I am your natural enemy

Chapter 406: The goose pecked the eye, and the two worlds fought together (10k)

Wen Yan stood on the ground, his body burning with red-gold flames, but his expression was very calm.

Pushing open the door of the Ah Piao era in Nanyang with your own hands is destined to cause some bad things later.

But at this moment, his heart became more determined.

As the saying goes, disease lies in the interstitium, where soup and iron can reach it; in the skin, where needles and stones can reach; in the intestines and stomach, where fire Qi can reach; in bone marrow, where the command of life belongs, there is nothing you can do.

Now it's in the arteries, skin, intestines and stomach, and is about to reach the bone marrow stage.

If we don't operate to remove the tumor and scrape the bones to treat the poison now, and wait for the next stage, do we expect the Nanyang Alliance, which has collapsed into such a ghostly state, to solve it on its own?

In order to avoid death, a world boss who has reached the peak of development can enter his own territory with just one step, rather than forcing a certain Dongda University to wipe his ass.

By then, all economic losses will be secondary. How many of our own people will die?

In the most extreme case, if something goes wrong, there will be an A-Piao Kingdom on the ground in this world, and it will be an A-Piao Kingdom that is extremely hostile to living people.

Wen Yan no longer has any anger, he has passed the stage of anger.

Now he just wants to let some scum exert its residual value and turn it into gunpowder soup to cure the stubborn diseases here.

Even if it can't be completely cured, it can at least make this stubborn disease change from a disease in the stomach to a disease in the body. At that time, there will be no need for drastic measures, such as operating on the tumor and scraping the bones to cure the poison.

Maybe by then, it will be small and scattered problems that can be solved by grassroots personnel in the Lieyang Department.

The huge dead souls gathered together with the tens of thousands of dead souls before, and the overwhelming Yin Qi and resentment gathered into a huge torrent.

Wherever they passed, all the flames were forcibly extinguished. When the executioners were involved, there were some broken souls who stretched out their hands to give them a lift.

Their souls were wrapped up in this general trend, and all the protection on their bodies was now a thin layer of tissue paper, which could be broken with the slightest touch.

In a factory in the distance, a man who was bound to the operating table watched countless souls passing through the wall. He wanted to say something, but no soul touched him.

Then, a long and piercing sound came from the monitor, and a dead soul emerged from the broken body, taking firm steps to join the army of dead souls.

Viewed from a high altitude, it looks like a huge black-gray river flowing from the ground to the depths of the big island.

Sitting in the helicopter, the old monk who arrived first had a bitter look on his face and was spinning the rosary beads quickly in his hand.

"What a crime."

Having witnessed the surge of the tide with his own eyes, the old monk knew that there was nothing he could do.

He held the phone and saw the scattered crowds on the ground. Most of them were taken away in a wave and were about to make a call.

But then, when he saw a man shivering against a car outside the industrial area. After the wave passed, the man could still stand up and ran all the way outside, he was stunned.

The call he just dialed was hung up by him.

He hesitated and asked the pilot to come closer.

The pilot's face turned pale and he was reluctant, because the gathering of such a large number would have already caused changes in the celestial phenomena. Even ordinary people's naked eyes could clearly see this extremely shocking scene in front of them.

"Put me in the nearest place."

"Master, you'd better not go there, it's useless."

"I was just taking a look."

The helicopter found an open space to land. The old monk got off the helicopter and walked quickly towards the park.

Soon, he saw the man who had escaped. After asking, he found out that this man was a tourist who had been kidnapped just today.

The old monk already had a guess in his mind. He recited the Buddha's name and immediately walked firmly towards the park.

When he approached the park, he felt the cold yin energy around him and the strong resentment, but there was still hidden yang energy.

Seeing under the fog and chaos, after the flames were extinguished, more survivors appeared, the old monk completely understood.

He got close to the place that was like a volcano erupting, constantly spewing out yin energy and resentment, and felt the power here personally.

When he saw the broken souls at close range and saw a red-gold mark on each soul, he closed his eyes, put away his phone, and was not prepared to do anything else.

He can feel the power, and he can also feel that someone is doing their best to guide and find ways to restrain it.

The old monk let out a sigh of relief. He knew that the destruction of the large city with a population of several million not far away as he had expected would probably not happen.

