I am your natural enemy

Chapter 527: Enlightenment, Usage Rights (5k)

There are many Taoist temples in Zhongnan Mountain, including many famous ones and many unknown ones.

Qingcheng is the place where most monsters practice cultivation, and Zhongnan Mountain is the place where most Taoists sit on the mountain.

After Taiyi Temple was burned to ruins, its name was taken away and its qualifications for ordination were cancelled. In fact, other Taoist temples in Zhongnan Mountain have some ideas.

In the minds of many people, Taiyi Temple was once equivalent to Zhongnan Mountain, one of the Three Mountains and Five Peaks.

So now many Taoist temples in Zhongnan Mountain feel that they have hope to represent Zhongnan Mountain.

In the past few months, these people have been making various moves. During the Luotian Grand Ceremony, these Taoist temples had some dirty things.

But they all wanted to save face, so they didn't make a big fuss, and not many people knew about it.

In one of the nameless Taoist temples, a middle-aged Taoist was sitting on a cushion with his eyes closed and chanting scriptures, and there was a knock on the door outside.

The voice was very clear in the ordinary courtyard with only one entrance. The door opened and another Taoist priest in ordinary blue robes walked in.

After the blue-robed Taoist priest approached, the Taoist priest who was chanting with his eyes closed sighed without opening his eyes.

"You don't need to come to me. The destruction of Taiyi Temple has nothing to do with others. It is purely your own fault. I will not get involved in your affairs. You can go."

The blue-robed Taoist priest's face did not change, and he still did not give up.

"You were expected to succeed the position of abbot of Taiyi Temple. Now that Taiyi Temple's foundation for many years has been destroyed, are you really willing to accept it?"

The gray-robed Taoist priest who was chanting opened his eyes and looked at the statue in front of him with a calm expression.

"It was not an outsider who destroyed these things personally. It was the cause planted by the former abbot of Taiyi Temple. In the end, it was also the founder of Taiyi Temple who destroyed these things. Everything happened inside Taiyi Temple.

As for the other people involved, whether it is Lieyang or Lieyang tribe, they are just appearances.

My altar has been broken, and it is useless for you to find me.

Let's go."

Hearing this, the blue-robed Taoist's face changed.

The altar has been broken, which means that it is no longer possible to use the granted scrolls to perform rituals, and the path of Taoism is abandoned.

Hearing the other party say these so calmly, the blue-robed Taoist held the Ziwu seal, bowed his hands, took three steps back, turned around and left without saying a word.

Doing things is doing things, and the belief is firm, but for Taoists who practice Taoism instead of strength, necessary respect must be maintained.

The gray-robed Taoist sat on the cushion, chanting scriptures silently, as if he had already achieved great enlightenment.

As a former member of Taiyi Temple, he did not blame others. Instead, he was grateful to those outsiders. The ancestors cleaned up the door and let them stop before it was too late. After all, they still had a glimmer of hope and did not do things to the extreme.

If they had gone astray like before and could not stop, it would have completely destroyed the thousand-year Taoist tradition of Taiyi Temple.

Now, the Taoist temple for outsiders has been burned down, but the Taoist tradition is left, which is much purer than before.

The gray-robed Taoist finished chanting and stood up. In front of him, there was a broken miniature altar.

As usual, he lit three incense sticks and prepared to insert them into the incense burner.

When he saw the light smoke rising straight above the incense sticks, the gray-robed Taoist was stunned, and then immediately stepped back three steps, knelt on the cushion, and kowtowed heavily.

The face that had always been calm also showed strong emotions. He had tears in his eyes and choked while knelt.

"I, the unworthy disciple, kowtow to the ancestor."

The incense burner was full of incense, but all the incense had only a little trace of burning at the tip. All the incense would go out by themselves after being inserted into the incense burner.

This meant that he was not as good as ordinary people, and ordinary people would not be like this.

It had been several months, and today, there was finally one time when the incense could burn normally after being inserted into the incense burner.

At least at this moment, he could at least be compared to an ordinary stranger.

For a Taoist who grew up in Taiyi Temple and was ordained in Taiyi Temple, this meant something completely different.

After he kowtowed, he raised his head slightly and saw the altar that he had broken, and he immediately understood why.

As a person who was qualified to succeed the host in the former Taiyi Temple, he had a great enlightenment, and then he took action.

