I am your natural enemy

Chapter 477: Digging and leaving messages, continue sprinting (5k)

Wen Yan ran wildly on the moon. With one step, he could fly several hundred meters close to the ground before landing again. The speed exceeded the limit of the ball several times. The unrestrained pleasure was indescribable.

The only regret was that he couldn't shout here.

When he flew close to the ground, he could only hear his heartbeat, the sound of blood flowing rapidly, and the sound of flames burning.

But everything outside was pure tranquility.

At first, standing on the moon and looking at the boundless deep space, he would still feel a kind of fear. He was so small.

But at this moment, he could feel the isolation and independence in the environment. I was the only one in the world who could abandon everything in the outside world and look inward. Things that I couldn't feel in the past, I could feel clearly at this moment.

On the ground, only those masters with extremely high Taoism and those who were at least in the fifth stage of the pure martial arts realm could feel it.

Wen Yan just changed the environment and felt it passively.

If you can't completely ignore the interference from the outside world, then eliminate all the interference from the outside world.

The wind, frost, rain, dew, insects and birds, the fragrance of flowers and delicious food, people and people, all are gone, everything has changed, without the help of external things and guarding inside.

It used to be a realm that many sages could enter, but now he can passively do it.

Wen Yan ran all the way, like a dark red shadow, rushing across the moon.

Running all the way to the skylight, he shook his left arm, and the gray cloth came out, and seemed to look around curiously. When he "saw" the boundless deep space, the gray cloth shrank back in fear.

Wen Yan patted the gray cloth, and the gray cloth slowly came out.

With the help of the gray cloth, Wen Yan sank all the way from the skylight in front of him to its bottom. This skylight was dozens of meters deep, and there was indeed a cave at the bottom that led to a deeper depth.

Wen Yan had heard before that there had been no in-depth testing and research on the spot. It was speculated that this place might be related to volcanic activities a long time ago. It had a natural structure that could defend against many risks on the moon, radiation from the sun, large and small meteorites, etc. It was one of the expected ideal locations for building a base.

When he arrived at the place, Wen Yan took out the prepared container, dug a layer of soil into it according to the layers, and then used the pen sent by the Lieyang Department to write on the label where it was dug.

After completion, he planted a small red flag on the spot.

He actually didn't like such a high profile, but when he really arrived at the place and completed a mad run beyond the limit speed, he really couldn't help it, at least he didn't want to restrain himself here.

After planting the small red flag, Wen Yan continued to move deeper into the cave.

In the dim cave, Wen Yan continued to move forward. This cave was much deeper and larger than expected, and it should be more suitable as a base.

He took out the equipment, supplemented the light, took pictures of the terrain here, and took them back to the professionals for reference.

When he walked about two kilometers along the cave and almost reached the end, a window suddenly opened more than two meters away from him.

A line of words appeared on his mobile phone.

"Sir, your signal has been lost for more than three minutes. According to the plan, I need to confirm your safety."

Wen Yan waved his hand to indicate that everything was fine.

He continued to pick up stones and dig soil. The soil and small stones here were not very friendly.

Without atmospheric flow and long-term weathering and polishing, many of the small stones here still retain sharp edges. Wen Yan already felt that his shoes might be scrapped when he returned.

The aerospace department has rich experience, so the equipment sent by the Lieyang Department this time is complete from head to toe. Even a pen is specially designed to adapt to various environments, and can be used in microgravity or zero-gravity environments.

Wen Yan continued to dig soil, and sealed all the cans in his hand layer by layer. Every time he dug a place, he would insert a small red flag, mark it, and then assign a number.

After completing the preliminary exploration in the underground cave, digging the soil, and taking the stones used as coordinates, Wen Yan came out of the cave.

He bent his knees and bent over, took a run-up, jumped up, and flew more than ten meters high. He stuck the shovel in his hand into the stone wall, and jumped again after taking advantage of the force. After several times, he rushed out of the skylight.

