the phone with the call he had just received, and made a video call to Gauss.

"Hey, Gauss, I saw a demon. He said he had no horns. I'm not sure. Please take a look."

Wen Yan moved the camera slightly and captured the image of the Demon God, who was leaning on all fours and holding a corner of the ceiling.

Gauss just glanced at it and shouted with some uncertainty.


The demon on the ceiling was slightly startled and looked at Wen Yan's mobile phone screen. There was a big face on it, taking up the entire screen. He said nothing.

Wen Yan looked back, a little shocked.

"Is this Valak, the shame of the devil who befell the model worker, who suffered repeated defeats and repeated defeats?"

"That's him. Look at the squatting in the corner of the ceiling. It's his signature move.

This means that he is starting to get serious and want to completely wipe out his enemies. "

When Gauss said this, he frowned.

"Of course, this was a move that many devils and devils liked in the past, and it was very useful for scaring people.

But since his deeds spread, even the little devil found this action embarrassing.

Even I know it, you can probably understand it, right?

I don’t know why he is still using it. What is the difference between this and self-reporting his identity? "

Wen Yan looked back and the prompt changed accordingly.

"The Demon Lord Valak."

Wen Yan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

He now understands why a demon god was summoned here and why he responded to the summons.

Because now even ordinary people won't summon Valak. It's not a matter of strength, but because they think he is useless and can't accomplish anything.

This guy's reputation in Europa is almost equal to that of China's broom star.

There are many things about Europa and Ami that Wen Yan doesn't know much about. Among these so-called demon gods, he can count on one hand the names he can remember.

Among them, the one who knows the most is this Valak, because he watched it for fun at the time.

In the era before the end of the Dharma, these demon gods were originally planning to make a big move, and they had been preparing for a long time to complete their coming.

The other demon gods have all done a great job and have made quite a name for themselves.

Only Varak's chosen place of descent, in a monastery, was originally meant to be the ultimate blasphemy.

But unfortunately, that mediocre monastery at that time was the headquarters of all exorcists in Europe who did not associate with the church.

It was so miserable. As soon as he arrived, he was beaten by a group of righteous people. After being beaten by Ou, he was sealed in the monastery on the spot.

And many, many years later, during the S2 season, the monastery was bombed and Varak was broken.

Unfortunately, it happened to be the bottom of the Dharma Ending Age at that time, and it suffered another heavy blow from the version.

The majestic demon Valak was punched hard by a mortal girl, beaten again, and sealed again.

After several more decades, an earthquake finally broke his physical seal. He struggled to crawl out from there.

Unfortunately, the first person he met was Europa's first legendary exorcist after his spiritual energy was revived.

Another beating, this time not sealed, but expelled from this world.

Later, he felt that he was unlucky, so he decided to make a small fuss first and regain some strength.

Unfortunately, over the past few decades, I have been summoned, descended, and then beaten and expelled dozens of times.

The mighty devils have all become tools for some exorcists to use bugs to increase their performance.

So much so that he became familiar with some exorcists.

Now, the devils outside, demons, and even evil spirits with a little bit of knowledge all feel that the move of leaning against the wall and climbing vertically up to the ceiling is too low.

This is an orthodox hell joke that everyone, like Gauss, who is not in the same pot as other devils, has heard.

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