Looking at the broken souls of the dead, the old monk had a grimace on his face and struggled with his heart. In the end, he sat directly on the spot and began to chant sutras with his eyes closed.

He was not going to take care of it anymore, nor was he going to notify the person who invited him.

This is retribution, and it is not something he can interfere with. Even if he is willing to imitate the sages and cut off his flesh to feed eagles or sacrifice his life to feed tigers, it is not enough.

The old monk thought that his state of consciousness was not deep enough and his consciousness was not high enough. He did not have the ability and consciousness to intervene with his own body and cut the cancer with a knife. All he could do was to help those who were about to die to escape in advance. I hope these things would calm down as soon as possible. Bar.

People came one after another and learned that the old monk had entered the park. They were all shocked. Some people who were still doing business on weekdays gathered up the courage. When they were about to sacrifice themselves, they found the old monk sitting there chanting sutras, intact. Lossless.

The long river roared by, but it didn't hurt the old monk at all, nor did it hurt the people who came in at all.

Everyone's expressions were a little complicated. One after another, they didn't say anything and sat silently behind the old monk.

Some people even looked confused, wondering if the things they did on weekdays were meaningful. If they were meaningful, they didn't know that there were so many dead souls so close to them.

Anyone who can come here can guess why they became like this just by seeing those broken souls.

The people who can come in are all people with justice in their hearts and willing to do practical things and do good deeds. Because of this, they will not be attacked after coming in. Also because of this, the impact on their hearts will be greater.

The first people to be killed are not the guys who want to use their arms as a chariot, but the people here who really want to do practical things.

When the black and gray mist rolled, turning into a hanging river above the ground, roaring towards the distant city, everyone could see it.

But they couldn't do anything. Everyone could only watch, watching the fog impacting the city at extremely fast speeds.

Many people saw with their own eyes a large number of dead souls rushing past them.

After a brief period of confusion, when people discovered that, apart from the sudden coldness of the air, the terrifying-looking dead souls were simply ignoring them, they slowly began to calm down.

But some people couldn't calm down.

The moment the gangs in the city were washed away, the gunshots inside only rang out a few times, then completely quieted down, and all members died suddenly.

Because they are the front-line executors of many kidnapping and operation cases.

In the office building, a few people in suits and ties heard that the souls of the dead seemed harmless. As soon as they relaxed, they were taken away by a large group of souls.

Because they make money by cleaning up the property of those victims and by selling the parts of those victims.

Every person who was taken away was stained with the blood of these dead souls, which could not be washed away with royal water.

Drug addicts, dealers, gangs, criminal police, accounting firms, criminal doctors, politicians, rich people, evil professionals, this complete industrial chain has received the most thorough blow, and all participants have been taken away in one wave.

So fast that they didn't even have time to smash the computer hard drive.

In just twenty minutes, the mighty black-gray mist roared past and disappeared into the city. Then the black clouds in the sky also drifted away, and wisps of the bright moon's brilliance slowly fell like clear water. Illuminating the city with twinkling lights.

The shocked citizens, no one is sleeping at this time, so why not sleep? Make phone calls and post quickly. Anyway, there are many things to do.

News began to explode, centered here, spreading in all directions.

On the other side, Wen Yan was dragged along by the strong Yin Qi and resentment in this long river of mist, and he moved forward quickly along with him.

He didn't say anything, just watched. So far, he had taken away so much happiness, and he didn't feel anything unusual. Their agreement was not violated by any of the dead souls.

To be honest, Wen Yan was both pleased and uncomfortable that they could actually be reasonable in this situation and were willing not to cross the line.

He closed his eyes, stopped looking, and allowed himself to be dragged along.

The long river, which stretched for several kilometers, whizzed by at an increasingly faster speed on this large island. It only took two hours to complete a complete circle here and complete the most thorough cleaning.

Wen Yan took them to the road where Qin Banliang was buried, and took the road to the next location.

The black and gray fog gradually dissipated, and at the same time, no matter what time it was, people all over the world were called out.

Among the residents of the city, the pictures taken by many people are just black and gray fog and strong winds, but if you want to say that it is fake if everyone can see it, it is not easy to wash it off.

And there are indeed some cameras that can capture the countless souls whizzing by.

