I am your natural enemy

Chapter 472: Strange Lock, Don’t Be Idle (5k)

Last time, in order to find the person who was affected and awakened his professional ability, the Lieyang Department only caught a lot of idiots who had some ability and went to sneak in and pick the lock.

The subsequent related impact subsided, and it was speculated that the dust had settled, but the person had not been found.

The related incidents have been ongoing. Since there is no one among the people who violated the law and discipline, we will continue to use multiple methods to find people who have not entered the sight.

Recruitment announcements are one of the ways. Anyone who has relevant experience or wants to engage in related work wants to find a job, which proves that the other party's life has fluctuated.

According to general experience, with a stable life, people's hostility will become lower, and the probability of problems will be very small.

When there is a fluctuation, the probability of an accident will begin to rise. Unemployment and job hunting are the most common major fluctuations in ordinary people's lives.

Therefore, such people, who have relevant work experience, will get the recruitment push set up in advance by the Lieyang Department when they look for a job again.

The basic treatment of the Lieyang Department is very good, and the income expectation curve, treatment expectation, and rising curve are all very clear. If you have the ability, you can go. Someone has received a monthly income of 10 million after tax.

They don't even want money anymore, they want all kinds of resources, as long as they have enough merits, they can just exchange them directly.

Earlier, some people thought that this would be the old way of Zhengge's military merit system, but later, the progress of spiritual energy recovery accelerated, and no one said anything.

This year, seeing the millions of souls of the Nanyang Alliance rushing through like a torrent, no one mentioned the current merit system of the Lieyang Department anymore.

Because everyone knows that when facing the same situation, even if the Lieyang Department is so motivated now, there are not enough effective manpower. If the motivation is abolished, it will be even worse.

In the version of Apia, effective weapons of mass destruction cannot be thrown into their own cities.

What can be used are various masters, especially masters like Tuoba Wushen, who can be called human-shaped weapons of mass destruction but will not cause harm to ordinary people.

Recruitment has always been there. Some professionals with seemingly weird and useless professional abilities are registered by the Lieyang Department first. If they have other abilities, they will also give appropriate recommendations for corresponding jobs.

Ji Youli came to apply for a job, and everything was a normal procedure. The clerk in Yuzhou Lieyang Department took him to the interview place. There were all kinds of lock-related things, from the most basic lock picking to lock design and manufacturing, lock development, various classical locks, and various directions.

Applicants can choose by themselves.

Ji Youli looked at the many things here, plus the geographical location here, the area is also very large. After entering, he also saw a lot of things that seemed to be antiques. He felt a little relieved. This might indeed be a unit related to archaeology.

Simple test, lock picking is not difficult for Ji Youli. In order to complete the test, he was very fast.

The clerk who was recording with a notebook next to him thought it was normal when he saw Ji Youli's level, until Ji Youli opened nine of the ten locks used for test lock picking in one breath, and the clerk's eyes changed a little.

He just told Ji Youli that the test results are directly related to whether he can pass or not, and also to the treatment in the future.

But he didn't tell Ji Youli that, of the ten locks, the first eight were of increasing difficulty, and the last two were actually rare objects.

To be able to open the last two, either the technical level was very high, or the person was a related professional with special abilities.

No matter which one, Ji Youli had already reached the standard for additional recruitment by the Lieyang Department.

The clerk took the equipment, and when Ji Youli was still trying to open the tenth lock, the clerk immediately clicked a special mark on the page.

Soon, the clerk received instructions to continue testing.

Ji Youli's information also began to officially enter the sight of the Lieyang Department.

Feng Yao saw the file that needed to be processed immediately, and immediately added a confidentiality level to Ji Youli's information.

In less than half a minute, he saw the prompt again, and Ji Youli opened all ten locks.

Feng Yao decisively raised the confidentiality level to the highest level under his current authority.

This technical level, as well as speed, is already the strongest locksmith found by the Lieyang Department so far.

To be able to open those two completely different rare object locks in such a short time, he must be a related professional.

Ji Youli held a golden brass lock in his hand, which was inlaid on a stone. He was sweating slightly on his forehead. The first eight were not difficult for him.

But the difficulty of the last two suddenly increased, especially the last one. In his perception, the internal structure of the lock was like an automatic transmission device. As he tried to open the lock, the internal structure was constantly changing slightly.

Moreover, the structure that emerged in his mind was also extremely complex and very precise. Before the two parts were opened, the structure in his mind could not see the boundary between the two parts, and he almost regarded them as one part.

When he opened the lock and was about to continue the subsequent tests, he was told that it was not needed for the time being. If he was willing, he could start work today.

Ji Youli had some idea of ​​his strength in his heart. He had a solid foundation, but his hard strength was not particularly high. It all depended on his special ability.

He was still a little surprised that he could start work so quickly.

"Can you wait a few days? I'll arrange it first."

"You can sign the documents first, and you can go through the subsequent procedures slowly." Of course, the back office staff knew why Ji Youli had to wait, because he had not left his previous job.