At this moment, the ancestor finally gave a little response, which made him completely realize that this was the right way to truly inherit the Taiyi Taoist tradition.

"Supreme Taiyi Savior of Suffering Heavenly Venerable."

The Taoist chanted a holy name, and his mood gradually calmed down. He became more and more convinced that his choice was not wrong.

Taiyi Temple was his root and his home. It would be a lie if he didn't feel uncomfortable and lost when Taiyi Temple was destroyed. It would also be a lie if he didn't hate Lieyang Tribe and Wen Yan at the beginning.

As time passed, he felt that he had figured it out, but when he was burning incense, the ancestors didn't allow him to burn incense, so he knew that he didn't understand it completely.

Today, he was completely enlightened and took the last step.

He picked up the broken altar, exerted force in his hands, broke it completely, then took his saddlebag, carried dry food, and turned to leave the Taoist temple.

Practicing hard in silence is not the right way, he has to do things.

He wore cloth shoes, Taoist robes, and carried a saddlebag on his back, like a serious ascetic monk. In the cold weather, he just walked along the road and went all the way south.

If you meet a kind-hearted person, ask for a drink of water. If you meet a patient and are sure you can see something, give some advice and ask the patient to go to the hospital for specific examinations.

Every night, the weather was freezing cold, which made him feel uncomfortable, but as he walked south, this feeling gradually weakened, and he felt that he was on the right path.

Even though he knew that the further south he went, the higher the temperature would be. If he arrived in Nanhai County, it would be normal to wear short sleeves.

But sometimes, when people are in trouble, they just need something like this to strengthen their beliefs.

The gray-robed Taoist priest had already thought about it. What he could encounter along the way was all up to God's will. What to do after encountering things was all up to his heart. He believed that this was his practice and the only way to rebuild Taiyi Temple.

On a building in the distance, the blue-robed Taoist priest who went to see him two days ago looked at the dusty back from a distance and bowed silently to show his respect.

This person was completely impossible to win over.

He was quite envious. He could see that the gray-robed Taoist priest was enlightened. As a Taoist priest, Taoism and realm were far more important than Taoism.

There was a real example in the past. Although they were not ordained, not proficient in Taoism, and not proficient in magic, they suddenly became enlightened and ascended to heaven in broad daylight.

These Taoists may not respect those with strong strength, but they respect those with high Taoism.

Of course, they look down on martial artists, and there is also this reason.

The blue-robed Taoist clasped his fists and bowed from a distance. This time he was completely desperate. The old Taiyi followers were afraid that they could not borrow power or name from him.

Originally, Taiyi Temple was the most famous and the most suitable.

Although Taiyi Temple was destroyed, there are many people who think that it was only a Taoist temple that could be rebuilt that was destroyed.

The title of one of the Three Mountains and Five Peaks is not so easy to be destroyed.

Otherwise, why would other Taoist temples in Zhongnan Mountain fight for this title now?

If everyone can hold their heads high and step over the threshold with an open mind, and cross the empty door in the middle, why do those Taoist temples that do not receive outsiders have to build two more doors next to the empty door.

The blue-robed Taoist sighed. Without the name of Taiyi Temple, the things that follow may not be so easy to do.

Among the Three Mountains and Five Peaks, Fuyu Mountain is out of the question, Longhu Mountain is not worth mentioning, and Wudang Mountain is not worth provoke.

And Zhongnan Mountain is in name only, and there is basically no chance.

Maoshan’s attitude is ambiguous, and it is still unclear what the seemingly tough and uncomplicated headmaster thinks.

It was the mountain gate that disliked Lieyang the most before, but this time it kicked its precious disciple down the mountain and threw him to Nanwu County to be a cow and horse.

Qingcheng is even worse. No one can understand that alternative headmaster.

Qingxuzi didn’t say anything about the big monster that Wen Yan killed and was cultivating in Qingcheng. Recently, he even dragged Wen Yan to introduce him to people everywhere. He is the Taoist Master Bu Yu from Qingcheng.

I don't know how many people were dumbfounded, not understanding what Qingxuzi was doing.

Inside Qingcheng, there were a lot of people who didn't understand what was going on.

As for Laojun Mountain, forget it. Laojun Mountain is a serious sect of cultivation. There is only one serious person who comes down from the mountain in every generation. The number of people is so small that the Taoist tradition has almost been broken many times.