In addition, in the cities on the big island, a large number of people did die suddenly, especially in places where gangs were stationed. In a few places, gang members were directly wiped out.

If the explanation is not clear, no one wants to explain it.

In the Lieyang Department, the small meeting started again. Looking at the photos, video materials, and written materials that were constantly sent, the old master sighed and chanted the holy name.

He knew that Wen Yan's presence would definitely not make things completely out of control.

But he also didn't expect that what Wen Yan did was to make at least two to three hundred thousand resentful souls there, most of whom were even unconscious, still be so restrained.

Judging from the information currently available, the identities of the people who died in that Nanyang city have been identified, and their reputations are, to say the least, not very good.

The headquarter commander watched quietly. He now understood why Master Tian said Wen Yan was soft-hearted.

The long river washed by, and there was such a big fuss, and only some scumbags were killed. To be honest, it was indeed a mercy.

The Heavenly Master has already said that if he tried to suppress such a huge number of dead souls and had such resentment, he would have to sacrifice his entire life to protect them. Even if tens of thousands of them died, those dead souls would be able to restrain themselves.

But at present, the confirmed news is that only a few hundred scum of all kinds died in that city. Even if more people are added later, there will be more than a thousand at most.

The head of the headquarters looked at the information and combined it with the information Wen Yan had given before, and he probably found a reason.

In addition to the large number of villains who had died violently in the park, the reason why so many people were killed in the city was because of profit sharing.

In addition to the necessary manpower and necessary profit-sharing objects, those who control how to distribute profits have reduced the number of people to share the money as much as possible.

This is normal, plus the more people there are, the harder it is to keep information secret.

If you calculate it this way, if you count the people in the park and those in the nearby cities, there are almost two to three thousand people stationed in this place who are relying on that profit chain to make a living.

This is already a very astonishing number.

If it were in China, an operation corresponding to this number would involve at least tens of thousands of fully armed personnel to crush them.

What was the last time China used such large-scale power?

The head of the headquarters thought about it and only thought about flood relief.

The last time we dealt with those ghosts of wealth, more than twenty counties took action at the same time. Counting logistics, only two to three thousand people were used.

The conference room was very quiet, everyone was watching and paying attention in real time.

Based on the current situations seen abroad, the resistance to the implementation of policies in China has been eliminated.

What needs to be considered now is just the details, intensity, speed, etc. of subsequent implementation.

And there is another thing lined up with these things.

I will pick up the two juniors from China later.

On the southernmost island in Southeast Asia, a plane landed. The boss was holding a tablet and looking at the latest news with a sullen face.

His phone was still ringing, and he asked his subordinates to answer it while he himself adjusted his condition.

Things have reached the point where they are now irreversible.

He could only take the last resort.

"Are all the gold bricks ready?"

"Everything is ready." The old man next to him, who was obviously younger and more energetic, immediately replied.

"Okay, you can go back by plane first. You don't have to wait here anymore."

The boss put down the tablet and was about to get up and leave, but he saw that the old man who was supposed to see him off was still standing in the middle, motionless.

"Boss, let me go with you."

"No, you can go back. Do you want me to say it a second time?"

The old man bowed slightly and sighed.

"Boss, do you really want to take this step?"

The boss frowned slightly, hearing that the tone was not quite right.

The old man said in a sincere tone.

"Boss, I've been with you for so many years, and you should know what I'm trying to do.

I just want to live a few more years, and I am not willing to die so early.

I know best what you have done over the years.

I also know best what kind of temper you have.

I just have a dog that is easy to use, and it is easy to use when it is useful.

When it's useless, I'm the one who knows the most things I shouldn't know.

However, I have been following you for so many years, and many things have been through my hands.

I bought this aircraft to operate it and found a company to hang it with.

Of course I also knew about the bomb placed in the fuel tank.

I personally gave all the gold coins the pilot’s family received. "

The boss looked at this subordinate who had always been humble, obedient, unassuming, and could handle most things smoothly, as if he got to know him again.

"You didn't deliver the gold bricks, did you?"

"It's indeed a little bit worse. I've been with you for so many years and have such good resources. If I didn't point out my own friends, then I would have been with you for so many years."

The boss took a deep breath. At this moment, he remembered that he started to reuse the subordinate in front of him step by step because of his strong ability and low profile.