Half an hour later, Ji Youli walked out of the Yuzhou Lieyang Department Logistics Building with a trace of trance in his eyes.

He had read the contract himself, and there was nothing wrong with it. All wages and benefits were actually written in the contract, and there were no tricks on the basic salary. It was written clearly. He found it a bit incredible.

He actually didn't take the recruitment announcement completely seriously before. He thought that if he took into account salary, bonus, performance, overtime pay, etc., and finally got it in a month, he could earn seven or eight thousand. As long as he paid social security and provident fund, it would be quite good. Not bad.

Unexpectedly, it was much better than expected.

In the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou, Feng Yao looked at Ji Youli's information. There was nothing special about him. He was a very ordinary and down-to-earth person. He was able to work peacefully for so many years in a factory that could be counted as tax evasion every year. He had also saved someone before. Neighbor.

This time I came to apply because the boss of the factory was burned to death in the office. It was obvious that the factory could no longer work.

This case, after preliminary investigation, has just been handed over to the Lieyang Department.

At least according to the current information, Ji Youli should be a professional, but I don't know what kind of professional he is. After review, his temperament, experience, and various records are in line with the recruitment conditions of Lieyang Department Logistics.

It's always right to stay first, and then close the door and test the upper limit later.

In this test, the relevant records were also changed to nine locks. Ten locks was really eye-catching.

People with sufficient permissions can naturally see the most authentic test records. Those with insufficient permissions can only see nine.

Let this matter go for now, and we will wait until Ji Youli joins the job. We can't give him too much attention and can only follow normal procedures.

If you pay too much attention to the locksmith's affairs, you may bring uncertain danger to the other party.

Feng Yao closed the page and continued to read about the fire case of the security door manufacturer.

The current test results are very strange. It looks like the boss suffered muscle spasms after being electrocuted, was "sucked", and was burned alive.

But leaving aside the 220-volt voltage, it is basically unlikely that this would happen, and during the on-site investigation there, there was no case where the hand could not release the electric shock point after spasming.

Most importantly, there were no traces of electric shock on the boss's body.

Therefore, the result of the investigation was that the owner of the security door factory only struggled in place and allowed himself to be burned to death without moving.

Such a weird result that completely goes against biological instincts was naturally submitted to the Lieyang Department.

The Lieyang Department also has field personnel carrying equipment to conduct on-site investigations.

After Feng Yao was busy for a while, the results of the on-site investigation came over.

There are traces of aliens or professionals, but this time it is relatively rare. It was measured with a special portable spectrometer and compared with the big data in the Sun database. The results were compared.

The reference given by AI is similar to the power of some alien creatures on Europa, but the existing data does not match the target.

Feng Yao originally wanted to squeeze Huang Zhiji from Maoshan, but after picking up the phone and opening the call, he changed his mind.

He dialed Wen Yan.

I heard that Wen Yan was in Qingcheng Mountain. He was so free that he lay on a warm stone to bask in his back, and even pretended to read for three hours.

How could he not know who Wen Yan was?

All the energy that Wen Yan could use in reading and studying in his life was consumed when he went to school.

Now asking him to write a report on his experience is like taking three packs of montmorillonite powder when he was constipated.

This guy can call him in the middle of the night, so something seems to be quite tricky now, so Wen Yan can't be left idle!

It has a certain similarity with some alien creatures on Europa, so it would be best to take a look at Gauss.

It would be better to go to Wen Yan directly. If necessary, Wen Yan would go to Gauss himself.

Feng Yao happily dialed the number and heard a prompt on the phone.

"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

Feng Yao thought about it for a moment, was he going to the underworld?

He sent a message to Wen Yan and asked Wen Yan to call back.

On the other side, Wen Yan, who was worried about Feng Yao, came to Luo Yu Xiaoyuan again. Counting the time, it was already three or four days. The equipment might have captured something.

If you do manage to capture something, don’t run out of battery or the memory card is full.

When he arrived outside Luoyu Xiaoyuan, Wen Yan first took out his mobile phone, took a few photos, and went back to show it to the black box for comparison.

Pushing open the door of the small courtyard, it was as quiet as ever inside. He took out the shooting equipment, looked at the storage space, and only filled a small part of it.

But this part alone made Wen Yan's spirits perk up, which meant that he must have captured something.

He checked the yard again, took a bunch of photos of the yard again, and took them back for comparison with the black box.

After returning from Luoyu Xiaoyuan, Wen Yan saw Feng Yao's message. It seemed that the tone was not urgent, and there were no punctuation marks. He took the data cable, connected it to the shooting equipment, and handed it to the black box for backup. one time.

Then let Black Box compare the photos.

The photo comparison showed slight differences with the photo of the door taken when he left last time, indicating that the door had been damaged.

There are two places in the yard, and the photos show differences.

One place is still the gate, and the other place is a corner of the wall.

After completing the backup and photo comparison, Wen Yan started watching the video.

There are not many videos.

The first video was of him. Wen Yan fast-forwarded and checked to make sure there was nothing wrong. Black Box also said there was nothing wrong, so he ignored it.

The latter made Wen Yan sit up straight all of a sudden.