After Wen Yan came out, he carefully sensed and compared it. From a physical point of view, it was indeed more comfortable under the cave, although he could feel that the temperature of the stones and soil in the cave would be much lower, and the difference was very large.

Calculating the time, it’s time to go back. This is the first time out, and the experimental nature is relatively high. If there is no problem, we will talk about it later.

When going back, Wen Yan didn’t run too fast. He went to other places and dug a can of soil and stones. He carried two cans of soil and finally went around a big circle and returned to the place where he came from.

He planted the flag here. As for the quality of the flag, whether it will be damaged after being exposed to the sun during the day, it doesn’t matter. He can make up for it next time.

After planting the flag, he saw his phone light up and took it out to take a look.

"Sir, according to calculations, in about 800 seconds, a satellite other than ours will pass through this area. The other satellite has a camera and scanning device, and there is a chance that your blurry shadow will be captured."

Wen Yan looked at the place where he landed, which was where his own equipment came to dig the soil last time.

After thinking about it, he planted a red flag next to the track marks.

He was about to leave, but he felt that something was missing if he just left.

He took a shovel and scratched out a few large characters that were more than one meter in size on the open space next to him.

"If you look blindly, you will get corns."

After writing it, Wen Yan looked at it and felt that it didn't seem appropriate. If it was written here, it could only represent himself, and he felt that the tone was very gentle.

But if the words were written, no one would think that the words were written by someone who was bored and ran here.

Wen Yan felt a little regretful. After consideration, he smoothed it out and rewrote three words and a punctuation mark.

"Does it look good?"

After writing, Wen Yan sent a message to the black box, asking it to open a window and he wanted to go back.

The window opened not far away from him, and Wen Yan went back through the window with two buckets.

He closed the window and began to slowly inflate and pressurize this warehouse exit area.

The black box was executing the normal procedure, and the pressurization process was very slow. Even if Wen Yan asked him to speed up, there was still a minimum time limit.

Too drastic pressure changes are the most dangerous. If you adapt to it, it's actually okay.

Wen Yan was waiting in the warehouse area. On the other side, in the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, the head of the headquarters and the bigwigs of the Aerospace Department saw the video that was delayed for various reasons and was only sent now.

The satellite of the Aerospace Department was staring at this place. Although the surface of the moon was not particularly clear, the words could still be recognized.

The head of the headquarters did not change his face when he saw "blindly looking at it will grow corns". He knew in his heart that the words were definitely not for them to see, but now that he saw it, he always felt that Wen Yan was making a veiled criticism.

The bigwigs of the Aerospace Department laughed and praised it greatly.

"When our machines go there, anyone who has the ability to peek, no matter what they say, is watching. We can't stop them, but it doesn't prevent many of our young comrades from finding them annoying."

When they saw Wen Yan erase the words and replace them with "Is it beautiful?", the head of the headquarters and the bigwigs of the Aerospace Department laughed together.

"Of course it looks good, but I don't know if some people think it looks good. This young man is really good."

The big boss of the Ministry of Aerospace was all smiles, and he was no longer as serious and earnest as before. No matter what, he now likes Wen Yan very much.

Especially when the headquarter director just mentioned that the tree planted on the moon and the underground moon base were proposed by Wen Yan earlier, and several hard conditions required for taking another path were also created by Wen Yan.

The big boss of the Ministry of Aerospace, even if he had never met Wen Yan, now likes Wen Yan very much.

Of course, the headquarter director said this just to make the other party believe that running to the moon to have fun is not replicable at all. It is the result of many factors coming together under chance, and some of them are already determined to be unique factors.

The headquarter director is now a little afraid that the other party will get too excited. They talked once at the beginning, and at that time they only talked about feasibility. At that time, the other party said that there is no shortcut to the accumulation and verification of technology, anyway, the meaning is to take one step at a time.

Now I understand that at that time, they didn't take it seriously at all, just as if they were communicating with laymen, and they didn't even count the PPT drawing stage.