He thought about many things, but he never thought that his most trusted subordinate would betray him.

The old man looked at his face and seemed to know what he was thinking, and said immediately.

"Boss, don't get me wrong. I didn't betray you. I was just protecting myself."

"How many gold coins do you want?"

"No, no, no, boss, you misunderstood, I am not betraying, nor am I taking advantage of others.

It's not my choice now, it's yours.

According to the agreement, I will definitely not betray you, you should know that.

If you ask me to follow the plane back now, then I will follow the plane back.

If I unfortunately get into a plane crash, it will be my fate and I will no longer be able to work for my boss.

If you tell me to get out, I'll get out.

After I get out, I will tell my friends to work overtime and get things to the place as soon as possible.

Your gold bricks will appear exactly where they should appear. "

The boss's face was livid with anger. He thought about everything. He even thought before that the base of the park was exposed and the intersection was also exposed.

But I never thought that this situation might happen.

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. He had no time to think about it and had no time to fight with this seemingly submissive subordinate here.

He stretched out a hand, and a scroll slowly appeared in his hand.

After he pulled the scroll open, he tore it into pieces. In an instant, the scroll spontaneously ignited without fire and turned into ashes and dissipated.

"You're fired, get out!"

"Boss, thank you very much.

Don't worry, it won't delay things. I won't be able to work for you in the future. Just take care of yourself.

By the way, if you don't want to be very sharp, you want to be very sharp.

Then you won't be in this situation today.

When doing things and being a person, you should not be so extreme and leave a little margin for others.

Have a little bit of trust in people. "

The old man bowed, turned around and got off the plane.

The boss's face was ashen, and he had not been able to break his defense despite all the previous incidents, because he had already anticipated a similar situation.

But now, he has really broken through.

After getting off the plane, we drove to our destination.

When he arrived at the place, he entered the camp and asked, only to find out that something had been delivered half an hour ago.

At that time, his plane had not yet landed.

When he entered the heart of the mountain, he saw boxes after boxes. After opening them, there were neatly arranged gold bricks inside.

There is also a letter placed on top of the gold brick.

After opening it, it was written by the old man.

"Boss, you should believe me, I will definitely not betray you.

Whatever you want or want to do, I will do my best to do it.

If you can see this, it proves that you still have no trust at all and don't want to leave any trace.

If you trust me, even trust the contract.

You should also know that I will definitely not use these things as blackmail.

The sky is high and the sky is high, see you later.

I wish you, boss, can survive this disaster and get what you want.

Your most loyal subordinate. "

When he saw this, the boss finally broke his guard. He crushed the letter and his face started to turn blue.

He would rather the old man really used these gold bricks to threaten him.

But now, his psychology, his personality, and what he wants to do are all completely controlled and completely predicted. This is the most unacceptable thing for him.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he slowly adjusted his mood.

What needs to be done now is the most important thing.

He did not let anyone interfere. In the underground of this small camp, he controlled the machine and moved boxes of neatly stacked gold bricks to the bottom.

On the bottom floor, there is a venue the size of a basketball court.

There are various runes and patterns painted here, and the ravines on the ground and walls are all made of silver that has been debugged by secret techniques.

There was a weird altar with a diameter of three meters in the center. The moment he stepped onto the altar, the surrounding images began to flicker.

Around the altar, there is no longer an underground space, but a charred ground, as if a large amount of magma once flowed here and then solidified again.

On all sides of the altar, lines were poured with mithril, covering a small area within a radius.

There are five tall pillars in the four directions that are completely dark, like piles of bones and poured concrete. Behind each pillar, it seems that the void is tearing apart and constantly changing.

But at this moment, one of the pillars has collapsed, and behind the pillar, there is no longer a void scene that seems to be torn apart and changing.

The boss took the gold bricks and embedded them into the grooves that had been prepared on the altar.

He looked at these gold bricks with a trace of regret in his eyes.

Originally, the power of the five parties was simply not enough with the gold bricks in his hand.

Because it needs to contain enough essence of power, the requirements are very high.

He doesn't have that much at all. According to his management, even in another ten years, he won't be able to have that many gold bricks containing high-quality power.

Only Lao Meng has it. Lao Meng has taken the high-quality route from the beginning. The more high-quality it is, the more power Lao Meng can gain. This is a virtuous circle.

