I Became a Progenitor Vampire

One hundred and fifty-fifth of the forgotten place of sin

Green City West, an obelisk church hidden in a slum.

Several gray flags like the broken wings of the devil were inserted on the white stone door of the semicircle of the church, and they squeaked under the blowing of the night wind.

Under the cold moonlight, the pattern on the flag has long been blurred, but the shadows are like ferocious demons waving their claws when the wind blows.

Enter the church.

In the dark night, the dim warm candles and torches light up the church hall slightly, but the surrounding of the church is very dim due to the lack of light.

Looking around the church through the dim light.

The black walls are painted in a creepy blood red with various terrifying patterns. The devils of hell are devouring humans, the devils of the abyss are tearing the earth, and destruction and death are passed through the walls to everyone who stops and stares. Humanity.

Dark and scary.

Such an environment is enough for normal humans to turn their heads and flee.

But tonight, it was different.

When darkness comes, the whole world will sink under the tyrannical monarch's feet, and everything will be destroyed. Only by believing in the eternal king of gods, the god of tyranny, can we be liberated from death.

Great God of tyranny, your humble and loyal followers sacrifice their most delicious souls to you!

A priest in a black cloak knelt down in the middle of the church and prayed loudly in an eerie and harsh tone.

The broad cloak enveloped the priest's entire face, the indistinct face was hidden in the shadows, only the tall aquiline nose was exposed.

On the black altar in front, a figure covered with scars lay unconscious on it. Obviously, this was the sacrifice from the priest who was hidden in the shadows.

More than 20 people around were full of frenzy, and people wearing linen robes followed each other and shouted.

Great god of tyranny, your humble and loyal believers sacrifice their most delicious souls to you~

Qi Qi knelt down.

At this time, the dark priest in the center began to whisper an obscure and long incantation.


Abyssal profanity.

Unsettled humans will fall into mental hallucinations after hearing the abyssal blasphemy, and will eventually die of terrifying hallucinations.

Such an evil language is only used by the demons and followers of the evil gods in the abyss, the most evil language.

After the black-robed priest recited the spell, the air slowly fell into an unspeakable dignity.

No one made a sound in the entire church, everyone was staring at the altar in front of them, only the sound of hunting flags came from outside the church.

Just when the priest in the center was extremely disappointed and was about to get up, an indescribable terrifying pressure appeared.

The lights in the dim church were even more dim at this moment, and the light could no longer shine on the altar.

Above the altar, an icy gaze from the shadows and darkness made everyone surrounded by fear.

It was as if there was an indescribable terrifying existence watching this place.

Gaze from the abyss.

Fear rises in all hearts.

When the scarred human was panicking in the church, he turned into ashes inch by inch on the altar.

Just like burnt wood, it disappears without a trace when blown by the wind.

Terrifying and cruel, everyone lowered their heads and dared not look directly, only the black-robed priest in the center was excited.

O great god of tyranny, your humble believer has finally got your attention, praise you!

After the sacrifice disappeared, the majestic gaze glanced around the church, and everyone felt cold when they were watched, their legs slumped unconsciously, as if a giant dragon had opened its bloody mouth in front of them.

After scanning around, his eyes stopped on the priest in the center.


A cloud of dark smoke-like energy continued to tumble up from the altar.

Before everyone could react, they entered the body of the black-robed priest in the center.

At the same time, that icy gaze disappeared.

Everyone in the church seemed to have drowned and surfaced, and began to breathe heavily, with panic in their eyes.

The priest shrouded in the cloak suddenly widened his eyes at this moment, and his hoarse voice was full of surprise.

I'm level 15!! Praise the god of tyranny!!

When the crowd around him heard this, they looked at him with envy.

This is the second level 15 of the Evening Bell Church, they are about to rise! !

They will surely spread the glory of the tyrannical god to Green City! !

Those hypocritical main gods, those abominable heresies, will surely turn to ashes under the brilliance of my god.

They, who just felt the power of God, are full of confidence at this moment.

No one can resist under the majesty of a tyrannical God, who is the only eternal being!

Stanley stood up, feeling the explosive force in his body, his blood boiling.

He finally stepped into level 15! !

Praise the god of tyranny! !

The eyes hidden in the cloak are dark and bloodthirsty, the Church of the Evening Bell will eventually rise, and the god of tyranny is the real god! !

A ritual hidden in the shadows was quietly completed without anyone noticing.

Green City has another level 15 existence without everyone's knowledge.

Lord Stanley, Bishop, please come over...

After the sacrificial ceremony, a priest who was also hidden under the cloak came to Stanley and said with a respectful tone.

Stanley nodded, turned his head and glanced at the crowd around him, and said lightly.

Hide the church well after you leave, and don't expose it to anyone when the Evening Bell Church doesn't have a public identity.

The twilight of the gods is coming.

Only the gods of the endless abyss are the rulers of this world!

The priests below Yes, Lord Stanley held their chests and bowed, UU reading www. uukanshu.com The excited expressions on their faces seemed to have reached the ideal of lifelong struggle.

Stanley's dark eyes flashed a bit of cold blue light under the cloak, and when he turned around, the priest had just left, leaving behind only the believers who were cleaning the traces.

The West End is the slum of Green City, with more than 600,000 poor people crammed into this narrow urban area.

Sin, violence, gambling, pornography, this land is a haven for crime.

Every day there are new corpses floating in the sewers, some of these corpses may have died from murder, perhaps from the sacrifice of the evil god, perhaps from the evil magic of some necromancer, and no one can tell the cause of their death. .

This is a sinful place that the evil gods are cheering for.

The nobles of Green City don't seem to care about this land. The city owner once sent troops to clean this area, but it will not take long for it to return to its original state after cleaning.

Sin has taken root here, and the land is rotten to the core.

Therefore, the chaotic and evil Southern District has become the first choice of countless underground forces.

Believers of the evil gods, gangs of gangs, exiled criminals, hunted heretics, and evil that ordinary people can imagine will all exist here.

After Stanley's follower led the way out of the church, they shuttled through the darkness. The cold moonlight seemed to dim a lot when it shone on the land.

The dense trails are like twine, with no beginning and no end.

They even witnessed a brutal murder as they passed a side road, but they ignored it.

Half a day later, in front of a luxurious manor, the guide who was also hidden under a cloak and could not see his face stopped.

Sir Stanley, Lord Bishop is inside, please.

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