At that time, he also forgot the most important point.

These people have always been, if the conditions are limited, then I will take it step by step, first choose the important, feasible, and technically accumulated options.

If the conditions allow, what else should I choose? I want them all!

After all, after a long period of practice, continuous adjustments, determine what is the best.

Because of the previous deviation, the head of the headquarters is now particularly worried that the other party, a layman, has a little deviation in understanding his words.

"This young man is really amazing. He can restrain himself and come back so soon.

Let's send someone to check his body. It happens that there are several professors from the Third Academy of Aerospace who are doing academic exchanges in Nanhai County recently..."

"No need." The head of the headquarters refused decisively.

With the temperament of the person in front of him, he can name the base before there is even a brick.

If he dares to let the other party's people contact Wen Yan, it is guaranteed that Wen Yan will be pulled into the Ministry of Aerospace before the New Year.

The simplest thing is that the first step can save billions of funds. If a permanent base can be built on the moon, tens of billions of funds can be saved.

As for the accumulation of technology, it is said that, but when I do experiments on the moon, the original funds for ten experiments will take longer. Now I can complete a thousand experiments with the same funds and the same time.

What technology will not be accumulated by then?

What is lacking now is the opportunity to do experiments on the moon.

There is only a tiny space to grow a seedling in the space station. If this is wide... After the Lieyang base is built, will one hundred square meters be enough?

The director of the headquarters wanted to say something else to ensure that the other party’s understanding is not biased, and to ensure that the other party is pulled...

The things played here have been stopped. This thing is a bit too bandwidth-consuming and takes up time for other projects. After all, even if it is just a lens on a satellite, it is impossible for only one project to use it.

If it is not very necessary, it is impossible to let these two watch it here separately.

There is really too much to give here from the Lieyang Department.

The head of the Aviation Department said something, but seeing the reaction of the head of the headquarters, he didn't say anything else. In fact, he tacitly agreed to give the naming rights to the Lieyang Department.

Anyway, when it is used in the end, the main body is in my Aerospace Department, so can't I make others happy?

As long as there is a base in the end, you can say whatever you want.

It's a small problem to launch something on the moon. We can put together one of the existing parts. We can start working on it when we get back. We will definitely get it done as soon as possible.

The big boss of the Ministry of Space left the meeting room, but he didn't rush to leave. He didn't visit the headquarters of the Fiery Sun Department. He just sat in the office of the headquarter drinking tea and acted like a transparent person.

Fifteen minutes later, the headquarter couldn't stand it anymore.

He picked up the phone and called Wen Yan.

"Hello? Did you get home safely?"

"How do you feel? Are you feeling unwell? It's safer to come over. I'll give you a physical examination by the way."

"There's no rush for things..."

At this point, the big boss of the Ministry of Space, who had been drinking tea, didn't say anything. He just raised his head and put down the teacup.

"It just so happens that someone from the Ministry of Space is here. You can bring him over. We'll send a car to pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, the headquarter looked at the big boss of the Ministry of Space with a bad temper.


"How dare I be dissatisfied? I'm just taking a break here. I haven't had a rest for many days."

"I still have a lot of official business to do. Please do as you please."

"Okay." The head of the Aerospace Department achieved his goal and was in a good mood. He left the office and went outside to visit the Fiery Sun Department.

After the headquarters director made the arrangements, he continued to handle official business. He had a lot of things to do and there were endless things to deal with every day.

The Fiery Sun Department is better than other departments in that the leaders of the Fiery Sun Department don't have such a full schedule, because many times, there are emergencies and they can't be arranged in advance.

On the other side, Wen Yan came out of the room, and the mechanical arm controlled by the black box collected all the radiation protection suits and clothes on Wen Yan's body. The entire warehouse area was vacuumed and purified to prevent some small sharp dust from being inhaled.

Wen Yan came out of the underground hive with two metal barrels weighing dozens of kilograms in total, and went directly to the underworld, carrying things to the headquarters.