I heard that Wen Yangang helped Laojun Mountain find something important, and an old Taoist priest in Laojun Mountain was invited to come down the mountain to do things. There must be a big relationship between them.

As for the last one, Laoshan, which has the least sense of existence but actually the most sense of existence, has no unified concept at all.

They are the most impartial. Now there are various factions and small families under the mountain. Many of them can be traced back to here.

The Taoist priests of Laoshan were once very famous, but now they have no reputation. They are simply people who have no responsibility.

But this is the same as the other party's philosophy. The Taoist tradition is hidden in the world, and it hides itself under the halo of Mount Tai, with basically no sense of existence.

As for Yaowang Mountain, the most famous and richest among the non-three mountains and five peaks, and the one that cooperates most closely with the Lieyang tribe, it has recently cooperated with Fuyu Mountain to produce some things, and it is very popular. The special medicine for orthopedics has made countless people jealous.

Some warriors are eager for those medicines. Yaowang Mountain has said that medicines are three-point poisonous and must not be taken too much, but it can't stop some people from listening.

Yaowang Mountain has the greatest influence on the secular world and is particularly rich. If you expect them to oppose Lieyang, forget it.

Even if Yaowang Mountain is not a one-man show, it can't stand the idea that it is now a bit like "the food and clothing of millions of boatmen".

When cooperating with Fuyu Mountain, the money is secondary to the things produced.

In the era of accelerated spiritual energy recovery, Yaowang Mountain can come up with something that conforms to the version and can allow them to gain a foothold in the new era in the future. The significance of this is enough to make them determine the general direction internally.

As for some individuals, whatever ideas they have are useless.

As for places like Luofu, Kunlun, Yuhua, etc., there are many ideas, but more concerns, and it is difficult to unify their internal ideas.

Some people think this is an opportunity to overthrow the status of the Three Mountains and Five Peaks, while some people think that in the end, it will inevitably increase the gap between the people of the Three Mountains and Five Peaks and others sharply.

If they quarrel with each other, how can they accomplish anything?

On the contrary, the Three Mountains and Five Peaks have been basically stable and very sure about what to do.

Fuyu Mountain must be happy, Zhongnan Mountain is very unhappy, Tianshi Mansion does not care, and Wudang does not ask.

The blue-robed Taoist took out his mobile phone and looked at the calendar. He still felt that it was most appropriate to follow the general trend and take advantage of it.

Their philosophy is still the same as always, and they will never allow the scorching sun to be engraved into the heaven.

Before the fifteenth day of the lunar year, undercurrents have already surged in various places.

Little Golden Pig sold some information last time. There were a lot of moves in the Lieyang Department, but not many people knew the inside story.

Boss Zhao, who grows green onions in Haidai County, cried very sadly when he saw the onion demon, asking this onion demon who had no ancestral spirit to accept the transformation.

The Lieyang Department told the Onion Demon that in the past few days, two Ah Piao had appeared near Boss Zhao. One of them wanted to seduce and swallow his blood, but was shot dead on the spot by the Field Service of the Lieyang Department.

The Onion Demon knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. Someone used Boss Zhao to threaten it and make it remember what should be said and what should not be said.

Then, the Onion Demon was so angry that he sold a lot of important and unimportant information.

Undercurrents are surging, and these have nothing to do with Wen Yan for the time being.

Wen Yan is also busy with something. In the past few days, Lucy said that after she fell asleep, she always dreamed of bad things, but when she woke up, she couldn't remember the specific details. She only remembered that it was because of the scar on the back of her neck. The mark, the mark of that nomenclature.

This thing is a huge hidden danger. Wen Yan has known it for a long time. The only advantage now is that this thing cannot be tracked using mysterious methods.

But Wen Yan is actually more worried about the camera than the mysterious method.

He couldn't let Lucy stay at home all her life, not even leaving the yard.

But if you go out, if it has something to do with him, someone will definitely notice it, and if someone notices it, someone will "accidentally" discover the pattern on the back of Lucy's neck.

Putting Lucy somewhere else would be even more unreliable since Lucy's abilities are unstable.

He wanted Lucy to use it as soon as possible, but unfortunately, everything he tried was not qualified to be named by the nomenclature.

Even the ultimate bully like the sparrow cat, which can kill a tiger, cannot be used, because the sparrow cat has already been named, the sparrow cat.

Wen Yan was thinking about how to solve this problem.