But the way pawns walk is different, and they are destined not to be the same as Lao Meng.

He only has quantity, and relies on quantity to make up for it.

Now that one party is missing, although the final effect will be lower, the requirements of the ritual will also be lower. The number of gold bricks in his hand can barely make it.

One by one, he set the gold bricks into the grooves of the altar.

But suddenly, he raised his head and looked at one of the pillars. The densely packed skeletons on the pillar began to tremble slightly, as if the bones inside were about to break free and crawl out.

In the southern part of Nanyang, the long river of mist disappeared, and with a flash of fire, it rushed out of a road out of thin air.

The long river roared past, even faster than before. Wen Yan could not keep up with the speed of the long river. He was carried along by the yin energy and resentment, as if he was riding on the waves.

After Changhe came out, they didn't need Wen Yan to guide them, they knew where to go.

This time, we went directly to a city, and the campus was inside the city, not outside.

The long river roared by, and most of the sleeping people in the city were sleeping peacefully, but some were soon woken up.

Wen Yan was transported by Changhe to the center of the city, in front of a landmark building and a hotel.

He stepped into it, followed the guidance of the dead soul, and took the elevator into the underground.

The moment the elevator door opened, a barrage of bullets poured towards him.

The gray cloth flickered, opened instantly, stacked up into layers, and turned into a shield to block Wen Yan.

The ultimate toughness, after continuous superposition, the defense power began to soar.

A large number of bullets were blocked. In the gap between the bullets, Wen Yan flicked his finger, and the bracelet on his wrist turned into water and flew out. Soon, the outside became completely quiet.

Wen Yan walked in the dim corridor, looking at the small prison-like rooms here and the people inside, and no longer had the strength to be angry.

He shook the gray cloth, and the surface of the gray cloth was slightly dented, condensing four letters.


"Who did you learn it from?"

Before Wen Yan finished speaking, he saw that the gray cloth was constantly changing its shape, and he pried open a handful of old-fashioned padlocks.

"Escape if you can."

Without saying a word, Wen Yan continued walking deeper.

He had thought that this spot was the same as before, but he didn't expect that it was completely different. There were more living people here, all of them little girls.

He didn't want to ask any more questions, he just wanted to go down there quickly to see the situation and take advantage of the high mobility to solve it quickly.

The defense here is much lower than expected. I think the people here don't think there will be any problems here, or they haven't received the order yet.

Wen Yan was a little confused. No matter how low the efficiency was, it couldn't be this low, right?

He followed the stairs to the deepest point, where he saw a large hall.

There were dozens of heavily armed gunmen here, and as he approached, the familiar flicker appeared again.

This time, the other side of the intersection is not a huge cave, but an open pit bottom.

The only thing that was the same was that this big pit was densely packed with dead souls.

What's even more different is that there are crystal clear eggs in the big pit, filled with evil spirits. Each egg is more than one meter high.

Those dead souls are like straw in a bird's nest, densely stacked together.

As if sensing Wen Yan's aura, a neighing sound came from the distance, and accompanied by the howling of the wind, a giant bird seven or eight meters tall, with a head that seemed to have only a skull and no skin or feathers roared over.

The giant bird landed on the edge of the pit, opened its mouth and screamed, the sound making Wen Yan's head buzz.

The yang energy in Wen Yan's body was too huge, far beyond what his body should be. The big bird was very cautious and did not approach rashly.

The big bird shook its wings, and the feathers on its body exploded. In an instant, it turned into dead souls, standing there with a dull face, raising its hands, swaying together, like feathers...

Wisps of fluctuations spread out in all directions as the big bird's feathers trembled.

Countless dead souls at the bottom of the pit were swept away by this wave. Some of them were still somewhat conscious and were still trying to struggle. They immediately became sluggish.

Wen Yan frowned slightly and his eyebrows beat slightly, but he didn't feel anything.

But he was certain that the power of this big bird seemed to be directly aimed at the soul.

There are no prompts, which proves that this big bird is just an ordinary thing to him.

While I was thinking about it, the prompt flickered and floated out.

"Evil Jingwei."

“After the Jingwei bird dies, a living being is born from its remains.

Evil Jingwei likes to eat crystal clear rocks on the coast but not other things.

It is extremely difficult for evil spirits to reproduce.