The video captured something squeezing in from a corner of the wall. There were eyeballs and mucus. After those things fell into the courtyard, they hid in the shadows of the corner.

In the next section, people were finally seen. They saw a gray-haired old man who pushed open the door, stood at the door and looked at his feet, then smiled, closed the door again and left.

When the gray-haired old man left, there was a shadow in the video, and that shadow followed him out of the door.

This is a restored picture by Black Box. In normal pictures, the naked eye cannot see the problem.

When comparing the video pictures, Black Box captured some pixel-level picture changes. After eliminating the influence of light and shadow, those changes were magnified so that Wen Yan could see them with the naked eye.

Something that can hide in the shadows sneaked into the Rain Courtyard through a loophole.

Something sneaked into the Rain Courtyard from Gu Meng, and now it was taken out of the Rain Courtyard. Judging from the situation, the flower-haired man should just come to see if the letter is still there, and he didn't know that he took the thing out.

When Wen Yan went there just now, he didn't sense anything nearby, and there was still only the unpleasant smell left.

Has this thing escaped?

It was really an unexpected gain. Not only did I see who could come to the Rain Courtyard, but I also found some individual things.

Wen Yan asked the black box to do facial recognition and compare the identity. The black box did not compare the information. It continued to compare. After a few minutes, it gave several suspected targets.

Wen Yan looked at the photos given by the black box and confirmed at a glance that one of the black and white photos was the person in the video.

And there is very little information about this person. The information shows that this person has died nearly forty years ago, and the other party’s children have also died one after another from twenty years ago to a few years ago.

According to the records, this person fled from the war in his early years and was eventually drafted. More than 70 years ago, he was assigned to Guanzhong County to open up wasteland. More than 60 years ago, he went down the mine to dig coal in Guanzhong County and died in a mine collapse.

There is no more record since then. The current record is not the information of a single person, but found in the information of the coal mine.

Wen Yan asked Black Box to tell the head of the headquarters, and then picked up the phone and called Feng Yao back.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"There is a case, I pushed it to you, take a look, if you are free, you can answer it. At present, it seems a bit troublesome, and you may have to ask Gauss for advice. The general field staff can't handle it."

"Okay, then I'll take a look."

"If you are free, come over and talk face to face. I have something else to tell you."


More than 20 minutes later, Wen Yan appeared in Feng Yao's office, looking at the information while listening to Feng Yao talk about the case.

"The current investigation results are not ideal. The cameras in the factory are just for show except in the workshop, and no useful information has been captured.

The factory is originally in the suburbs, and the nearby cameras did not capture any suspicious persons.

In addition, there are many people who had conflicts with the deceased during his lifetime, including three ex-wives.

This month, one of his ex-wives came to his house and scratched his face because he did not pay child support."

"It's just the beginning of this month..."

"This month."


Wen Yan was speechless. To be honest, only one person died, and the fire only burned that office. Wen Yan felt that even if someone took action, it was quite restrained.

If this kind of boss falls into Pei Tugou's hands, he will definitely be a standard street lamp pendant hung on the street lamp for public display.

From a personal emotional point of view, he really doesn't want to care about the life and death of this pendant, but as a case, he still has to investigate it as he should.

If this is really a man-made murder, arson is an extremely fierce revenge feature.

Judging from the risk of losing control alone, this person's probability of losing control is much higher than Pei Tugou. Pei Tugou is too murderous, but he is also very restricted, so the risk of losing control is extremely low.

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look now. If there's anything I need from Gauss, I'll contact him."

"Wait, there's another thing I want to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Today someone came for an interview. He can open ten locks in a very short time, including two rare locks, which is the highest record so far. And this person is a technician in the anti-theft door factory case. Because of the factory's affairs and his boss's lack of respect, he was looking for a new job when he was accurately pushed a recruitment advertisement by the Lieyang Department."

"Hey, is this person the target you're looking for?"

"Not sure yet. The follow-up tests haven't been done yet. I can only be sure that this is not his upper limit."

"You mean, let me talk to this person too?"

"If you go to investigate this case, you must have contact with the other party. By the way, check if the case of the anti-theft door factory has anything to do with him. After all, this person must be a professional. If you completely eliminate the suspicion, I can also receive him for logistics."


Wen Yan agreed and immediately went to the crime scene.

When they arrived at the place and approached the dark office that had been burned, Wen Yan frowned slightly.

A familiar feeling emerged.

It was dark and cold, as if the temperature had disappeared, revealing a dead silence.

Wen Yan entered the office that had caught fire, and the residual feeling here became clearer.

The Yang Qi on Wen Yan's body spread out and filled the entire office that had caught fire, and the faint feeling of discomfort disappeared.

Wen Yan keenly saw that many dark places in the room could be seen at this moment.

Before, those places seemed to be shrouded in shadows, blending into the blackened environment here.

It's troublesome, it's the thing that ran out of the rainy courtyard.

And Wen Yan felt a sense of familiarity from it, he had encountered this thing in the old dream.

This thing jumped from the old dream to the present world.

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