In the kitchen, the butler is cooking. After transforming, the butler loves stir-fry, which is obviously more than dialogue.

Because you don’t have to worry about burning yourself.

Stir-fried vegetables over high heat is indeed more delicious.

He especially likes to play with Xiao Huo Miao every day. I don't know if he is making up for his previous shortcomings.

In the living room, Wen Yan was sitting on a small bench, playing chess with Lucy. Not long after he had just started teaching Lucy, Wen Yan was already having some difficulty, and he relied on experience to support it.

Playing chess does require talent.

After using a trick again and winning a round with difficulty, Wen Yan let out a sigh of relief.

If this continues, for at most half a month, the little experience he has in his stomach will be squeezed dry, and by then he will be the target of bloody torture.

Lucy is indeed very talented at playing chess.

After playing a game, Lucy immediately ran to the kitchen with her short legs and asked how long it would be until the meal was ready. After getting the answer, she immediately ran out and quickly laid out the chess pieces.

"Sir, come again, I almost won just now."

He smiled warmly and played chess together.

"Sir, it's my turn to play chess this time, okay?"

"Okay, you go first."

After the chess pieces fell, Wen Yan paused while holding the chess pieces.

He thought of how to solve the problem temporarily.

The mark of the nomenclature must be consumed before it disappears, and the requirements for consumption are very high, and ordinary things are not eligible.

But there is no need to do things with the idea that the problem must be completely solved.

He thought about it carefully, and the problem he wanted to solve should be the series of troubles and huge hidden dangers caused by this nomenclature.

Lucy followed him, her goal was indeed obvious, but because of the nomenclature, she could only be considered safe by following him.

For those in Florida and the disappeared Yellow Devil, Lucy's only value now is her naming skills.

So, as long as the naming rights of this nomenclature are not in Lucy's hands, wouldn't these things be solved easily?

Moreover, in Lucy's game, he had another wish that he did not use. This wish was the way to maximize Lucy's abilities.

It's almost the only way that supermodels can use Lucy's abilities.

Lucy herself couldn't do it.

"Lucy, let me ask you a question, would you like to give away what's on the back of your neck?"

"Ah, can I give this to someone else?" Lucy was a little surprised.

"I have one more wish."

"Then, if it is your wish, I will certainly do it."


Wen Yan took Lucy's little hand and led her to the underground hive, which should be the safest place.

Wen Yan took out a bead, opened the field, and took Lucy in.

He took out the chessboard again. After opening the chessboard, the electronic screen lit up with flashing colored lights.

"Welcome back."

Now it's Lucy's turn to roll the dice.

She carefully rolled the dice. It rolled and stopped at four o'clock.

The electronic screen flashed with brilliance.

"The unknown adventure continues, and the distant demon king has changed his form.

The cowardly hero hides in a place where even the devil can't peep, and can't feel the changes in the world. "

Wen Yan looked at the taunts on the electronic screen and didn't take it seriously. This was just a game, and it naturally encouraged players to fight.

Wen Yan picked up the dice with one hand and a prepared notebook with the other. The moment he threw it out, he looked solemn and authentic.

"I make a wish that Lucy's naming skills will fall into this book."

The dice rotated rapidly on the chessboard, and finally hit the edge of the chessboard, bounced up with a bang, and fell into Wen Yan's hands again.

The electronic screen flashed for a long time, and a dry sentence came out.

"The wish failed, please roll again."


Wen Yan was speechless for a while, this works?

Lucy was also confused, why did she fail? Did she want to?

After trying three times in a row, Wen Yan had to confirm one thing, that the naming technique might not be transferred to the object.

It should be the scroll that once carried the naming technique. After it was used, it can only be used by the creatures that can use it.

"I wish that the right to use this naming technique will be transferred to me."

This time, the dice rotated on the chessboard for a long time, and finally turned into a 6.

Fireworks were set off on the electronic screen.

"The cunning competitor stole Lucy's mysterious power, and there is only one step away from winning the game."

Wen Yan smiled and stretched out his hand, and Lucy also grinned, showing her gap teeth, and happily stretched out her hand to shake hands with Wen Yan.

The next moment, the pattern on her neck seemed to come alive, flowing down from her neck, along her hand, and onto Wen Yan's hand.

And there was already something on Wen Yan's hand, so the pattern flowed along her skin, to Wen Yan's back, and froze on her back.

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