When he came out of the underworld, the Fiery Sun Department had a car waiting for him.

All the way to the headquarters, he handed the two metal barrels to the receiver and stopped caring about it.

The relevant videos have been sent to the black box, so there is no need to ask how to deal with Wen Yan.

The Lieyang Department has also arranged doctors, and the internal hospital has corresponding equipment. After the examination, no major problems were found, just a slight altitude sickness.

On the contrary, Wen Yan's bone density is far higher than that of normal people, and his cardiopulmonary function is obviously much stronger than that of ordinary people, which is beyond the high level of normal people in all aspects.

On the other side, the big boss of the Aerospace Department watched Wen Yan coming and going in a hurry from afar, and he was satisfied.

He stayed specially just to take a look and meet him. He didn't ask Wen Yan to come to meet him in person, which was also a cautious consideration. The head of the headquarters told him several times that there were a lot of eyes on Wen Yan recently. After all, he was a member of the Lieyang Department.

If someone found that the big boss of the Aerospace Department was in contact with Wen Yan, someone would always shift their attention to the Aerospace Department.

At least so far, the aliens have no interest in aerospace.

After Wen Yan left, the big boss of the Aerospace Department visited the Lieyang Department, had a meal, and then left with two buckets of freshly baked lunar soil from ten locations.

Now there is no need to search for research, at least the materials for internal research are enough, and some experiments that could not be done before can also be done, but how to distribute is a problem.

Wen Yan returned home and rested for a day. The next day, he sat on the first floor of the underground honeycomb, looking at the small flame bathed in flames on the small stove.

He reached out, touched the small flame, and began to think about another thing.

This time, going to the moon to have fun has great benefits. It is basically in a state where the fourth stone door can be opened.

But now the little flame is trapping the black spider. When the time comes, let the little flame be used as the relief of the fourth stone door. Will the black spider be brought along?

Because Huibu has done this kind of thing before, it proves that it is possible.

So Wen Yan has to talk to the little flame in advance and prepare in advance.

Wen Yan thought about it and tried to explain it to Xiao Huomiao. Xiao Huomiao just waved his hands and said, "Ulla, Ulla," with a very excited look.

After a few words, he roughly understood what Xiao Huomiao meant to do.

This time, Wen Yan noticed that when he communicated with Xiao Huomiao last time, he seemed to understand a little.

This time it was even more obvious. He didn't understand what Xiao Huomiao meant, but he understood the meaning.

The difference is still very big.

After communicating with Xiao Huomiao in this irrelevant way for two hours, Wen Yan was completely sure.

Because he could understand more and more parts.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan thought of the blessing that Gauss gave him, which allowed him to understand a foreign language.

At the beginning, Gauss said that because of his limited level, he could only bless one foreign language.

Is this because Gauss has become stronger recently? Or did Gauss waste time on this kind of non-combat magic?

I asked him later. I hadn't seen Gauss for a few days. I wanted to ask him about the black spider, but I didn't go. I caught the black spider.

Now let's open the fourth stone door first.

He didn't go anywhere. He continued to attack the first floor of the underground honeycomb.

At the same time, on the other side, the latest moon photos were delivered from an institution in America. One of the highlights was the place where Shenzhou had dug before.

Someone saw some patterns on the photo, and after the image was enhanced, it looked like text.

I asked someone to translate it, and everyone looked at each other in confusion.

After a while, a group of people began to try to compare the previous photos, but found that the last time they took a photo of this location was more than a month ago, but there were no words at that time.

"Do they have other lunar rovers in operation besides that lunar rover?"

"I don't know."

"They actually have another lunar rover in operation, and we didn't even know about it?!"

"Man, you know, we don't have much funding, those masters gave all the money to the new department, and more and more terrible things happened. We are not afraid that our wives will be possessed by the evil spirit of Yindi and stabbed to death in bed with ice hammers when we fall asleep at night, but those masters are afraid."

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