A huge number of dead souls are needed to build a nest.

In this kind of nest, the evil spirit guard will lay one egg every year.

The eggs laid can only hatch in this kind of nest.

But often these dead souls are full of resentment.

The eggs of the Evil Jingwei, hatched in this environment, will inevitably be affected by the huge resentment and hostility.

Therefore, evil spirit guards are generally violent and vicious. Although they do not eat living things, they will kill them when they see them.

Then the souls of living creatures are captured and put into the nest as a filler. "

"The most powerful ability of the Evil Jingwei is that it can shake the soul out of the body.

Certain soulless creatures are the natural enemies of evil spirit guards.

In ancient times, the heads of evil spirits were inlays for certain magical weapons. "

"Temporary ability: none."

Wen Yan understood why now. The prompt didn't appear for a long time. This guy's strongest ability was of no use to him.

The evil spirit guard on the other side of the pit shook its wings. The feathers transformed by the souls of the dead chanted waves, but it was of no use to him. The evil spirit guard flapped its wings and screamed, flapped its wings, and came roaring with the strong wind. .

Wen Yan frowned slightly, keeping his eyes on the big pit and looking at the living hall with one eye.

Now he somewhat understands how troublesome it is to appear in two worlds at the same time.

On one side, he needed the gray cloth to help him withstand the bullets here, and on the other side, facing the giant bird seven or eight meters high, he needed the gray cloth to help him.

He had to defend against attacks from both sides.

Wen Yan took a step and appeared more than ten meters away. On one side, he stepped on the edges of the buildings in the hall and ran almost against the wall.

He could see Dakeng's left eye. Every time he landed, he would blink his left eye accurately. When he stepped on the corners in the living hall and took off, he would open his left eye again.

On the other side, his figure seemed to be walking through the air and flying directly.

The charging bird was like an arrow from a string. When it was more than three meters in front of him, Wen Yan blinked his right eye.

The gray cloth wrapped in his yang energy appeared out of thin air in the world on the other side.

As Wen Yan shook the gray cloth, the gray cloth flew out with a whoosh, formed an arc, and followed the power of the big bird's rush, and wrapped directly around the big bird's neck.

Wen Yan flew up and yanked the gray cloth fiercely. The moment the gray cloth tightened, the yang energy on his body covered him, and he turned over and stepped on the big bird's back.

The next moment, Wen Yan's hand firmly grasped Big Bird's eye socket and closed his left eye.

In an instant, a seven- to eight-meter-long bird was forcibly pulled over in the present world.

The crackling bullets landed on the big bird when they flew over, stimulating the big bird to expand its feathers again. The feathers turned into dead souls, raising their hands and howling silently.

Suddenly, all the gunshots in the entire hall stopped, and everyone fell to the ground.

In just a moment, the gray cloth was wrapped around the big bird's skull. As Wen Yan jumped down, his arm suddenly became thicker and he pulled the gray cloth fiercely.

In an instant, the skull of the big bird, which was wrapped in gray cloth, rotated several times.

The skull, which was more than one meter high, was violently torn off and hit the ground heavily.

The feathers transformed by the dead souls also stopped wailing and disappeared into wisps of light smoke.

In the entire Evil Jingwei, only the skull is still preserved.

Wen Yan opened his left eye and saw the scene on the other side again.

He followed suit and made an agreement based on his last experience.

His yang energy covered all the dead souls in the pit who were used as straw for bird's nests.

In fact, he himself didn't quite know when he learned it. As long as the Yang Qi blooms and covers it, he can complete the blessing of Yang Qi according to his wishes.

When countless dead souls began to move in this huge pit.

Wen Yan saw that the space in front of him seemed to be twisting and being torn apart. A black skeleton rushed out from it, and its dark claws came straight towards Wen Yan.

The claws collided with the rich yang energy blooming on Wen Yan's body, making a sizzling sound.

The closer Wen Yan got, the fiercer the collision became. It was like a piece of sodium metal being thrown into the water. When the opponent rushed four or five meters in front of Wen Yan, it suddenly exploded.

A huge amount of yin energy and evil energy exploded out in one fell swoop.

Wen Yan waved his hand, and the gray cloth flickered, dissipating the evil spirits, and he looked forward.

Vaguely, in the twisted space in mid-air, I saw what seemed to be a golden altar on the opposite side, with a person standing there.

The expression on that man's face was a bit strange, not like hatred, nor like anger, but more like... feeling unexpected and strange.

What he saw, occupying the most of his field of vision, was a black pillar with black skeletons all on it.

The black corpse that rushed over just now rushed out from the black pillar.

However, before Wen Yan could do anything, the distortion disappeared in an instant.

Wen Yan frowned slightly, guessing in his heart that that man must be the culprit of all this.

The person who can have such great energy and integrate the previous industrial chain must be the owner of a pawn shop.

Whatever he does, he only needs to tell others that it is not only about benefits, but also about longevity, and then everything will fall into place.

He noticed that the other party must be planning to do something, but he disrupted the plan and now started to mount the horse in a hurry.

Must speed up.

He followed the previous method and attracted all the souls in the pit.

When the dead souls began to float up, the remaining evil spirit eggs here were smashed one by one.

Some eggs, after being broken, turned into a stream of Qi and dissipated, and some eggs had already condensed the skulls of the evil spirit guards.

When the egg is broken, the part behind the skull disappears into thin air.

Wen Yan looked at the small skulls, flicked the gray cloth, and rolled them all over.

Then the Yang Qi bloomed, bringing all the dead souls back to the living world.

After everything disappeared, the pit returned to calm.

From the wilderness in the distance, a rustling sound came, and something with its back integrated into the environment here, half a meter long, like a crab or a spider, entered the big pit.

This thing gnawed at the remaining eggshells, and streams of light flickered on its body. Wen Yan's remaining Yang Qi was also swallowed up a little by it.

But the next moment, it seemed to be frightened, and left quickly with a piece of eggshell between its legs.

In the sky, a big bird approached quickly. The big bird's wings were glowing with metallic luster. It circled the big pit several times, opened its mouth and inhaled, and the air that had just dispersed from the eggshell was gathered. Devoured by big birds.

The big bird was satisfied, spread its wings and flew away.

In just a few minutes, several waves of various creatures appeared here quickly, taking advantage of the disappearance of the evil spirits and all their eggs being broken.

On the other side, when Wen Yan returned to the hall with a large number of dead souls.

This group of dead souls roared past like crazy. Dozens of guards who had been stunned by the evil spirit guards just now had their souls knocked out of their bodies by this group of dead souls and torn into pieces in mid-air.

Wen Yan looked at the group of dead souls flying in the air, all girls, and he remained silent without saying a word or asking any questions.

After they finished doing this, Wen Yan said.

"Let's go."

He turned around and left, and a large number of dead souls rushed upward, converging with the previous army of dead souls.

However, this time, all of them can fly and float in mid-air. I don’t know if they were affected by the evil spirit guards.

Wen Yan returned to the ground, took a breath, and looked at the messy situation here.

He took out his phone and sent the latest information to the chief.

By the way, tell them that there is an intersection here that must be destroyed. There are more living people here, so let them figure it out.

Then, he asked the head of the headquarters to help confirm that there were three remaining places where Qin Banliang was buried.

"No one went to those three places, and no one dug out Qin Banliang there."

"Huh? No one cares? Twice. No matter how stupid they are, they should understand how these dead souls can cross such a long distance, right?"

"In fact, no one really cares about it. Our satellites and other channels are always being watched, and no one goes there."

"When I came to this place now, I didn't encounter particularly fierce resistance here. The building and the hotel here are still operating normally. The only trouble is just the intersection."

"What did you think of?"

"I feel something is not right. In addition to these, I just had a glimpse. Through a brief contact, I seemed to see the person behind the scenes and an altar. He seemed...not to hate me.

Moreover, he doesn't seem to care much about the things here being destroyed.

In fact, what I don't understand the most is that there are too many dead souls here.

According to what I saw and heard twice, these dead souls were deliberately preserved.

The people behind the scenes must have known about this risk and kept it trapped at the intersection.

In any case, just destroy the intersection.

It seems safe, but I still don't understand why he wants to preserve so many dead souls.

The resonance between these dead souls has reached an extremely terrifying level.

I just give them a consensus and the consensus is easily accomplished immediately.

This means that something terrible is about to be born from these dead souls.

I now feel that anyone who dares to do this must know this. "

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